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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 156
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 156 - March 2009
Pascoe Nature Medicine, Giessen for Intestinal Cleansing

Pascoe Nature Medizin, Giessen, is a complete pack for Intestinal Health. A healthy and intact intestinal flora is the basis for good health and well-being. Not only digestion, but above all the natural powers of resistance of the body are influenced by the bacterial cultures living in the intestine. The natural composition of the intestinal flora can be disturbed by unbalanced nutrition, and medications such as antibiotics. Putrefactive bacteria start to accumulate. Indigestion, a sensation of fullness, wind, constipation and weakened resistance or allergic reactions can be the result.
Bowel Cleansing is indicated for the following disorders and situations:
- After taking of antibiotics;
- Stomach and intestinal disorders
- Inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis)
- Inflammatory diseases of the large intestine
- Hay fever, bronchial asthma,
- Allergic skin conditions (neurodermatitis)
Further Information
Please contact Noma (Complex Homoeopathy) Limited on Tel: (0) 23 80770513; (0) 23 80702459; noma@complementary-medicine.com www.complementary-medicine.com
Seagreens®: Micronutrients for Balanced Health
A complete, exceptionally balanced whole food, Seagreens® provide the full balance of micronutrients lacking in many foods including those in meat and dairy, and are "one of the two best detox aids on the high street" (The Guardian 2005). .jpg)
Seagreens® produces 7 Vegan products for human and animal nutrition meeting the Company's founding aim: "to make it easy for all of us to get a gram of seaweed into our daily diet" (Organic & Natural Business 2008). Its dry milled single seaweeds are ingredients and condiments for everyday raw food, cooking and baking, while mixed seaweeds in capsules or granular form provide a dietary foundation widely used in nutritional therapy.
Following government funded research in 2007-8, Seagreens® is now recommended to replace salt in manufactured foods. Seagreens® wild harvesting is sustainable, Certified to Demeter Biodynamic® and Organic Standards. The company harvests its wild wrack seaweeds among conservation islands; nothing is added or extracted, and products are in 100% recyclable jars.
Further Information
Please contact Seagreens® on Tel: 1444-400403; Fax: 1444-400493; Seagreens® Information Service on Tel: 0845-0640040; post@seagreens.com www.seagreens.com
Atlasprofilax for Atlas Alignment
Atlasprofilax is a method developed by RC Schumperli between 1993 and 1996, which realigns the top vertebra in the neck, the Atlas or C1, by a very specific and unique correction of the soft-tissue that holds the Atlas in place.
This realignment initiates a chain reaction as succeeding vertebrae unwind following liberation of the Atlas. Over time, postural imbalances are corrected and optimal functioning of the nervous system can be restored. Many people suffer from a misaligned Atlas without realizing that their postural imbalance and common aches and pains may have a quick and simple solution through correction of their Atlas.
Atlasprofilax Can Help with the Following:
- Back problems including trapped nerves, scoliosis;
- Stiff neck;
- Temporal mandibular disorder (TMD or TMJ);
- Migraines and headaches;
- Anxiety, depression;
- Blood pressure, hypertension;
- Displaced pelvis;
- Knee pain;
- Discrepancy between the length of the legs.
Please contact Aude Le BARAZER on Tel: 0207 460 26 42; audelb@gmail.com
Sounding Bowls: Opening Hearts Across the World
The international Sculpture museum the 'Daetz Centrum' commissioned a piece from local sculptor Tobias Kaye, world renowned for his musical sculptures, Sounding Bowls. 
Reminiscent of a Barbara Hepworth in their use of wires as a linear element contrasting the soft curves of the wood, Tobias's Sounding Bowls also play. Sounding Bowls are used in hospitals and clinics as therapeutic tools, both for their beauty and for their sound.
The Daetz Centrum is Europe's leading museum of wooden sculpture. The new pattern of crossing strings that Tobias has created for this piece is believed to be unique in the world. Experimental Musical Instruments magazine, a world specialist in the history of musical instrum ents, said that there was no precedent for such as Tobias is making.
Further Information
The exhibition runs from March to December starting at the Daetz Centrum www.daetzcentrum.de/Centrum/index.html and travelling through various other German museums. Tobias can be contacted at Buckfastleigh on Tel: 01364642837; www.SoundingBowls.com
Quinton Marine Plasma

Over 100 years ago in France, René Quinton discovered what he described as the "origin of life". Collected from certain areas of the ocean among plankton blooms, diluted with Spring water to achieve isotonicity and cold processed to maintain its live quality, Quinton could replace the entire blood volume of dogs and keep white blood cells alive in vitro for up to a month.
Quinton Marine Plasma (QMP) was used in France in the early 20th century to treat serious epidemics including cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis and influenza and conditions such as cirrhosis of the liver, psoriasis, eczema, syphilitic diseases and athrepsia in children. QMP succeeded in correcting the internal environment of the body, allowing it to function properly and maximize recovery.
René Quinton was the first person to photographically document his patients; thousands of clinical cases were recorded in French. Originally injected, protocols have been established so that QMP is now taken orally or topically.
Further Information and Special Offer
Original Quinton products are available in the UK and distributed through healthcare professionals only. Practitioners can buy a box of Quinton Isotonic and a box of Quinton Hypertonic as a combined one-off special offer of £40 inc VAT and p&p instead of the usual £75. See www.quinton-water.com for details.
Emerson College – Rudolf Steiner Education

Emerson College is an international centre for adult education based on anthroposophy and the work of Rudolf Steiner. Students aged 18 to 80 come from all over the world to study, become involved in the college's community life and contribute to the social calendar. Set in beautiful grounds in the Sussex countryside, Emerson is an inspirational place to study.
Steiner's philosophy – Anthroposophy – is based on the experience that the world around us is more than what we perceive through our five senses; it has inspired particular approaches to art, science and education.
Emerson offers full-time courses in Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy, Visual Arts and Sculpture, Performance Arts, Biodynamic Agriculture and Steiner Waldorf Education, and part-time courses in Waldorf Education and Therapeutic Education. Short courses are offered in biodynamic agriculture, arts, clowning, foundation studies and the internationally acclaimed Emerson School of Storytelling. For families there is the festive "Lifeways" summer week.
Further Information
For a free brochure or more information please contact Emerson College on Tel: 01342 82 22 38; www.emerson.org.uk
Indigenous Herbal Medicines: Tribal Formulations and Traditional Herbal Practices
by Dr Deepak Acharya and Dr Anshu ShrivastavaPublished by Aavishkar Publishers and Distributors – Jaipur. 2008. Hardback. 3000 (INR) or US $ 150. ISBN 9788179102527.
Foreword by Sandra Goodman PhD

Ethno botanical research on medicinal plants is gaining importance and is included among the advanced research in India during recent years. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that 80% of the population of developing countries relies on traditional medicines, mostly plant drugs, for their primary health care needs. This book revolves around the traditional herbal knowledge of Indian tribesmen. Over 90% of tribal population in two tribal pocket of India i.e. Patalkot, Dangs & Sawai Madhopur depends on traditional medical practices for day to day health care.
- More than 2200 herbal formulation for curing range of human health ailments;
- Detailed profiles of 210 medicinally important plants;
- Most updated botanical names based in ICBN and also vernacular names in all Indian local languages;
- Ethobotanical studies of 3 remote tribal pockets (Dangs, Patalkot and Aravallis) in India;
- 400+ pages with up to date references.
Further Information
Please contact the publishers on Tel: +91-141-2578159; Mob: +91-9828040770; aavishkarbooks@hotmail.com; pointerpub@hotmail.com
This title may be purchased online at Bagchee.com https://www.bagchee.com/books.php?id=49656
and at Vedams Book www.vedamsbooks.com/no56906.htm
Healing Our Hormones, Healing Our Lives
by Linda CrockettPublished by O-books. 2009. Paperback £11.99; $24.95. ISBN 978-1-84694-169-6.
People have always found hormones mysterious and women in particular have often been misdiagnosed and misunderstood. They get blood screenings, scans, squabs, scraps and smears, and they all come back negative, even though they intuitively know there is something wrong.
Linda tells how hormonal conditions today are treated on a very physical level, with either synthetic hormones or organ removal. Through reading each chapter of this book women get to explore all aspect of themselves, bringing an approachable understanding to their physical symptoms, recognizing the hidden emotional origins of their hormonal conditions, and finding the soul-utions to their health problems.
Linda Crockett is a Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist and Healer with a special interest in Women's Health. She holds a bachelors degree in Nutrition from Queens College, City University of New York and a four year diploma from the renowned School of Phytotherapy in East Sussex, and is a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists and the National Federation of Spiritual Healers.
Further Information
Available from www.o-books.com and from www.amazon.co.uk and www.amazon.com
Shakti Mat: Happiness and Deep Relaxation On a 'Bed of Nails'

The Shakti Mat is the modern version of the original Bed of Nails, created by Indian Yogis over 6,000 years ago using ancient Indian wisdom to create health on all levels and to dissolve pain, stress, discomfort and tension. It is now available in the UK in a more user-friendly 'softer' design; people are reporting significant improvement in a wide range of conditions including:
- Back pain;
- Neck pain;
- Sciatica;
- Insomnia;
- Depression;
- Fatigue;
- Poor circulation;
- Digestive problems;
- Other conditions including weight loss, cellulite, allergies.
Further Information
Please contact Shakti Mat UK onTel: 01622 715576; info@shaktimat.co.uk www.shaktimat.co.uk
Lipo-Flavonoid for Ménière's Disease
The Eriodictyol Glycoside contained in the Lemon Bioflavonoid complex of Lipo-Flavonoid Plus(r) has been shown by numerous clinical studies to provide relief and improvement in patient condition. Lipo-Flavonoid works to improve circulation in the inner ear, helping the microscopic hairs responsible for transmitting electrical impulses of sound to the brain stay flexible and fluids within the ear canals to flow better. As a result, users report a reduction in symptoms of Ménière's disease which include vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss.
Other natural products that may offer relief include:
- Periwinkle improves blood flow in the inner ear and brain;
- Ginkgo Biloba may increase the circulation of blood to the ears. Ginkgo has antioxidant activity, improves arterial blood flow and enhances cellular metabolism;
- Magnesium has been found to be protective to hearing function from exposure to noise;
Further Information
Please contact Discount Vitamins and Herbs on Tel: 0800 7313 345; ww.discountvitaminsandherbs.com.
Natural Cure Bacon by Denhay Farm

New Natural Cure bacon, launched by multi award-winning Denhay Farms of Dorset, uses naturally occurring preservatives found in vegetables together with Sea Salt to produce a succulent, full of flavour bacon which is free from artificial preservatives.
George Streatfeild at Denhay Farm explains: "By creating our Natural Cure recipe, which is completely free from E-numbers, we are providing consumers with choice, and the reassurance that they can still eat delicious, tender and succulent British bacon, without having to be anxious about artificial preservatives."
All Denhay Farm's bacon is from outdoor reared, British pigs. Denhay's knowledge and skill in producing bacon has resulted in the Company winning awards each year – in bacon they have amassed a total of over 38 medals since 2000 of which 22 were Gold – from the country's top food award schemes.
Further Information
Denhay's Natural Cure is available from selected Waitrose stores, Ocado nationwide and Wholefoods in London. For more information please Tel: 01308 458963; www.denhay.co.uk
London to Paris Bike Ride – Médecins du Monde UK

Following the success of our sponsored bike ride in 2008, Médecins du Monde UK (MDM UK) is calling for more adventurous cyclists to sign up for the fourth London to Paris Bike Ride 2009. This incredible three-day challenge covers almost 300 kilometres of hilly – but stunningly colourful – terrain.
The proceeds will help to send volunteers overseas to provide medical care to vulnerable people who are affected by natural disasters (recent earthquake in Peru), conflict (emergency mission sent to Iraq) and extreme poverty (HIV/AIDS prevent amongst the slum dwellers in Cambodia).
For the Bike Ride challenge, the team meets in London on the first morning, then cycles to the coast to catch a ferry from Newhaven to Dieppe. In 2009, MDM UK's London to Paris Bike Ride will leave London on Friday 10 July, arriving at the Eiffel Tower in Paris by late afternoon on Sunday 12 July. Cyclists can rest their tired legs on Monday 13 July, sightsee or visit MDM's Parisian offices. The return journey is by Eurostar on Monday afternoon.
Further Information
Participants must pay a non-refundable £99 Registration Fee, then pledge to raise £1,000 in sponsorship funds. For Information Packs for Médecins du Monde UK's London to Paris Bike Ride 2009, email events. assistant@medecinsdumonde.org.uk or phone Elinor or Kaïna on Tel: 020 7515 7534. The Bike Ride logistics are being arranged by Classic Tours www.classictours.co.uk
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