About Dr Nirvana Tehranian

Nirvana Tehranian is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor who recently graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona, USA. She is planning to begin her practice in Southern California. In her 29 years, she has encountered many blessings, with people, places, and situations that have fed her Mind and Spirit with an abundance of knowledge on the significance of life. Since childhood, she has been gifted with the inner knowingness of the desire and love for life, and has been able to share her knowledge and experiences with others through her writings. She aspires to feed all those who long for more understanding and clarity on the purpose and meaning of life, while using her knowingness and knowledge from her medical training to heal from the inside out. She may be contacted via nirteh@yahoo.com.

Articles by Dr Nirvana Tehranian

  1. Choosing to Listen

    Listed in meditation

    This article focuses on the importance of the present moment and listening – how or when do we listen, and to what we are listening. It also looks at why, when we are in a st...

Book reviews by Dr Nirvana Tehranian

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