About Naomi Mead

[Image: Naomi Mead]

Naomi Mead BSc (Hons) DipION FdSc is a Nutritional Therapist at Food First Nutritional Therapy trained and accredited at the renowned Institute of Optimum Nutrition . She is passionate about the role of nutrition in health and the therapeutic power of good food. Her approach is both supportive and practical, and she will provide you with nutritional advice tailored to your individual goals and lifestyle. She has a particular interest in the areas of weight management, female health, sports nutrition, and digestive disorders. Naomi contributes to Healthspan’s Nutrition Expert as well as Food First and may be contacted via   www.food-first.co.uk/  and www.nutritionexpert.healthspan.co.uk


Articles by Naomi Mead

  1. Could a Phobia of Fat and Cholesterol Harm Your Heart?

    Listed in heart

    The vilification of fat began around 50 years ago on the back of an epidemiological study by Ancel Keys[1], which showed a relationship between fat consumption and incidence of coro...

Book reviews by Naomi Mead

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