About Alex Montagu

[Image: Alex Montagu]

Alex Montagu BA MA JD Founder TranquilLawyer.com is a certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, accredited by the IMMA (International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance) and CPD from the School of Positive Transformation, as well as the founding partner of New York-based Montagu Law. His comprehensive studies and unique insight on various Eastern and esoteric philosophies and how they may be practically applied by those in Western cultures into their own lives has proven beneficial to many in the legal as well as other professions. He has also conducted free courses on Mindfulness and Meditation at the Key Clinic in London. He is an active member of the New York City Bar Association Mindfulness and Well-Being in Law Committee and is the author of the novel “The Riddle of the Sphinx”, a historic thriller and semi-biographical journey of self-discovery. He received his J.D. with honors from Harvard Law School in 1991, a B.A. and M.A. in Law from the University of Cambridge where he received Double First Class Honours in 1989, as well as an undergraduate degree from Princeton University, graduating summa cum laude in 1987. He may be contacted via  tranquillawyer@gmail.com   TranquilLawyer.com  

Articles by Alex Montagu

  1. Meditation & Mindfulness Toward Positive Transformation and Fulfilment

    Listed in meditation

    We all exist in two different worlds. One is the external world; the other is our inner world. We tend to spend all of our time in the outer world but very little, if any, in our i...

Book reviews by Alex Montagu

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