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Biogenic Nutrition

by Anon(more info)

listed in organic food, originally published in issue 5 - April 1995


The idea for this article stemmed from our love of vegetarian cooking and the way it can be used to promote health. We found people have become vegetarians for many reasons, be it their political, humane, spiritual or health ideals. Then we came across various schools of thought linked with a meat-free diet: macrobiotics, fruitarianism, veganism, taoist cooking. It seemed that there was no end to the different thisisms and thatisms being made available. In the long run we felt more confused than if we had never progressed from the baked beans on toast syndrome.Enter Biogenics!!!

Biogenics has been a turning point in our lives. The sense behind eating foods which remain as close to their original state, thus retaining all the goodness and energies, was overwhelming. At first we thought that salads mixed up with yoghourt was all that we were destined to eat, but delicacies such as raw loaves, raw cakes plus hundreds of different salads and dressing appeared before our eyes.

We haven’t looked back on our decision to follow the way of Biogenics and I hope we may be able to shed a little light on a pathway that is wonderful to tread.

Forward to Biogenics
Love and light

What is Biogenics?

Biogenics is the term used by the late Dr Edmond Bordeaux Szekely to describe "the activity of the primordial, natural substances which the Essenes called living foods." From Greek the word means life-generating. The term does not only apply to foods, however, but to any activity that runs parallel with the laws of nature and enhances the quality and reason for living. In the context of Biogenic nutrition, it relates to all foods such as seeds, whole grains, nuts and legumes which, if sprouted, have the potential of generating new life.

These living foods have not come to the attention of the public, because their potential life-enhancing properties cannot be measured by chemical means alone. They contain an energy that cannot be tested by machines and the logical, materialistic attitude of many scientists. The proof must lie in the pudding and here we have such people as Dr Szekely, Max Bircher-Benner, Max Gerson and Harry Lindlahr who spent many years administering these foods to sick people with astonishing results, where conventional means had failed.

Who were the Essenes?

The Essenes lived near lakes and rivers away from cities and towns, and practised a communal way of life, sharing everything. They were agriculturists and arboriculturists; their knowledge of crops, soil and climatic conditions enabled them to grow a great variety of fruits and vegetables in comparatively desert areas and with a minimum of labour.

They lived in the Middle East over 2,000 years ago at a time of turmoil (reflecting present day society). Their practical approach to social problems, to health, nutrition, food production, conservation and education were viewed with admiration.

Why Biogenic Nutrition?

Today our food is supplied by giant companies; it is so denatured and filled with so many additives, preservatives, etc that there have been reports of corpses not decomposing. Biogenics presents an alternative; it offers you the chance to decide how and what you eat.

Health and longevity must be put back into the hands of the individual especially when doctors and scientists insist that there is no hope for our various illnesses. After all, why should we rely on others to cure us when a large percentage of our problems are generated by our own lifestyle? If I put poisons, ie processed food, into my system I can assume that eventually I will become ill because of toxin accumulation.

This quote from Elizabeth Burrows highlights the point:

"Humanity would be astounded to learn within the food which is consumed in day-to-day living lies a potentially greater world destruction that that which would be produced as a result of a hydrogen war. In recent years there have been many types of diets propounded, resulting in considerable confusion and chaos. But the corrective answer is very simple, for the solution lies in eating all things which remain as close as possible to their original state."

This is Biogenic nutrition; eating food which strengthens and purifies our bodies on the physical, mental and spiritual level. It helps retard old age, achieve higher intelligence, more easily adapt to heat and cold, reduce pain and gain greater freedom from illness.

The structure of a Biogenic diet

For thousands of years our eating habits have been seriously out of harmony so it is not possible for our system to live on 100% Biogenic food. Under the umbrella of Biogenic nutrition we have four categories.

Biogenic (Life-generating)

These foods are in the sprouting or young growing phases. They emit the highest degree of life-generating energy. They should represent about 25% of all food eaten.

Bioactive (Life-sustaining)

All living, uncooked food in advanced stages of growth. Fresh fruit and vegetables from the garden. This category of food emits the second highest degree of active life-generating force and should represent 50% of all food eaten.

Biostatic (Life-slowing)

All natural foods which have been cooked such as garden vegetables, rice, legumes, unprocessed cheese, nuts, eggs and foods which are not fresh. These slow down our life processes and accelerate ageing. They should represent 25% of all food eaten.

Biocidic (Life-destroying)

This category includes harmful substances such as chemicals, additives, preservatives, etc. and foods which have been refined and processed. Also foods like meat and meat by-products, coffee and teas (excluding herb teas).

The Biogenic and bioactive categories are able to synthesise entirely new substances which can perform superior biological functions, destroying biostatic and biocidic impurities, microbes and faulty digestive processes. These foods strengthen the oxygen transport system, cell respiration and biological resistance, and accelerate cell renewal through more efficient metabolic action, thus stimulating the natural self-healing processes.

The nine basic essentials of a perfect diet:

You should eliminate from your diet:

  1. Any food from which vital nutrients have been removed such as white flour, white sugar and all those foods in which these devitalised substances are hidden in disguised forms, as they are biocidic.
  2. Any artificial processing which alters the natural state of a food, destroys vital nutrients and creates biocidic foods.
  3. Excessive (commercial) storage such as canning, preserving, freezing, etc which causes depletion or complete destruction of vitamins, enzymes, plant hormones and creates biocidic foods.
  4. Artificial, synthetic additives such as preservatives, anti-oxidants, emulsifiers, colourings which are extremely dangerous and may even be carcinogenic. All these foods are biocidic and pathogenic; there is no such thing as a safe or harmless quantity of these chemical substances. And do not expect the label to reveal the whole truth about what chemical additives may be contained inside a can or package.
  5. Artificial substances of natural foods which are not only biostatic but may be biocidic.
  6. Long storage in the home which seriously depletes the nutritive value of foods, even those which may originally have been of high quality.
  7. Although the environment is less under our control than our diet, still avoid as much as possible, polluted air, water, land, industrial by-products, contaminated substances and dangerous radiations.

Include in your diet:

  1. Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables and avoid canned or prepared foods, even those which may come from a health shop.
  2. Your diet should contain whole grains, seeds, beans, nuts, raw home-made yoghourt, cottage cheese, raw milk, dried fruits (unsulphered).

Well, isn’t that simple to follow? Cut out all the favourites like chocolate, colas, pizza, but also our more healthy dishes such as vegetable lasagna, curries, bakes, etc.!!!

However, these principles are for the perfect diet. It is very difficult to live a perfect life and eat a perfect diet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try. Yes, you will have to give up colas and chocolates if you want to follow a Biogenic diet, but beware, a slow progression towards it is essential. As Dr Elisabeth Burrows states:

"One should remember that, along with the food consumed, the subtle layers of the unconscious must be completely reprogrammed. To make any change too rapidly usually assures that the change will be short-lived."

No one is asking you to follow this diet, all we are doing is offering what we believe to be a very safe, natural and healthy way of eating. Dr Szekely used over 123,000 people to try out these principles and achieved amazing statistics of recovery of theoretically incurable cases (about 17% of the total participants and test groups).

Health at the meal table

To derive the best advantage from a Biogenic diet - to feel better, and live better - you should observe certain elementary but vital principles.

It is not enough simply to lay out a plate of raw vegetables, a bowl of rice and a slice of wholemeal bread. THE MEAL MUST BE PLANNED PROPERLY. You cannot eat just anything in any order.

The effectiveness of raw foods is increased if they are eaten at the beginning of the meal. White blood cells appear on the intestinal wall as soon as cooked food is swallowed, and remain there for about one and a half hours. Their role is to fight infection; they promote a massive mobilisation of defences against the food that is being eaten. The process is normal, but does not happen with raw food.

It is recommended to start a meal with a fruit or vegetable juice, then a salad and sprouted grain and finally a cereal dish such as muesli. Any fruits should be eaten as a complete meal, or about 20 minutes before the main course.

How to begin. You cannot change your eating patterns overnight. Never try to give up your old ways all at once. Start in the right conditions - of time, of place, of intention. It should be a serious undertaking.

Give your system a spring clean

  • 3 days on raw fruit and vegetables
  • 2 days on raw foods and bread and one cooked vegetable
  • 1 day as above and yoghourt and muesli.

A usual Biogenic day

  • Morning Fruit, Muesli and yoghourt, Herbal tea
  • Midday Fruit, raw vegetables: cabbage, carrot, spinach, bean sprouts with dressing; soup, jacket potato filled with cottage cheese
  • Evening Fruit; wholemeal bread and cheese; yoghourt
  • Drink non-stimulant teas and juices throughout this day.

This diet does not mean renouncing the pleasures of the table, but developing new tastes and enjoying food in a more subtle way. It is important to eat with relish, chewing each mouthful thoroughly. After all, digestion starts in the mouth.

Choosing and preparing food

Try to buy organic vegetables which have been grown locally. Prepare salads just before eating and use all goods within 48 hours of buying them. Add fresh herbs, eg parsley, chives, to your dishes.

Sprouted seed and grains
    Sprouts can be grown by anyone, anytime, anywhere. You can buy commercial sprouters which are extremely easy to use. Alternatively, anything from a plastic bowl to a polythene bag can be used, but the best improvised sprouter is a glass jar.
     One handful of seeds, pulses or grains will give you approximately eight handfuls of sprouts.

1 Soak seeds in filtered or spring water overnight, usually 8-10 hours. Chick peas and soya beans need soaking for up to 24 hours, with frequent changes of water to prevent fermentation.
2 Pour off the soak water. (It can be used for watering house plants.)
3 Rinse seeds thoroughly in running water and place in a clean jar.

Cover with cheese cloth.

4 Lay the jar on its side in a dark, warm cupboard. Rinse the growing sprouts morning and evening and place the jar back on its side.
5 Within 3 or 4 days the sprouts will be ready. Bring the jar into sunlight on the last day when the chlorophyll develops.
6 Rinse before eating, and store in an air-tight container until needed.

     Some of the easiest sprouts to grow are: alfalfa seeds, aduki beans, mung beans, green lentils, chickpeas, soya beans. Other sprouts are: sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, millet, wheat berries (grains).


Home made yoghourt

It is so simple and cheap to make, and tastes delicious.

For one pint of milk:

1 Bring to the boil, simmer for 10 minutes.
2 Allow to cool to 43-49 degrees C. (You can buy a commercial yoghourt thermometer.)
3 While the milk is cooling, measure 3 tablespoons of ‘live’ culture into a large bowl. Sterilise the preparation container, which must have a lid.
4 Add cooled milk to the ‘starter’ slowly, then pour into the container, put the lid on and insulate by covering with an old sock, for example.
5 Leave in a warm place overnight and eat with your muesli in the morning.


Seed and nut milks

Excellent protein-based meals if mixed with finely chopped fruit.

Almond milk

4oz of blanched almonds
2tsps of honey
1pt of filtered water

Grind the nuts very finely in a food processor or blender, then add water and continue to blend until a fine paste is formed. Add the honey and mix in.

Cashew milk

4oz of cashews
1/2pt of filtered water

Dash of cinnamon or nutmeg

Blend all ingredients, adding extra water if necessary.

Sunflower milk

8oz of sunflower seeds
1pt of filtered water
1/2tsp of vanilla essence or herbs or curry powder

Blend all ingredients thoroughly. It is tasty either sweet or savoury.

Carob milk

8oz of cashews
1/2pt of filtered water
6tsps of carob flour
2tsps of pure vanilla essence
2tsps of honey or a few dates

Blend all ingredients, adding more water if necessary.


Seed and nut cheeses

8oz of nuts and/or seeds
1/2pt of filtered water
1tsp of miso or 1tbsp of tamari
Fresh herbs

Grind the seeds as finely as possible. Add water, herbs and miso to form a smooth paste.

Use as a dressing with salads.

If placed in a warm spot overnight the cheese will ferment giving a sweet flavour; the protein is digested more easily.


Peppers stuffed with almonds

2 large red or green peppers
Sauce: 2 tomatoes, skinned and chopped
2oz ground almonds
1tsp of red wine vinegar
1tsp of tomato puree
chilli powder

Filling: 2oz of olives, destoned and chopped
1 tomato, chopped
2 sticks of celery, diced.

Prepare the peppers by slicing them in half across the width. Mix the ingredients for the sauce in a blender or food processor until completely smooth. Season to taste. Chop the ingredients for the filling and stir into sauce.

Fill each pepper half full. Garnish with coriander and serve immediately.


Hazlenut and paprika loaf

4oz hazlenuts
4oz of carrots, grated
4oz of onions, chopped
4oz of porridge oats
1tsp of chopped fresh sage
1tsp of chopped fresh thyme
1tsp of mustard
1tsp of sunflower oil
2fl oz of filtered water or yeast extract stock

Grind the hazelnuts finely in a mill or food processor. Add carrots, onions, oats, herbs, mustard and oil. Blend until ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Gradually add the filtered water or stock and blend until the mixture begins to hold together. Season to taste. Pack into a loaf tin lined with grease-proof paper. Refrigerate, then turn out and dust with paprika.


Mixed seed rissoles

2oz of pumpkin seeds
2oz of sunflower seeds
2oz of sesame seeds
2 sticks of celery, diced
1/4tsp of cumin seeds
1/4tsp of turmeric
4tsps of lemon juice
1tsp of tamari
4tbsp of chopped parsley

Grind the seeds thoroughly in a mill or food processor. Add celery, spice, lemon juice, tamari and season to taste. Blend in a food processor until the mixture begins to bind together. Shape into rissoles and coat with fresh parsley. Chill and serve.



8oz of sprouted chick peas
1/2pt of yoghurt
Juice of 1 lemon
2tbsp of orange juice
1 clove of garlic
2tbsp of tahini



Blend chick pea sprouts very finely in a food processor. Add remaining ingredients and blend to a smooth paste. Thin with yoghurt or filtered water if necessary. Sprinkle with chopped chives.


Biogenic soup

2-3 handfuls of sprouted seeds (mung bean, lentils, alfalfa)
3/4pt of thin seed cheese or yoghurt
2tsp of miso
Filtered water as needed

Prepare seed cheese. Add to sprouts in a blender or food processor and blend. Add the miso and extra ingredients such as crushed garlic, parsley, mushrooms, ½ avocado. It can be served cold or warmed. (Do not overheat as this will destroy the enzymes.)


Vegetable soup (using whatever vegetables you have to hand)

1/2oz each of: green beans, finely chopped carrots, grated celery, finely diced cauliflower or broccoli, 1 handful of sprouts
½ onion or 2 spring onions, finely chopped

Mix in a bowl and cover it with cling film. Prepare the liquid ingredients:

4 tomatoes
1pt of fermented seed cheese or 1pt of vegetable juice
½ an avocado
1tbsp of tamari
1/2tsp of miso

Put these ingredients in the blender, then pour the liquid over the vegetables. Heat gently if wished.


Tofu and tomato soup

1 red pepper
4 tomatoes
4 spring onions
10oz block of silken tofu Tabasco
1/4pt of tomato juice (freshly made)

Roast the pepper under a low grill until the skin has charred and will peel off.
Blanch tomatoes to remove skins and chop into small pieces. Chop the spring onions.
Blend all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Season to taste.
Sprinkle sesame seeds on top and serve chilled.


Sprouted lentil salad

11/2 cups of lentil sprouts
1 red pepper
4oz of broccoli florets
6oz of mushrooms, sliced finely
4oz of courgettes
Dressing: 2tbsp of sesame/walnut oil
2tbsp of cider vinegar
1tbsp of root ginger, grated
2tbsp of orange juice
1tsp of miso or tamari

Prepare the vegetables. Shake the dressing ingredients together in a screw-top jar and pour over the salad.


Spring garden salad

1 cup of alfalfa sprouts
1 punnet of cress
1 cos lettuce
2 carrots, sliced thinly
1 turnip, cut into matchsticks
24 black olives, stoned
4 tomatoes, quartered
Dressing: 8oz of cashew or pine nuts
1/2pt of filtered water
1tsp of miso
1/2tsp of caraway seeds
Juice of 2 lemons
4oz of skinned tomatoes
4 chopped spring onions

Mix all the salad ingredients, except tomatoes, in a bowl.

Prepare the dressing by mixing the ingredients, except spring onions, in a blender or food processor until smooth. Blend the onions in by hand. Pour the dressing over the salad. Place tomato quarters around the side and sprinkle with chives.


Vegetable and rice salad with miso dressing

12oz of cooked rice
2 spring onions, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
2tbsp of parsley
1/2tsp of mustard
Juice of ½ lemon
4tbsp of cider vinegar
4oz of Jerusalem artichokes, grated
2 tomatoes
1 stick of celery
3oz of cabbage
4oz of raw beetroot
3oz of mung sprouts
4oz of smoked tofu
Dressing: 4tbsp of olive oil
11/2tbsp of cider vinegar
1 heaped tbsp of miso
2tbsp of honey
3tbsp of filtered water

     Marinate rice in oil, vinegar mixed with garlic, spring onions, parsley, mustard, lemon juice. Put in fridge for one hour.
     Chop tomatoes and celery and mix in grated cabbage, beetroot and artichokes. Add mung bean sprouts and tofu. Prepare the dressing in a blender and mix into the salad.


Carrot cake

4oz of almonds
3oz of rolled oats
3oz of wheatgerm
2oz of dried coconut
4oz of raisins
4oz of dates
11/2lb of carrots
Juice of ½ a lemon
4tbsp of honey
3tbsp of sesame oil
1tsp of cinnamon
1tsp of allspice
Filtered water

Finely grind the almonds and mix with the rolled oats, wheatgerm and coconut. Soak the raisins and dates in warm water for 10 minutes (better overnight), and blend in a food processor with the honey, oil spices and two tablespoons of water. Finely grate the carrots, add the lemon juice and mix into the almond and oat mixture. Pack into a loaf tin, cover with cling film and refrigerate for a couple of hours.


Crunchy date slice

2oz of dried dates
1oz of dried bananas
2oz of sultanas
2oz of hazelnuts
1-2tbsp of lemon juice
2-3oz of oats

Grind dates, bananas, raisins and half the hazelnuts in a food processor until fairly smooth. Add the lemon juice and oats. Grind again until the mixture binds. Add more oats if it is too sticky. Work in remaining coarsely chopped hazelnuts.

Press into a 7 inch square tin, lined with grease-proof paper. Turn out and cut into fingers. 


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