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Articles: nutrition
Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.
The Impact of Artificial Sweeteners on Family Health
by Dr Debbie Saxton
The latest official advice on the Government
The Importance of Micro-Nutrients in Optimum Health
by Cain Leathem
This article examines several aspects that can influence or hinder the uptake of essential micro-nutrients that we need to consume in order to maintain optimum health. These includ...
The Importance of Minerals to Health
by David E Marsh
At a time when we have just begun to get our minds around the 43 or so "essential nutrients", we are now informed there may be some 40 more: many of which, unless we were familiar ...
The Importance of Nutrition in Improving Mental Health and Rehabilitation Outcomes
by Daniel Thomas
Improving nutrition can transform a person’s mental state when suffering from conditions such as depression. Studies are increasingly showing that a poor diet can be detrimental to...
The Importance of Nutrition in Sports
by Bernard Beverley
An expert and adviser on nutrition, Bernard Beverley offers a comprehensive overview of the importance of a nutritional diet for sportsmen and women of all levels of fitness. The a...
by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black
In this article the author focuses on the quality of nutrients and nutrition today. Food, she says, should contain bulk, nutrients and fuel. Plants grown in non-toxic mineral and ...
The Nutrition Maze Part II - Not For Eating
by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black
In the first part of this two-part article the author explained the importance of using high-quality, pure food sources. In this second part she looks at sources that are not suita...
The Nutrition Maze Part III - Brain Involvement
by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black
The author looks at digestion in this issue and how important it is to create the right environment for good digestion to happen. She explains that digestion is used for the body t...
The Pitfalls of Reductionism in Nutrition
by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black
Reductionism disregards essential synergy – the interaction of factors making their combined effect greater than the sum of their individual parts. According to the author, unde...
The Power of Corrective Nutrition
by June Butlin
However, in 1993, at the age of 52, she encountered health problems. She started to suffer from extreme mental and physical tiredness, and her weight started to creep up. She was...
by June Butlin
Milk is a very important food for all mammals as it provides optimum nutrition for growth and development. However, when the milk of each mammalian species, whether goats, elephant...
The Re-Balancing Potential of Seaweed
by Simon Ranger
The author, founder of Seagreens, begins by pointing out that in the modern world we are not getting the nutrients we need. He goes on to describe the qualities of wrack seaweed, t...
by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black
This article gives a taste of the true value of salt which is a natural substance, like flour and sugar, and should contain all the elements from its source, the sea. But in today'...
The Role of Nutrition and the Nutrition Practitioner in the 21st Century
by June Butlin
The author says nutrition practitioners have to move beyond just prescribing a healthy diet of quality whole foods, water, essential fatty acids and eliminating offending food. E...
by Gina Pickersgill
The author gives a detailed account of the chemical nature of the two types of sugar, simple sugars, and complex carbohydrates. The focus of nutritionists is on the dangers of sugar...
The Toxic Nutrient Triad – A Little: Good. Just a Little More: Bad
by Thomas E Levy
Most clinicians are familiar with the concept that when a little is good, more is often better, but a lot is still reliably toxic. This results in the mindset of there being little ...
The Use of Herbs and Phytonutrients in Pain and Inflammation
by June Butlin
This article continues the discussion on pain and inflammation introduced in Issue 59 and focuses on the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of herbs and phytonutrients. Fiv...
by Wilma Kirsten
Every summer we hear how people are soaking up free vitamin D from sun exposure. How did we make the sun connection? Vitamin D deficiency is characterized by rickets in children and...
Therapeutic Properties of Systemic Oral Enzymes
by Michael Sellar
This article illustrates how taking enzymes has assisted sportsmen both by speeding up recovery following injury and by reducing the level of pain, inflammation and stiffness.
Thyroid Function, Fluoride and Cholesterol - Part Two
by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black
Fluoride and cholesterol are two of the many aspects which are linked to thyroid function, fluoride being a toxic cause of disruption, cholesterol being an indicator.