Listed in Issue 61


BERGGREN, HAKEBERG and CARLSSON, Department of Oral Diagnosis, Institute of Odontology, Goteborg University, Sweden compared cognitive therapy with relaxation for the treatment of dental phobia.


Comparisons of behavioral treatments for dental phobia are scarce.


The study included 112 adult patients with dental phobia. Patients received either cognitive therapy or relaxation therapy prior to dental treatment. Patients filled out questionnaires with regard to their backgrounds and the outcome (results) of treatment. A specialist dentist made ratings of successful or non-successful outcome.


A higher number of patients who received cognitive therapy completed the [dental] treatment program, while anxiety was reduced more among patients who received relaxation therapy. Dropout during phobia (cognitive or relaxation) therapy was related to a lower motivation to engage in treatment, while dropout during dental treatment was related to higher levels of general fear and anxiety. However, statistical analysis revealed that the risk of dropout was only slightly increased by general fears, whereas patients with low motivation were 3.6 times more likely to drop out .


Both phobia treatments were effective in reducing dental phobic reactions. Cognitive therapy resulted in higher numbers of patients completing treatment, while relaxation therapy resulted in a more significant reduction in dental fear as well as general fear and anxiety.


Berggren U et al. Relaxation vs. cognitively oriented therapies for dental fear. Journal of Dental Research 79 (9): 1645-51. Sep 2000.

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