About Helen Dempster

[Image: Helen Dempster]

Helen Dempster - Chief Visionary Officer at Karantis360 - has been immersed in customer management and the care sector for over 25 years. With a thorough understanding of the issues surrounding the care industry and first-hand experience of caring for a loved one, Helen has successfully created the foundations of Karantis360, providing a better way to reduce the daily stress placed on carers along with the management of how care is given. Helen Dempster may be contacted via Karantis360.

Articles by Helen Dempster

  1. How Healthcare Technology can be Utilized to help People Remain Independent for Longer

    Listed in ageing

    It is now well documented and understood that our population would like to remain independent for longer, with 97% of people stating that they’d like to receive care in their own ho...

Book reviews by Helen Dempster

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