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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 168
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 168 - March 2010
Tomatis Listening Centre
The Tomatis Listening Centre in Highbury, founded by Ella Williams, is in its tenth year of operation and going stronger than ever.

People from all walks of life have come to open up their listening and freshen up their perception.
The change in habitual listening pattern is brought about by treatment with the electronic ear, which frees the client to use new ways of receiving, analysing sound information. Tomatis Listening Therapy is used for auditory processing difficulties, dyslexia, attention, memory and concentration issues, balance and coordination, delayed speech, communication, voice and language acquisition.
Further Information
Please contact Ella Williams at the Listening (Voice, Music& Language) Centre London on Tel: 020 359 5268; Listeningcentre@aol.com www.tuneyourears.com
CNELM: Tackling Obesity: 27-28 Feb, 20-21 March; 10 –11April 2010
The Centre for Nutrition, Education & Lifestyle Management (CNELM) announces the Tackling Obesity module, designed for Health Care Practitioners and Students. The module aims to provide a biomedical basis for obesity and describe nutritional strategies for tackling obesity and related conditions. The module focuses on tackling obesity in the UK, but will also include global research to support the understanding of obesity. The module will integrate the pathophysiology of obesity in a framework of social, cultural and individual perceptions.

Lecturers include:
Live Speakers:
- Christine Bailey BSc MSc Trained Chef
- Michelle Barrow BSc MSc NLP Practitioner
- Liz Darke BSc NLP Practitioner
- Ann Garry BSc NLP Practitioner
- Helen Lynam BSc NLP Master Practitioner
- Dr Daniela Mo
- Kate Neil MSc DipION (RN RM non-practising)
- Christopher Rasey BA Master Practitioner, Certified NLP Trainer
- Dr Paul Clayton
- Ian Craig BSc MSc NLP Practitioner
- Liz Copeland MA BSc NLP Master Practitioner
- Dr Philip Hayes
- Kate Neil
Course Dates and Times: 27-28 Feb, 20-21 March; 10 –11April 2010 – 10am – 5pm
Further Information
For booking and further information, please contact CNELM on Tel: 0118 798686; Fax: 0118 979 8786; info@cnelm.co.uk www.cnelm.co.uk
Retreat and Revive for the Spring Equinox – With Emma Jones and Guests
March 19th-23rd
The healthy Jones retreat will give you time to have space, reflection, rejuvenation and inspiration. This retreat is perfectly timed for the Spring Equinox so that you can create a clean body and healthy mind.

The Spring Season is a time to cleanse the liver and increase on cleansing foods so that the body can wake up after the winter months. Now is the time to wash away any stagnant energy and create a fresh focus of health and vitality.
Five days of focusing on naturopathy, Yoga, a raw food diet, health coaching, in beautiful surroundings. The retreat is taking place in the exclusive Buckland hall in Brecon, Wales. You will get the chance to experience the following:
- Enjoy an ecstatic organic raw diet;
- Reflect with meditation;
- Invigorate yourself with yoga;
- Walk to the local water falls;
- Try new power foods and recipes;
- Transform your life with health coaching;
- Experience new exercise techniques like Hula Hooping;
- Take part in laughter/happiness workshops;
- Understand the effect of the Spring Equinox;
- Be the person you have always wanted to be........;
- Guest speakers include raw food and mind detox expert..
Emma is a Naturopath and has been running retreats in Wales for 10 years. Her retreats allow people to heal and rejuvenate in natural beautiful surroundings. Emma believes that health should be fun and her approach is both inspiring and creates lasting results in people's lives. Everything on the retreat is considered with care from the pure spring water to the organic local food. Emma provides care and attention so that the whole experience leaves you enriched and nourished.
Further Information
There are limited places available, booking is essential. Price £395 inclusive. Please contact Emma Jones on Tel: 07854 425930; ej_nutrition@yahoo.co.uk www.healthyjones.co.uk
Birthlight Trust – Holistic Approach to Pregnancy, Birth and Babyhood
The Birthlight Trust educational charity promotes an integrated, holistic approach to pregnancy, birth and babyhood. Its main objective is to enhance well being and enjoyment for parents and their babies before and after birth. The application of simple yoga-based body movements, breathing techniques and relaxation, both on land and in water, has proved beneficial for increasing numbers of parents, professional carers, educators and instructors.

Our charter is contained in the word 'birthlight', in the sense of giving birth lightly, without violence to the baby. Not all women can have a natural birth but it is our aim that all women should have a fulfilling experience of childbirth with the support they need before and after their babies are born. Birthlight also refers to the light and joy that can shine around the birth of every child, a dimension that is often forgotten.
Birthlight's wide range of classes and courses are designed for parents from pre-conception to the third year and continually strive to use the latest research findings in the development of simple but effective movements. Birthlight has over 1,000 certified instructors, offering training in:
- Yoga, Birth Preparation and Postnatal Teacher Training
www.birthlight.com/public/yoga/pregnancy.aspx - Pregnancy and Postnatal YogaCise Teacher Training
www.birthlight.com/public/yoga/pregnancy.aspx - Aqua Yoga for Pregnancy & Waterbirth Teacher Training
www.birthlight.com/public/yoga/aquayoga.aspx - Baby Yoga, Massage & Nurture Teacher Training
www.birthlight.com/public/yoga/babyyoga.aspx - SMART Toddler Yoga Teacher Training
www.birthlight.com/public/yoga/babyyoga.aspx - Baby Swimming Teacher Training (Infant Aquatics)
www.birthlight.com/public/yoga/infantaquatics.aspx - Well Woman Yoga Teacher Training
Please contact Birthlight on Tel: 01223 362288; enquiries@birthlight.com www.birthlight.com
The Annie Appleseed Foundation (AAP)
Ann Fonfa was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 1993. Due to her chemical sensitivities, she opted not to take chemotherapy-but she was determined to find some viable alternatives.

The Annie Appleseed Project (AAP), based in Delray Beach, Florida, was formed in response to the approach that antioxidants can prove useful in conjunction with conventional therapy. The goal of AAP is to provide solid information, advocacy and awareness for people with cancer about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Although the project began as AAP founder Ann Fonfa's personal quest to get answers about CAM therapies, it has grown to become a nationally recognized organization.
The Annie Appleseed website www.annieappleseedproject.org went online in June, 1999. Content is added on a weekly basis, currently totalling some 8,000 web pages and links. In addition to reports from conferences worldwide, the site posts studies that help explain the benefits of natural and nontoxic substances. More than two million people have visited in the last twelve months, and thousands more have heard lAnn Fonfa speak at meetings around the USA, asking challenging questions that many doctors don't want to hear.
AAP has sponsored two national meetings-"Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies" – in 2008 and 2009, and has exhibited at 30 other meetings including the American Society for Clinical Oncology, Oncology Nursing Society, Ovarian National Cancer Alliance, Prostate Forum, and American Psychosocial Oncology Society. The 4th Annual Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference will be held March 3-5, 2011 at West Palm Beach, FL.
Further Information
For more information on the Annie Appleseed Project, visit www.annieappleseedproject.org
Dove Clinic: Hayfever and Allergy Relief – the Natural Way
As the frosts recede and the plants wake up, many of us rejoice at the coming of spring! But for an increasing number of people the warmer months are tarnished by hay fever symptoms of a runny nose, headaches, itching eyes and tiredness. Hay fever is caused by an immune reaction to pollen that is growing in frequency along with the closely associated conditions of asthma and eczema.

So, how can we re-balance our immune system and avoid steroids and anti-histamine tablets? The good news is that nutritional supplements to improve cell-mediated immune function such as 1-3 1-6 beta glucan (as found in Immiflex) and an approach called Neutralization, offer effective, very safe and research-based alternatives.
Neutralization tackles the cause of the problem, whether food intolerance, animal or dust mite allergy, or the pollen reactions in hayfever. A series of dilutions of the specific allergen are tested on the individual until the end-point dilution that switches off the immune response is found. This can then be used for natural ongoing allergy relief, and has been proven effective in many clinical studies.
Further information
Please contact the Dove Clinic on Tel: 01962 7 18000; www.doveclinic.com
Craniosacral Therapy Courses and Training at Turning Point
This gentle and effective approach to treating and helping with many conditions. Craniosacral Therapy is being used by osteopaths and chiropractors as some dentists and doctors to treat pain and discomfort as well as making improvements to the patients' structure. Massage therapists and other bodyworkers find the approach less wearing on themselves!

Jonathan Lawrence
You are eligible to join the course if you are a therapist with at least level 3 anatomy and physiology. The cost of the course represents excellent value for money and is taught by Jonathan Lawrence BA DO Cert Ed, experienced practitioner and lecturer, whose courses have drawn praise from medical and complementary therapists alike.
There are 2 courses running in 2010 in North Devon at weekends; the first weekend includes a Friday. The course is run at the Amory Centre, South Molton in a bright, warm and airy space.
Course 1: March 26-28; April 17-18; May 22- 23rd; June 26-27; Final exam July17;
Course 2: July 9-11; September 18-19; October 9-10; October 30-31; Final exam: 20 November.
Further Information
Please contact Turning Point Training on Tel: 01769 579079; courseenquiries@turningpointtraining.org www.turningpointtraining.org
Natural Skincare Company
The Natural Skincare Company, a family business based in Horsham, West Sussex, UK, started due to Amanda McGillivray's commitment to, and interest in the organic way of life. Having spent many months researching and looking at evidence relating to the detrimental effects of chemicals that are used in everyday skin and bodycare products, Amanda has selected a wide range of products which can be used with confidence, with no artificial preservatives, colours, perfumes, mineral oils or SLS.

The Natural Skincare Companies aim is to bring superior and truly natural and organic personal care products of the highest quality to their customers, the purest and most effective on the market today. The products are not tested on animals, are cruelty free and most are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Paul Penders products are also registered with The Vegan Society.
The Natural Skincare Company stock a wide number of Natural and Organic ranges including Paul Penders, Caribbean Blue and The Natural Skincare Company's own soaps to name but a few.
Further Information
Please contact The Natural Skincare Company on Tel: 01403 790913; info@thenaturalskincarecompany.co.uk www.thenaturalskincarecompany.com
British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) Conference on Sweeteners:
Thursday 15 April 2010: The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG
Intense sweeteners have been available as a means of reducing sugar intake for more than a century and have made possible low and no-sugar brands which feature in almost everyone's diet. Furthermore, they could also be important in helping us to reduce energy intake in the future.
But for some, perceptions of the role and value of intense sweeteners can be somewhat negative. So the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) set out to explore the facts behind the stories and see where low calorie sweeteners fit into today's foodscape.
The objective of this one-day conference is to make available the latest science and research on sweeteners, to explore where these ingredients can be a useful choice in foods and beverages, to review their safety and consider negative perceptions where they exist. The event is designed to appeal to anyone interested in food, nutrition and health and to provide an interactive, scientifically sound and engaging debate.
Panel Discussion
- Professor Tom Sanders (King's College London);
- Professor Andrew Renwick (School of Medicine, University of Southampton);
- Professor Nick Finer (Dept of Medicine, University College London);
- Catherine Collins (St George's Hospital NHS Trust).
Further Information
For programme and registration forms please contact the British Nutrition Foundation on Tel: 020 7404 6504; postbox@nutrition.org.uk www.nutrition.org.uk
Safe Breast Screening - Medical Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (MDITI)
Breast Screening in Liverpool have launched Digital Infrared Thermal imaging, a high tech medical screening device that can detect active breast abnormalities 8-10 years before a mammogram. It is unique in its capabilities to display metabolic process and physiological or functional changes. Medical Digital Infra/red Thermal imaging (MDITI) uses cutting edge technology to visualize pain and detect disease at its earliest stage.

MDITI is 100% safe, as patients are not exposed to harmful radiation and is therefore suitable for all age groups and pregnant women. MDITI is recognized by the UK Medical Health Regularity Agency as a GRADE 1 screening procedure and is particularly useful for young children who find it difficult to articulate their symptoms but are in obvious pain.
The following benefits are acquired from MDITI:
- 100% safe screening;
- No exposure to harmful radiation;
- Non invasive procedure
- Non contact
- Early detection
- Breast Health
- Cardiology
- Neurology
- Oncology
- Rheumatology
- Paediatrics
- Orthopaedics
- Physiotherapy
- Chiropractic
- Sports Medicine
- Dentistry
Further Information
Please contact Breast Screening on Tel: 0151 931 5001; 0151 931 4940;
info@safebreastscreening.org www.safebreastscreening.org
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