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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 279

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 279 - June 2022

Natural Therapeutics Essential Oils and Essential Oil Training

At Natural Therapeutics, we are passionate about essential oils and essential oil training. We offer a wide range of courses, including a diploma as an Essential Oil Practitioner for people who do not want to train in massage as an aromatherapist does. We have taken the UK core curriculum for aromatherapy and stripped out all of the massage elements, so you do all the rest of the training and will be qualified to blend for clients using all the same products as an aromatherapist would. It includes a separate diploma in anatomy, physiology and pathology and if you already hold a recognised APP diploma, we can exempt you from that part of the course, so you will only need complete the essential oil modules. The course is fully accredited by Complementary Health Professionals, known for high standards who offer membership for practitioners and a discounted insurance scheme. 



Natural Therapeutics



Last year we launched our Level 5 Upgrade course for aromatherapists who wish to deepen their knowledge and gain a higher-level qualification. These are all modular and include modules on advanced chemistry and blending, elderly care, care of chronic conditions, energy work with essential oils, working with fertility, pregnancy, childbirth and children as well as aromatherapy to support mental health conditions. You need to complete each module and then write a 3000-word thesis on a subject of your choice to gain the level 5 diploma. You can start this anytime as you can with all of our courses and work online at your own pace. 

We also offer lots of essential oil CPD courses for aromatherapists and essential oil practitioners and although all is done online, you have access to a real live person to ask questions whenever you need to! You can email or video call for support and all of your coursework is marked by a tutor and you get copious amounts of developmental feedback and extra snippets of information. If you do not believe us, check out our Google reviews from past students. 

We do also have some in-class courses on essential oil blending as well as Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy and remedial massage and trigger point therapy. These are currently held in Thetford. You may also enjoy our Aromatic Tour at Kew Gardens, which we do every June. It is a wonderful day out exploring the flowering plants that give us our essential oils and share information on the oils, their properties and blending. 

If you are new to complementary therapies, we have some cheaper introductory courses online so that you can dip your toe and these include essential oils and herbal medicine.

Further Information

For more information and full details of all our courses  please visit our website at and please do get in touch if you have any questions.



The Distinctive Qualities of Seaweed for Nutrition

by Simon Ranger, Founder of the Seagreens® project

Many kinds of culinary seaweeds are now available, from snacks to pouches of large pieces for use like other vegetables. Although seaweed is a healthy food, these products vary widely and many have little or no nutritional value.

Such is their composition, that the most nutritious seaweeds are best used in very small amounts – a few grams – as a daily ‘dietary supplement’. This has been their traditional use in Japan and elsewhere. Larger amounts, once a week or less frequently, do not deliver the unique contribution that certain seaweed species can make to human nutrition.



Ranger and Hurst in Scotland

Simon with Geoff Hurst, Director of Seagreens Operations in Mull, Scotland, 2019



The most important contribution is as a natural source of all the micronutrients, including rare vitamins like the entire B group, ideal ratios of Omega fatty acids, high antioxidant capacity, soluble dietary fibre, and all the minerals and trace elements, many deficient in large populations.

Achieving any comparable range of nutrients in a normal diet requires an uncommon variety of land-grown produce. Even if seafood like fish is included, the gaps filled by a nutritious seaweed are still found, and no formulated supplement replicates whole seaweed.

Daily use is critical, because the most valuable seaweed nutrients are neither manufactured nor easily stored in the body Yet only tiny amounts of these nutrients are required, and today it is easy to include between a quarter of a teaspoon (1 gram) and a heaped teaspoon (4 grams) of dried granulated seaweed in any diet.

The traditional Japanese diet included an average 4.6 grams of seaweed per day. Interestingly, during the decade from 1998 when we introduced our first products, to 2008 when our nutrition research began, healthcare professionals using Seagreens® found this to be the level at which our native wild seaweeds become therapeutic.

The Seagreens® project’s sole purpose was to get at least a gram of our most nutritious seaweeds into the daily diet, not only to provide sufficiency in ‘seaweed’ nutrients like iodine, but to address major health concerns like obesity, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and dementia.

If you are going to use seaweed every day, in children and old age, pregnancy and special diets, and particularly at higher levels in nutritional therapy, then the seaweed must not only meet the most rigorous food safety standards, but its entire composition must be known to you, closely monitored, and non-allergenic. Within the narrowest possible parameters, its nutritional profile must also be consistent.

This is why Seagreens® has pursued its unique production and independent certification of seaweed specifically for nutrition, so it can be delivered safely and knowledgeably in any kind of food or drink, or in capsules. Only by doing so, can practitioners be confident of potential outcomes.

Further Information

If the difference between seaweed as an occasional vegetable and as a nutrition supplement needs further explanation, explore our information website and our products at local health stores or Contact us at Seagreens Ltd, The Warren Estate, Handcross, West Sussex RH17 6DX. Tel 01444 400403; .



Rayonex Exhibition and the New Automatic Body Scan (Rayoscan®)

We are proud to announce that Rayonex Biomedical UK are one of the main sponsors and exhibitors at the next Natural Health Care Show from 17-19 June 2022 at the Business Design Centre (BDC) in London. Please come and visit our stand (M1) at the show to see demonstrations of the company’s latest developments.



Natural Health and Pet Care RayoScan Human and Veterinary



The CEO of Rayonex Biomedical GmbH in Germany, Prof Dietmar Heimes, will be one of the key speakers during the event, presenting the company’s recent high profile medical study on pain relief as well as the company’s greatest innovation yet: the new Rayoscan® for both the human and veterinary area. His presentation will be on Sunday the 19th of June at 2:00pm on the Centre Stage. Please follow this link for more details.

The Rayoscan® is the high-end software module based on heart rate variability for the Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0. Through a fully automatic energetic test based on ECG analysis, the practitioner will be able to create a fully comprehensive, cause-oriented therapy proposal as a result. 
The new Rayoscan® Human energetically evaluates 22 physiologies to determine those physiological areas that are in need of treatment from an energetic point of view. A further automatic scan in the cause-oriented area of the Rayonex Analysis and Harmonisation System (RAH) then determines the energetic burdens from pathogens, heavy metals, electro-smog, geopathic stress, environmental toxins and other select causes. 

In addition, the new Rayoscan® also features a handy Progress Analysis that shows the course (progress) of the therapy, for example on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

Your benefits at a glance:

  • The operation can be learned extremely quickly;
  • An ECG-based application is known and familiar to both the therapist and the client;
  • The determined therapy programs can be saved on a memory card for home therapy with a PS10 basic;
  • The integrated progress analysis shows the progress of the therapy on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis;
  • The Rayoscan® can also be used to determine the energetic fingerprint of the client;
  • The Rayoscan® software is not a third-party development but was developed in Rayonex's own laboratories;
  • Further developments of the module can easily be imported via an internet update;
  • Future updates of the module can be downloaded free of charge on the Rayocomp PS1000 polar 4.0;
  • The therapy programs determined by the Rayoscan® can be archived and emailed as a pdf file via a dedicated USB stick.

Further Information

For more information about the new Rayoscan® please contact Rayonex Biomedical UK Ltd on Tel. 0203 866 1192;



Clinical Education and The Institute for Functional Medicine™  Special Regional Pricing

Clinical Education and The Institute for Functional Medicine™ are delighted to expand upon their Education Partnership and announce a special price for Clinical Education Members based in the following regions:

  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • Ireland
  • European Union (EU)
  • Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)



Clinical Education and IFM Discounted  Pricing



Clinical Education Members based in these regions can access the Environmental Health International Advanced Practice Module™ (APM) for a special price of $1250* USD (Full tuition price $1975). IFM and Clinical Education are committed to removing barriers to entry for training in this region and this special pricing reflects that commitment.

To access this special price, Clinical Education need to verify your eligibility by location and profession. 

*GBP approx. £950 at the current exchange rate. This estimate is provided for informational purposes only. It is meant only as an approximate conversion amount based on the exchange rate at the time of publication and should not be relied upon for any other purposes.

About the Environmental Health International Advanced Practice Module™ (APM)

There is persuasive evidence that even low-level toxic exposures contribute to the development of a variety of chronic health conditions, including fatigue, endocrine disruption, and chronic degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. Given the ubiquitous nature of chemicals in the environment, it is likely that the single exposure model of toxicology is more the exception than the rule. It is therefore critical for clinicians to learn how to assess both exposures and total toxic load to appropriately assess and address each individual’s toxicological situation.

Program Highlights

Our expert educator team reviews the foundational biochemistry and genetics associated with biotransformation pathways, connects organ system dysfunctions to potential toxic exposures, and details the useful laboratory evaluations for evaluating toxicant exposure levels and subsequent physiologic stresses in patients. Once these important clinical connections are made, the team will detail specific treatment approaches. This program also uses a case-based, integrated approach to effectively deliver the tools necessary for clinicians to diagnose and treat the toxic component of their patients’ total health pictures.

Further Information

Find out more and to apply for regional pricing:



4 Season’s Well Woman Retreat’s – Integrative Health Education

Presenters: Emma Lane & Rachel Gosling
Course Date: 11 July 2022
Location: Broadlands Farm, 101 Durkar Low Lane, Durkar, Wakefield WF4 3BJ


Come and join us on this series of 4 individual day retreats over the next 12 months.

We will be offering a one-day retreat within each season – each day focusing on empowering women to live their best life through education, energy practices, detox, nutrition, beneficial lifestyle choices and group support.



IHE yoga



The seasonal retreat days will give you the opportunity to:

  • Disconnect from routine life while connecting with yourself;
  • Take some time to focus on you and get back in touch with yourself;
  • Become stronger mentally and find inner peace and awareness;
  • Immerse yourself into the art of ‘being’ (Nourish your Feminine, Yin energy);
  • Gain skills that will make a difference in your day-to-day life leaving you feeling rejuvenated, back in control and able to be the best version of you.

Our first seasonal retreat day will be SUMMER.

This will take place in our beautiful petal tent on the farm where you will be welcomed with a goody bag, delicious juice and experience nourishing catered lunch. During the day you will participate in fun and informative workshops on eating for health, optimal energy creation and balancing digestion. Body reconnection and awareness practices will be experienced through the day including a wonderful yoga and meditation session taught by Rachel Gosling (Rachel.intheflow)

You will have the opportunity to relax, detox and enjoy one of our healing modalities in the afternoon – Far Infra Light Therapy, Chi Machines, Medi Crystal Mats, Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM), Ionic Foot Spa (you will be able to experience them all over the 4 retreats). We will finish the day with a fabulous group sound healing experience lead by Julian Ellis who is a qualified practitioner with the College of Sound Healing This will enable you to finalise the reconnection with your mind and body and obviously make you feel GOOD!

During the retreat you will learn simple practices and tools that will enable you to continue with beneficial practices that will trigger a transformation within your energy body and which will directly bring about a unity and balance throughout your entire human experience.

The following retreat days will be held indoors

Autumn retreat focus– Optimizing your immune system for continuous health and wellbeing – be winter prepared. Supporting body rhymes;
Winter retreat focus – Preventing the winter blues, harmonize hormones;
Spring retreat focus – Shedding winter baggage, body and mind detox;

Take this opportunity and sign up for our well women retreat where the whole woman is in focus!

Further Information
You can sign up for either the Summer retreat @ £120 or sign up for all 4 retreats @ £400 and GET TICKETS. Please contact IHE on Tel: Tel: 01924 242 851;



Turning Point Training – Postgraduate Courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology

Turning Point Training offers postgraduate courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds both in conventional and holistic disciplines. This allows an exchange of information and experience that enriches the learning experience. Courses are mixture of leading-edge, scientifically based theory and clinical and practical tuition. Students are encouraged to explore and develop their gifts and talents in bringing their unique experience to the disciplines taught. Students are thus empowered.



Jonathan and Rosemary Lawrence + CranioSacral Course 2019

Top: Jonathan Lawrence BA DO Cert Ed and Rosemary Lawrence Dip BFD Cert Clin Hom Cert Ed

Bottom: Craniosacral Course 2019



Small groups help to facilitate this experience. Turning Point teachers are enthusiastic and experienced practicing therapists who keep their knowledge up to date.

The philosophy of Turning Point encompasses the idea that medicine is an art informed by science. We believe that the conventional materialist paradigm is very much out of date and that scientific knowledge has now reached a point where much of holistic medicine can incorporated into a new paradigm.

Turning Point courses introduce the concepts of research and encourage students to critically evaluate current information.

Craniosacral therapy is based on the relation of the relationship between the structure and function of the body and health. Specific, gentle and skilled manipulation can restore the structure-function relationship supporting the patients’ own homeostatic mechanisms. This non-invasive and safe therapy can be used on patients of all ages from the new-born to the elderly.

The Practitioner Course consists of 8 modules over 5 weekends (Friday afternoon to Sunday lunchtime) and 20 hours Zoom support days. In addition, students must complete a portfolio of case studies and complete an exam. Practical skills are assessed during the course. This course is recognized by the CMA.

The 2023 dates are: 17th, 18th, 19th March, 21st, 22nd, 23rd April, 19th, 20th, 21st May, 30th June 1st, 2nd July, 15th, 16th, 17th September.

These courses are led by Jonathan Lawrence

Homotoxicology is based on the idea that disease results from toxic load. In modern life we are subject to toxins from a variety of sources. This has the effect of stressing the immune system leading to ill health. Accurate prescribing can help the body gently detoxify aiding the restoration of homeostasis.

The remedies used are single potency homeopathic remedies or combinations of remedies to achieve a specific physiological response.

There is access to online training via the Society of Homotoxicology, UK.

We provide further courses in Electro Acupuncture According to Voll (EAV) for suitably qualified students. This involves electro-acupuncture assessment of meridians and clinical application of findings. Training is via small tutorial groups led by Rosemary Lawrence. For 2023 dates email

Further Information

For information about training in these disciplines visit



Alliance for Natural Health – ANH is 20: Are You on Board for the Next Part of the Journey?

Rob Verkerk MSc DIC PhD FACN Founder, Executive & Scientific Director, ANH

Twenty years – a little under a quarter of a contemporary lifetime in the Western world. Maybe it doesn’t feel like a long time in your life, but that’s how long the Alliance for Natural Health – or ANH – has been in existence! Yes, it was 15 May 2002 that ANH was registered as a non-profit to protect and promote natural health. It might feel like yesterday, but that’s when I made the decision to refuse a permanent position in the Department of Biology at Imperial College London, 12 years after I started my Master’s degree (for which I received a distinction) and my PhD (that I completed in 25 months). There were two choices for me. The choice most immediately in front of me was to build a research group, chase more grants, publish findings in the world’s highest ranking science journals, and either – to be realistic – make at best a token net impact through any fruit of my group’s endeavour on the dire state of the planet or engage in greenwashing that would end up bettering the financial status of one or another aspect of the corporate sector.



ANH 20th Anniversary Tree with ANH Logo



Or I could jump out of the matrix and re-engage with the non-profit world that had already monopolized the third decade of my life. But this time I wouldn’t be working to stop the pollution and decimation of the Australian natural environment. It would be about doing everything in our powers to help as many people as possible recognize the potency and importance of natural health as the basis of how they manage their health. To create or regenerate health by working with nature, not against it. After deep contemplation, I of course made the latter choice.

Since the inception of ANH, we’ve taken cases to the High Court in London, the European Court of Justice in Europe and the District Court for the District of Columbia in the USA. And each time we’ve been successful. We’ve created new models for the scientific evaluation of the risk and benefits of natural products to prevent legislation that bans products disproportionately based on their potential risk. That would be like banning seatbelts in cars because they have occasionally been known to cause a trip hazard or harm a few people in unusual circumstances. We’ve also created a blueprint for how we can work in communities, from the bottom up, to create and regenerate health. Respecting bodily autonomy, informed consent and other key bioethical principles. Now we’re figuring out how to transition from a blueprint to the real world.

During these last two years, the critical role of natural products like vitamins C and D, zinc, quercetin and N-acetyl cysteine have stood up astonishingly well against the billions spent on genetic vaccines. The global COVID-19 response has ripped the heart out of medical practice. Now it’s time to put the heart back in to how we do health, along with its devoted partner – nature.

Further Information

We’d so love as many of you as possible to join us in our continuing journey – as Pathfinder members, as volunteers, or as ambassadors. There’s never been a more important time to co-create a health system worthy for future generations. Go to to find out more. 



The Genesis of the Pelvic Corrector Device 

Masterminded out of The Pelvic Correction System™ is the Genius of this Instrument

It was/is generally known with Manual Therapies that the human thighs when pushed outwards laterally from the knees against a resistant object, and then pulled inwards medially against a resistant object, a reasonable balance of the joints of the legs and the pelvis was obtained.  This was/is a clever and effective way of employing the abductor and the adductor muscles of the thighs for therapeutic purposes.

However, this practice is not sufficient enough to correct true pelvic slippage, be it a wholesale prolapse of the pelvis to one side causing the leg on that side to appear longer than its partner leg and also commonly, a dysfunction of the sacroiliac joints, such as to cause the ilia (wings) of the pelvis to twist/torsion in opposite directions, thus, lifting one of the legs upwards superiorly causing leg length discrepancy once again.

Both subluxations/dislocations are damaging to the hapless body as its bony joints in many areas suffer detriment - most often, serious detriment.

Noticing over the years that almost without exception, patients lying on the treatment couch before me, presented leg length discrepancy.  This commonplace presentation almost always followed back-pain and virtually all the other aches and pains of the joints of the shoulders and arms and those of the legs.  In addition, respiration and digestion were affected mildly or seriously.



AWA Logo + Pelvic Corrector Devic



It was this regular dysfunctional presentation by patients that galvanised me into the making of a simple device, that would not only imitate the actions as described above with abducting and adducting the thighs, but to develop further that basic idea. I experimented with additional movements that twisted, bent and arched the spine.  Eventually obtaining a formula, that if carried-out to the letter, worked 100% every time when the Device was deployed to re-align the pelvis perfectly, and in this way, neutralising and putting right the two basic types of pelvic dislocation.

 I developed the Pelvic Ring Device further by adding some interesting knobbly parts, such, that one could sit into and onto the Device and in this way stimulate especial acupuncture points that assist healing of all the structures in and of that area.  This whole process from beginning to end took around 15 years to develop and to obtain completion. This time factor was required because much testing had to take place to obtain the certainty of efficaciousness in such a crucial area of musculoskeletal medicine.

The primary technique applied executes The Regulator Technique.  This regulates and corrects the pelvic dislocations and is biased towards chronic conditions. The second technique executes The Rump Compressor (the sitting into the device) and this is enjoyed anytime, but mainly for the acute stages of back-pain and more - when for instance your back has just given-way and you can barely move because you are experiencing intense pain and stiffness.

Further Information

Much may be gleaned reading from the website address below about what we do and what we teach and a viewing of The Pelvic Corrector Ring Device 

© Dr Alexander Barrie. May 2022.



Lipolife Liposomal Magnesium

Lipolife liposomal supplements are designed to ensure your body absorbs as much of the nutrient as possible. It is hard to downplay the extraordinary capabilities of a liposome. Oral liposomes can be instantly absorbed into circulation which results in significantly higher absorption than other, widely available supplements. A liposome is a protective bubble comprised of phospholipids, the very same phospholipids which make up human cells.

To ensure nutrients reach your cells and tissues, a supplement needs to withstand the digestive process and your stomach acid has a pH only slightly higher than battery acid!
A liposome protects the nutrients as the body recognises the phospholipid material, allowing the bubbles and their contents into circulation.



LLM1 Magnesium Lipolife



What is Magnesium Good For?

Magnesium comes in different forms and each plays a different role in your body, from mood to metabolism. In fact, magnesium is a hugely important mineral, playing a role in over 300 enzyme reactions in the human body, supporting muscle and nerve function, energy production and optimal brain function.

Is it OK to take Magnesium Every Day?

The NHS advises adults should aim for 300mg of magnesium a day to maintain optimal levels. Magnesium can be found in wholemeal bread, nuts, spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables.

Does Magnesium help you Sleep?

Make sure you choose the right form if you are looking to magnesium for its relaxation benefits. Magnesium glycinate is one of the most common magnesium supplements used for achieving better sleep due to its combination with glycine, a sleep-inducing amino acid.

Further Information

For further information and to purchase please visit



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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes Issue 279


    Healing / Funds Needed – Bali Motorbike Accident

    Chris Cooke, son-in-law of Sarah Williams – Organic Aromatherapy had a near-fatal motorbike accident in Bali, where he and Sarah’s daughter, Bexie, live. He has a deep brain bleed in the occipital area and medulla oblongata, with brain /mental trauma/memory loss. Bexie is helping him heal his broken body from smashed ribs, blood in his lungs, ruptured liver/spleen and kidney. During the last 3 weeks his body is beginning to heal but sadly not the brain trauma. A top European neurologist has looked at the CAT scans and says a full recovery is possible. They desperately need to raise funds to pay for specialists, nurses, healthy foods and ALL medical supplies as nothing is freely available in Bali. Please help save Chris's life with whatever you can. Funds and Healing.


    Further Information: GoFundMe   Donate


    Human Givens Intensives

    Human Givens College are running two intensive weeks of Part 1 workshops. The Diploma-linked workshops are over 3 weeks and are held in Bristol. Week 1 Workshops: Monday 1st – Friday 5th August include The therapeutic power of language, How to tell stories that heal, How to control Chronic Anxiety and How to lift depression – the practical skills you need.


    Further Information: Workshops Schedule  Book your Place


    Physio’s Joint Care Tips

    Outdoor exercise is a great way to keep active whilst making the most of the fresh air, improving your fitness and releasing endorphins to help relieve stress, increase self-esteem and boost energy. Physiotherapist, Sammy Margo recommends you stretch and strengthen, mix up your movements, maintain a healthy weight and wear appropriate footwear. An anti-inflammatory will help arthritic conditions, such as GOPO Joint Health Plus Ginger, the first UK supplement which combines the active rose-hip compound.


    Further information:  or


    Solgar Summer Live Webinar

    Female Health: From Childhood to Menopause and Beyond with Dr Rowena Thomson is on Jul 20, 2022 11:00 AM – 12 Noon. It will cover key health concerns affecting women including bone, heart, hormone and breast health. Rowena Thomson, a Nutrition Science & Communications Manager at The Bountiful Company has a Master’s in Homeopathy from the University of Johannesburg and has worked in private practice and as a lecturer. Recommended for Health Care Practitioners and Students. For professional viewing only.


    Further Information: Webinar Registration


    Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat

    ​Amrita Ma Devi & Sundari Ma invite you to Nectar & Beauty 5-day retreat with Ayurvedic cooking workshops, herb and spice classes, yoga and meditation sessions, chanting and ecstatic dancing. The retreat runs from July 17th – 22nd 2022 and will be held in the retreat location of Osa Major in Montuiri in Mallorca.


    Further Information:


    TriDosha Award

    Tri-dosha are delighted to be honoured with a LUXlife award 2022. Great to see recognition for leading conscious wellness and beauty.  Tri-Dosha give thanks to their fantastic team and clients who provide the Why to continue to educate, balance and transform through Ayurveda.


    Further Information:


    AIHM 2022 Conference

    People Planet. Purpose. Conference October 28 - 30, 2022 with global leaders to talk about the latest evidence-based integrative health and medicine. You’ll engage in lively discussions and learn tools that you’ll be able to leverage in your practice and you will be able to receive up to 54.25 CME* credits. Early Bird Pricing Ends August 15, 2022.


    Further Information:

    Early Bird pricing ends August 15, 2022


    Sue Ricks Academy

    The Sue Ricks Academy was created 5 years ago to provide my training to anyone around the world. It is an online membership site with £1000s worth of training content in videos, articles and audios including Gentle Touch Reflexology on both feet and the hands for adults and babies/children, business advice and teaching tips and support with stress and anxiety. We also track and provide CPD points too.


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    British Dietetic Association

    The British Dietetic Association (BDA) announce the appointment of Liz Stockley as new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Liz has over 10 years of senior executive experience in health, previously been CEO of General Practice New Zealand (GPNZ) and prior to that CEO of a regional Primary Health Organisation. Liz is a Chartered member of the NZ Institute of Directors with an MBA from Massey University. Liz joins the BDA on 9 August during which she will  shadow outgoing CEO Andy Burman over a three-week period.


    Further Information: Tel: 0121 200 8018;


    Tiresome Menopause Sleep

    Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, Physiologist and Sleep expert with 25 years’ experience, identifies  menopause and perimenopause impacts on women’s sleeping pattern, discussing her 5 top tips to achieve a more restful night’s sleep and take back control. Maintain healthy blood sugar levels, Find your zen – yoga, Go to bed 30 minutes earlier, Try a herbal remedy, Reduce caffeine intake. Kalms Night One-A-Night is a traditional herbal remedy used to promote a refreshing and restful night’s sleep.


    Further Information: Available from supermarkets, pharmacies  Amazon or directly from


    Cytoplan Menopause Supplements

    Amanda Williams, expert at innovative supplement brand Cytoplan, offers guidance on what things might be helpful to consider as you approach the menopause. Balanced diet, Brain food, Optimize Hormonal Health, Foods rich in natural phyto-oestrogens, Seek Advice, Keep active, Optimize Sleep, Trust your Gut.


    Further Information: Cytoplan Health Questionnaire


    Yoga for Cancer

    Yoga for Cancer: the A to Z of C by Vicky Fox – a unique and accessible handbook for cancer patients to do yoga at home or to use in conjunction with Vicki’s free Yoga for Cancer classes,  available at TriYoga and online. Easy to navigate with an A to Z of side effects make this a go to guide, with photos of Vicky doing the poses, enabling the reader to copy and learn, including breathing exercises (pranayama), physical postures (asana), hand gestures (mudras) and sounds/meditations (mantras) to support, ease and make life more comfortable.


    Further Information: Available from Vicky Fox Yoga and


    Cloud Twelve Kids Club

    Complementary crèche services are part of Cloud Twelve’s newly launched Kid Club Daily Memberships allowing non-members to purchase a daily pass and book complementary crèche for their little ones while they enjoy well-earned me-time. Enjoy a facial, holistic body treatment, infra-red sauna or a reflexology treatment, while your little ones are having the time of their lives in one of London’s top Kids Clubs.


    Further Information:


    School of Bodywork

    A live webinar series on 1st, 8th, 22nd & 29th June 2022 takes an in-depth look at  pain. Learn to recognize and understand the neurobiological, psychological, and emotional aspects of this distressing feeling, part of the body's defence system which produces a reflex withdrawal from the painful stimulus and tendencies to protect the affected body part, while it heals. To learn how to avoid that harmful situation in the future and how to incorporate these skills into your practice, join Tanya Desfontaines in the LIVE webinar series.


    Further Information: Pain Webinar Series


    Amchara Health

    Magnesium deficiency has been linked to higher levels of stress, anxiety and difficulty relaxing - key factors in achieving a good night’s sleep. Magnesium also interacts with sleep-promoting neurotransmitters and can work in many ways to preserve the health of the nervous system. Enhance your sleep with magnesium,  the link between Vitamin D & Asthma,


    Further Information:


    Abstracts for Beyond the Brain

    You are invited to submit an abstract to give one of three 20-minute talks at this year’s Beyond the Brain conference. Talks should report on recent research undertaken related to consciousness that has implications for its relationship with the brain or body. Please email 150-word abstracts with a short bio to Oliver Robinson and David Lorimer by June 30.


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    Vitamins / Herbs Performance

    Performance Dietitian Jenaed Brodell shares her expertise on 5 vitamins and herbs to help supercharge your mind for higher performance including Ashwagandha, Vitamins B6 & B12, Ginseng and Guarana and Caffeine. Pro Plus Ultra, the UK’s first energy supplement to contain a unique blend of performance ingredients, includes a patented slow-release caffeine clinically proven to provide a sustained energy release throughout the day.


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    Alternative for Hay Fever

    Pharmacist, Rita Ghelani explains why synthetic decongestants can be counter-productive when it comes to hay fever symptoms. Xlear Nasal Spray is a good alternative that can be used regularly without risk of rebound congestion and aids in restoring the natural mucus production of the nose.


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    Neuro-Linguistic Programming

    If you are new to NLP  and have ever wondered 'What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?' then this is the perfect guide. Learn to booster your personal and professional growth with practical skills and a more resourceful mindset if you are thinking about taking the next NLP Practitioner Programme with Neuroscience and want to learn more about NLP.


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    ‘Smart Socks’ for Dementia

    Milbotix’s ‘smart socks’ sense rising distress in those with dementia, autism and other conditions that affect communication, so their carers can intervene before things escalate. Tracking heart rate, sweat levels and motion they give insights on the wearer’s wellbeing and anxiety. Inventor Dr Zeke Steer quit his job and took a PhD at Bristol Robotics Laboratory to find a way to help people like his great grandmother, who became anxious and aggressive because of her dementia.


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    Saalt Certified Plastic Negative

    Saalt's mission is to reduce plastic waste, especially the amount generated by single-use period care products; they've created Saalt Menstrual Cup and Saalt Wear Leak-proof underwear to tackle the issue. Saalt has teamed up with RePurpose Global to be the first Plastic Negative period care brand and fund clean-up of 5,000 pounds of plastic waste from Indonesian shores.  


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    Ayurvedic Massage Course

    This 5-day FHT Certification Ayurvedic Massage Course 11-15 July 2022, Devon is designed by Sunita Passi, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Author, Founder Tri-Dosha Academy and Skincare Brand and is hosted by The School of Bodywork. Benefit from the expert knowledge of Emma Gilmore, founder of the School of Bodywork. Training therapists to be their best, her Academy offers advanced bodywork training for physical, emotional and mental health in the heart of Devon.


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    'It is What It Is'

    Julie Morehen’s first book It is What It Is – A Positive Guide to Facing up to Life-Changing Experiences portrays how life shapes the person you become. Julie's life with her husband Cas,    5 years of idyllic retirement, was shattered when tragedy struck in 2018. Julie is now living her option B life in her house of 24 years that she loved but nearly sold. Her 3 sons are living their lives, happy that she is living hers. Julie’s book was written to help others; all profit from the initial sales was donated to the British Heart Foundation.


    Further Information: and


    Being in Nature

    Being in Nature: 20 practices to help you flourish in a busy world by James Farrell is beautifully illustrated. Farrell sharse his twenty mindful techniques that are based in science, and which inspire and motivate.  Unlock the benefits of the great outdoors with this unique set of 20 mindful practices. Using this book could benefit your health, wellbeing and relationships - and inspire you to protect the natural world!


    Further Information: and


    How Art Can Change Your Life 

    How Art Can Change Your Life by Susie Hodge, shows how anyone can use art to enlighten, uplift, calm, and ease stress and anxieties. This insightful guide investigates how engaging with art and drawing upon its ideas can help everyone feel more connected and inspired. From Frida Kahlo confronting her anxieties to Henri Matisse embracing happiness, from Louise Bourgeois conquering her fear to Auguste Rodin finding hope, How Art Can Change Your Life is brimming with update guidance. 


    Further Information: and


    Higher Nature

    Shop Spring Offers Available Now. Pro-Daily for a healthy gut, Pregnancy Plus for fertility and pregnancy, Folic Acid heart and mind vitamin, Zinc citrate plus copper, Kids Vital Vits Delicious chewable multi, Pro-Digestion Dual action digestive support. Nutritional advice from in-house experts, Free UK delivery.


    Further Information:  Tel: 0800 458 4747;


    Buteyko Training in Ireland

    Buteyko Clinic Founder and Breathing expert Patrick McKeown, will deliver 4-day Buteyko Instructor trainings in Galway, Ireland and Sydney, Australia. From 23-26 June 2022, Patrick will guide 30 participants through training to become fully accredited Buteyko instructors in Moycullen, Co. Galway. From 3 - 6 July 2022, Patrick travels to Australia to be joined by Naturopath and Buteyko Educator, Mim Beim for a 4-day Buteyko Instructor Training in Sydney.


    Further information:   Buteyko Training Ireland   Buteyko Training Australia


    Living PCOS Free

    Living PCOS Free: How to regain your hormonal health with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome by Mother and daughter team Dr Nitu Bajekal with Rohini Bajekal share their PCOS story about this misunderstood hormonal, reproductive and metabolic syndrome. This practical guide shows how to manage your condition using lifestyle approaches alongside western medicine. The book features an easy-to-follow 21-day plan for hormonal health along with plant-based recipes and  case histories.


    Further Information: Available from and


    Silk'n SonicYou

    The brand new Silk’n SonicYou! – cleans hard-to-reach areas and deep between the teeth. Its sonic vibration technology tackles plaque and impurities more effectively than a manual toothbrush to ensure a brilliant smile. enjoy an extensive battery life of up to 300 days. Even when the battery is low, you can then continue to use the SonicYou for another 25 days.


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    FHT Professional Conference

    The FHT announces their Professional Development Conference, 9 - 15 July 2022 which provides access to live and pre-recorded seminars and CPD resources for a week. The event is hosted virtually so you can develop your therapy knowledge and gain your annual CPD wherever you are!


    Further Information: Registration


    Homeopathy Awards

    To celebrate the 20 years of  special awards were given to 66 contributors this year in the following categories:

    Lifetime Achievement Award
    Pioneer in Homeopathy Award
    Award for Excellence in Agro-Homeopathy
    Award for Excellence in Veterinary Homeopathy
    Award for Excellence in Homeopathy

    Further Information: The awardees are listed in random order. Check the list here:


    Lazy Eye Treatment

    Bynocs is a new treatment offering a solution for Amblyopia (lazy eye). Bynocs’ treatment is effective in patients of all ages, making it useful for those who do a lot driving, sports and computer work. Bynocs’ patented Dichoptic Binocular treatment is a cloud-based software based on the dissociation of both eyes and can be carried out from the patient’s home, through computer game-type activities that encourage the two eyes to work together and train the brain to recognize signals from both.


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    Ashtanga Intensive

    1 Month Ashtanga Practitioners Intensive 2022 - at Miami Yoga Garage & Online One Month Intensive: 8 July – 7 August is directed by Tim Feldmann & Kino MacGregor with Special Friends.  An established personal practice is the most important foundation for the yogi’s journey. You will join a comprehensive program aimed at preparing you for a journey into the dimension of Ashtanga Yoga  as a life style, a world view and potentially a profession.


    Further Information:


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