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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 153
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 153 - December 2008
Professional Training Courses: British Academy of Sound Therapy
Lyz Cooper and The British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST) now offers three professional training courses based at the Bognor Campus of the University of Chichester.
Learn how to help improve health and wellbeing with a range of instruments including Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, voice, gong, drum, tuning forks and sound essences.
There are professional courses to suit all needs and budgets as well as self-development courses and workshops for those who do not want to work in a professional capacity. BAST are enrolling now.
Further Information
Please contact BAST on Tel:. 01243 544454; soundworks@sacredsound.net www.healthysound.com
Rent a Light Box to Help with SAD

Most people are now aware of SAD and how many people feel depressed in the winter. Will light therapy work for you? Now you can rent a light box to try it out - if you decide to buy they will deduct the first month's rental off the purchase price.
SAD is a type of winter depression that affects an estimated half a million people every winter. It is characterised by recurrent episodes of depression, oversleeping, loss of libido, lack of energy and overeating. The direct cause is lack of bright light and the effect this has on hormone production. Normally, as day breaks the increasing level of light stimulates our brain to stop the production of melatonin, the hormone that sends us to sleep. At the same time the light should stimulate the production of serotonin, a hormone that affects emotions in humans. On dull winter days not enough light is received to trigger this waking up process, resulting in high melatonin levels, causing lethargy and sleep problems, and low serotonin levels, causing depression.
A lack of bright natural light is not made up by normal artificial light. The intensity of light in an office is only 200 to 500 lux, whereas on a bright summer day it is over 100,000! The main treatment is light therapy. This involves sitting a few feet away from a specially designed light box that emits very bright light. Depending on the intensity, the sufferer merely needs to sit near the light for 30-90 minutes, and can carry out normal activities such as reading, eating and working.
Studies show that light therapy is effective in up to 85 per cent of diagnosed cases. Within three to four days hormone production is restored to normal and users should experience a marked improvement. Various strength light boxes are available from The Healthy House, a mail order business for people with allergies. They can be rented for the winter from £19 a month.
Further Information
Please contact The Healthy House on Tel: 01453 752216; www.healthy-house.co.uk
Honduran Flood Appeal

Floods and landslides have forced tens of thousands of people from their homes, damaged roads and bridges, and left Honduras on the brink of disaster. As many as 100,000 people - including 35,000 children - do not have access to safe drinking water. UNICEF have said that life-saving supplies are quickly running out in Honduras; that it has already used up many of the blankets, medical and hygiene kits, and other relief items it had stockpiled before the storm season. The agency warned of the increased risk of malnutrition and waterborne diseases for children.
"We've got a time-bomb in the making," said Nils Kastberg, UNICEF's regional director.
"This flooding is worse than what was caused by (Hurricane) Mitch in 1998" said Chet Thomas, Mercy Corp's representative in Honduras.
"Our crops are totally destroyed and only God knows how we will eat this next year" Kathy Rubio. Medical Relief worker, Danli, Honduras.
Physiotherapy Volunteers Overseas will be sending donations and volunteers to Honduras and urgently need your help.
Please send a donation through our secure web service: www.bmycharity.com/physios
LCTA College Principal Launches Essential Acupuncture Handbook
Acupuncture: an Aid to Differential Diagnosis - A Portable Reference
by Susanna Dowie MA LicAc MBAcC HonMRCHM MATCM
LCTA Principal Susanna Dowie has launched a new book which gives comprehensive conventional and acupuncture differential diagnosis, referenced by presenting condition and by acupuncture diagnosis. Presented in an accessible format and spiral bound, it gives the practitioner and student access to a handy and portable memory aid to differential diagnosis.
Each page is cut horizontally once, making four sections on a double page spread. The top pair of sections cover the Western and Chinese medicine differential diagnosis of a given condition, whilst the bottom sections cover the Chinese medicine syndromes listed together with the acupuncture and lifestyle advice appropriate. The cut pages can be turned independently to enable rapid reference and comparison.
Copies of the book are available through LCTA or through a range of complementary medicine book suppliers including www.amazon.co.uk
About the London College of Traditional Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (LCTA)
LCTA is a leading private college based in North London offering a range of entry-level and advanced courses in traditional acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Courses are available for study on a full- or part-time basis, including weekend study options.LCTA's courses were accredited by their respective professional bodies well in advance of statutory regulation; College remains at the forefront of Chinese medicine study. Graduates of accredited courses enter into practice with automatic professional body membership, a comprehensive knowledge of their chosen field and practical knowledge and clinical experience.
Further Information
Please contact LCTA on 020 8446 3332; college@lcta.com www.lcta.com
Sacred Ecstasy Trance Dance

After the success of their last trance dance at Zu Studios, Sacred Ecstasy are back, and have found the oldest church in Brighton for our next round of Trance Dances. It's a beautiful space - and BIG! - perfect for all their needs. Really looking forward to taking this sacred work into such a sacred space!
The next 3 dates in Brighton:
Further InformationSaturday 22nd November
Winter Solstice Trance Dance Special: Saturday 20 Dec
Friday 16 January 2009
Please contact Shanti Dass, Ecstatic Trance Dance Facilitator on Mob: 07863 134255;
spiritjamming@yahoo.co.uk www.sacredecstasy.co.uk
Holigral International Retreat on the Edge - Land's End Cape Cornwall

The world's quickest way to become a stress free - self empowered human being
Public interest: A no-nonsense, unique and sustainable, life changing experience that accommodates even the busiest of people.
Now there is an accelerated path bringing permanent change and sustainable at-one-ment for those who committed themselves to a 7 day residential workshop. Here you find your own unique way to your at-one, authentic self that is present in all of us. The workshop is guided by experienced facilitators who have all found their own at-one, authentic self through the principals of the universal laws of physics applied to the human mind. In the workshop, the facilitation is based on a minimum of reality intrusion and working with the delegate's system rather than fighting it. For many this means addressing those shadows that have created the blocks and limitations that have stopped you from realising your dreams. That experience is not for the fainthearted but at the same time it is a lot of fun, as the relief experienced brings great moments of joy and happiness on your journey towards achieving mankind's Holy Grail: Pure beingness of joy, fun and love.05-12 December - Land's End Cape Cornwal
About the workshop:
The work shop, being held in Cape Cornwall from Friday the 5th of December till Friday the 12th, is a 7 day all inclusive residential retreat where, in an environment of minimal outside world intrusions, you are able to shed life's baggage that is holding you back. The group size is limited to 9 and there is one facilitator for every 3 delegates. The workshop is fully experiential and at no time anything is 'done to you'. You yourself are in the driving seat on a journey of self discovery and exploration, that ultimately leads to achieving sustainable at-one-ment and a stress-free, worry-free existence for the remainder of your life. The 7 day workshop is complemented by 9 months of ongoing support from your Holigral International Facilitator. There are airport transfers available from Newquay Airport (www.ryanair.com for flights from London Stansted, Barcelona and Alicante & www.airsouthwest.com for flights from London Gatwick, Dublin, Cork, Glasgow, Newcastle, Leeds/Bradford, Manchester and Bristol).Further Information
Please contact Holigral on Tel: 084 56 03 56 99; contact@holigral.com www.holigral.com
New virtual Classroom for Anatomy and Physiology Launched

Essentials for Health, the UK leader in massage training, has launched an online film based anatomy and physiology training package.
The package features one of the UK's leading Anatomy and Physiology teachers and chartered physiotherapist Jane Johnson and will enable students to gain an equivalent of an NVQ Level 3 Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology, a requirement of all health and wellbeing related courses and professions.
The training, of approximately 60 hours in duration, consists of twelve unique hours of activity based films along with activity sheets, interactive quizzes, drag and drop exercises such as building a skeleton, self assessments to measure progress and teleconferencing support with tutors and other students. The package has all the benefits of distance learning with regards flexibility, but is also fun, inspirational and designed to be available to refer to once qualified.
Further Information
The package is available to trial for free at; http://www.essentialsforhealth.co.uk/courses/distance_learning.php or Tel: 0845 108 0088.
NiteHerb - Natural Relief for Restless Sleepers

NiteHerb is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of sleep disturbances due to symptoms of mild anxiety, exclusively based upon long-standing use as a traditional remedy.
About one in five people has some difficulty with sleeping,(1) with women twice as likely to suffer than men.(2) One of the most common causes of sleepless nights is stress and anxiety.(3)
NiteHerb, a new registered traditional herbal medicine containing valerian root, has been assessed by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) under the traditional herbal medicine registration scheme (THMRS).
Valerian, which is common across Europe, Asia and North America, has been used since Greek and Roman times to help relieve anxiety and hasten sleep. Clinical studies have confirmed that valerian root extract is considered by users to be an effective aid to sleep which improves the quality of sleep and the regularity of sleep patterns.(4) Proper rest is essential for people to restore energy levels to ensure they are equipped to deal with the stresses and strains of the next day.
(1). www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/23068774/ accessed 17th Oct 2008.
(2). www.medic8.com/healthguide/articles/insomnia.html accessed 17th Oct 2008
(3). www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/insomnia1.shtml accessed 17th Oct 2008
(4). Leathwood PD, Chauffard F, Heck E and Munoz-Box R. Aqueous extract of valerian root (Valeriana officinalis L.) improves sleep quality in man. Nestle Res. Lab., 1814 La Tour-de-Peilz SWITZERLAND PHARMACOL. BIOCHEM. BEHAV. (USA).17/1 (65-70). 1982.
Further Information
Each NiteHerb tablet contains 150mg of extract (as dry extract) from valerian root. Available nationwide from Boots and leading pharmacy and health food stores. For more information Tel: 01628 401980; www.niteherb.co.uk
Winter Solstice Retreat 19th -21st December 08

The key to a healthy mind, body and soul can be found in the food we eat and the juice we drink. Emma Jones, The Natural Doctor, an experienced Naturopathic practitioner from Cardiff, specializes in helping people to reconnect with their minds and bodies via diet and the turning wheel of the season.
The Winter Solstice Retreat at Buckland Hall in the Brecon Beacons will include workshops on Natural medicine; how to prepare healthy recipes with Emma Jones and Inspiring Angel workshops with Joanne Hughes. There is also the opportunity to get physical with Yoga, enjoy a dance workshop and walks to the waterfalls.
The menu includes an exclusive naturopathic diet of organic seasonal celebration food and cocktails. With two workshops per day designed for your personal needs. These include how to self diagnose through face and tongue analysis, as well as designing your own health programme for the season.
Further information:
Price inclusive of accommodation, food and all classes £300. Please contact Emma Jones on Mob: 07854 425930; ej_nutrition@yahoo.co.uk www.healthyjones.co.uk
Acupuncture Lecturer Joins Chinese Research Team

Dr Jason Tsai, an acupuncture lecturer from the University of Lincoln will travel to Beijing to join a research team of 12 other academics to explore the effectiveness of traditional Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of panic disorders.
The group has been awarded a grant by the Chinese government to carry out the work at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. The research team will compare the effectiveness and side effects of modern drugs and traditional Chinese herbal medicines in the treatment of panic disorders. A pilot study has already indicated traditional Chinese methods could be used to tackle panic disorders without the adverse side effects of western drugs - which can induce nausea, insomnia, tremors or dizziness.
The research project, expected to last three years, will involve patients from Beijing hospitals who are being treated for panic disorders. They will be randomly assigned into two groups: one group will be given conventional western medicines, while the other will receive Chinese herbal medicine called the Three Sen Decoction - a type of herbal tea.
Dr Tsai studied pharmacy in his native Taiwan then took a masters degree and a PhD in biochemistry. Dr Jason Tsai was recently appointed as a member of the accreditation committee of the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board. Details of the research project will be published in the Chinese Journal of Psychiatry - the country's leading journal in the field.
Further Information
Please contact University of Lincoln on Tel: 01522 886042; irichards@lincoln.ac.uk
Osteopath Wins National 'Hero' Award

A Stockport osteopath has won a national 'hero' award after being nominated by a local woman whose migraines stopped after she underwent treatment.
Clifford Lomas, from Great Moor, was awarded the 'Best in Complementary Medicine' title at the 'Migraine Heroes Healthcare Awards', held in London on Monday 8th September by national charity, Migraine Action.
Migraine Action asked people affected by migraine - estimated at 8 million people in the UK - to nominate their migraine heroes as part of its celebrations for Migraine Awareness Week (7th -13th September). Clifford was nominated by Philippa Bonorino, from Romiley, whose migraines stopped when she began treatment last November.
Philippa had been affected by migraines since she was a child, and these continued throughout adulthood. Philippa gave up traditional treatment which had offered little relief from her migraines, but was amazed at the results of her treatment by Clifford, and that this was done without the need for drugs.
Further Information
For further information and advice on migraines, please visit www.migraine.org.uk. For details on osteopathy visit the British Osteopathic Association website at www.osteopathy.org
Pangarden Game Offers Solutions to Life Questions!

The recently launched Pangarden Game is designed to help you find balanced and harmonious solutions to whatever challenges you face. The Pangarden Game builds a bridge to your innate creativity to support your personal evolution.
This game contains coloured shapes to map-out any life situation you have questions about. As you address the situation with openness and honesty, specific card-sets for Needs, Light, Shadows, Genetic Patterns, Healing and Spiritual Impulses give insights, understanding and trigger shift-processes. The detailed instructions offer lots of useful advice and guidance. There are no strict rules, as intuition, creativity and Nature Intelligence are your partners in this game. Pangarden is the perfect gift for people of all ages. Anyone can play alone or with friends or family and there are no special skills required.
Further Information and Special Offer
Normal price £62.00 available to PH Online readers for only £52.00. To claim the £10 readers discount for the Pangarden Game please mention this code when ordering or use it on our website checkout: Reader08. Offer ends 29th September 2009. Please contact Martin Kutternik at Pangarden on Tel: 01309 694 809; info@pangarden.org www.pangarden.org
Perfekt Granolas Strike Just the Right Balance

Perfekt Nutrition's range of organic granolas is blended to provide exactly the right proportion of nutrients for optimum health.
Founded by Karolina Gardiner, with the aim of spearheading a new generation of 'super' cereals, Perfekt is the only granola to combine the ideal 60:40 ratio of carbohydrates and protein (including essential fatty acids).
A low GI food, Perfekt granolas are made with the finest organic-grade ingredients, from Omega-rich Cold-Pressed Rapeseed Oil to Agave Nectar, a natural fructose from the blue Agave plant which gives a delicately sweet taste but without the calories of sugar or honey.
The range currently includes Organic Granola Nuts and Seeds and two first-to-market granolas: Nut Free Organic Granola with Pink Apple and Naturally Gluten Free Organic Granola with Quinoa Nuts and Seeds, to enable allergy sufferers the chance to enjoy the tastes and benefits of a perfectly balanced granola.
Further Information
Perfekt granolas is available from Fresh & Wild, Whole Foods Market and Planet Organic. For further stockist information visit www.perfektnutrition.com.
Sharpen your Eyesight without Reading Glasses
The Read Without Glasses Method could help you reduce, or even get rid of reading glasses forever. Created clinically by international vision expert, Dr Ray Gottlieb, and developed for the wider public by Martin Sussman, the method is now available for home use on DVD. The Read Without Glasses Method DVD makes a great Christmas present for relatives.
On 15 March 2009 Alternatives are hosting a workshop with Martin personally introducing this unique technique. Many workshop participants experience a sharpening of their near vision during the day, and each person leaves with a specific understanding of how to continue their improvement.
This workshop is for reducing presbyopia, that is the need for reading glasses. It is suitable for people who have normal distance vision, as well as those who have in addition to their presbyopia myopia, astigmatism or long sightedness. It is not for people with squint, 'lazy' eye, amblyopia, blindness in one eye, or eye pathology. To see if The Read Without Glasses Method could work for you try the pre-test at www.withoutglasses.co.uk.
Martin Sussman is an international authority on vision and founder of the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision in Massachusetts, USA. Martin is author of The Program for Better Vision, the world's number 1 best-selling vision improvement audio system, co-author of Total Health at the Computer, and co-presenter of The Read Without Glasses Method DVD.
Further Information
To book for Martin Sussman's workshop go to www.alternatives.org.uk or call Tel: 0207 287 6711. Buy the DVD at www.withoutglasses.co.uk Comments:
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