About Hamish Topp

Hamish Topp is qualified in many massage styles and techniques besides Ayurvedic Yoga Massage. He has worked in investment banking in both Australia and London for companies such as JP Morgan and BNP Paribas. After years of stress levels coupled with the sedentary work situation and physical distortions/ tensions of the office environment, it came as a revelation to rediscover his physical wellbeing and replenishment through receiving Ayurvedic Yoga Massage and practising yoga. His wife, whom he met and married over this time of transformation, is a yoga teacher with over a decade of dedicated yoga training behind her. Currently he works in Europe's largest yoga studio, Triyoga, a situation that sees him working with individuals with an established yoga practice. His treatments provide an opportunity to deepen yoga practice and work with any injuries. He is also working alongside chiropractors and therapists in other modalities at the Broadgate Chiropractic Clinic to provide remedial and preventative treatments. He can be contacted on hjtopp@hotmail.com

Articles by Hamish Topp

  1. Ayurvedic Yoga Massage

    Listed in massage

    This passive yoga stretching increases joint mobility and ligament flexibility and is thus an excellent tool for motor rehabilitation. In addition, ancient techniques involving the ...

Book reviews by Hamish Topp

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