About Louis A Gross BSEE

Louis A. Gross, BSEE has been a Certified Master Level Postural Integrator and Netherton style Body-Mind therapist since 1985. He is the Director of The Institute for Enhanced Performance and has over 2000 hours experience in Bodywork, Body-Mind Therapy, Energy Healing and Nutritional Education since 1982 and over 30 years intensive spiritual and meditation practice. The author is an electronics engineer who once worked on the space shuttle programme and now does 'People Engineering'. He combines his broad and in-depth knowledge with a loving, understanding heart, deep intuitive skills and 20 years professional hands-on and verbal experience. Specialities include correction of chronic back and other pains and deep tightness, significant athletic and professional business performance improvements, seniors' mobility and flexibility improvements, psychological trauma and negative pattern removal and personal and interpersonal development. He can be reached on Tel: 001 310-299-5873; louisryoshin@yahoo.com; www.backfixbodywork.com

Articles by Louis A Gross BSEE

  1. Trauma Release Body-Mind Processing

    Listed in bodywork

    In this article Gross describes his system of Trauma Release Body-Mind Processing, which combines Ida Rolfs Structural Integration Method of Connective Tissue Manipulation, psychiat...

Book reviews by Louis A Gross BSEE

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