About Andrew West

[Image: Andrew West]

Andrew West is the owner of a weight-loss retreat in Spain. Having studied approaches in the US and Europe for the past five years, Andrew is now a recognized speaker in the UK in health and well-being.  Andrew works alongside medical professionals and his personal background is in nutrition and alternative therapies.  Andrew teaches people how to modify his diet to their own needs and conditions, tackling the mind, diet and lifestyle – not just encouraging a new diet in isolation, without introducing mindset change. Andrew may be contacted via www.healthretreatspain.com

Articles by Andrew West

  1. Tips and Recipes for Weight Loss

    Listed in weight loss

    Andrew West, owner of a weigh-loss retreat in Alicante, Spain, explains why so many diets fail - and offers tips for successful weight-loss, including recipes from his amazing new ...

Book reviews by Andrew West

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