MRL Global Leader Mushroom Nutrition and Education

certified with the highest quality standards

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Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd
The Spires, Suite 8, Adelaide Street Luton, Bedfordshire, LU15BB
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Phone: 44-1582-485-209 Fax: 44-1582-482-209
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Our Objective

United Kingdom based, MRL was founded in 1997 and markets mushrom nutrition products  as dietary supplements or "functional foods".
MRL utilises proprietary cultivation technology to cultivate selected strains of the different mushrooms in California. The strains have been selected for their overall bioactivity and for their stability (purity). The cultivation process is in accordance with the California Organic Food Act of 1990.
These mushroom nutrition products contain both the mycelium and primordia (young fruitbody) of the mushroom cultivated into a biomass on an edible, sterile (autoclaved substrate). The cultivation process ensures that the biomass is free from contamination by other fungi or bacteria and that heavy metals (pesticides) are not present.

Following cultivation, the biomass is dried, powdered and tableted to food grade Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards.


Coriolus, Cordyceps, Maitake and Shiitake

Coriolus, Cordyceps, Maitake and Shiitake Mushrooms

our products

mushroom nutrition


MRL 2018 Mushroom Nutrition Banner


MRL Educational Initiatives re Nutritional Benefits of Mushroom Nutrition

Mushroom Nutrition

To enhance and facilitate further understanding among healthcare professionals about the benefits of mushroom nutrition Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd (MRL) has organized a series of Seminars, Courses and Videos. MRL has developed the following series of courses for healthcare practitioners.

I) Nutritional Therapists
Introductory Course – John Bernardo (Pharmacist) (2 hours).
Role of Enzymes in Mushroom Nutrition-Professor Amin Karmali (2 hours).
Mushroom Nutrition for Individualized Immunonutrition in Viral Conditions- Mr. Karel Simonovsky / Dr. Zuzana Vancurikova MD (2 hours).

II) Naturopathic Practitioners
Introductory Course-2 hours – John Bernado (Pharmacist)  (2 hours)
Role of Enzymes in Mushroom Nutrition-Prof. Amin Karmali ( 2 hours)
Mushroom Nutrition for Individualized Immunonutrition in Viral Conditions-Mr. Karel Simonovsky / Dr. Zuzana Vancurikova MD (2 hours)

III) TCM Practitioners
Combining Acupuncture and Mushroom Nutrition in Select Syndromes According to TCM and Western Medicine - Mr. Karel Simonovsky / Dr. Zuzana Vancurikova MD (2 hours)
Mushroom Nutrition in Traditional Chinese Mediicine (TCM) + Workshop- Mr. Karel Simonovsky / Dr Zuzana Vancurikova MD (4 hours).

IV) Osteopathy / Physiotherapy
Use of Mushroom Nutrition as a Tool in Osteopathy / Physiotherapy - Dr. Nuria Lortie (Ph D) (3 hours).

The courses provide protocols to address specific conditions. For more information on these courses please contact William Ahern at

Videos Accessible only by Registered Healthcare Professionals

The Use of Mushroom Nutrition in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (TCM)


Note: only registered practitioners have access to these videos. We request that practitioners register by filling in the registration form or Login. Practitioners also obtain practitioner discounts.


The Use of Mushroom Nutrition in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (TCM)

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