About Dr Seth Lefkowitz

Dr Seth Lefkowitz is a Doctor of Medical Qigong and Chiropractic. He is licensed in China as a Doctor of Medical Qigong from the Beijing Research Institute. He has also graduated from The International Institute of Medical Qigong and the Qigong College of Haidan University in Beijing China. Dr Lefkowitz holds the position of Associate Dean of Medical Qigong at the Five Branches Institute in Santa Cruz, CA For further information visit his website at www.naturespathcenter.com.

Articles by Dr Seth Lefkowitz

  1. Medical Qigong - An Innovative Treatment for Hypertension

    Listed in chi energy martial arts

    In this article the author maintains that hypertension, more commonly known as high blood pressure, is the number one morbidity factor in developed countries. Allopathic (convention...

Book reviews by Dr Seth Lefkowitz

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