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Recovery from Colon Cancer - Diet, Herbs, Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration

by Teresa Tsalaky(more info)

listed in detoxification, originally published in issue 91 - August 2003

David Walker wanted to live long enough to see his children graduate from high school. He asked his oncologist if he'd make it that long. The doctor hung his head and said Walker had no more than three to five years before the colon cancer would take his life.

Nearly a decade later, Walker is cancer free. Thanks to his training as a biophysicist, he was able to decipher a biochemical riddle that enabled him to cure himself. He created a treatment protocol that consists of herbs, enzymes, phytonutrients, detoxification and a bio-resonance therapy that recharges depleted energy in cells. He then shared his knowledge, helping hundreds of other cancer patients eliminate the disease.

In 2001, the Federal Trade Commission and Attorney General sued to stop him. A government investigator reviewed Walker's records and reported that 14 percent of the people using his protocol had died. The report did not include the mortality rate over the same period of time for cancer patients who undergo the approved cancer therapies: radiation and chemotherapy. That rate is 96 percent.

When the court case ended in 2002, Walker had become one of thousands of individuals and companies whose effective, alternative treatments have been stifled.

Dr David Walker PhD
Dr David Walker PhD

The Treatment That Didn't Work

Walker's story begins on March 6, 1994 – the day he had surgery for a ruptured appendix. Surgeons discovered advanced cancer and removed a colon tumor larger than a grapefruit. The doctor gave Walker little hope of living beyond five years and prescribed chemotherapy.

Friends and relatives began sending him alternative health products and books about cancer. They suggested he use various non-allopathic treatments, but Walker would do nothing of the sort: "I entered into this treatment of surgery and chemotherapy with only one thing in mind: to follow doctor's orders and dedicate myself to this schedule and treatment," he said. "My thoughts were that medicine today is the best ever, and if I'm going to beat this, I'm doing all traditional approaches."

Then he discovered the side effects of 'traditional' approaches. The surgery left him unable to fully use his left leg. Repairing the damage required six months of physical therapy. The chemo was worse. It caused open sores in his mouth and his skin began deteriorating. When he made a fist, then opened his hand, it bled from every crack. He could pull the skin off his hands in layers.

"After seven months of chemotherapy, my doctor sent me home, saying the side effects are too severe and that maybe we can try again in three months," Walker recalled. "I never returned. During that three months of detoxing from the chemo, I knew I would rather die sooner, with dignity and quality of life, than go through the chemical poisoning again."

That's when he empowered himself. If the experts didn't have the tools to cure him, he would try to find those tools himself. "When I sat and thought about it, I tried to understand what was killing me," he said.

He searched the Internet and watched University of Washington Medical School videos. He researched nutrients, blood oxygen, cellular energy and cellular communication. With a doctoral degree in biophysics, with minors in microbiology and biochemistry, he had the knowledge to understand the research reports and scientific data.

He said he discovered nothing new. He simply put what is already known to use to reverse the process that leads to cancer – "I just found some keys and unlocked some doors of knowledge," he said.

Replacing the Cell Cycle's Missing Dominos

In layman's terms, here's the information that Walker used to come up with the cancer treatment protocol that saved his life: Every day, billions of cells in your body are damaged and discarded, and billions more new, healthy cells take their place in an endless cycle of cell regeneration. The new ones are created by the cells subdividing.

Cells contain energy measured in millivolts. A healthy cell contains between 70 and 90 millivolts of energy. When a free radical attaches to a cell, its energy drops to 15 millivolts. (Free radicals punch holes in cell membranes and damage DNA and enzyme systems. Some free radicals are created when the immune system does its battles; others come from pollutants in our food, water and air.)

The cell's DNA and RNA orchestrate the process of cell regeneration. The DNA in each cell has something called a telemid strand, which becomes dormant when a cell loses energy. As a result, the cell mutates.

The P53 gene, which is in charge of destroying mutated cells, needs more than 15 millivolts to do its job. So when the cell's energy drops, damaged and mutated cells are no longer destroyed.

But the MYG gene – the one in charge of cell subdivision – doesn't need much energy to do its job. Even at 15 millivolts or less, it keeps dividing the cells – even the mutated ones that were supposed to be destroyed. This, Walker says, is how cancer gets started and mutates. And this is why Walker's protocol includes re-energizing the cells.

Walker also learned in his research that cancer cells have high toxin counts, and that people with cancer have low blood oxygen levels and their immune systems' natural killer cells have been depleted. He learned that certain antigens (substances that cause the formation of an antibody or elicit a cellular response) exist in high counts in cancer cells, and certain enzymes can keep these antigens at bay. When these enzymes are depleted, cellular communication fails. All of this contributes to the mutated cells growing out of control. And that's called malignancy.

Walker compares the cycle of cell regeneration to a set of dominos: "If you took 40 dominos and stood them up in a circle, a free radical attachment represents a removed domino. If the P53 gene can't fire, remove another domino. Take out a couple more failed-communication dominos, and your cell won't be regenerated as a healthy cell, only a mutated mass." He has identified six parts of the cell-regeneration cycle that have failed in all cases of cancer, as well as in more than 200 other diseases and conditions. The trick to stopping cancer, therefore, is to replace the six dominos so that the cells can operate properly, allowing the body to heal itself.

And so Walker set out to find the products that would replace the missing dominos. He found them, used them faithfully, and he felt better and better. After two years, he worked up the courage to go back to his doctor. The test results came back clear – Walker had no cancer in his body.

The Treatment Protocol

Walker's treatment protocol includes numerous possible supplements and procedures, ranging from colostrums to colonics, but the following seven are the basic elements that Walker recommends for everyone with cancer:

1. A herbal supplement called Bio-X that contains bloodroot, galangal, yellow dock, licorice root, zinc chloride,
protoplasm and water treated with 12 enzymes;
2. Sodium micelle – an enzyme that increases oxygen levels in the blood;
3. Glycoproteins and phytonutrients: Of the nine glycoproteins essential for the cell to reproduce itself, only one is made by the body, so food must provide the rest. Phytonutrients are nutrients harvested from mature plants;
4. Diet modification: Walker recommends eliminating red meat, margarine and white processed sugar and flour;
5. Detoxification: Many methods are available for removing toxins from the body;
6. Inholtra: This over-the-counter pain remedy is recommended to eliminate the need for codeine or morphine;
7. Bio-resonance therapy: You'll recall that free-radical damage drops the cell's charge to 15 millivolts and leads to mutated cells dividing and multiplying. Several machines have been developed that bring that charge back up to a healthy range, through resonance. These multi-wave oscillators put out a full-spectrum field of energy. Each cell and system of the body picks out its optimal frequency and begins oscillating at that rate. It's similar to plucking a string of a violin and thereby producing the same note in a nearby violin.

Sued for Helping Others Heal

A few people heard about Walker's success in eliminating his terminal cancer and called asking about his protocol. He gave them the names of companies that sell the products he used. If they couldn't afford the products, Walker paid for them. He had survived a cancer death sentence, and he wanted to help others do the same.

Word of mouth spread, and soon he had hundreds of people calling for advice. He put up a website and began keeping records of the people who came to him for help. The success stories began accumulating, and he decided it was time to set up clinical trials. He inquired whether the National Institutes of Health would be interested in setting up a study, and also approached several clinics. "I got laughed at, kicked out of clinics, and most medical doctors refused to listen," Walker recalled.

Then a patient with breast cancer told her physician she had used Walker's regimen to eliminate her cancer. "The doctor claimed to have lost $350,000, because the breast cancer went away," said Walker, who believes the doctor called the Federal Trade Commission, which, under pressure from the US Food and Drug Administration, sued him.

Then the FTC, which regulates e-commerce, decided that Walker, through his website, was practising medicine without a licence. The Washington State Attorney General's Office filed 240 counts against him. The state's health department filed an Investigation for Unlicensed Practice of Medicine, and the FDA accused Walker of selling illegal, over-the-counter drugs. By then, he had helped hundreds of people, had records on about 500 of them, and had gathered about 2,500 testimonials about the products he recommended. Most of the people he helped – 86 percent – had survived their cancers, according to the government's investigation of his case.

The FTC decided it was Walker's constitutional right to review cancer patients' medical records and offer treatment advice, as long as he didn't sell anything. But the Attorney General's Office pressed on, with support from the FDA, prevailing on two counts.

Even though Walker won the other 238 counts, the judgment against him for the two counts was $860,000. He lost his house and everything he owned.

In spite of the loss, it was worth it, Walker said. "Material things are nothing anymore – that's one lesson you learn when facing the end. To me, they are just a convenience now. It was worth it because I got to see all three of my kids graduate – something my oncologist said could not happen."

After the court case ended, Walker was offered several jobs with titles such as head of product development, director of complementary and alternative medicine and university professor. But he had to consider continuing his work helping people with cancer. During the previous 10 years, he had survived advanced cancer, helped hundreds of other people to do the same, and experienced government suppression of alternative treatments. And, while visiting hospitals, he had seen the devastation that allopathic cancer treatments can cause:

"I visited the cancer wards or just sat in the waiting room, watching people waiting their turn for poison injections, irradiation and most of all, hope. Many times, I left or had to leave, because of the emotional impact, memories and knowing each person I saw was putting their trust in the slaughtering process," Walker said. He concluded that oncologists – through no fault of their own – "are nothing more than legally licensed executioners".

So he made a list of all the pros and cons of continuing his work with cancer patients. One side of the list had two entries: 'government antagonist' and 'self-destruction'. If he continued, he would be antagonizing the government that wanted to stop him, and it could destroy him. The other side of the list had 500,002 entries, including the 500,000 new cancer patients every year. The other two entries were "my contributions to mankind" and "family – the future of my children and grandchildren". "Needless to say, it was not a difficult decision," Walker said.

So he left Washington State and moved to Mexico, where he's again helping people who want an alternative treatment for cancer.

People can either visit him in Mexico, or simply send their medical records to him. Walker will evaluate the records and design a treatment protocol. Walker's consulting fee is $4,480, which is waived if the person decides not to use the programme outlined. Walker provides a list of products and where they can be purchased and leaves it up to the client to buy them. A five-month supply for an average programme could cost from $2,500 to $4,000 – that's about one-thirtieth of what Walker spent on his chemotherapy and the pills to counter the side effects. "My work will go on." Walker says. "Too many people have been helped, and I'm not done."


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About Teresa Tsalaky

About the Author Teresa Tsalaky is the author of To Life: A Guide to Finding Your Path Back to Health, available at An award-winning journalist, whose achievements are outlined in Who's Who in the West, she currently publishes a daily newspaper in northern California. Since healing herself of chronic illness, her life purpose has become to empower the transition to a new healing paradigm. She says she wrote To Life to help frightened patients become empowered self-healers. She may be reached at

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