About Liz Flynn

[Image: Liz Flynn]

Liz Flynn MAR  gained her first professional qualification in Holistic Massage in 1998; it was when she studied Reflexology that she found a real sense of "this is what I am supposed to be doing" which has remained a great passion with her still today. She has studied further therapies, including Precision and Advanced Precision Reflexology, Meridian Reflexology and Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage as well as swapping treatments with other therapists and picking up new tips from them and from colleagues in the Association of Reflexologists. ​Along the way she has added other skills - Diet & Nutrition, Indian Head Massage, Kinesiology and Spiritual Healing, and, more recently Metamorphic Technique and Angelic Reiki. Liz has also been practising T'ai Chi since 2013.  She enjoys being out in Nature; she and her husband both love to walk and explore. She also loves to read, write, knit and do other crafts. Liz may be contacted via lizf@mirasol.co.uk    https://www.lizflynn.com/

Articles by Liz Flynn

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Book reviews by Liz Flynn

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