About Chris Aldred

[Image: Chris Aldred]

Chris Aldred BSc (Hons) MCSP SRP is an experienced musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapist with a particular specialism in lower back pain. He has studied and practised physiotherapy for 20 years, working both in the UK and abroad. Chris was an integral part of a team which developed orthopaedic and sports medicine centres across China between 2004 and 2008. On his return to the UK, Chris established his own successful MSK clinic, MyPhysio www.myphysioharrogate.co.uk  where he continues to offer a range of physiotherapy services as well as researching and developing new treatments for lower back pain. One such treatment was so successful with his patients that Chris decided to launch it to the wider market in 2017. Pelvipro  www.pelvipro.com  is a portable, easy to use device which realigns the spine and pelvis, putting the body in its optimal position for activity, as well as helping to strengthen muscles, accelerate the healing of damaged tissue, and relieve pain. Crucially, it puts the patient back in control of their pain, leading to not just physical but also psychosocial benefits. Contact Chris at chrisaldred@pelvipro.com   www.pelvipro.com/

Articles by Chris Aldred

  1. Taking Control Can Do Wonders for Your Back Pain

    Listed in back pain

    Feeling in control makes us happy. We all like to know that it’s our decision what we eat, what we do in our spare time, what job we do, and generally how we live our lives. We feel...

Book reviews by Chris Aldred

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