About Christopher Larthe

Taoist practitioner and Tantric scholar, Christopher Larthe is a direct student of Mantak Chia, a certified instructor of the Healing Tao and senior teacher of Chi Nei Tsang. He has been involved in healing meditation since 1972, and founded the Zen School of Shiatsu, the London Healing Tao Centre, and Chi Nei Tsang Institute. He can be contacted on tel: 0700 078 1195 or email: kris@healing-tao.co.uk

Articles by Christopher Larthe

  1. Chi Nei Tsang

    Listed in chi energy martial arts

    Chi Nei Tsang, a branch of Taoist medicine, was introduced to the West by the Taoist Master Mantak Chia. It is a method for releasing the toxic winds of emotional energy, which can ...

  2. The Calabash of Light

    Listed in healing

    Christoper Larthe discusses the shamanic tradition of Huna. Its practitioners find out from the Spirit what healing the soul needs for the body to be whole again, so that harmony ca...

  3. Mantak Chia - A Modern Taoist Master

    Listed in interviews

    Famous for his books on cultivating male and female sexuality, Mantak Chia is probably the most quoted, misquoted and plagiarised of writers on esoteric sex. Less well known is his ...

Book reviews by Christopher Larthe

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