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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 173
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 173 - August 2010
Renewal at Viva Mayr
The Exclusive Viva Stress and Energy Programme
The natural rhythms of life are the core elements of our new autumn season programmes. Like all our cures, this is an individually designed and personalized therapy programme.
Assess Personal Stress Indicators:
Heart frequency is measured and followed by the special Viva Stress test which measures the regulation of minerals in acid -base balance. We explore our emotions with the Luescher colourtest.
Individual Therapy
In addition to Modern Mayr Therapy, this programme includes vitamin and mineral support, deep relaxation, Jacobsen training or shiatsu.Light Therapy
Light therapy is an ideal technique to regenerate the body's rhythm and promote deep relaxation. Scientific studies have demonstrated improved regeneration and improvement in all other measurements. This unique light therapy is available free for all our guests during this special Viva programme.Improvement of Heart Frequency
Specific breathing exercises to improve heart frequency variability.Our brand new preventative stress programmes are available from 15 October until 15 December 2008 as a 1, 2 or 3 week stay at Viva-Mayr.
Viva Stresspilot
We use a computer to register and measure your heartbeat and breath rate.Based on previously measured heart frequency rates, this new computer programme is able to analyse your individual results and provide individual advice on how to consciously slow down and regulate your breathing.
Instead of experiencing chaos and loss of energy, you will reduce stress step by step and achieve an improved unconscious coordination of your heart and breathing. This will result in enhanced well-being, improved sleep at night, rejuvenation and better performance and vitality - and that will increase your ability to cope with everyday pressure considerably.
Further Information
Please contact and to book your stay at Viva Mayr Centre for Modern Medicine on Tel: +43 4273 31117; www.viva-mayr.com
Cranio-Sacral Reflexology
Cranio-Sacral Reflexology has been pioneered by Dr Martine Faure-Alderson over many years, and in many countries around the world. She has drawn on her training in several modalities including Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Naturopathy and Osteopathy but most particularly on her work as a Cranial osteopath, Cranio-sacral therapist and Reflexologist.
Dr Faure-Alderson has developed three original protocols for the feet, by which the cranio-sacral reflexologist works to eliminate the underlying source of any dysfunction, thus restoring health and vitality. These protocols are the Basic CSR Protocol, the Cardio-Vascular Protocol and the Lymphatic Protocol.
Training & Courses
The Cranio-Sacral Reflexology International Academy of Excellence offers a Postgraduate Diploma in Cranio-Sacral Reflexology.Training is offered to qualified Reflexologists and other therapists and takes place over the period of a year and consists of 8 days of intensive teaching over 2 Levels - New Advanced and Third Level. It also includes periods of home study, case study preparation, practise group sessions and mentoring. This leads to a post-graduate Diploma in Cranio-Sacral Reflexology and allows membership into Cranio-Sacral Reflexology International.
Students and qualified therapists are encouraged to repeat elements of the course to ensure that they have fully understood the concept of CSR before graduating. After graduation CSRI also provides seminars and short courses, CPD days and refreshers to ensure that qualified cranio-sacral reflexologists remain abreast of the latest
Further Information
Please contact Cranio-Sacral Reflexology International (CSRI) via mariann.csri@hotmail.co.uk
The Unborn Child - Beginning a Whole Life and Overcoming Problems of Early Origin
by Roy Ridgway and Simon H House 
The Unborn Child is essential reading for parents, potential parents and grandparents, as well as professionals with responsibility for children, and bringing babies into the world. This book describes effects from before conception on a child's development, and consider the legacy of health from parents and grandparents. It explores the effects of the mother's mental and physical state during pregnancy on the physiology and psychology of her expected child.
This fascinating book is rooted in the experience of both authors, complete with authoritative case studies and full references. Extensively updating and restructuring Roy Ridgway's book, Simon House has added entirely new material on nutrition from before conception.
"This book by Roy Ridgway and Simon House is truly a key text in the field of prenatal psychology, with its history and dramatic progress over the past few years being comprehensively presented. The unborn child we all once were is part of our biography. The foundations for our later life - and hence for our health or susceptibility to illness - are laid during the prenatal period.Further Information
"The way in which we deal with children at the beginning of their life and ensure their nutritional needs are met, is of fundamental significance for society and health policy. The fields of social sciences, politics, medicine and psychotherapy, urgently need the information that is presented so comprehensively and knowledgeably in this book. It makes a stimulating, exciting and moving read for the general public and is also a manual for experts from the field."
Ludwig Janus, MD, President 1996 - 2006
International Society of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology and Medicine
This book is available to purchase on Amazon:
For further information please contact the author on Tel: 023 9283 8592; shhouse@ntlworld.com
Certificate in Maternity Complementary Therapies

Expectancy now offers a new, totally flexible Certificate in Maternity Complementary Therapies programme for complementary therapists, as well as those already working in maternity care, including support workers, doulas and antenatal teachers, and those considering midwifery training.
The Certificate programme aims to facilitate students to achieve their own learning needs through a totally flexible, tailor-made programme of study which links the safe use of complementary therapies to the care of women who are pregnant or planning to conceive, as well as labouring and newly-birthed mothers. The full 15 day programme is normally expected to be completed within one academic year, but the actual duration will depend on the chosen components of the individual's programme and the scheduling of the relevant study days.
Following an introductory day, each student is facilitated to design a bespoke 13-day programme of study. A final tutorial day give a sense of closure to the programme, and enables students to prepare for their assessments and to debate issues of interest amongst the group.
Further Information
Next intake: 30th September 2010, central London
Introductory offer: £1000 if paid in full by 31st August (RRP £1400)
For further information and to book please contact Expectancy on Tel: 08452 301 323; info@expectancy.co.uk www.expectancy.co.uk
Alexander's Guide to Harmonising Gender Discordance
by Alexander Barrie. Published by AuthorHouse. 2010. Paperback. £17.09. ISBN 978-1-4490-6856-1

For a number of years the author has wrestled with the fact of life's opposing points of view in virtually all and everything existing. Being involved in Oriental Medicine and Philosophy has brought home to him the importance of the theories of Yin and Yang; Sun and Moon; Heaven and Earth etc.
All traditions, no matter from where they originate, all have, more or less, at the beginning of their genesis: In the beginning God made Heaven & Earth. Or at least: In the beginning Heaven & Earth were created. This is a statement of gender division in all that is under the Sun and beyond, in that Masculine is given to Heaven and Feminine is given to Earth.
This means that there is a fundamental Law for existence as we know it. This is the Law of the Masculine and Feminine division in all that is before our eyes - in all that is manifest. In addition, the same Law applies to all that may be perceived only by our 'higher senses', beyond: sight, sound, smell, touch and taste, i.e. we may perceive all that is un-manifest with our 'higher faculties'. Nevertheless, the un-manifest can be felt and experienced in curious moments in a given life, mostly unexpected!
In life, in existence, there is a classification in all and everything divided between the masculine and the feminine. This means that all objects and all subjects in creation are classified as either masculine or as feminine. Understanding this forgotten Law would help compel us to understand the seemingly opposed forces of opposition. One view is always qualitative Male and the other view always qualitative Female. Humanity has largely forgotten this fundamental Law of Gender Division.
My Essay, turned into a small Book, explains amply all that is needed to know and to understand how this Law acts as a thread that conjoins all of life that we see with our eyes and is tangible, but also the life that we do not see as is conceptual.
Further Information
This book is available from the author on Tel: 0208 423 5659; alexalign.uk@googlemail.com www.alexalign.com as well as from Amazon:
Orchid Essence Healing: A Guide to the Living Tree Orchid Essences
by Don Denniswith photographs by the author and contributions by Dr Adrian Brito-Babapulle
Foreword by Martin Shaw
Published by International Flower Essence Repertoire. 2010. Softback. £8.99. ISBN 978-0-9542305-3-1.

A full colour guide to the Living Tree Orchid Essences, featuring stunning photos of the orchids used in making the essences.
In the tradition of the Bach Flower Remedies and Australian Bush Flower Essences, the book describes this next generation of flower essences, and their use in Complementary Medicine.
The author's photos of the orchids are at the heart of the book, but there are also photos and descriptions of the island in the Inner Hebrides in Scotland where the orchids are lovingly greenhouse-grown. Visually rich and informative, an adjunct to one's inner journey.
There are a fair number of books on the different ranges of flower essences available these days (for example, an enormous number on the Bach Remedies), and most of these have the format of sections in b&w text, and sections of colour photos. Orchid Essence Healing has a very different format, with the beautiful colour photos of the orchids being the heart of what is presented to the reader. White text wraps gracefully around the orchid images set against a deep black background, and on pages where text predominates, it is dark green against a cream background. The overall impression one gets in perusing the book is of a work of art, yet with a great deal of important and useful information included.
If you think you know about flower essences, through exposure to (for example) the Bach Remedies, or the Australian Bush Flower Essences, then this book will open up new vistas of understanding. The orchids clearly have a profound spiritual aspect, beckoning us to move deeper into our being, to travel on in our inner path. The result of 12 years of essence making (and orchid photography!) by the author, this much-anticipated book exceeds expectations.
Further Information
Please contact International Flower Essence Repertoire, Achamore House, Isle of Gigha, Argyll, Scotland PA41 7AD on Tel: 01 583 505 385; www.healingorchids.com
Welsh School of Aromatherapy New Aromatouch Course
The Welsh School of Aromatherapy, moving into their fourth year, has extended the range of their courses beyond the Holistic Aromatherapy Training at diploma level through correspondence and weekend practical workshops, Reiki attunements, to the area of Aromatouch. Aromatouch Wales qualifies those who work as carers to use essential oils, safe touch and massage. 
Aromatouch is designed for those employed in care homes or day centres, as nurses, healthcare assistants teachers, teaching assistants, and other caring professions. To train Aromatouch contains two weekends of contact time with the tutor. The student takes the information and experience they have been given back to their place of work and tailors Aromatouch to their specialized area by creating their own portfolio of ideas. The one-day assessment presentation consolidates the course and allows students to share ideas with each other.
This is the first certified massage and aromatherapy course for carers in Wales and is accredited by the International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA). Training is at the Adult Education College, Coleg Harlech in Gwynedd North Wales, the first weekend being 16th and 17th October. Aromatouch trained carers can access IFA support and insurance. The cost is £450, including the course manual, all five days training and assessments.
Further Information
Please contact Lindsay Woodman at Welsh School of Aromatherapy on Tel: 01766 890 500; info@aromatherapywales.org www.aromatherapywales.org For more information on The Welsh School of Aromatherapy's courses and their dates visit www.aromatherapywales.org
Kitchen Medicine
by Julie Bruton-Seal and Matthew SealPublished by Merlin Unwin Books. 2010. Hardback. £16.99. ISBN: 978-1-906122-18-8

Most accidents happen in the kitchen. But if there are lurking dangers, the average kitchen also contains many handy but often overlooked remedies for treating common ailments or household emergencies. The products for these remedies include herbs and spices, fruit and vegetables, condiments and dressings, oils and vinegars, and many other common and familiar items.
In Kitchen Medicine the authors of the successful Hedgerow Medicine now move indoors to describe the wealth of healing and emergency remedies that sit unused and idle in the kitchen. Superb illustrations adorn a lively text.
The ingredients are all easily found in the kitchen although in some cases they are exotic in origin (just think of tea, coffee and chocolate).
The ailments and illnesses that kitchen medicine can address are comprehensively listed, making diagnosis and cure both immediate and easy.
Julie Bruton-Seal is a practising Medical Herbalist, Iridologist and Natural Healer. She is a Council member of the Association of Master Herbalists and editor of the quarterly magazine The Herbalist.
Matthew Seal has worked in the UK and South Africa as an in-house and freelance editor and writer in books, magazines and newspapers. He founded and is an honorary member of the Professional Editors' Group in South Africa and is an Advanced member of the Society
for Editors and Proofreaders.
Further Information
Available from Amazon.
Hypnotherapy Conference
A ground breaking conference drawing on the talents of both hypnotherapists and hypnotists will take place at Queen Mary, University of London on Saturday 4 September 2010. 
Anthony Jacquin
The first of its kind in the UK, this unique one-day event sees leading practitioners and performers of hypnotherapy and hypnotism joining forces to lecture on current approaches to the subject, while delivering a master class on the very latest ground breaking techniques in the field.
Organised by celebrated hypnotherapist, performer and author Anthony Jacquin and his creative partner Kev Sheldrake of Head Hacking Ltd, the symposium is already proving its mind power by attracting leading hypnotherapists and hypnotists of street and stage to speak, but is also envisaged as the perfect introduction to hypnosis for those who are drawn to and fascinated by the phenomenal power of the medium. No pendulum swinging is required.
Among the hypnotherapists speaking on the day will be Jorgen Rasmussen, maverick and author of Provocative Hypnosis while the renowned magician James Brown will be giving the audience his own unique insight into the realms of performance hypnotism.
Freddie Jacquin (Anthony's father) will be demonstrating his skills and straightforward approach to eliminating fears and phobias, developed in a career that has already seen him treat over 30,000 clients. James Tripp will explain his fresh approach to hypnosis without trance, showing that it isn't all eyes-closed and sleep.
Further Information
Tickets cost £100 per person, with a 10% discount available for bookings made before 31 July. Tickets are strictly limited to 250, so early bookings are advised to avoid disappointment. For full information, details on all the day's presenters and to purchase tickets, visit www.changephenomena.com
Unbeelievable Immune Support Supplement
Bee Prepared®, the first in Unbeelievable Health Limited's all-in-one range of unique supplements, is bursting with antioxidants. This new supplement contains generous amounts of Bee Propolis Extract, Black Elderberry Extract and Olive Leaf Extract, all of which have been used for many years to help support immune functions. 
Additional ingredients are Beta Glucans 1,3 and 1,6; in a study conducted at the James Graham Brown Cancer Center in the US in 2006, Beta 1,3 and 1,6 Glucans were found to be nine times better than Echinacea for enhancing immune response.
Bee Prepared® Immune Support:
- Contains only the highest quality ingredients;
- Can be taken daily, year-round, prior to and whilst travelling, during stressful times or when feeling ill or run down;
- Is manufactured in a top UK facility, and is made with ingredients sourced in the EU in an effort to keep the company's carbon footprint low;
- Is manufactured under strict quality-control measures;
- Does not contain unnecessary nutrients that are easily found in a healthy diet or a standard multivitamin;
- Contains no GMOs or synthetic ingredients and is Vegetarian Society approved
Further Information
Bee Prepared(r) is now available on www.victoriahealth.com and www.revital.co.uk as well in Revital shops throughout the UK and select chemists and health food shops in London.
A portion of the proceeds from each box will be donated to Vitamin Angels, a charity that delivers vitamins to malnourished children around the world.
For further information contact Anna Garneron on Tel: 0207 993 2471; Mobile: 0782 607 3202;
anna@unbeelievablehealth.com www.unbeelievablehealth.co.uk
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