Positive Health Online
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American Academy of Osteopathy
Mostly for members. Of limited interest to the general public.
American Osteopathic Association
The website of a large osteopathic organisation it contains some useful news and information.
British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy
The Website of this important college. Of limited interest unless you are thinking about training in the UK.
British Osteopathic Association
A useful site with information and links.
Osteopathic Center for Children
Some general information about treating Children with Osteopathy.
Osteopathy in the UK
Websites of the General Council of Osteopaths and the Osteopathic Information Service. Useful general information, news and links.
Student Osteopathic Medical Association
A useful resource for anyone studying osteopathy especially in the States.
The American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
Some general information but mostly about studying osteopathy in the US.
The British School of Osteopathy
Information on the school but does include some general information and osteopathic links.
The Osteopathic Home Page
general information, articles and research papers on osteopathy.