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Harry Oldfield - Inventor of Electro-Scanning and Polycontrast Interference Photography

by Jane Solomon(more info)

listed in energy medicine, originally published in issue 41 - June 1999

Can you tell us about your methods for measuring these subtle fields of energy?

I have developed two methods. The first is an offshoot from my early work with Kirlian photography. It's called the Electro-Scanning Method, or ESM, where we obtain a three-dimensional reference field around the body and are able to measure the field quantitatively. The second, called the PIP Scanner, provides a semi-qualitative analysis of the energy field. It records light interference patterns, that is, how ambient light interacts with subtle energy fields.

My interest in Kirlian photography started about twenty years ago after I saw pictures of the phantom leaf effect from Russia. (Fig. 1). This phenomenon seemed to support an idea which had fascinated me for years, that is the idea of morphogenetic fields, the postulated organising templates of energy on which physical molecules are strung. These fields were notoriously difficult to measure and so many scientists doubted their existence.

Figure 1: The ‘Phantom Leaf’ effect. One image (left) shows a corona around the leaf. The second (right) shows the ‘phantom’ still present after the physical leaf has been cut off the stem.
Figure 1: The ‘Phantom Leaf’ effect. One image (left) shows a corona around the leaf. The second (right) shows the ‘phantom’ still present after the physical leaf has been cut off the stem.

Kirlian photography was my first insight into the invisible universe of subtle energy. Interestingly we would see changes in the Kirlian images of hands when someone had a cold or even toothache compared to when they were healthy. We could even see changes in the Kirlian images happening long before they developed a physical problem.

A number of hospitals and doctors showed interest in the diagnostic potential of Kirlian. I did some interesting work with Dr Glen Rein, who was working on the biochemical synthesis of cancer cells in a London hospital. We initially examined human breast cancer biopsy specimens and compared them with normal adjacent tissue obtained at the same operation. The intensity of light emitted from the tumour tissues was substantially greater than that obtained from the normal tissue. It looked as if we had found something of true diagnostic interest.

However, the Kirlian images were, at this stage, two-dimensional: being 'pictures' on a plate. I had noticed that subjects being photographed with the Kirlian camera were also transmitting 'signals' when they were in contact with the device. I wanted to achieve three-dimensional energy-field scanning as this would give depth of field and offer quantitative measurements. I managed to get a circular reference field around subjects such as plants, animals and insects with no problem. When I started to scale it up to human beings, people found it too disconcerting. It was like being plunged into a live ants' nest. This was the effect of the electrostatics all over the body.

However, I was concerned as a scientist, that if you disturb the very thing you are trying to monitor your observations are invalid. So I took a different tack. By lowering the voltage and upping the frequency I was able to obtain a three-dimensional reference field around the body. But the field was invisible and I had to use remote detectors (sensitive oscilloscope probes) to detect it. Later on we used sound level devices to measure the sound pressure waves and changes from place to place around the body. We called this the Electro-Scanning Method.

With ESM I found seven energy configuration points on the body. I was amazed to be told that these energy centres I had located coincided with the Chakra system of the East, which I knew nothing about at the time.

In ESM we take an initial normal reference reading, relative to that person alone. This we take from a healthy site on the body. In effect we zero the meter on that level, creating the scale for that person. Then we go to other parts of the body, for example the seven chakras, the main organs and so on (Fig. 2). In areas of disease, we get fluctuations on the meter away from the zero-balance or norm. No matter what disease we are talking about, energy imbalance is involved.

Figure 2: Scanning with the electro-scanning method, or ESM. Harmless sound and radio signals from the electro-crystal generator are induced into the body via the hand-held crystal and saline electrode. Returning signals detected provide diagnostic information about the energy field. Figure 2: Scanning with the electro-scanning method, or ESM. Harmless sound and radio signals from the electro-crystal generator are induced into the body via the hand-held crystal and saline electrode. Returning signals detected provide diagnostic information about the energy field.

What correlation did you find between disease states and the fluctuations detected around the body?

In inflammatory conditions there would be a bubbling out or convex effect occurring in the field with a 'plus' reading on the meter. With a debilitating or degenerative disease, a concave effect would occur in the field with a 'minus' reading on the meter. I found that, by taking a number of readings around the body into account, patterns could be recognised and diagnostic information was the result.

Can you tell us about PIP?

PIP stands for Polycontrast Interference Photography. I believe it is showing-up the energy counterpart, the etheric template on which our physical molecules are strung. On average, every molecule in the human body is replaced every nine years. Therefore, I am a moving fountain of physical molecules and my molecules are constantly being destroyed and replaced. So what keeps me a coherent recognisable form? It could be an organising template of energy: a morphogenetic field.

I believe it is this invisible energy field which we were able to see with Kirlian techniques and are now able to see with PIP. As I have said, ESM gave me a three-dimensional scanning ability around the body but I was missing the visual aspect that I had with the early Kirlian experiments. I was keen to develop a system which gave me visual information without artefacts such as the 'ants' nest' effect.

When I went to the United States in the late eighties, I met Dr Richard Gerber (author of Vibrational Medicine, Bear and Co. 1988). He suggested that my ESM system might be computer compatible. As an incentive he said he was so confident about my work that he was going to mention it in his book. He knew I would rise to the challenge and want to be the first to achieve a computerised visual energy-field scanning system. So I set about learning as much as I could about computers. This led to the development of the PIP system.

The image on the left shows a man with ‘healthy’ back energy. The image on the right shows a man with back pain in the area of the red congestion on the spine. Note the line of red energy flowing away to the right which is in the area of muscle spasm. Muscle tension is indicated by ‘bands’ flowing across the upper back. The left elbow is also indicating an energy imbalance.
The image on the left shows a man with ‘healthy’ back energy. The image on the right shows a man with back pain in the area of the red congestion on the spine. Note the line of red energy flowing away to the right which is in the area of muscle spasm. Muscle tension is indicated by ‘bands’ flowing across the upper back. The left elbow is also indicating an energy imbalance.

With PIP, we don't interfere with the subject at all and there can be no criticism of artefact. Instead of using an electrical reference through the body, we use a full-spectrum light reference to produce the interference effect. The person being scanned stands against a monochromatic (usually white) background screen. The picture is taken with a video camera, which acts like an artificial eye. A wire, the artificial optic nerve, connects the camera to a computer, the artificial brain. In effect, we have created an instrument which can 'see' the energy field in much the same way as people with gifts of vision. Of course, technology cannot yet match the intricacies of the human eye/brain cognitive mechanism, but future developments in computer efficiency will hopefully bridge some of the gap.

Old leg injury. Energy in the area of the left calf, where the old injury was sustained, is still bulging. This indicates a persisting energy field imbalance. The line of red energy outside the right leg suggests that the right leg is under strain due to compensating for the weakness of the left leg. Electro-crystal therapy would seek to balance the field. Old leg injury. Energy in the area of the left calf, where the old injury was sustained, is still bulging. This indicates a persisting energy field imbalance. The line of red energy outside the right leg suggests that the right leg is under strain due to compensating for the weakness of the left leg. Electro-crystal therapy would seek to balance the field.

Imagine a bar code on a supermarket can. The video camera and computer are used in the PIP system to scan a person in the same way that the supermarket checkout machine scans the bar code.

Our system comes up with a set of numbers from the scan by giving photons a number. It is a digital encoding system. The minutest change in density of photons is recorded and amplified to give the picture you see on the computer screen. We scan at 50 frames per second, so this is a lot of information processing.

What do you think PIP is detecting?

I believe PIP is interacting with the subtle energy field. If you look at my hand now, you can see it naked. If I put a glove on it you could still see the actions of my hand and how it behaves. If there were a lump on my finger, under a thin glove you could see the glove slightly stretched and bulging over the lump. Under very thin surgical gloves, you could probably see my fingernails. But you would not actually be seeing my hand. You would be seeing the covering over it. You can think of the light interference patterns as a covering which interferes with the subtle energy-field, making it visible. That's what PIP is looking at. I'm using the light like the glove.

The PIP scans show many colours and patterns on and around the body. Does each colour indicate a particular vibration?

Yes. It's all about pattern and colour recognition. Different colours represent different frequencies of energy.

When you are looking at chakra colours on our visual equipment, you are not just seeing one colour, you are seeing a mixture of colours. If a chakra is behaving itself perfectly, one colour will predominate. For instance the throat chakra has more of a blue hue when it is healthy than when it is not. The same with the base chakra, it will be a dirty muddy brown if there are problems, and red if it is healthy. Also, when red kundalini energy goes elsewhere, that is, it goes to the wrong place at the wrong time, there is a potential danger. I see potentially dangerous distortions in people with diseases such as MS and cancer.

For example, a cancer tumour could show up as a high intensity spot. But there are a lot of other factors, which contribute to the diagnosis as to whether this is something seriously pathological. For example, we may see toxic signals from the liver; and distortions over the thymus gland which would indicate that the immune system is involved.

We have spoken about methods of diagnosis. Could you tell us something about your methods of balancing the energy field as an aid to healing?

In my early work, I was very involved in using Kirlian as a research tool in hospitals, particularly for cancer. I soon became concerned at the severe energy field disturbances that could be detected in people undergoing certain harsh treatments used in orthodox medicine. Unable to keep my concerns to myself, I was soon told my services were no longer required. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise as I was then left with no option but to develop my own system for treating, that is re-balancing, the energy fields

I knew that electromagnetism had been used for a long time in orthodox medicine, to stimulate bone healing for example. My first breakthrough involved understanding and applying the electromagnetism at healing frequencies and pulses, using an electro-generator and saline tube electrode. The second innovation was to add crystals (in the saline tube electrode) to the electromagnetic (EM) pulses emanating from my electro-crystal generator. The system became known as Electro-Crystal Therapy.

The EM field on its own had caused some interesting therapeutic results but, when combined with crystals, the healing effect took a quantum leap. Things I never thought possible started occurring. Problems like migraine would often disappear after just one session. People with MS would find that their limbs were strengthening and straightening and they wouldn't get tremors and cramps at night. Arthritic pain was relieved. Even people with terrible pain would find it diminished. Some people with cancer pain came off their morphine. I found this incredible and concentrated my full efforts on developing the Electro-Crystal Therapy system to its fullest potential.

How did you know which frequencies and pulses to use in order to stimulate the crystals to the best healing effect?

There is ancient knowledge about the chakra vibrations or frequencies contained in books from India called the Upanishads. Each chakra is depicted as a lotus flower, and with a specific number of petals. I was told that the number of petals represented the frequencies of each chakra. I then worked out, mathematically, the frequency patterns for the seven chakras from base to the crown.

How did you decide which crystals to use?

First, I read a lot about crystals. They have been well documented for thousands of years as having natural healing properties. Armed with this knowledge, I then employed an empirical system and found out what did and didn't work. For example, it turned out that red crystals such as garnet were good for the base chakra and blue crystals such as lapis lazuli were effective for the throat.

By using the electromagnetism combined with the crystals we have been able, over some twenty years, to develop a very good understanding of which combinations to use to correct the energetic imbalances associated with disease.

I like to use the analogy of the tuning fork. If the human is a Steinway piano we try to tune it to its optimal performance. Electro-Crystal Therapy is a human energy field re-tuning system. It works in conjunction with other therapies, both natural and orthodox.

How do you see the future for vibrational medicine?

Vibrational medicine will be the medicine of the 21st century. I believe it will reach its fullest potential after the millennium, when more and more orthodox medical minds will come to accept the emerging vibrational sciences.

What new projects have you been working on?

With my knowledge of energy and 'light interference' I have invented a new microscope device which has recently gone to patent. With this instrument we are able to see coloured energy from all living things without staining or messing with the life processes of the organism or tissue we are observing. The microscope is the culmination of all my work to date.

Further Information

For further information about Electro-Crystal Therapy and PIP contact: The School of Electro-Crystal Therapy, 117, Long Drive, Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 OHL. Telephone/Fax: 0181 841 1716


  1. Viorel Bungau said..

    Dear Mrs./Mr.Professor,
    Please join me in this research proposal, as leader, because I can not go alone.Please inform me your opinion about this hypothesis.
    The basic idea of this theory is that the oxidation of hydrogen and carbon atoms, arising from the degradation of carbohydrates, is by two distinct processes based on oxidation-reduction electron transfer and photochemical process of energy release on the basis of color complementary, predominance of one or another depending on intracellular acid-base balance.
    Final biological oxidation, the production of CO2 and H2O, should be reconsidered in the sense that a distinction must be made between the oxidation of carbon and hydrogen oxidation. In the case of carbon atoms, cytochrome oxidase must have an alkaline chemical structure, to be colored green and so can absorb additional red energy carbon atoms derived from carbohydrate. For the oxidation of H atom cytochrome oxidase must have a acidic chemical structure, to be colored red, and so can absorb additional green energy hydrogen atom derived from carbohydrate.
    We propose an experiment to prove that the final biological oxidation, in addition to its oxidation-reduction, with formation of H2O and CO2, there is a photochemical effect, by which energy is transferred from the H atom, or C, process is done selct, the colors, complementary colors on the basis of the structures involved are colored (red hemoglobin Fe, Mg chlorophyll green, blue ceruloplasmin Cu, Fe cytochrome oxidase red,green cytochrome oxidase with Cu etc.). The basic idea is that if life pigments (chlorophyll, hemoglobin, cytochromes), which provides energy metabolism of the cell, are colored, we can control their activities through chromotherapy, on the basis of complementary color and energy rebalance the body, with a figured COLOR ELECTROPHOTOGRAPHY.
    In my opinion, at the basis of malign transformation is a disturbance of
    energetical metabolism, which reached a level that cell can not correct
    (after having succeeded before, many times), disturbance that affects
    the whole body in different degrees and requires corection from outside
    starting from the ideea that the final biological oxidizing takes place
    through photochemical process with releasing and receieving energy.





    If in photosynthesis is the direct effect of monochromatic irradiation, in the final biological oxidation effect is reversed.
    Exogenous irradiation with green, induces endogenous irradiation with
    red, and vice versa.
    "About Carcinogenesis."
    Final biological oxidation, the production of CO2 and H2O,
    should be reconsidered in the sense that a distinction must be made
    between the oxidation of carbon and hydrogen oxidation. In the case of
    carbon atoms, cytochrome oxidase must have an alkaline chemical
    structure, to be colored green and so can absorb additional red energy
    carbon atoms derived from carbohydrate. For the oxidation of H atom
    cytochrome oxidase must have a acidic chemical structure, to be colored
    red, and so can absorb additional green energy hydrogen atom derived
    from carbohydrate. In my opinion, at the basis of malign transformation is a disturbance of energetical metabolism, which reached a level that cell can not correct (after having succeeded before, many times), disturbance that affects the whole body in different degrees and requires corection from outside starting from the ideea that the final biological oxidizing takes place through photochemical process with releasing and receieving energy.
    "Duality of cytochrome oxidase. Proliferation
    (growth) and Differentiation (maturation) cell."
    Cytochrome oxidase is present in two forms, depending on the context of
    acid-base internal environment : 1.- Form acidic (acidosis), which
    contains two Iron atoms, will be red, will absorb the additional green
    energy of the hydrogen atom, derived from carbohydrates, with formation
    of H2O, metabolic context that will promote cell proliferation. 2.-Form alkaline(alkalosis), containing two Copper atoms, will be green, will absorb the additional red energy of the carbon atom, derived from
    carbohydrates, with formation of CO2, metabolic context that will
    promote cell differentiation. It is known that in conditions of acidosis (oxidative potential), the principle electronegativity metals, Copper is removed from combinations of the Iron. So cytochrome oxidase will contain two atoms of iron instead of copper atoms, which changes its oxidation- reduction potential, but (most important), and color, which radically change its absorption spectrum, based on the principle of complementary colors. According to the principle electronegativity metals, under certain conditions the acid-base imbalance (acidosis), iron will replace copper in combination , leading to changing oxidation-reduction potential, BUT THE COLOR FROM GREEN, TO REED, to block the final biological oxidation and the appearance of aerobic glycolysis. In the final biological oxidation, in addition to an oxidation-reduction process takes place and a photo-chemical process,based on complementary colors, the first in the electron transfer, the second in the energy transfer.
    A body with cancer disease will become chemically color "red"(Acid, as evidenced by laboratory), and in terms of energy, "green"(visible by color Electrophotography). A healthy body will become chemically color"green"(Alkaline,as evidenced
    by laboratory) and in terms of energy, "red" (visible by Electrophotography). Green body with alkaline chemical structure, with energy connection type C = O, and red energy, from the oxidation of the carbon energy C = O derived from carboxylic acids. Red body with acid chemical structure, with
    connections Carbon non-energy C-OH, phenolic acids, with strong oxidizing, prone to multiplication, and green energy ,which comes from oxidation of hydrogen atoms derived from carbohydrates).
    Carbon Energy O ::C:: O
    Non-Energy Carbon :O: C :O: I want to promote energy assessment by Energo-Electro-Photography in
    cancer and generally become a diagnostic method, and rebalance energy
    irradiation with light color (color therapy). Please support me in this
    adventure, as leader of the project. Sincerely, Dr Viorel Bungau

  2. Viorel Bungau said..

    I am a family physician. I do not have access to any laboratory. Are forced to seek collaboration with a laboratory that can do this experiment. I hope to be your one. With thanks for the interest and goodwill. Viorel Bungau
    Dear Mrs./Mr. Professor, I do not know how to convince someone to test this hypothesis experimentally. Nobody wants to do this experiment. I'm sure it contains a truth and pave the way for energoterapie with complementary colors. I can not give an opinion without authority (experimental). Please get involved in this research proposal, because I can not go alone. Please let me know your opinion on this hypothesis. Sincerely yours, Dr.Viorel Bungau CHROMOTHERAPY AND THE IMPLICATIONS IN THE METABOLISM OF THE NORMAL AND NEOPLASTIC CELL. "Chlorophyll and hemoglobin pigments of life porphyrin structure differs only in that chlorophyll is green because of magnesium atoms in the structure, and hemoglobin in red because of iron atoms in the structure. This is evidence of the common origin of life." (Heilmeyer)
    I want to promote energy assessment by Energo-Electro-Photography in cancer and generally become a diagnostic method, and rebalance energy irradiation with light color (color therapy).
    The basic idea of this theory is that the oxidation of hydrogen and carbon atoms, arising from the degradation of carbohydrates, is by two distinct processes based on oxidation-reduction electron transfer and photochemical process of energy release on the basis of color complementary, predominance of one or another depending on intracellular acid-base balance.
    Final biological oxidation, the production of CO2 and H2O, should be reconsidered in the sense that a distinction must be made between the oxidation of carbon and hydrogen oxidation. In the case of carbon atoms,cytochrome oxidase must have an alkaline chemical structure, to be colored green and so can absorb additional red energy carbon atoms derived from carbohydrate. For the oxidation of H atom cytochrome oxidase must have a acidic chemical structure, to be colored red, and so can absorb additional green energy hydrogen atom derived from carbohydrate.
    We propose an experiment to prove that the final biological oxidation, in addition to its oxidation-reduction, with formation of H2O and CO2,there is a photochemical effect, by which energy is transferred from the H atom, or C, process is done selct, the colors, complementary colors on the basis of the structures involved are colored (red hemoglobin Fe, Mg chlorophyll green, blue ceruloplasmin Cu, Fe cytochrome oxidase red, green cytochrome oxidase with Cu etc.). The basic idea is that if life pigments (chlorophyll, hemoglobin, cytochromes), which provides energy metabolism of the cell, are colored, we can control their activities through chromotherapy, on the basis of complementary color and energy rebalance the body, with a figured COLOR- ELECTRO-PHOTOGRAPHY.
    In my opinion, at the basis of malign transformation is a disturbance of energetical metabolism, which reached a level that cell can not correct (after having succeeded before, many times), disturbance that affects the whole body in different degrees and requires corection from outside starting from the ideea that the final biological oxidation takes place through photochemical process with releasing energy.





    If in photosynthesis is the direct effect of monochromatic irradiation, in the final biological oxidation effect is reversed.
    Exogenous irradiation with green, induces endogenous irradiation with red, and vice versa.
    "About Carcinogenesis."
    Final biological oxidation, the production of CO2 and H2O, should be reconsidered in the sense that a distinction must be made between the oxidation of carbon and hydrogen oxidation. In the case of carbon atoms, cytochrome oxidase must have an alkaline chemical structure, to be colored green and so can absorb additional red energy carbon atoms derived from carbohydrate. For the oxidation of H atom cytochrome oxidase must have a acidic chemical structure, to be colored red, and so can absorb additional green energy hydrogen atom derived from carbohydrate.In my opinion, at the basis of malign transformation is a disturbance of energetical metabolism, which reached a level that cell can not correct (after having succeeded before, many times), disturbance that affects the whole body in different degrees and requirescorection from outside starting from the ideea that the final biological oxidation takes place through photochemical process with releasing energy.
    "Duality of cytochrome oxidase. Proliferation (growth) and Differentiation (maturation) cell."
    Cytochrome oxidase is present in two forms, depending on the context of acid-base internal environment : 1.- Form acidic (acidosis), which contains two Iron atoms, will be red, will absorb the additional green energy of the hydrogen atom, derived from carbohydrates, with formation of H2O, metabolic context that will promote cell proliferation. 2.-Form alkaline(alkalosis), containing two Copper atoms, will be green, will absorb the additional red energy of the carbon atom, derived from carbohydrates, with formation of CO2, metabolic context that will promote cell differentiation. It is known that in conditions of acidosis (oxidative potential), the principle electronegativity metals, Copper is removed from combinations of the Iron. So cytochrome oxidase will contain two atoms of iron instead of copper atoms, which changes its oxidation-reduction potential, but (most important), and color, which radically change its absorption spectrum, based on the principle of complementary colors. According to the principle electronegativity metals, under certain conditions the acid-base imbalance (acidosis), iron will replace copper in combination,leading to changing oxidation-reduction potential, BUT THE COLOR FROM GREEN, TO REED, to block the final biological oxidation and the appearance of aerobic glycolysis. Metal atom in the structure of cytochrome oxidase causes it to have a certain color. Copper turns green (physiological form) with Iron is red (as neoplastic). If neoplastic cells , where cytochrome oxidase is Iron and red, to bring it to form physiological Copper and green, should correct chemical structure through alkalizing (substances electron donor, and energy re-balance the chromotherapy light green (complementary color), so finally red cytochrome oxidase will become colorless (leucoderivat) in a first stage, because in the end, become green with Copper instead of Iron (physiological form). In the final biological oxidation, in addition to an oxidation-reduction process takes place and a photo-chemical process,based on complementary colors, the first in the electron transfer, the second in the energy transfer.
    A body with cancer disease will become chemically color "red"(Acid, as evidenced by laboratory), and in terms of energy, "green"(visible by Color- Electro-Photography). A healthy body will become chemically color"green"(Alkaline,as evidenced by laboratory) and in terms of energy, "red" (visible by Energo-Electro-Photography). "Green" body with alkaline chemical structure, with energy connection type C = O, and red energy from the oxidation of the carbon energy C = O derived from carboxylic acids. "Red" body with acid chemical structure, with connections Carbon non-energy C-OH, (non-energy, phenolic acids, with strong oxidizing, prone to multiplication), and green energy ,which comes from oxidation of hydrogen atoms derived from carbohydrates).
    Carbon Energy [O ::C:: O]
    Non-Energy Carbon [:O: C :O:] I want to promote energy assessment by Energo-Electro-Photography in cancer and generally become a diagnostic method, and rebalance energy irradiation with light color (color therapy).
    This process is carried out based on complementary colors, which are coenzymes oxidative dehydrogenation and oxidative decarboxylation is colored . It reveals the importance of acid-base balance, the predominance of the acidic or basic, as an acid structure (red), not only can gain energy from the carbon atom red (the principle of complementarity), but can not assimilate (under the same principle).
    It must therefore acid-base balance of internal environment, and alkalinization his intake of organic substances by the electron donor.
    By alkalinization (addition of electrons) will occur neutralize acid structures, the red, they become leucoderivat, colorless, and inactive, while the basic, which because of acidosis became neutral, colorless and inactive, will be alkaline in electron contribution, will be in green, and will absorb red energy from the carbon atom. So, on two kinds of vital energy, it is clear correlation between the chemical structure of the cell (body),and type of energy that can produce and use. Thus a cell with acidic chemical structure, can produce only energy by oxidative dehydrogenation (green energy), because the acid can only be active coenzymes with acid chemical structure, red, will absorb the complementarity only green energy of hydrogen. Basic structures which should absorb red energy from carbon, are inactive due to acid environment, which in turn chemically in leucoderivat, so colorless structures, inactive.
    Conversion of these structures to normal, operation by alkalinization could be a long lasting process, therefore, we use parallel chromotherapy, based on the fact that these COENZYMES INVOLVED IN BIOLOGICAL OXIDATION FINALS ARE COLORED AND PHOTOSENSITIVE.
    If we can determine the absorption spectrum at different levels, we can control energy metabolism by chromotherapy - EXOGENOUS MONOCHROMATIC IRRADIATION. Energy absorption in biological oxidation process itself, based on complementary colors, the structures involved (cytochromes),is the nature of porphyrins, in combination with a metal becomes colored, will absorb the complementary color, corresponding to a specific absorption spectrum, it will be in - ENDOGENOUS MONOCHROMATIC IRRADIATION.
    This entitles us to believe that: In photosynthesis, light absorption and its storage form of carbohydrates, are selected, the colors, as in cellular energy metabolism, absorption of energy by the degradation of carbohydrates, is also done selectively, based on complementary colors. The energy metabolism of the cell, an energy source is carbohydrate degradation, which is done by OXIDATIVE DEHYDROGENATION AND OXIDATIVE DECARBOXYLATION , to obtain energy and CO2 and H2O. In normal cells there is a balance between the two energy sources. If cancer cells, oxidation of the carbon atom is not possible, the cell being forced to summarize the only energy source available, of hydrogen. This disorder underlying malignant transformation of cells and affect the whole body, in various degrees, often managing to rebalance process, until at some point it becomes irreversible. The exclusive production of hydrogen energy will cause excessive multiplication, of immature cells, without functional differentiation. Exclusive carbon energy production will lead to hyperdifferentiation, hyperfunctional, multiplication is impossible. Normal cell is between two extremes, between some limits depending on the adjustment factors of homeostasis. If the energy comes predominantly (or exclusively) by oxidation of the hydrogen atom, green energy, will occur at the structural level (biochemical), acidification of the cellular structures that will turn red, so WE HAVE MORPHOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STRUCTURES “RED”, WITH “GREEN” ENERGY. This background predisposes to accelerated growth, without differentiation, reaching up uncontrolled, anarchical. ENERGY STRUCTURE OF THE CELL BODY WOULD BE INN. If necessary energy cell derived mainly by oxidation of the carbon atom, red energy,cell structures will be colored green, will be alkaline(basic), so WE HAVE MORPHOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STRUCTURES “GREEN”, WITH “RED” ENERGY, on the same principle of complementarity. This context will lead hyperdifferentiation, hyperfunctional ,maturation, and grouth stops. ENERGY STRUCTURE OF THE CELL BODY WOULD BE YANG.
    Thus, exogenous irradiation with monochromatic green will neutralize, by complementarity, coenzymes red, acidic. In will reactivate alkaline coenzymes, which have become due acidosis leucoderivat, so colorless and inactive.
    Without producing CO2, carbonic anhydrase can not form H2CO3, severable and thus transferred through mitochondrial membrane. Will accumulate in the respiratory Flavin, OH groups, leading to excessive hydroxylation, followed by consecutive inclusion of amino (NH2). It is thus an imbalance between the
    hydrogenation-carboxylation and hydroxylation-amination, in favor of the latter.This will predominate AMINATION and HYDROXYLATION at the expense CARBOXYLATION and HYDROGENATION, leading to CONVERSION OF STRUCTURAL PROTEINS IN NUCLEIC ACIDS. Meanwhile, after chemical criteria not genetic, it synthesizes the remaining unoxidized carbon atoms, nucleic bases "de novo" by the same process of hydroxylation-amination, leading to THE SYNTHESIS OF NUCLEIC ACIDS "DE NOVO".
    Please get involved in this project. Sincerely yours, Dr. Viorel Bungau My address is : Cab Med Fam Dr. Viorel Bungau Str. Libertatii 22 com. Cristian 507055 Brasov 0722329396 Romania

  3. Viorel Bungau said..

    COLOURS AND LIFE. "Chlorophyll and hemoglobin pigments of life porphyrin structure differs only in that chlorophyll is green because of magnesium atoms in the structure, and hemoglobin in red because of iron atoms in the structure. This is evidence of the common origin of life." (Heilmeyer) Inner Light - Light of Life.
    Dear Mrs./Mr.Professor,
    I want to promote energy assessment by Energo-Electro-Photography in cancer and generally become a diagnostic method, and rebalance energy irradiation with light color (color therapy). Please get involved in this project as a scientific leader. Nobody has a definite opinion about this theory. Please examine this hypothesis and to facilitate an experiment, under your auspices. The idea that the final biological oxidation is a process of oxidation-reduction with electron transfer and photochemical process with energy transfer (selectively, based on complementary colors), is the only explanation for the Warburg effect and aerobic glycolysis. Therefore I think that must be confirmed experimentally, and will aim to get involved involved in this research, as a scientific leader. I am a family doctor, and I have not access to a research center in the field.

    -About carcinogenesis- Electronegativity is a nucleus of an atom's ability to attract and maintain a cloud of electrons. Copper atom electronegativity is higher than the Iron atom electronegativity. Atom with lower electronegativity (Iron),remove the atom with higher electronegativity (Copper) of combinations. This means that,in conditions of acidosis, we have cytochrome oxidase with iron (red, neoplastic), instead of cytochrome oxidase with copper (green, normal).I think this is the key to carcinogenesis. Yours sincerely, Dr.Viorel Bungau P.S. I can not accept that no one can experimentally verify this hypothesis and prove me it is a fiction. Please advise me your opinion. Please think about a possible collaboration. Dr.Viorel Bungau

  4. Viorel Bungau said..

    I am a family doctor and researcher. My son is also a family doctor and passionate about this field. She wants to try on their own, in collaboration with me, this method of cancer diagnosis and treatment and beyond. Please help us to obtain the necessary technical (how to proceed). Please get involved in this project as scientific coordinator (leader). Please suggest me how to do to make this project put into practice. Yours sincerely, Dr Viorel Bungau COLOURS AND LIFE.
    "Chlorophyll and hemoglobin pigments of life porphyrin structure differs only in that chlorophyll is green because of magnesium atoms in the structure, and hemoglobin is red because of iron atoms in the structure. This is evidence of the common origin of life." (Heilmeyer)

    Medical laboratories have not responded favorably to verify this theory. I think the issue is more about the physics of light.
    I can not abandon without an authoritative opinion. Do you think I should quit? I am overwhelmed and I can not go alone. Please send your opinion to me. Thank you very much, Viorel
    Dear Professor, Please help me clarify this hypothesis. Even if some aspects are not true, I'm sure that essentially contains a truth. Please explored as scientific coordinator, what is true and what is not. Medical practitioner, I am passionate about cancer research. After years of study, we came to a hypothesis to be verified experimentally interchangeable in center field. After many attempts (direct approach), no one has offered to do this experiment. Please to make possible this research proposal, that will prove true if you change the medical approach to diagnosis and treatment of cancer and beyond. This hypothesis is based on the fact that cytochromes have porphyrin structure. The first characteristic of these is that they are photosensitive substances, second, they are colored substances. This entitles me to think I could control the final biological oxidation (aerobic glycolysis including) by chromo-therapy, based on the principle of complementary colors, after examining the "full body color scanner".
    I want to promote energy assessment by Energo-Electro-Photography (Full body scanner) in cancer and generally become a diagnostic method, and rebalance energy irradiation with light color (color therapy). Please get involved in this project as a scientific leader. Nobody has a definite opinion about this theory. Please examine this hypothesis and to facilitate an experiment, under your auspices. The idea that the final biological oxidation is a process of oxidation-reduction with electron transfer and photochemical process with energy transfer (selectively, based on complementary colors), is the only explanation for the Warburg effect and aerobic glycolysis. Therefore I think that must be confirmed experimentally, and will aim to get involved in this research, as a scientific leader. I am a family doctor, and I have not access to a research center in the field. Yours sincerely , Dr. Viorel Bungau
    Cristian 507055 Brasov Romania
    -About carcinogenesis.- Electronegativity is a nucleus of an atom's ability to attract and maintain a cloud of electrons. Copper atom electronegativity is higher than the Iron atom electronegativity. Atom with lower electronegativity (Iron),remove the atom with higher electronegativity (Copper) of combinations. This means that,in conditions of acidosis, we have cytochrome oxidase with iron (red, neoplastic), instead of cytochrome oxidase with copper (green, normal).I think this is the key to carcinogenesis. "Duality of cytochrome oxidase. Proliferation(growth) and Differentiation(maturation)cell." Cytochrome oxidase is present in two forms, depending on the context of acid-base internal environment: 1.- Form acidic (acidosis), which contains two Iron atoms, will be red, will absorb the additional green energy of the hydrogen atom, derived from carbohydrates, with formation of H2O, metabolic context that will promote cell proliferation. 2.-Form alkaline (alkalosis), containing two copper atoms, will be green, will absorb the additional red energy of the carbon atom, derived from carbohydrates, with formation of CO2, metabolic context that will promote cell differentiation. According to the principle electronegativity metals, under certain conditions the acid-base imbalance (acidosis),iron will replace copper in combination, cytocromoxidase became inactive (it contains two copper atoms) leading to changing oxidation-reduction potential, BUT THE COLOR FROM BLUE-GREEN, TO REED, to block the final biological oxidation and the appearance of aerobic glycolysis.
    Final biological oxidation, the production of CO2 and H2O, should be reconsidered in the sense that a distinction must be made between the oxidation of carbon and hydrogen oxidation. In the case of carbon atoms, cytochrome oxidase must have an alkaline chemical structure, to be colored green and so can absorb additional red energy carbon atoms derived from carbohydrate. For the oxidation of H atom cytochrome oxidase must have a acidic chemical structure, to be colored red, and so can absorb additional green energy hydrogen atom derived from carbohydrate. We imagine an experiment to prove that the final biological oxidation, in addition to a process of oxidation-reduction, to form H2O and CO2, there is a photochemical effect, whereby the transfer of energy from the atom H or C atom, is make selective color on the principle of complementary colors, structures involved in this process are colored (red hemoglobin Fe, Mg chlorophyll green, blue ceruloplasmin Cu, Fe cytochrome oxidase red, Cu cytochrome oxidase green etc). The basic idea is that if life pigments (chlorophyll, hemoglobin, cytochromes), which provides energy metabolism of the cell, are colored, we can control their activities through chromotherapy, on the basis of complementary color and energy rebalance the body, with a figured X-ray colors. I SUGGEST TO YOU AN EXPERIMENT: CULTURE OF NEOPLASTIC TISSUE, IRRADIATED WITH MONOCHROMATIC GREEN LIGHT, IN AN ALKALINE MEDIUM, WITH ADDED COPPER, WILL IN REGRESSION OF THE TISSUE CULTURE. CULTURE OF NEOPLASTIC TISSUE, IRRADIATED WITH RED LIGHT, IN AN ACID MEDIUM, WITH ADDED COPPER CHELATOR, WILL RESULT IN EXCESSIVE AND ANARCHIC GROWTH OF NEOPLASTIC TISSUE CULTURE.

    "Inner Light - Light of Life."
    (Correlation between the chemical structure of the cell (body), and type of energy that can produce and use).
    In connection with my research proposal, to prove that in the final biological oxidation, in addition to an oxidation-reduction process also takes place a photo-chemical process, the first in the electron transfer, the second in the energy transfer. In my opinion, at the basis of malign transformation is a disturbance of the energy metabolism, which reached a level that the cell can not correct (after having succeeded before, many times), a disturbance that affects the whole body in different degrees and requires correction from outside starting from the idea that the final biological oxidisation takes place through a photochemical process with energy release.
    If the structures involved in the final phase of biological oxidation are colored, then their energy absorption is determined based on the principle of complementary colors. If we can determine the absorption spectrum at different levels, we can control energy metabolism by chromotherapy - EXOGENOUS MONOCHROMATIC IRRADIATION.
    Energy absorption in the biological oxidation process itself, being based on complementary colors, the structures involved (cytochromes), are of the nature of porphyrins, which in combination with a metal become colored. They will absorb the complementary color corresponding to a specific absorption spectrum, it will be in - ENDOGENOUS MONOCHROMATIC IRRADIATION.
    Malignant transformation occurs by energy metabolism imbalance in power generation. In the predominance (exclusivity) of the hydrogen atom, carbon oxidation is impossible. Thus at the cellular level this will produce a multiplication (growth) exaggerated (exclusive), energy from hydrogen favouring growth and multiplication, at the expense of differentiation (maturation). Differentiation, which is achieved by energy obtained by oxidation of the carbon atom can not take place, leading to carcinogenesis.
    In the energy metabolism of the cell, an energy source is carbohydrate degradation, which is done by OXIDATIVE DEHYDROGENATION AND OXIDATIVE DECARBOXYLATION, to obtain energy and CO2 and H2O. In normal cells there is a balance between the two energy sources. In cancer cells, oxidation of the carbon atom is not possible, the cell being forced to summons the only energy source available, that of hydrogen. This disorder is underlying malignant transformation of cells and it affects the whole body, in various degrees, often managing to rebalance the process, until at some point it becomes irreversible. The exclusive production of hydrogen energy will cause excessive multiplication of immature cells, without functional differentiation. Exclusive carbon energy production will lead to hyperdifferentiation and hyperfunctionality, where multiplication is impossible. The normal cell is between the two extremes, between some limits depending on the adjustment factors of homeostasis. Energy from energy metabolism is vital for the cell (the whole body).
    If the energy comes predominantly (or exclusively) by oxidation of the hydrogen atom, green energy, at the structural (biochemical) level, there will be acidification of the cellular structures that will turn red, so WE HAVE MORPHOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STRUCTURES "RED", WITH "GREEN" ENERGY. This background predisposes to accelerated growth, without differentiation, reaching uncontrolled, anarchical levels. THE ENERGY STRUCTURE OF THE CELL BODY WOULD BE YIN.
    If the cell derived its necessary energy mainly by oxidation of the carbon atom, red energy, cell structures will be colored green, will be alkaline (basic), so WE HAVE MORPHOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STRUCTURES "GREEN", WITH "RED" ENERGY, in accordance with the principle of complementarity. This context will lead to hyperdifferentiation, hyperfunctionality, maturation, and growth stops. THE ENERGY STRUCTURE OF THE CELL BODY WOULD BE YANG.
    I want to experimentally demonstrate that an energy metabolism disorder that could be corrected after several times by means of maintaining acido-base balance within normal limits, has become irreversible by depleting these resources. Acid-base balance and its adjustment are the mechanisms underlying this disorder.
    -In addition-
    "Life balance: Darkness and Light - Water and Fire - Yin and Yang."
    Cytochrome oxidase structure has two atoms of copper. It is known that in conditions of acidosis (oxidative potential), through the principle of electronegativity of metals, copper is removed from combinations of the Iron. So cytochrome oxidase will contain two atoms of iron instead of copper atoms, which changes its oxidation-reduction potential, but (most important), also changes its color. If the copper was green, the iron is red, which radically changes its absorption spectrum, based on the principle of complementary colors.
    In neoplastic cells, because acidosis is overactive, we see the acid form of cytochrome oxidase (red with iron atoms), which will absorb the additional green energy hydrogen atom (exclusively). There is the production of H20, so water will prevail. In Schizophrenia, the neuronal intracellular alkaline environment will promote the basic form of cytochrome oxidase (green with copper atoms), which will oxidize only carbon atoms, there is energy absorption of red (complementary) and production of CO2, so the fire will prevail.
    A body with cancer disease will become chemically color "red" -ACID- (as evidenced by laboratory), and in terms of energy, green (Color-Energo-Photography).
    A healthy body will be in terms of "green" -Alkaline- (as evidenced by laboratory), and in terms of energy, red (visible by Color-Energo-Photography).
    "GREEN" body with alkaline chemical structure, is connected with Carbon energy C = O (carboxilic acids), red energy, from oxidation of carbon atoms derived from carbohydrates.
    "RED" body with acid chemical structure, is connected with Carbon non-energy C-OH, (non-energy, phenolic acids, with strong oxidising activity, prone to multiplication), and green energy, which comes from oxidation of hydrogen atoms derived from carbohydrates).
    Carbon Energy O ::C:: O
    Non-Energy Carbon :o: C :O:
    I want to promote energy assessment by Energo-Electro-Photography (Full body scanner) in cancer to generally become a diagnostic method, as well as rebalance energy irradiation with light color (color therapy).
    Please get involved in this project as a scientific leader.
    Yours sincerely,
    Dr.Viorel Bungau

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About Jane Solomon

Jane Solomon has a background in nursing and teaching. She is also an Electro-Crystal therapist and for the last six years has been clinical assistant to Harry Oldfield. She is joint author, with Grant Solomon, of Harry Oldfield's Invisible Universe (Thorsons 1998 ISBN 0722536526 PB £9.99)


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