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Midwood Addiction Treatment Center
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Rehab and Mental Health Therapy Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center in Charlotte, NC Nationally Recognized Accreditations & Certifications Substance Abuse Addiction Treatment that Delivers Midwood Addiction Treatment Center is a drug and alcohol rehab utilizing evidence-based treatment methods. This means the care we deliver has been scientifically vetted for effectiveness. Clinical research informs everything we do from alcohol addiction detox placement to mental health therapy. Combining evidence-based addiction treatment with compassionate care that nurtures the soul is what makes Midwood a true holistic substance abuse addiction treatment center. The success of our clients is the center of our world each and every day. We believe this is just part of what makes a good drug and alcohol rehab a great one.
NorthEast Addiction Treatment Center
Drug Rehab & Alcohol Treatment Center in Massachusetts Northeast Addictions Treatment Center is an accredited Massachussets Drug Rehab that provides guidance and treatment for individuals and family members who struggle with addiction. Our mission at Northeast Addictions Treatment Center is simple, help as many individuals struggling with Substance Use Disorders achieve sobriety. Effective treatment starts with an individualized plan tailored to our client’s needs. Because no two people have the same history with substance abuse. Treatment Programs at Northeast include Day Treatment (PHP), Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP) and Outpatient Treatment (OP). Whether you are looking for a drug rehab for yourself or a loved one, now is the time to call us and speak to a Treatment Specialist about your options. When it comes to drug rehabs in Massachusetts, Northeast Addictions Treatment Center comes highly rated. Just take a look at what people are saying about us through our Google Reviews. Our Joint Commission Accreditation as well as our masters level clinicians assure that our clients get the best addiction treatment care in New England.
Northern Illinois Recovery Center
Addiction Treatment Center in Illinois We are a Northern Illinois addiction treatment center offering multiple levels of treatment programs that are accessible and affordable. At Northern Illinois Recovery Center, our clients work on improving their lives and health while surrounded by a culture that focuses on achieving results. Through effective therapies administered by industry-leading specialists, we provide the outstanding drug rehab Northern IL and Chicago trust. Northern Illinois Recovery employs industry leading addiction treatment specialists to develop unique treatment plans. Our approach is backed by years of experience and evidence-based methods.
NuView Treatment Center
NuView is an addiction treatment facility offering outpatient therapy for alcohol and drug rehab in Los Angeles, CA. Your personalized road map to success starts here. NuView Treatment Center provides integrated treatment for individuals suffering from mental health disorders and addiction. Our Los Angeles Drug Rehab outpatient treatment programs are evidence-based and comprehensive. We utilize treatment methods that are designed to improve your emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Above all, our approach is compassionate and person-centered. No matter what drug addiction you're struggling with, our Los Angeles Drug Rehab at NuView Treatment Center can help you develop the tools you need to become a healthier, happier you.
Ohio Recovery Center
Ohio Recovery Center Detox & Inpatient Treatment With A Multidisciplinary Approach Find balance and stability with medically monitored detox and comprehensive residential treatment. WHO WE ARE Ohio Recovery Center (ORC) is a drug and alcohol rehab facility located in Van Wert, Ohio. Our addiction treatment services begin with a medically monitored detox program to help you or a loved one achieve stability and balance during withdrawal. After detox, you can transition into our clinically managed residential treatment program. Our residential recovery services include ongoing nursing and medical care, psychiatric support, group therapy, and individual services like medication-assisted treatment and aftercare. Our Mission To support and stabilize patients during detox and withdrawal, coordinate a smooth transition into residential care, and offer a healing environment rooted in peer connection and clinical support.
OK Rehab
Beating Addiction Together - Our Mission is to Deliver Truly Inclusive Addiction Treatment OK Rehab specialises in addiction treatment. This treatment is available via both inpatient and outpatient treatment providers. We also work with clinics that are able to facilitate treatment taking place in your own home, who are able to provide professional intervention and home detoxification. At OK Rehab, our aim is to help individuals break free from the shackles of addiction and find a treatment that’s ideally suited to their needs. This treatment is applicable for drug addiction, alcoholism and process/behavioural addictions. Many of the treatments we may recommend taking place at residential rehab clinics. We have partnered with over 140 clinics of this nature across the UK and abroad. These clinics offer standalone detoxification services, or alternatively, you may combine detox with an extended rehabilitation.
Men's Health and WellBeing An Introduction to Male Body Image How we view our bodies is often a hot topic of debate. With so much pressure to look and present ourselves in a certain way, it’s natural that a lot of men find themselves feeling insecure about their bodies. In a world where image is becoming increasingly important, it can be tough to come to terms with a part of your body which you feel isn’t “attractive” by the regular standards of beauty. If that’s the case, it’s unlikely your mental health has suffered at least partially as a result. If you can relate to this, you’re definitely not alone. Poor mental health as a result of bad body image affects millions of people every year. In this guide, we’re going to assess what you can do to combat that feeling, with a focus on accepting and mentally overcoming the low self-esteem which can be triggered by feeling bad about your body.
Paper Gown
Preventing Self-harm in Teens: A Guide for Appropriate Intervention Teens have the highest rate of self-harm among any age demographic, with approximately 17% of teens reporting at least one instance of self-harm in their lifetime. The average age of the first incident of self-harm is 13. Often teens will seek out support from loved ones rather than mental health professionals. However, many teens will take extraordinary steps to conceal their self-harm, or even deny engaging in such behavior. Additionally, they may not even be aware of what professional resources are available to them. As such, it is important for anyone with a teen in their life to be aware of warning signs and understand how to appropriately address instances of self-harm.
Health and Money: 10 Ways Your Financial Wealth Impacts Your Health Today, the most important piece of gym equipment is the ATM. In the past decade, consumer credit debt alone has more than doubled, increasing by nearly 58 percent from about $2,663,780 to $4,205,759 according to the Federal Reserve. That’s bad news for our health and money, as researchers continue to link financial wellness with overall health. Studies have found that unsecured debt is directly related to poor health, and such research has revealed that low-income individuals are adversely affected by the psychological and physical effects of financial stress — including debt from loans. As the cycles of money insecurity and poor health perpetuate one another, they eventually manifest into tangible concerns including depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and weight gain. In this post, we explore how finances play into fitness, plus how to improve your relationship between health and money, according to the experts.
Preventing Self-Harm: What You Should Know if You Want to Offer Help
Self-harm can be classified in a number of ways, but many health experts refer to self-harm as nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI). External link NSSI is the deliberate injury or damage of one’s body without suicidal intent. Behaviors that cause injury but are considered more culturally and socially acceptable, such as piercings and tattoos, do not generally fall under the category of NSSI.
Psychology Masters Programs
Psychology Masters Programs A Master’s degree in Psychology is a graduate-level program that provides advanced knowledge and training in various areas of psychology. It typically takes two years of full-time study to complete and requires a Bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field as a prerequisite. A Master’s degree in Psychology can offer a range of specializations such as clinical, counseling, developmental, educational, social, organizational, and forensic psychology. A Master’s in Psychology can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it can enhance your knowledge and skills in the field of psychology, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of human behavior, mental processes, and emotional experiences. It can also provide you with practical experience through research projects, internships, and clinical placements, which can be helpful in preparing for further study or a career in psychology.
Psychology Writing
Low-Stress Jobs for People with Anxiety Did you know that 75% of employees think their job is more stressful than their parents’ jobs were? You will be even more surprised that 14% of your colleagues felt like hitting a coworker at least once. If your company has 300 employees, then 42 of them have had such thoughts! Applying for a job is considered extremely stressful by 40% of workers. This is a menacing perspective, and the bad news is that the statistics are comprehensive. Work causes more mental health complaints today than relationships, personal finances, or family. And it is even worse for people with underlying anxiety. This article approaches the problem from a series of directions to provide helpful recommendations and employment options: Are you a graduate student who is already stressed out after finals? Does looking for a job trigger your worst fears? Is your current job so stressful that you cannot sleep at night? You will find an answer to your worries here. Please keep in mind that there is no universal solution for all anxious people. Everyone is an individual, so consider your circumstances, likes, and triggers before making an important decision.
Ripple Ranch Recovery
What Are the Types of Mental Health Disorders? Mental health disorders are conditions that affect people’s mood, thinking, and behavior. Learn more about them here. What Is Mental Health? Mental health has gained more recognition in recent years. People are sharing their personal struggles more openly, and treatment options are becoming more easily accessible through the advance of the internet and the widespread availability of resources. Mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental illness, also referred to as mental health disorders, covers an enormous range of conditions and symptoms that affect mood, thinking, and behavior. These can range from fairly mild, only impacting life in subtle, more manageable ways, to very serious, derailing daily life.
Riverside Recovery
Get Back The Life You Love We are different. Experience for yourself. Your New Life Starts Here Riverside Recovery of Tampa is a substance abuse center offering a full continuum of care for men and women suffering from addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. We focus on the long run, not just one stage of your recovery. We provide multiple levels of care to help you move through treatment and prepare for independent life.
Rose Wellness
6 Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder More than 18 percent (40 million) American adults have an anxiety disorder. An anxiety disorder means a person experiences extreme worry or fear. This psychiatric disorder includes panic disorder/panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety, and selective mutism. Anxiety is the body and mind’s reaction to a dangerous, stressful, or unfamiliar situation. Anxiety disorders cause fear of a real or perceived threat or worry about future threats. These feelings can cause a number of physical and psychological symptoms. Let’s take a look at the six most common symptoms of anxiety disorder.
San Diego Detox
10 Self-Care Tips: The Connection Between Depression and Addiction Learn about the relationship between depression and addiction and how to seek proper care and treatment. Self-Care Tips for Those With Depression or Addiction If you or a loved one struggles with depression, a substance abuse disorder, or both, it’s essential to maintain physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being. Self-care can help manage overall stress levels while also increasing energy, both of which are beneficial for those in recovery or dealing with mental health struggles. Here are ten self-care tips you can utilize to increase well-being: 1. Eating well-balanced meals and staying hydrated 2. Focusing on positivity 3. Getting enough sleep 4. Getting regular exercise 5. Practicing gratitude 6. Setting personal goals or priorities to look forward to 7. Starting meditation or other wellness activities 8. Staying connected with loved ones 9. Taking care of your physical health and regularly attending doctor’s appointments 10. Taking time for yourself
37 Work, Stress & COVID-19 Statistics. A comprehensive list of resources to Find and Select Vendors in the Wellness, HR Tech and Benefits Space
Silent Professionals
Will PTSD Disqualify Me From Employment? If you’re reading this article, you may be working through some degree of PTSD after combat and wondering how to transition back to your civilian life, both personally and professionally. Some of you may have even abused alcohol and landed yourself in jail for a DUI/DWI while attempting to deal with your PTSD. Oftentimes, these can seem like insurmountable challenges to get back on track with your life even after treatment or rehabilitation. So, first, let me tell you: you’re not alone. More than half of the job seekers on Silent Professionals are combat veterans from a combat arms discipline. So, it isn’t surprising that the majority of our job seekers have a VA disability rating of some level — including a rating for PTSD.
What is PTSD? PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder and can cause upsetting and unwanted physical and emotional reactions in people who have experienced a frightening or unexpected event. Combat veterans and first responders are at high risk for developing PTSD; although, people from all walks of life could develop a post-traumatic response which could interfere with daily functioning
How Pets Can Benefit Older People’s Mental and Physical Health Are you thinking about getting a pet? Do you share your home with a furry friend already? Aside from being cute and furry (or feathery), pets can bring a lot more than we think to our lives, especially as we get older. Feelings of loneliness and isolation are very common among seniors. Spending more time at home, and sometimes the lack of mobility, can keep us from doing activities we used to do. Pets keep us active and some need daily walks that will get us up and out the door every day.