Articles: metabolic typing

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. 'Eat Right for your Blood Type' Diet

    by June Butlin

    The "Eat Right for Your Blood Type Diet" was developed by Dr Peter D'Adamo, inspired by his father's theories on the importance of blood types in predicting a person's biochemistry...

  2. Case Studies on the Eat Right for Your Blood Type Diet

    by June Butlin

    In this column, June Butlin expands on Peter D'Adamo's Eat Right for Your Blood Type Diet. This diet identifies the foods which are most suitable for the four blood groups O, A, B ...

  3. Metabolic Typing - Part 1

    by June Butlin

    Body typing focuses on such factors as the personality, appearance and biochemistry of the client rather than on the disease to determine specific body type and make nutritional an...

  4. Metabolic Typing - Part 2

    by June Butlin

    This article continues the study of metabolic typing introduced in Issue 65, looking in greater detail at the testing procedures used in William Wolcott's system and presenting a c...

  5. Metabolic Typing: A Highly Individualized, Fine-Tuned Nutritional Guideline

    by Dr Rohsmann MD

    This article looks at why certain diets and nutritional guidelines work on some people and not others. It questions why some people still do not feel fit even when they eat healt...

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