About Darren Tilley

Darren Tilley DO found that many years of martial arts practice had led to many injuries and many visits to an Osteopath during the second two decades of his life. The extreme use that he had put his body through, combined with a fascination of how therapy could relieve his pain was the impetus for him to train and qualify as an Osteopath in the late 90s.

His own experience with therapy was of soft tissue manipulation always being more profoundly effective than joint mobilisation ever was. He worked with classical Osteopathy initially, then began to specialize in soft tissue manipulation, constantly building on what he had learnt at college. He found that he became particularly effective at dealing with more chronic conditions, often where previous practitioners had struggled using classic techniques.

Darren continues to use his own aches and pains, as well those of his patients, as a learning process, and he is constantly evolving the way he works with soft tissue to resolve chronic issues. He believes our muscles are a reflection of our existence on multiple levels including physically, emotionally and chemically and therefore, understanding and working with them effectively can create profound, positive and lasting changes within an individual.

Although his excellent osteopathic training remains the fundamental basis of how he works, he decided some time ago that he did not require the umbrella of the Osteopathic Council and so he remains unregistered.

Darren Tilley may be contacted via  dstilley1@yahoo.co.uk   www.darrentilley.com

Articles by Darren Tilley

  1. Constructive Programme for Repetitive Strain Injury

    Listed in bodywork

    The author, a professional Osteopath specialising in soft tissue manipulation, found his career jeopardised by severe symptoms of repetitive strain injury. Anyone whose livelihood d...

Book reviews by Darren Tilley

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