About Roy Stevenson

Roy Stevenson MSc has a Master's Degree in Exercise Physiology from Ohio University. He has taught Health and Nutrition at Highline Community College and Lake Washington Technical College for 18 years and currently teaches exercise science at Seattle University in Washington State. As a freelance writer, Roy has more than 200 articles on health, fitness, running, sports and triathlons published in over forty regional, national and international magazines in the USA, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. He may be contacted via roy_stevenson@hotmail.com

Articles by Roy Stevenson

  1. Antioxidants, Super Nutrients: Why they are Good for Your Health and Where to Find Them in Your Diet

    Listed in antioxidants

    Oxygen: We need oxygen to survive, but it also contributes to human ageing and illness. Metabolizing oxygen produces free radicals through oxidation (when molecules lose an electron...

Book reviews by Roy Stevenson

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