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Get Well, Stay Well

by Dr Paul Sherwood

listed in immune function

[Image: Get Well, Stay Well]

This important book focuses upon the many varied components of the immune system – the body's lymphatic structures and nodes – and the vital role played by each element in resisting disease and maintaining robust health. The author is a consultant in physical medicine, who has been practising from his Harley Street London clinic for more than 45 years. This book will make a significant contribution to our knowledge and understanding of how to deal with many acute and chronic health problems.

The first section provides a thorough roadmap of the immune and lymphatic system, describing circulation of blood and lymph, lymphocytes, the lymphatic system, lymph nodes and antibodies. The author considers the tonsils and adenoids and appendix, and what happens at a cellular level, when sluggish tissue circulation leads to congested cell membranes, which may become infected and provide a focal point for disease. As a specialist in physical medicine, Dr Sherwood is exceptionally lucid in describing how activities and functions such as exercise and breathing, not overloading our bodies with too many layers of clothing, and environmental factors including pollution, stale air and positive ions may contribute to immune and lymphatic congestion. There is an excellent lymphatic time line table describing how, from birth until post-adolescence, parts of the lymphatic system activate and operate in combating infections. He also provides basic guidelines regarding antibiotics and dietary issues including food sensitivities and dietary supplements.

The second section covers in more depth the lymphatic structures and nodes, including the tonsils, adenoids and appendix, cervical nodes, inguinal, abdominal and thoracic lymph nodes. In this section he discusses many little reported aspects regarding the operation and function of these vital nodes, and explains how physical treatments, including lymphatic drainage massage, ultrasound and electrical muscle stimulation can help to reduce and eliminate congestion and restore healthy lymphatic circulation to the affected body regions. Throughout are many varied case studies, illustrating how problems with real people had been overcome through a varied programme of treatment.

There is an entire chapter devoted to asthma – its aetiology, psychology, treatment and management, including dietary changes, breathing exercises, checking the tonsils, and physical medicine.

An A-Z directory of problems associated by lymphatic malfunction follows, which will be invaluable to many sufferers of long-standing and recalcitrant conditions such as cystitis, tinnitus, ear and eye problems, Menières disease, eczema, irritable bowel, period pains and temporomandibular joint pain.

Finally, Part IV discusses and describes lymphatic drainage treatments, including massage, ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, including treatment instruction for various areas of the body, such as head and neck, eyes, throat and larynx, trachea, the lungs, abdomen, the legs and arthritic or sprained joints.

In combining a range of various treatments, as well as providing such informative case studies, his extremely authoritative book will be a useful addition for patient and practitioner alike.

Sandra Goodman PhD

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