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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 162
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 162 - September 2009
Klamath Blue Green Algae for Depression, Anxiety and Menopause
Klamath Blue Green Algae is a nutrient dense green food that grows wild in Klamath Lake, Oregon USA. As well as antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, Klamin® contains concentrated amounts of phenylethylamine or PEA, an endorphin we produce when we're in love or exercising, and which is capable of balancing neurotransmitters. Studies have shown Klamin may provide significant relief from depression and anxiety. 
Klamin Helps Relieve Menopausal Symptoms
New research published in Gynecological Endocrinology demonstrates that Klamin may reduce menopausal symptoms such as mood swings, as well as physical symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats via its effect on dopamine activity;
Klamin Protects the Brain and Acts as an Antioxidant
Klamin also contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecules exclusive to blue green algae known as AFA-phycocyanins, which protect the nervous system. This protection is important because neuronal damage caused by the environment, stress and poor dietary habits may be part of the factors for the development of neurodegeneration. Oxidative stress will also worsen symptoms of the menopause and mood disorders. A recent study has also shown that Klamin increases the levels of the body's own endogenous antioxidants (vitamin A, vitamin E, and carotenes) by reducing oxidative stress which contributes to health problems.
Klamin also Provides other Nutritional Factors
Klamin also maintains nutrients found naturally in Klamath microalgae which support brain function such as B vitamins, plus antioxidants with neuroprotective qualities such as a wide spectrum of carotenes, including lutein, astaxanthin and lycopene, as well as chlorophyll – the green plant pigment, and minerals.
Further Information
Please contact The Really Healthy Company on Tel: 020 5480 1000; nutritionist@healthy.co.uk
Validation of Diploma in the Study of Integrated Medicine (DipSIM)
The University of Buckingham Medical School (UBMS) is delighted to announce the validation of a new Diploma course in the Study of Integrated Medicine (DipSIM). The Diploma has been developed by the Faculty of Integrated Medicine of the Integrated Health Trust at Bath UK and has been modified by the UBMS with the specific intention of equipping busy clinicians with a working knowledge of the fundamental issues associated with this emerging, though controversial, new area of study. 
What is IM? What is the theoretical basis of this approach to patient care? Do the Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies which underpin it work? If so, in which patients and under what conditions and circumstances? Are there toxicities associated with CAM therapies and/or drug interactions with orthodox therapies? What research has been carried out into its effectiveness? What are the ethical and medico-legal issues which arise from IM? How do we understand the controversies that sometimes rage around it? What is its future in the care of patients?
The new DipSIM, which will be directed by Professor Andrew Miles, Professor of Public Health Education and Policy & Associate Dean of Medicine at UBMS, has been specifically designed to ask and answer precisely these questions through systematic study and scholarly engagement.
Further Information
Further comments and information are available from Professor Andrew Miles MSc MPhil PhD, via the Press Office of the University of Buckingham on Tel: 01225 319131; info@IntegratedHealthTrust.org www.IntegratedMedicine.org.uk www.IntegratedHealthTrust.org
Gems of Wisdom
by Eileen CaddyPublished by Findhorn Press. 2009. Spiral Bound. £ 12.99. ISBN: 978 1 84409 146 1.

Gems of Wisdom, created as a spiral bound page-a-day calendar, distils the essence of Eileen's best selling book Opening Doors Within without a calendarium. Readers can use the calendar year after year, absorbing the simple daily message from Eileen's 'still small voice within'.
Benefits of this Perpetual Calendar?
- Easy access to the core of Eileen's daily guidance from Opening Doors Within
- By reading the simple teachings the reader will receive faith, fulfilment and stillness
- Anyone who meditates, whether inexperienced or seasoned, will find these words uplifting and inspirational
Further Information
Available from Findhorn Press; Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
Marianne Williamson London Workshop
Marianne Williamson, author of the famous quote "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure" is giving a workshop in London on Saturday 31st October in London entitled 'Spirit of A New World' 
Marianne teaches the Course of Miracles and believes that a new spirit is emerging among us. It comes not from a particular geographic, religious or ethnic area of the world, but rather from deep within the human psyche. It is a new internationalism infused with spiritual understanding, both respecting the beauty of our individual identities and turning the realization of our oneness into a massive movement for global change.
Marianne has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America and Charlie Rose; in December 2006, a Newsweek magazine poll named her one of the fifty most influential baby boomers. According to Time magazine, "Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity".
Further information
For more details and to book for the workshop contact Seminars.ie on Tel: 00353 1 287 5524; info@seminars.ie www.seminars.ie
Grandma Vine's Comfort Foot Balm
Grandma Vine's GV Instant Comfort Foot Balm nourishing cream combines a unique blend of aromatic botanicals keep your feet fresh, naturally deodorised, and free from fungal infections. Peppermint, rosemary, lavender, and sweet almond oil provide antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties combined with a pleasant aroma resulting in feet that feel and look restored, refreshed, and revitalised. 
GV Foot Balm is Vegan Society approved and parabens-free to provide feet with a naturally luxurious way to keep skin soft and smooth, and even more, keep cracked, rough, and hard skin at bay.
Grandma Vine's range for dry, sensitive skin conditions uses only the finest ingredients which are ethically-sourced, environmentally-sustainable and biodegradable. The product range is not tested on animals or genetically modified and is free from animal products, petrochemicals, colourings and harsh preservatives.
Further Information
Grandma Vine's Skin Care range is available from a nationwide network of health food stores, select pharmacies and by mail order. For further information contact Lifeplan Products Limited on 01455 556281, email enquiries@lifeplan.co.uk or visit the company website www.lifeplan.co.uk .
Digestive Balance: Healthy Trinity Probiotic
Probiotic Healthy Trinity helps to discourage yeast (candida) overgrowth, aids in lactose metabolism and enhances digestion of milk products. It has been known to improve nutrient absorption, normalize elimination problems and may block the attachment of pathogenic bacteria in the urinary tract, including the vagina. Healthy Trinity helps alleviate gas, bloating and upper gastrointestinal (GI) problems and produces hydrogen peroxide H2O2 – required to inhibit vaginal yeast, neutralizes the formation of toxins and assists in cholesterol management. It also protects the walls of the large intestine from colonization by invading bacteria or yeast and inhibits bacteria which can alter nitrates into potentially harmful nitrites. 
Healthy Trinity produce B vitamins which play important roles in cell metabolism and assist in the support of healthy liver function. Healthy Trinity also helps to encourages an acidic intestinal environment and strongly inhibits less desirable microorganisms which contributes to the growth and viability of beneficial resident microorganisms (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, etc.). The growth and activity of beneficial microorganisms helps the body digest complex carbohydrates and proteins which helps to increase the bio availability of minerals, especially calcium.
Further Information
Please contact G&G Food Supplies Ltd. via sales@gandgvitamins.com www.gandgvitamins.com For the full range of Natren Probiotics please go to www.natren.co.uk
Green Bay Raw Active Manuka Honey
Green Bay has introduced the first raw Manuka honey into the UK, probably the closest to nature, healthiest and highest quality Manuka honey available today. Manuka honey's health giving and anti-bacterial properties – fighting infection, healing wounds, cuts and grazes, soothing inflammation and settling upset stomachs are becoming more widely known.
About Green Bay Raw Manuka Honey
- Minimally filtered;
- Single estate, unblended, artisan produced;
- Tested for distinctive character and quality;
- A high activity factor product;
- Wholly organic; all Green Bay active manuka honey is certified organic by the Soil Association in the UK;
- Bees are not fed sugar to boost honey production.
Further Information
Green Bay Raw Manuka Honey can be purchased at branches of Waitrose nationally, in over 650 independent health food shops, farm shops and delis and on-line at www.greenbayharvest.co.uk
Natural Rocky Mountain Foot Butter
Rocky Mountain Foot Butter works on your feet to permanently relive dryness and problem zones on your feet. It is a real treat, made from cocoa butter, beeswax and carrot tissue oil to soothe and smooth dry cracked heels. The smell from the grapefruit essential oils, patchouli and lemongrass are absolutely divine – perfect for the whole year round. It comes in an easy to use stick of the butter that you can use to just roll onto your feet.

Anyone with sensitive skin or Eczema will be familiar with the struggle to find natural and preservative free sun and skin care alternatives.
All Rocky Mountain products are 100% natural and contain only pure essential oils, herbs and flowers – no alcohol, sodium lauryl sulphate or parabens, and a range of fragrance free products is available. The Rocky Mountain ranges include a range of suncare products, natural Lip Butters, the new Spot and Cold Sore Stick, Natural Body Butter, Pumpkin Patch, Foot Butter and more skin friendly products.
Further Information
For information on Rocky Mountain Soap products or Essential Beauty Supplies please call Essential Beauty Supplied on Tel: 01823 663322; info@essentialbeautysupplies.co.uk
Suunto T-Series for Women – Heart Rate Monitors
Suunto, one of the leading sports precision instruments brands in the world, has introduced two new additions to its t-series range of women's heart rate monitors – the t1c True Fuchsia and the t3c Sporty Red. Whether you are looking to tone up, keep fit, count calories or push your fitness goals after a summer's indulgence, these must-have sports instruments will ensure your training needs are achieved through the impressive functionality the t-series offers.
Count Calories, Fat-Burn and Heart Rate
The current women's range consists of four models, starting at £60 RRP. There is a heart rate monitor to match all needs and personal tastes, from the introductory level t1 for day-to-day use, to the more advanced t4c that sets your training schedule and works as a personal coach in real-time.
These distinctive watches are supported by a recently improved heart rate monitor belt that comfortably fits across the chest. Based on your heart rate, the easy-to-use Suunto heart rate monitor then calculates the amount of calories burned and shows the overall benefit, Training Effect, of the work-out, from fat-burning to improving performance.
Further Information
The women's and full unisex Suunto training ranges are available from leading shops that specialise in outdoor gear including Snow & Rock, Field & Trek, Cotswold Outdoor, Ellis Brigham, www.sailgb.com, www.heartratemonitor.co.uk and www.facewest.co.uk.
Crocs Custom Cloud
Crocs has expanded its Medical RX range with the addition of the silver impregnated Custom Cloud. This new shoe offers foot professionals a customisable platform to suit differing foot forms and the needs of the wearer.

Suitable for use as a semi-orthopaedic shoe for people with a variety of foot problems as well as for diabetics with mild neuropathy, the Custom Cloud provides extra depth and has front and back straps for extra support.
The Custom Cloud comes complete with a sliver insole and three heat mouldable inserts by Orthofeet. When heated, with either a heat gun or an oven, the Thermofit insoles can be easily moulded directly to the foot, and will maintain the shape to create a full contact foot bed. Also, the Orthofeet insoles can be further adapted and customised by a specialist for extra support.
The Croslite Ag+ is utilised throughout the whole construction of the Custom Cloud making it fully anti-bacterial and odour resistant. The Custom Cloud is approved by the APMA, AAPPM and US ergonomics.
Further Information
Custom Cloud Crocs are now available nationwide. For your nearest stockist, please visit www.crocs.eu
Cinnamon – Magic Bark for your Best Friend
Cinnamon is an aromatic bark from a small evergreen tree native to Sri Lanka. Since medieval times it has been associated with treating many ailments from colds and sore throats, vomiting and diarrhea, nervous tension and headaches, and even malaria. It contains calcium, phosphorous, iron, sodium, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C and A and has been used in Korea and China as a traditional herbal treatment for diabetes for many years. 
Recent research from the US Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Center supports the thinking that Cinnamon can reduce blood sugar levels. So, with obesity and diabetes levels hitting record highs in the UK, it might be worth sprinkling a little cinnamon on your morning cappuccino as a preventative measure.
Research shows that 1 in every 400 dogs in the UK are now diabetic, so, choose dog biscuits with added 'bark' in the form of cinnamon to help protect your beloved pooch from following the trend.
Further Information
Please contact The Organic Pet Food Co Ltd on Tel: 020 8954 0500; info@theorganicpet.co.uk www.theorganicpet.co.uk
Saponaqua – New Therapy Bar With Hidden Depths
Saponaqua – which literally means soap and water – has introduced its new Natural Therapy Bar to help you look after your skin naturally. The face and body bar contains pure Zander, organic nutrient-rich substance, from the pristine lakes of North Eastern Europe, to gently cleanse and moisturize without over drying, leaving skin feeling soft and healthy. It contains amino acids to help with tissue repair and restoration and hemicellulose for skin conditioning.

Soothing and gentle
Saponaqua's Natural Therapy Bar is 100% natural, dermatologically tested, and has therapeutic soothing properties which, research has shown, can help people with sensitive or dry skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis.
Natural skin protection
Saponaqua uses only the most natural ingredients, supplied from organically cultivated and renewable resources under fair trade schemes. The Therapy Bar also contains olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil and 11 vitamins to help maintain and renew skin structure.
Further Information
The Natural Therapy Bar can be ordered on Tel: 0113 284 2660; www.saponaqua.com
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