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Research: WAISSE and JURJ,
Listed in Issue 296
WAISSE and JURJ,1 Center Simão Mathias of Studies in History of Science (CESIMA), Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Rua Caio Prado 102, São Paulo, SP, Brazil swaisse@pucsp.br ; 2 Romanian Association of Clinical Homeopathy (ARHC), Str. Traian Vuia 21 A, Timisoara, Romania. relujurj@gmail.com investigated the experimental basis for the indications of homeopathic drug Zincum metallicum.
In the present study, the authors investigated the experimental basis for the indications of homeopathic drug Zincum metallicum.
The current body of knowledge about Zinc met has a core composed of pathogenetic and clinical data collected in the 19th century surrounded by layers of clinical observations reported over time.
In the description, the authors prioritized poorly known sources, especially the ones that were never translated from the original German. The authors also performed quantitative and statistical analysis of repertory data.
Through a literature survey and a call to practising homeopathic doctors from many countries, the authors were able to put together a relevant case-series that represent homeopathic indications of Zinc.
Silvia Waisse 1 , Gheorghe Jurj 2 A clinical history of Zincum metallicum: homeopathic pathogenetic trials and case reports Homeopathy;106(2):114-130. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2017.01.004. Epub 2017 Mar 29. May 2017.