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![Colours of the Soul [Image: Colours of the Soul]](/img/original/ReviewAvatar/126.bbb3ea4e2d1d7f1fe01048d992d5237d.jpg)
An extract from the book
Mary experiences a turning point
'I first learned I had cancer of the colon in 1996. The news was devastating – I couldn't believe this was happening to me. My first thoughts were to look for someone to help me. As a practising homeopath I turned to complementary medicine for help, as well as help from the medical profession. I telephoned the Bristol Cancer Help Centre. I had read about how they worked with people with cancer and how they addressed the spiritual as well as the physical needs of patients. I thought it would be a good place to start.
'They were very kind and understanding and after booking a week's course after the operation for myself and my husband, they asked if I would like to visit a healer.
'I hadn't thought of this but said 'yes,' and they gave me the name of a local healer. I made an appointment and had my first meeting with June.
'This meeting had a profound effect on me. June told me many things about myself and all of them were true. At the end of the session she said something had shifted but I only felt sad and tearful although much more confident. June said I would make old bones. She also told me not to fear the hospitals and doctors.
'It was a time of great love and support from my family and friends. I felt that this crisis was meant to be and that only good would come out of it.
'The next day an amazing thing happened to me while I was lying in the bath. I closed my eyes and saw the colour green, which is a healing colour. It changed to yellow, which represents the solar plexus and is to do with self-worth, then to red. The red square moved across my vision, to the right. This was the part of the colon that was cancerous. Then it eventually moved back again and stayed in the centre, very bright, for a long time. Eventually it faded. This left me feeling very excited and confident and well.
'I had the operation to remove part of my colon and was relieved to be told by the doctors that the cancer had not spread to the lymph glands or to the liver. I decided not to have chemotherapy treatment and the doctors didn't insist because the cancer had not spread. So I was on the road to recovery.
'I recovered my health very quickly and in April 1 visited June again. I had a wonderful session with her and she told me that the colours I had seen just before the operation had contained the cancer and prevented it from spreading.
'In May, I saw June again. At the end of the session she told me I was well. I was so surprised and pleased and relieved and many other emotions. I went home and told my husband and we shed a few tears of relief and then went out to celebrate. One year later at my check-up with the hospital doctor, he told me I was well. But I knew already.
'Nearly three years on I am very fit and well and able to enjoy my life to the full. I now have two grandchildren, both born after my cancer operation.
'Having cancer has been a turning point in my life and made me think about my attitude to life and about valuing myself and how very important this is for my physical and spiritual health. Making changes in our lives is difficult and needs support from people close to us and from caring professionals, but ultimately it is up to us as individuals to make the right choices for ourselves.'
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- Reviewer
- Sandra Goodman PhD
- Publisher
- Piatkus Books
- Year
- 2000
- Format
- Paperback
- Price
- 0
- Isbn
- 0 7499 2096 3