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Water - of Vital Importance
by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black(more info)
listed in water, originally published in issue 24 - January 1998
This planet, its gases and its water are not what they were even 200 years ago. Some authorities believe that the oxygen content of the air was approaching 40% and the water was pure, living water. Today, the oxygen content is down to about 20% (and believed to be down to even 10% in high pollution city zones), the water polluted, listless and in some instances dead. Antibiotics ‘kill friendly bacteria’ (actually strip them of their outer ‘identity jackets’ and cause mutations) in the intestines which produce hydrogen peroxide naturally in the body. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down to water and oxygen. Our processed and hydrogenated foods cause our circulatory systems to spend more time detoxifying than carrying oxygen around. This is a big cause for concern as far as health is concerned. Receiving adequate oxygen and water are the first two essentials for survival and optimum health. An excellent book by Ed McCabe[1] discusses these and other topics relevant to oxygen.
What has caused this alarming decline in global conditions? See Table 1.
Table 1
What has caused the decline in oxygen, the increase in carbon dioxide and pollution of our water? Are we responsible? We have: • cut down our forests (trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen into the atmosphere) • caused extinction for plants, insects, animals • ‘raped’ and devitalised the soil • attempted to replace living soil with chemicals • put toxic chemicals in our water • attempted to remove these chemicals with recycling but removing certain compounds is not possible so we have a cumulative effect of certain toxins (synthetic oestrogenic compounds and toxic fluorides are two examples) • denatured food by growing it on deficient soil • denatured food by separating and processing • poisoned food with chemicals and additives • used processed white empty sugar to flavour products (Pure, White and Deadly is a book title about sugar – white sugar is detrimental to health and addictive) • added toxic excitotoxins to pervert taste to match unnatural food • created industrial systems which produce very toxic waste and instead of dealing with it (which would cost money) we pour it into the sky and waterways (in the case of a waste product of the aluminium industry – labelling it as good for teeth, i.e. fluoride) • polluted our housing areas with detrimental electro-magnetic fields and refused to see research which would point the finger because it would cost money to correct • imbibed chemical hormones which cannot be broken down, flushed them down the loo and got them back in our tap water – male fish are losing sexuality and humans are having problems with infertility and infant genital abnormalities • Unfortunately, the list could go on and on. |
There are several filters on the market to make tap water more like pure water which is fit to drink. The ordinary jug filters do take out some of the metals (but not fluoride). The more expensive ones, which are fitted under the sink with a tap, take out fluoride. Once you have used one, you are spoiled and would never be without one. They range from about £135 to £300 depending on the brand. Distillers (round about £220) also take out most toxic substances from the water. Some authorities say that these also take out the useful calcium and magnesium but these minerals cannot be used in such a raw form (as in water or earth) and need to be assimilated via plants or animal produce to be utilisable. The fact that there is less heart disease in hard water areas is apparently due to the fact that the calcium salts line the lead/copper pipes and therefore the water is less laden with these heavy metals. It is necessary to be aware of the need to change any water filter cartridge on or before its expiry date because they become saturated and inefficient and store up bacteria. When you consider the toxic effects of fluoride in the articles in this issue, explaining what it is and what it causes, you will see that £135 for your family’s health is well spent.

The use of a water filter puts right, to the best of human ability the damage we have done to the water supply but it does not restore the life-giving healthy original vibrations and properties of live water. Viktor Schauberger’s work on water is very enlightening. One such book detailing much of this is Living Water.[2] The Memory of Water[3] is a fascinating book about the discovery of how homoeopathic frequencies are carried by the memory of water. You cannot read about French scientist Jacques Benveniste, who discovered this, without meeting the very unpleasant face of medical politics.
Table 2
• bore holesIs our tap water fit to drink? Where does tap water come from?
• rivers • reservoirs • sewage water (treated) What is in tap water? • water • chlorine • heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminium, cadmium etc.) • fluoride (not natural calcium fluoride contained in plants but manufactured poisonous sodium fluoride [used as rat poison] etc.) • nitrates • toxic chemicals in their hundreds • second hand synthetic hormones (oestrogens, steroids etc.) • drugs • organophosphates • pesticides • fungicides • bacteria/viruses/fungi/ parasites • and more. |
Dehydration is a major cause of ill health
Why? Because water is not just a transport system in the body but a living activator of many regulatory processes. We are very arrogant to presume that physical and chemical analysis is all we should look to. There are things other than the criteria which modern day ‘science’ upholds which would show us more than we care to see unless we honestly wanted to learn and change.
The human body has an intricately balanced feed-back and consequent moderating system to allow the best circumstances and survival. We have a priority water rationing system. The body has a wonderful ‘dash board’ with plentiful ‘warning lights’. These are to alert us to something which needs fixing. Pain is a classic example (physical and emotional). Pain tells us that something is wrong and needs correcting.
What have we been conditioned to think about pain? That it is our enemy and not our friendly warning system. We will need to think differently to see things differently and respond to things differently.
Pain is one of the body’s warnings about dehydration. Pain can be warnings of other detrimental situations too, not just dehydration. See Table 3.
Table 3
Symptoms of dehydration:
• Fatigue• Migraine • Depression • Some mental problems • Hiatus hernia/ulcers • Abdominal pain/indigestion • Gall bladder problems/stones • Tumours/any toxic situation • Arthritis • Kidney problems • Colitis • Constipation • Lymphatic problems • Weight gain • Angina • Musculo-skeletal pain • Hypertension (high blood pressure) • Skin problems • Asthma triggers These symptoms can also be signalling something other than dehydration. At present, though, we are considering these symptoms when due to dehydration. |
What do we do when we silence our in-built warning systems with chemicals? (e.g. painkillers, suppressive) We:
(a) ignore the cause of the problem
(b) add toxic chemicals to that problem
(c) we compound the problem by prolonging the damage which the pain is attempting to make us aware of.
Think – Would you react that way to a plant which needed watering?
We are not taught the meaning of symptoms and have been led to believe that they are enemies to be feared and silenced. This thinking must change if we are to get to grips with health issues.
One of the available books explaining some of the symptoms of dehydration is Your Body’s Many Cries for Water.[4]
Rehydration is a major step to good health
Water is the only suitable medium for the body’s water needs. If we take in water as part of a drink or as part of a food then the body has to separate the solids from the water. This a normal body mechanism and is only complicated if the drink or food is also a diuretic (eliminates more water than in puts in) or is toxic. Coffee, tea and alcohol are all diuretic.
A sound health principle when considering wholesome food and drink is moderation in all things. Some in the health field are against any tea, coffee or alcohol. I consider organic ground coffee, organic tea and organic wines to be acceptable in moderation for a healthy person.
Chronic (long term) mass dehydration is not so surprising considering that tea and coffee are the nation’s standard all day drinks and, for many, alcohol is the only social drink in the evenings. Consider also that these drinks are made from chemicalised crops, polluted tap water and are stored in metal cans which leach heavy metals into the drink. Add to this the detrimental effects of artificial sweeteners, white sugar, E colourings and flavourings etc. and a drink isn’t all we think it might be.
An adult needs about 8 large tumblers (4 pints) of pure water daily. Some days (heat/exercise/high temperature) this need will be far more. [See Editor’s Note below]
It seems foreign to most of us to drink water, let alone drink that amount of water. However, in practice, it gets easier and easier to drink water once you get used to it. The more you drink, the more you realise you want to drink. This only applies to drinking pure water. Overdosing on chemically polluted fluid is not a good idea – neither is dehydration.
It is also vitally important to drink at the right times during the day. A pint of water on rising and before retiring and about 15 to 30 minutes before meals is the best time to drink. Fluid should not be taken whilst the digestive cycle is in progress because this would dilute the digestive juices and interfere with the digestive processes. This may cause short term indigestion, acidity, nausea, bloating etc. and longer term serious digestive and toxicity problems. The habit of a cup of tea after a meal is not a good one, try missing it out if you are a tea addict and see the difference. This is a foundational matter to consider if you want good health.
This toxic chemical is added to water to kill micro-organisms. There are other non-toxic alternative water treatments but they would be outside the present economic and political status quo and so are not considered. This chemical has been associated with heart disease and more. Chlorine will ‘kill’ the friendly bacteria in the intestines which have multiple functions necessary for sound health. I believe that the derangement of normal intestinal flora is a serious foundational matter which must be addressed if you want to be healthy. I personally think that many serious health problems have dysbiosis at their roots.
This toxic substance is added to the water as mass medication whether we want it or not. It is not a water treatment but a supposed tooth treatment. This compulsory mass medication is unethical and some areas have taken the water boards to court resulting in the removal of fluoride. Other people believe all the information they are given about fluoride being an anti-tooth decay substance and do not question it. Neither do they question what fluoride does to general health. Many also rely only on the opinion of their dentists who get their information from the manufacturers just as they do with amalgam. Trials have proved that not only is fluoride not anti-tooth decay but that it causes crumbling from within along with bone disease and cancer.
There are many books, papers and international ‘pro-clean water’ organisations which support the same conclusions. Dentists who question such things as amalgam and fluoride safety by examining independently produced data no longer use them and can supply different information.
We must also consider what chlorine and fluoride do within living body chemistry (as against the test tube) and what interactions they have with other toxins such as mercury (from fillings), antibiotics, drugs, vaccines, food chemicals, pesticides, recycled hormones etc. No one knows what horrors we are creating by being passive passengers in life. However, the steady rise in degenerative diseases is alarming and it is not unreasonable to connect the two. Information on the importance of water and water toxins is readily available.
- Oxygen Therapies by Ed McCabe. Energy Publications, ISBN 0-9620527-0-1.
- Living Water by Olof Alexandersson. Gateway Books, 1990. ISBN 0 946551 57 X.
- The Memory of Water by Michel Schiff.
- Your Body’s Many Cries for Water by Dr F. Batmanghelidj. The Therapist Ltd, 1994. ISBN 1 899398 35 X.
Editor’s Note
Differing views exist among healthcare practitioners regarding the amount of water one ought to drink. While some Naturopathic and Nutritional practitioners recommend 8 glasses of water per day, practitioners of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine advise to drink enough to satisfy thirst.
Photograph from Living Energies by Callum Coats. Gateway Books, 1996. Bath, BA2 8QJ. Tel: 01225 835127. £14.95. Copyright Images Colour Library.
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