About Master Tam

About the Author Master Tam is the founder of The Yi Dao Lineage, Yi Dao Healing System, Yi Dao Feng Shui, Yi Dao Reiki, Yi Dao Reflexology, and creator of the Finally Free Emotional Release and Transpersonal Re-Integration Process. With over 30 years experience, he is an acknowledged Master in the following subjects: Meditation from basic skills to higher levels of internal alchemy, Yi Dao Reiki, Yi Dao Feng Shui, Tantric Magic, Tantra Yoga, Exorcism, Spiritual Psychology, Taoist Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Taoist and Buddhist profound energy work, Yi Dao Reflexology, Yi Dao Bodymind release and re-integration. He can be contacted on yidao_mt@optusnet.com.au

Articles by Master Tam

  1. Yi Dao Reiki

    Listed in reiki

    Master Tam is a qualified Master of both Taoist and Tibetan Tantric spirituality and healing. Yi Dao Reiki is the first part of a secret knowledge that he wishes to restore to the w...

Book reviews by Master Tam

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