About Jan Kusmirek

Jan Kusmirek is qualified in Aromatherapy and is a director of the specialist company Fragrant Earth as well as several essential oil and extract companies. He is an international lecturer and writer and is legal and parliamentary secretary for the AOC [Aromatherapy Organization Council] and ATC [Aromatherapy Trade Council]. He may be contacted via jk@fragrantearthint.com

Articles by Jan Kusmirek

  1. Aromatherapy - Plant to the Bottle

    Listed in aromatherapy

    Whilst great work is being done by various organisations, such as the Aromatherapy Organisations Council which is the central body for UK aromatherapy organisations, as well as prac...

  2. Aromatherapy - More than Essential Oils

    Listed in aromatherapy

    This fascinating article by Jan Kusmirek, a senior and highly experienced and well-known Aromatherapy professional, discusses a wide range of possible materials and techniques which...

Book reviews by Jan Kusmirek

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