About Michael Young

Michael Young is a Nationally Certified Therapist of Massage and Bodywork and is in private practice in Evergreen, Colorado, USA. He is an author and the founder of Massage Works of Evergreen, Inc., AKA Repetitive Use Injury Therapy.™ He will be teaching workshops across the USA in 2000 and is available to speak about this work. For more information on three-day intensive hands-on workshops and video training tapes, contact: Repetitive Use Injury Therapy,™ 3530 Evergreen Parkway, Evergreen, Co. 80439-7707, USA; Tel: +1 (303) 674-7948; fax: +1 (303) 679-0805; email: massageworks@uswest.net or visit Michael Young’s Web site at www.repetitiveusetherapy.com

Articles by Michael Young

  1. Treating Chronic Pain Deep Tissue vs. Muscle Release Technique

    Listed in bodywork

    By using the Muscle Release Technique we not only break up scar tissue, we lengthen the muscle. This results in more flexibility, no more nerve impingement and no more pain. By usin...

Book reviews by Michael Young

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