Listed in Issue 212


SUNG-HEE and COLLEAGUES, Geranti Pharm Ltd., Dep’t of Food Science and Technology, Chung-Ang Univ., Dept of Nutrition and Culinary Science, Hankyung National Univ. Soonchunhyang Univ. Hospital, Korea investigated the effect of germanium-fortified yeast (Bio-germanium yeast) on the serum lipid composition and enhancement of the human immune system of human.


This study was established to investigate the effect of the test item, germanium-fortified yeast (Bio-germanium yeast) on the serum lipid composition and enhancing immune system of human body and also safety.


All 50 subjects with the age range of 50-75 were entered in this clinical trial for 6 months. The effects were determined by the proliferative responses of immune-mediated cells, T-cell, B-cell and NK-cell during daily supplementation with/ without germanium-fortified yeast (Bio-germanium yeast).


The result of haematology and blood chemistry did not show any significant differences during administration periods except triglyceride (TG) and VLDL-cholesterol. TG and VLDL-cholesterol levels were significantly decreased by the consumption of germanium-fortified yeast (p<0,05). Immune mediated T-cell and NK-cell were increased in the test group, and B-cell was significantly increased in germanium-fortified yeast group after 8 weeks (p<0.05). And also TNF-α was increased in the group of germanium fortified group after 8 week (p<0.05) but not in the control group.


From the above results, germanium fortified yeast is expected to be useful on the improvement of the cellular immune response and protection of organs from various chronic diseases safely.


Sung-Hee, Sunwoo Oh, Sook Nuyng Rho, Bong Hieu Bong, Hyun-Joo Lee and Dong-Kyu Jin. Effects of germanium fortified yeast (Bio-germanium) on the Serum Lipids and Immune Cell Subset. Journal of Korean Society of Food Science Nutrition 35(6), 683-689 2006.

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