About John Graham and Mark Varey

John Graham BSc (Hons), DipM MCIM is Commercial Director and Mark Varey Technical Director of York Nutritional Laboratory.  John Graham has a B.Sc.(Hons) degree from Aston University and more recently a masters degree in business administration from Leeds Business School. Prior to joining the laboratory he carried out previous research studies in other fields.

Mark Varey MIScT is a food technologist with more than 16 years' experience of laboratory testing for food allergies and sensitivities.

York Nutritional Laboratory is one of Europe's leaders in testing for classical allergies and food intolerances. The laboratory has experience in working with medical practitioners for over 16 years in the UK.  More than 24000 patients with a wide range of chronic illnesses have been assisted within that period. York Nutritional Laboratory now called YorkTest Laboratories, may be contacted on Tel: 0800 074 6185 / +44 (0)1904 410 410;   customercare@yorktest.com  www.yorktest.com

Articles by John Graham and Mark Varey

  1. Food Intolerance and Chronic Illnesses

    Listed in nutrition

    Intolerance to food has been implicated in playing a role in a wide spectrum of chronic illnesses; however, much of the evidence gathered to date has been from anecdotal clinical ca...

Book reviews by John Graham and Mark Varey

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