Articles: trager

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. "Hooking Up" to Healing - Good Vibrations

    by Harry Dalford and Julie Kingston

    Dr Milton Trager believed that a vital part of the Trager Approach was to Hook Up in 'present moment awareness', to something greater that ourselves.

  2. Looking After Yourself with Trager Mentastics

    by Harry Dalford and Julie Kingston

    Trager is based on following “the undulating curvature of a wave....Mentastic movements create wave-like shimmering that resonate through the body and have a loosening and lighteni...

  3. The Joy of Being Present and Learning!

    by Harry Dalford and Julie Kingston

    Trager is about self-discovery in the present moment, so the “first surprise” for participants is that there are no formal lectures or note taking, it is all about awareness and fee...

  4. The Trager Approach

    by Deane Juhan

    The Trager Approach has proven to be a rapid, effective, painless, and indeed pleasurable method of deprogramming accumulated negative feelings and behavior patterns, and of restor...

  5. The Trager Approach: Discovering the Mind/Body Link

    by Carla Baldwin

    Everything starts in the mind. This is the basis of Trager work, also known as psychophysical integration. Tension, restrictions and blockages in our bodies are all psychological i...

  6. The Trager Approach: What is Trager®?

    by Harry Dalford and Julie Kingston

    The authors provide a clear explanation of the origins of Trager®, its benefits, and its practice. They describe tablework, mentastic, pausing, and hook-up. Tablework is intended t...

  7. The Trager® Approach: The Wellbeing of the Practitioner

    by Harry Dalford and Julie Kingston

    Trager work uses gentle self-care movements called Mentastics or metal gymnastics, and may be regarded as self-care/awareness/empowerment exercise. These can be used both by the ...

  8. Tired of Reaching for the Painkillers - Discover the Healing Power of Touch

    by Harry Dalford and Julie Kingston

    The authors use healing massage and the Trager Approach with clients who are suffering painful terminal or chronic illnesses, as well as ones suffering from emotional stresses of v...

  9. Trager Body Re-education

    by John Bertie

    The Trager® approach was developed by Milton Trager and is an innovative method of movement re-education. It aims to re-educate the body and mind to be more aware their needs and i...

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