Research: RAM and co-workers,

Listed in Issue 91


RAM and co-workers, Department of Physiological Medicine, St George's Hospital Medical School, University of London, Tooting, UK,, have reviewed (30 references) breathing re-training for asthma. Abstract: A systematic review of the literature was undertaken in order to determine the effectiveness of breathing re-training in the management of asthma. Six randomized controlled trials were identified, but due to variation in trial outcomes, limited reporting of study data, and the small number of included trials it was not possible to draw any definitive





However individual trials report benefit from breathing re-training. It is therefore recommended that large-scale trials using breathing re-training are conducted in order to clarify this important question.


Ram FSF, Holloway EA, Jones PW. Breathing retraining for asthma. Respiratory Medicine 97 (5): 501-507, May 2003.

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