About Andrew Richardson

Andrew Richardson HG Dip P MHGI GQHP worked for thirty years as a professional economist - for the government (in the 1970s), then in the city and finally as a consultant financial economist. His interest in personal development, spirituality and healing emerged toward the latter part of this period and he began his Human Givens (HG) training in 2002.

Andrew had not spent any time in the state funded caring profession or been exposed to any kind of counselling before his Human Givens training. Human Givens attracted him because it made sense, did not require intensive personal therapy and was free of the artificial constraints on how counsellors should work. Most importantly, he had a profound sense that he could do it.

Andrew has been practising as a Human Givens accredited counsellor for five years now and has a thriving private practice. As the approach is still new (dating from the late 1990s), he is one of the more experienced HG therapists. He may be contacted on Tel: 0208 257 0429; Andrew@kiscounselling-eastlondon.co.uk   www.kiscounselling-eastlondon.co.uk  

Articles by Andrew Richardson

  1. What if Depression were a REM Sleep Disorder?

    Listed in depression

    This article, in presenting a particular approach to depression, also provides useful information about the way that the Human Givens philosophy and practice work, and why they are ...

Book reviews by Andrew Richardson

  1. No reviews available

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