About Linda Spangle

[Image: Linda Spangle]

Linda Spangle RN MA is recognized nationally as a leading authority on emotional eating and other psychological issues of weight management. Author of the award-winning Life is Hard, Food is Easy, Linda is the owner of Weight Loss for Life, a healthy lifestyles coaching and training program located in Denver, Colorado.

A registered nurse with a master’s degree in health education, Linda Spangle is a skilled teacher, counsellor and writer. Over the past 20 years, Linda has provided counselling services for more than 2000 clients and taught several thousand people in her workshops and seminars. In addition to being interviewed by hundreds of radio shows, newspapers and magazines, Linda has been a guest on numerous TV shows including Fox News, Lifetime TV, The O’Reilly Factor, and National Media for Health. Her newest book is Friends with the Scale. www.weightlossjoy.com

Articles by Linda Spangle

  1. How Emotional Eating and other Behaviours get in the Way of Weight Loss

    Listed in weight loss

    A couple months ago, I headed out the door to take my small dog for a walk. But about a block from my house, I slipped on some loose dirt and fell down hard on the sidewalk. Althoug...

Book reviews by Linda Spangle

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