About Kayode Olafimihan and Susannah Hall

Kayode Olafimihan is Director of the Bowen International Foundation and Susannah Hall is Principal of The Bowen School. Kayode can be contacted by e-mail at kayode@dial.pipex.com. Susannah can be contacted through The Bowen School susannah@dial.pipex.com

Articles by Kayode Olafimihan and Susannah Hall

  1. Bowen Working on Physical and Energy Levels

    Listed in bowen technique

    Bowen is a simple and gentle therapy in which skin slack is drawn back with the fingers and thumbs to the edge of a muscle, tendon or ligament at a particular point on the body unti...

  2. Bowen - Moving Blocked Energy

    Listed in bowen technique

    Bowen has multiple applications on both a physical and emotional level, and its successful use in pre- and post-natal care and in treating frozen shoulder and eczema and in releasin...

Book reviews by Kayode Olafimihan and Susannah Hall

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