About John Wilks and Mij Ferrett

John Wilks is chairman of both the Craniosacral Therapy Association of the UK and the Bowen Association UK. He has clinics in Somerset and Dorset and teaches the Bowen Technique in the UK and Ireland for the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia. He can be reached on 01963 220615, email: JohnWilks@cwcom.net Mij Ferrett is editor of The Fulcrum, the journal of the Craniosacral Therapy Association of the UK. He practises in France and Italy and teaches Craniosacral Therapy for the Karuna Institute and the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust and Lifeshapes™. He can be reached on 0033 46831 4984, email: mij@craniosacral.co.uk For simplicity the first person applies to either or both authors.

Articles by John Wilks and Mij Ferrett

  1. Why Regulate? Why Research?

    Listed in evidence

    This article discusses the desire by the more orthodox medical profession to enforce regulations on complementary medicine practitioners and to demand more conclusive research stati...

Book reviews by John Wilks and Mij Ferrett

  1. No reviews available

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