About Kwami E. Nyamidie

[Image: Kwami E. Nyamidie]

Kwami E. Nyamidie holds a Master of Arts in Transforming Spirituality from Seattle University. He is a spiritual director and lives with his family in the United States. He can be reached at 206-407-8980 or by  knyamidie at yahoo.com and via LinkedIn. He recently created a website in honor of mothers. Eight in depth interviews about mothers. https://8tme.net/

Articles by Kwami E. Nyamidie

  1. Higher Consciousness Healing - Tara Springett and Personal Healing Symbols

    Listed in psychospiritual

    In this interview, the author describes the spiritual journey of Tara (Ulli) Springett, German-born Psychotherapist. Tara was an unwanted and physically abused child of two very tr...

Book reviews by Kwami E. Nyamidie

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