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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 159
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 159 - June 2009
Nurturing The Roots Of Wellbeing: Focus on Early Pregnancy and First Weeks after Birth
Birthlight Conference: Institute of Child Health, London
11th-12th July 2009
Birthlight, a UK charity promoting a holistic approach to pregnancy, birth and babyhood with original interactive yoga-based practices, launches its annual conference in London.

Early pregnancy and the period following childbirth are the most neglected times in global maternity care. This conference focuses on early nurture, specifically the first and fourth trimesters of pregnancy, as research shows their interconnection. We would like to highlight the ways in which Yoga can offer practical applications of research findings, as a foundation for the promotion of breastfeeding, infant massage and baby wearing. The mothers' mental well-being is key to the babies' mental well-being.
The programme includes both main speaker presentations and hands-on workshops. Michel Odent, Naomi Stadlen, Vivette Glover, Simon House and Francoise Freedman voice possibilities for making the transition to parenthood a more positive experience in society at large. Workshops complement these inspiring presentations and introduce essential techniques to put nurture into practice.
This event is an inspiring opportunity:
- Hear respected visionaries talk about the links between early pregnancy and the postnatal period;
- Participate in stimulating discussions for which a lot of time has been devoted;
- Develop your professional practice through workshops
- Meet other practitioners; exchanging ideas, views and techniques.
Further Information
For information about the Birthlight Conference please contact Christine on Tel: 01223 362 288;
conference@birthlight.com www.birthlightconference.com
Q-Link Teams Up With Somerset County Cricket Club
Q-Link, the pendent designed to boost and maintain the body's natural energy system and help combat the effects of stress and stress related ailments today announced that they are working with Somerset County Cricket Club.
Somerset County Cricket Team and QLink
Having been approached by Darren Veness, Head of Strength and Conditioning for SCCC, the Q-Link team spent the day with squad who were each given useful tips on stress reduction and a Q-Link pendant to wear. Each pendant contains a pre-programmed resonating cell (silicon carbide) that has been programmed with the healthy frequencies of the body – similar to a tuning fork that vibrates at a certain pitch. Each person's Q-Link becomes uniquely tuned to their own body's bio-electric fields, resonating with the body's energies and reminding it of the 'healthy frequencies' thereby helping it to self-correct on a continual basis. Research has shown that wearers experience enhanced mental and physical performance, reduced stress, increased energy and improved focus and concentration.
As a long-time user of Q-Link products, Darren was keen for members of the team to sample the benefits, commenting. "We have approached the season from a different perspective this time around – looking more at the overall benefits of nutrition, health, fitness and general well-being and focusing on the individual as well as the team. We want to give the squad every opportunity and I firmly believe that Q-Link products can help both the individual players and the team in general manage stress and stress-related ailments."
Further Information
Please contact Q-Link on Tel: 0845 165 2052; www.qlinkworld.co.uk
Quality Reflexology Training – Philip Salmons Reflexology Centre
As an Association of Reflexologists (AOR) accredited training school, we have seen a large increase in the numbers of people wanting upgrade training – referred to as bridging courses. More and more employers are requiring that therapists are trained to the exacting standards set by the AoR. 
It is not generally understood that not all Level 3 qualifications are recognized by the AoR. There are many that require 'bridging' which is recommended to be at least 50% of an accredited courses syllabus and taking an external examination set by an independent examining body.
If being a member of the AoR is important to you, then do check that the course you are intending to do is accredited. There is a list of accredited Courses at www.aor.org.uk/index.php?page=reflexology-training-courses
While bridging does mean the door is not closed – your training is a journey and it is always easier to get a direct ticket! Philip Salmons Reflexology Centre, located in Hertfordshire and Cambridge/Beds border, runs both Accredited Reflexology professional training and bridging courses in Reflexology.
Further Information
Please contact Energy Works – Philip Salmons Reflexology Centre On Tel: 01480 404946; enquiries@energyworks.co.uk www.energyworks.co.uk/
Micropulse Filter to Counter Electromagnetic Pollution
The number of people reporting skin complaints has risen sharply in recent months; the cause may be low energy light bulbs – Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs). 
Micropulse Filter
Dr Robert Sarkany, Consultant Dermatologist at King's College, London said "I am seeing regular handfuls of patients who are complaining of skin allergies, after fitting low energy bulbs, as are my colleagues". Dr Larry Newman, senior Neurologist in New York is reporting a high incidence of patients with migraines after fitting the bulbs. Common symptoms are severe stinging, burning and itching of the skin, along with a red rash and migraines.
When the new energy-saving lightbulbs became compulsory the change in the law attracted controversy because they emit ultraviolet light and contain mercury. CFLs produce high levels of radio frequency radiation 'dirty electricity', which adversely affect health, with symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, headaches, nausea, sleep disorders, respiratory problems, rashes, along with anxiety and depression.
Dirty electricity has worsened due to the proliferation of lap tops and cordless phones which use switch mode power supplies (AC Adaptors) that create dirty electricity. Like low energy light bulbs they 'chop up' the electric signals, which produces power 'spikes'. This energy has nowhere to go except into the indoor environment.
Micropulse filters, designed and manufactured in the UK, neutralize the dirty electricity by smoothing out the spikes. In recent tests using dirty electricity monitors, the high levels recorded when a CFL lightbulb was switched on all dropped dramatically when an electricity filter was used.
Further Information
Wireless-Protection offers a money-back guarantee if consumers don't experience real physical benefits For more information or to order your Micropulse filter, please contact Wireless Protection on Tel: on 01772 614177; www.wireless-protection.org
Voice Dialogue – Technique for Integrating Elements of our Personality
Have you ever heard yourself say something like:
"A part of me really feels uncomfortable when I'm around certain people. Another part of me doesn't want to say anything in case I upset them. And yet another part of me thinks I'm stupid for letting them get to me in this way!"

Drs Hal & Sidra Stone developed a process called Voice Dialogue in the late 1970s for tuning in to these voices and allowing the different parts of us, or 'selves', to be heard more clearly. John studied Voice Dialogue with Drs Hal and Sidra Stone in the USA and Europe and has over 30 years experience in developing and delivering seminars that help participants improve intra-personal and interpersonal communication. John Kent set up Voice Dialogue UK to help people get in touch with and better understand the different selves that determine their values, attitudes, belief systems and behaviours.
The benefits of Voice Dialogue:
- Teaches you about yourself and why you do the things that you do
- Clarifies conflicts and helps resolve them
- Broadens your options and reveals new choices
- Helps you manage stress and change both at home and at work
- Enables you to discover new ways to deal with old problems
- Supports the natural flow of your creativity
- Identifies and transforms habitual life patterns
- Deepens and improves intimate relationships
Further Information
To find out more or register for the next workshop, please contact John on Tel: 07941 141377; john@voicedialogue.org.uk www.voicedialogue.org.uk
Vertibax Joint Healthcare Supports for Joint Pain Relief
VertiBaX™ joint pain relief products, target lower back pain, wrist pain, elbow pain as well as knee and ankle pain; not only offering increased mobility and pain relief, but by promoting rehabilitation after injury.

Healthcare Products: Sensory Belts and Joint Sensory Wraps
Joint sensory wraps are available for the wrist, elbow, ankle and knee and the sensory belt works on the body's core muscles to bring lower back pain relief. The sensory products use natural body heat to keep muscles warm and relaxed, without overheating and sweating. They are also:- Lightweight and breathable
- Can be worn all day every day
- Reduce stiffness
- Relieve lower back and joint pain
- Increase blood flow around joints
- Enhance rehabilitation following injury
Active Joint Supports
Active joint supports enhance prevention of injury and are worn on the lower back, wrist, elbow, ankle or knee during activity. The VertiBaX(tm) joint supports strengthen and support joints during activity, allowing for a higher level of exercise, without causing further damage or injury to the protected body area.Lower Back: Healthcare Sensory Belt
Pain relief for sufferers of persistent lower back pain. A Class 1 Medical Device; for use by the professionals. Designed to be worn comfortably all day, benefiting sufferers of sciatica, scoliosis, degenerative disc disorders and arthritis. Features of the Lower Back: Healthcare Sensory Belt pain reliever include:- The back support belt is made from 2mm breathable fabric which can be worn for extended periods of time without experiencing sweating or overheating
- It ensures that body heat, blood flow and compression remain consistent, whilst the lower back belt is being worn all day, every day
- It is lightweight and can be worn comfortably underneath clothes
- Unique shape prevents the build up of muscle tension and pain in the core muscles of the lower back
Lower Back: Active Support
Manufactured from high density 3mm neoprene, a stiff material providing support to the body's core muscles without restricting movement, relieving back strains and pains during increased levels of exercise.Further Information
Please contact VertiBaX™ on Tel: 01729 841114; www.vertibax.co.uk
Dr Marilyn Glenville Wins Best Nutritional Health Writer Award
Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD has been awarded the title of Best Nutritional Health Writer at the 2009 Optimum Nutrition Awards. She scooped 77% of the votes beating other well known writers including Patrick Holford, Lynne McTaggart and Amanda Ursell, to win this prestigious title.

TV presenter Amanda Hamilton presented the award to Dr Glenville at an event which took place in April in London. While announcing the award Amanda revealed that Dr Glenville was her inspiration and one of the reasons she began to study nutrition.
Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD is one the UK's foremost nutritionists. She is a registered member of the Nutrition Society, President of the Food and Health Forum at The Royal Society of Medicine, psychologist, author and broadcaster who obtained her doctorate from Cambridge University. She has studied and practised nutrition for over 30 years, both in the UK and in the USA, focusing on the nutritional approach to female hormone problems. Today she is recognised as the UK's leading nutritionist specialising in women's health.
Dr Glenville is the author of the international best-selling book Natural Alternatives to HRT published in February 1997 by Kyle Cathie, revised in 2002 and now called New Natural Alternatives to HRT.
The Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) is an independent, not for profit educational charity whose purposes are to advance education of the public and health professionals in all matters relating to nutrition and to preserve and protect the health of the general public by giving advice, assistance and where necessary treatment through nutritional therapy. ION members, students and members of the general public were invited to vote in the awards.
Further Information
Please contact ION via reception@ion.ac.uk; Further information about the awards can be viewed at www.ion.ac.uk/conference.htm
'Nano-Tech' Fan: Help Blow Away Flu Threat
The SmartQ Breezer brought to the UK by Mummy Stay Close, could be just what the Doctor ordered when it comes to protecting yourself and loved ones from viruses and bacteria.

SmartQ 'Baby' and 'Family' Breezers are set to revolutionize control of the spread of viruses and bacteria with their unique protective action, working as a versatile and mobile decontamination and deodorizing unit giving any room a pure and clean air smell which is instantly noticeable.
The SmartQ Breezer is ideal for preventing the spread of airborne infections by way of neutralizing the bacteria and viruses; and will work not only in the home but also in public areas with notable uses including hospital wards and waiting rooms, care homes, day centres, schools and nurseries.
Each of the fans is fitted with either a singular or double tubular UV-A lamp surrounded by an impregnated Titanium Dioxide (TI0²) catalyst. The nanotechnology of the titanium dioxide crystals combined with the UV-A light source incorporated within the fan produces hydroxyl radicals. The hydroxyl radicals are highly oxidizing, which are non-harmful to humans and animals but deadly to bacteria and viruses. The fan throws out these hydroxyl radicals into the room which attach themselves to bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores and destroy them without leaving behind any harmful substances. Hydroxyl radicals last on average between 3 to 7 seconds and as they are carried by the breeze created by the fan can reach hard to reach areas.
The SmartQ Breezer purifies the air within a room and tests from German laboratories have seen the aerobic microbial count in a 20m³ room over a 60 minute period improved the air quality by over 95% for the Baby Breezer, and by over 99% for the Family Breezer.
The 'Baby' Breezer is ideal for use in an area up to 60m³ and the 'Family' size unit can decontaminate a space up to 80m³.
Further Information
SMartQ Breezers cost £149.99 for the 'Baby' size and £179.99 for the larger family unit which includes free delivery to UK mainland. Please visit the company's secure online at www.mummystayclose.co.uk
Bristol Lido Spa
The Lido Spa boasts artisan skincare by ila, whose range is free from synthetic chemicals and are hand blended in a consciously created environment of peace and purity in the heart of the English countryside.
Ila and the Lido Spa team have developed new treatments that reflect the holistic ethos of this urban oasis and the needs of clients for some pure escapism in the heart of the city. These include:
Rainforest Rejuvenation Facial

This is a new, stunning restorative facial that utilizes handpicked and blended extracts from the Amazonian Rainforest. This treatment combines the purity of these elixirs with deeply draining lymphatic techniques and hot poultice massage to restore the skin, encourage the natural cell regeneration process and stimulate the removal of toxins from the face & eyes. This new range of products contains a raw, highly potent blend of four key Rainforest plants that are anti-ageing, strengthen collagen fibres, reduce swelling around the eyes & protect skin against the environmental elements.
Lido Maternity Massage
This gorgeous massage is specifically designed to suit a woman's changing needs during her pregnancy. Our Maternity Massage uses Ila's' luxurious Argan and Rosehip seed oils to nourish the skin, incorporating an effective combination of soothing strokes, joint mobilization, rebalancing energy techniques and deep pressure according to each mother-to-be's unique experiences. This massage provides a wonderful respite from the outside world, a gorgeous way to rebalance the changes that a new baby brings and ensures both a relaxed spirit and time and space to connect with the unborn child. Lido Lomi Lomi Massage
Lomi lomi is the traditional massage style of Hawaii, which brings together the warm spirit of these incredible tropical islands with a deep massage that feels 'to the bone'. In Lomi lomi the therapist uses their forearm to apply a profound, rhythmic yet soothing pressure to the whole body, mobilisation techniques to bring movement into joints and palms to knead away aches and pains. The Perfect Hawaiian Ritual
The Hawaiians are strong believers in cleansing rituals prior to Lomi lomi, including steam sweats, a cleansing diet and herbs to aid the body inside and out. Ila has put together a black sand scrub with white ginger to fully prepare the body before this exquisite massage takes place. Further Information
Please contact The Lido, Oakfield Place, Bristol on Tel: 0117 9339530; spa@lidobristol.com www.lidobristol.com
Focus Health – Mobile Personal and Fitness Training
Marta Kargbo is the Director of Focus Health, launched in 2005, to provide bespoke fitness regimes for people across London. Focus Health offers a mobile service and provide training in the comfort of your own home to help you boost your wellbeing and energy levels by enhancing your vitality, stamina and strength. Focus Health come to you so that you can train in the comfort of your own home. If your home is not convenient then you can train in the park.

Personal Training
All clients' programs are designed as per the individual.
- Come to you
- Complete a FREE consultation on first visit
- Bring the equipment
- Keep the workouts fresh, fun and exciting
- Set up training appointments to keep you motivated
- Design custom fitness plans to help you reach your goals
- Time workouts around your busy schedule
- Lose weight
- Gain muscle
- Increase stamina
- Tone up muscles
- Improve your general health
- Increase energy levels
- Improve flexibility
- Boxercise – combination of boxing and exercise, great stress buster and enhances hand-eye coordination;
- Kickboxercise – combination of kickboxing and exercise using kicks, knees and elbows, very challenging and great fun
- Weight loss
- Cardio training
- Toning and shaping
- Abs
- Strength training
Please contact Marta Kargbo, Director Focus Health on Tel: 0207 703 9565; M: 07536 795 639; info@focushealth.biz www.focushealth.biz
Red Reishi – Cancer Research Studies
Research published in Cancer letters1 highlights the benefits Red Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), as a complementary cancer treatment.

Red Reishi has previously been studied for its effects on leukaemia, as well as on cancers of the breast, bladder, colon, and prostate, but the new study set out to investigate its effects on small-cell lung cancer and took extracts of G. lucidum which were tested on three different types of cells: drug-sensitive small-cell lung cancer, drug-resistant small-cell lung cancer, and normal lung cells.
The researchers discovered that G. lucidum killed lung cancer cells as they responded to the herb much in the same way as they would react to chemotherapy drugs. Yet unlike chemotherapy drugs, which can also be toxic to healthy cells, herbal extracts were more deadly to cancer cells than to normal cells, indicating that they have some ability to specifically target cancer.
Health Benefits of Red Reishi
Published research on red reishi demonstrates the mushroom has several potentially powerful health benefits 2-4, from reducing inflammation 5 to increasing energy levels. Studies have shown its ability to boost general health through supporting the immune system 6-8.Clinical trials now reinforce red reishi's potential use as an immune booster. Leading the way were two studies that investigated reishi's immuno-modulating effect on patients with cancer 10, 11. In these trials patients were administered reishi orally for 12 weeks and significant numbers were seen to show increases to their immune function. Research shows it appears to have the ability to help beat tiredness and fatigue12. Other research has also indicated it may help with health issues such as an anti-inflammatory, protecting the liver and improving sleep13-15.Scientific Studies
2. A preliminary study on the sleep-improvement function of the effective ingredients of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi) fruiting body. Jia, W; Wu M et al.
3. Novel antioxidant peptides from the fermented mushroom Ganoderma lucidum (reishi). Sun J; He H; Xie B. J Agric Food Chem. 2004 Oct 20;52(21):6646-52
4. Effect of 26-Oxygenosterols from Ganoderma lucidum and their activity as Cholesterol Synthesis Inhibitors. Hajjaj H, Mace C, Roberts M, Niederberger P, Fay LB
5. Stavinohoa V.B.e.a. In study of the anti-inflammatory activity of Ganoderma lucidum.
6. Immunomodulating Activities of Gandomerma lucidum (reishi) and its possible mechanisms. Lin Z; Zhang E
7. Akihisa T, Nakamura Y, Tagata M, Tokuda H, Yasukawa K, Uchiyama E, Suzuki T, Kimura Y. Anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor-promoting effects of triterpene acids and sterols from the fungus Ganoderma lucidum. Chem Biodivers. 2007 Feb;4(2):224-31.
8. Yue GG, Fung KP, Tse GM, Leung PC, Lau CB. Comparative studies of various ganoderma species and their different parts with regard to their antitumor and immunomodulating activities in vitro. J Altern Complement Med. 2006 Oct;12(8):777-89.
9. Safety and tolerability of Ganoderma lucidum in healthy subjects: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial.Wicks SM, Tong R, Wang CZ, O'Connor M, Karrison T, Li S, Moss J, Yuan CS. Am J Chin Med. 2007;35(3):407-14.
University of Chicago.
10. Monitoring of immune responses to a herbal immuno-modulator in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Chen X, Hu ZP, Yang XX, Huang M, Gao Y, Tang W, Chan SY, Dai X, Ye J, Ho PC, Duan W, Yang HY, Zhu YZ, Zhou SF. Int Immunopharmacol. 2006 Mar;6(3):499-508. Epub 2005 Sep 15. Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.
11. Effects of ganopoly (a Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide extract) on the immune functions in advanced-stage cancer patients. Gao Y, Zhou S, Jiang W, Huang M, Dai X. Immunol Invest. 2003 Aug;32(3):201-15. Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, New Zealand.
12. A randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled study of a Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide extract in neurasthenia. Tang W, Gao Y, Chen G, Gao H, Dai X, Ye J, Chan E, Huang M, Zhou S. J Med Food. 2005 Spring;8(1):53-8. New Zealand Institute of Natural Medicine Research, Auckland, New Zealand.
13. Stavinohoa V.B.e.a. In study of the anti-inflammatory activity of Ganoderma lucidum.
14. The protective effect of Mikei Red Reishi Essence on chemical induced liver injury. Jiang X.
15. A preliminary study on the sleep-improvement function of the effective ingredients of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi) fruiting body. Jia, W; Wu M et al.
Further Information
Mikei Red Reishi Essence is a Reishi extract available in the UK from Haeon Limited. Buy online at www.haeon.com or from leading health stores.
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