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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 260

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 260 - February 2020

Why We Need More Fruit & Veg Into Our Diet – Maximum Vibrance

Nature’s larder is famously bountiful, but as a nation – indeed as a species – we don’t eat enough fruit and vegetables. According to the World Health Organisation, reduced fruit and vegetable consumption is linked to poor health and increased risk of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), with an estimated 3.9 million deaths attributable to inadequate consumption in 2017. The same year, THE Health Survey for England found that just 29% of adults met the recommended five daily portions of fruit and vegetables, with the average (mean) number 3.8.


Photo Credit: CarolinaCotoSegnini

Five-a-day remains a struggle for many people, even though research by Imperial College London shows that 10 is the number we should all be striving for. By eating 10 portions a day, we can benefit from a 33% reduced risk of stroke; a 24% reduced risk of heart disease; and a 28% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, 10 daily portions is said to reduce our risk of premature death by an astonishing 31%.

Why do we find it so difficult to eat fruit and vegetables? Is it simply the case that we are attracted to sweet treats in gaudy packaging, enticed by cheap and cheerful alternatives? Are fruit and vegetables prohibitively expensive, and should retailers factor healthier options into their overarching agenda?

There are no easy answers. It might be the case that no new evidence or public health initiative will suddenly spark renewed interest in fruit and vegetables. However, perhaps the retail industry could follow the lead of China, where AI vending machines loaded with fruit and vegetables have started appearing all over the country. On a recent hospital visit, it was demoralising to note the number of vending machines fully stocked with chocolate bars, crisps and sugar-laden fizzy drinks. A rethink is overdue.

Maximum Vibrance offers an easy way to get more greens into your diet. The world’s most comprehensive formulation of plant protein, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes and antioxidants, the supplement provides nutritional support for the whole body. It contains well over 100 ingredients including fruit and vegetable extracts, plus cereal grasses and acacia gum fibre. Maximum Vibrance is an upgrade on its sister product Green Vibrance, which launched the greens powder craze back in 1992.

Designed to be taken as a snack (one scoop) or complete meal replacement (two scoops), Maximum Vibrance mixes easily with water and lets you quickly nourish your body with natural goodness from a preponderance of food sources. Amazingly, the supplement supplies over 8g of plant food in total, including a vast range of polyphenols and bioactive food substances.

If you struggle with 5 (or 10) a day, give it a try.

Further Information

Available from Water for Health; please contact on Tel: +44 (0)1764 662111; or visit Water for Health


Irish workshop - PRANA 1 - Polarity Reflex Analysis & Nutritional Assessment Kinesiology

Tutor: Pat Roche RGN MKAI

Date:   March 7th & 8th 2020

Venue: CityNorth Hotel, Gormanston, Dublin; (Just off junction 7 on M1 – ample free and secure parking; Free shuttle transfer from Dublin Airport)

Time:   8.45am registration. Course 9am – 5pm

Cost:    €300 per person - to be paid in full prior to course commencement.

PRANA is a professional energy assessment program utilizing kinesiology techniques. As a complete and multi-dimensional tool, it uses the energy field to trace the root cause of body/mind imbalances, empowering the client to receive the best possible wellness outcomes. PRANA has been widely used throughout America and Europe since its inception in the late 80s by naturopath Angela Burr Madsen. The workshop undertakes a total holistic approach, paying significant attention to the digestive system. It will enhance areas of nutrition, homeopathy, supplements, emotional stress work and energy balances. In today’s modern environment, where the body struggles to adapt to the overwhelming cascade of negative influencers such as environmental toxicity, stress and inadequate nourishment, Reflex Analysis stands out as a supportive tool. It enables the body to exercise its priority needs and anchor its nutritional requirements.  By acknowledging the links between the body’s functions, and the importance of basic nutrition, PRANA can be used preventatively and therapeutically to help lessen or offset symptoms of discomfort or imbalance.



  • A new response with muscle testing;
  • PRANA points for testing organs and glands of the body;
  • How to test priority and recommend homeopathic medicines;
  • How to use the PRANA handbook;
  • How to test the polarity of the body;
  • The polarity sequence of each hand and fingers for the purpose of testing;
  • Pause Lock;
  • Holistic Viewpoint of Energy Imbalance;
  • Vital Force increase mode.

The weekend includes practical learning sessions, building Practitioner confidence in this testing mode. PRANA helps deliver efficient and exact responses, creating a more stable regeneration of a toxic and stressed environment. Participants must be proficient in Touch for Health (TFH).

About the Tutor

Pat Roche graduated as a reflexologist before completing his studies at the Kinesiology Institute under Risteard De Barra, Angela Burr Marsden and Wayne Topping. He is a qualified Touch for Health Instructor and has taught this for a number of years. He formed the R&R School of Reflexology and Kinesiology in 2000 with his wife Sheila. He is a certified Stress Release Instructor and specialises in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. He became a certified instructor in PRANA in 2012. Geopathic Stress has been his speciality for over 25 years, with great success. He is presently writing a book about Geopathic Stress and PRANA Treatment. He runs the Life Vitality Clinic in Dunleer Co. Louth, Ireland.

Further Information and Booking

For further information, please contact Pat on +353 (0) 87 2769320 or direct enquiries to  Bookings can be made via the New Vistas website.


Europe’s Rising Tide of Seaweed Nutrition – Seaweed Health Foundation

The nutritional use of seaweed in western Europe not only has a history, but is evolving faster here than anywhere else in the world. Leaving aside the ample evidence from Neolithic times that seaweed has long been a staple among coastal populations, and even Mrs Beeton’s famous Cookery Book, which in the 1920s extolled its virtues as a recuperative food for the sick and infirm, the past 75 years have witnessed a rising tide of seaweed research, and successive attempts by the far-sighted to get it into the population daily diet.

Marta Steinvik, Norway’s first female priest, in 1943 with the population near starvation under German occupation, wrote a little book explaining that their abundant native seaweeds were a free and pre-eminent natural source of nutrition for people, livestock, and growing vegetables.


Top (left to right) author Marta Steinvik, Vitalia founder Mykelstad, Seagreens Founder Simon Ranger

By 1954, Ørnulf Thorbjørn Mykelstad was putting dried granulated seaweed into family-sized tubs and promoting its health-giving properties to the recovering Norwegian population. Later, he developed what is probably the world’s first TV commercial for seaweed nutrition, which you can watch at .

In the German Federal Republic, meanwhile, 72-year-old industrialist Heinrich Lienau, persuaded Wilhelm Haaks, the manager of a regional co-operative of 50 bakeries around Hamburg, to include seaweed as a nutritious ingredient in the daily bread, for similar reasons. Haaks called it ‘the bread of the future’ and it was soon adopted by the Food Ministry of Schleswig-Holstein. Mass production, rising wages and consumerism followed, replacing the focus on nutrition with sugar, salt and fats, fast foods and white bread. Only in the late 1990s did seaweed re-appear, among various responses to strong new demand for natural, organic foods and vegetable sources of nutrition.

In 1997, Simon Ranger, a British entrepreneur, began harvesting wild seaweeds in Norway, and more recently in Scotland, Iceland and Ireland, specifically for human nutrition. By 2008 his company Seagreens®, had embarked on a decade of ground-breaking research in both seaweed production and nutrition.

In 2010 he set up the Seaweed Health Foundation (SHF) for research, standards, and public education to stimulate an industry. Ironically, in 2012, UK Research Councils recognized Seagreens® as a nutritious replacement for salt in bread which could also tackle obesity as ‘A Big Idea For the Future’. In 2016, with the Biodynamic Association, SHF introduced the world’s first production standard to certify nutritious seaweeds.

During this period, coverage of seaweed in European media doubled, scientific papers on seaweed nutrition increased by 175%, and a plethora of small enterprises has emerged from Portugal to Norwegian Lapland, producing seaweed of many kinds, for human food.

The tide is now unlikely to ebb. Seaweed is the ecological counterpart to any kind of land-based diet. Abundant, wild and sustainable, it needs no soil, fresh water or fossil fuels. Produced to a high standard it can fill all the nutrient gaps in land-grown and manufactured foods, and Segreens® novel approach as ingredient, rather than whole vegetable on the plate, is finally proving the way to get it into everyday foods.

Further Information

Seaweed Health Foundation, The Warren, Handcross, West Sussex RH17 6DX

Tel: 01444 400403;


Rofes E01C Device Personal Organ & Systems Health Assessor

A Diagnostic Device (for £399) that Prints Out the Patient’s Health Condition of 21 Organ and System Assessments – All In Just 3 Minutes.


Rofes Device and Manual

ALL Therapists Practitioners and Doctors can NOW undertake a short preliminary health test on your patient using ROFES - which provides certainty of prognosis and confidence for both in the prescribed treatment to follow – and in addition pre-empts health condition awareness where symptoms may not be understood or evident.

ROFES stimulates the biologically active point MC-7 on the inner side of the wrist of the left hand. Impulses are sent through all body organs and systems and the response is captured by the device. TWENTY ONE ASSESSMENTS of these organs and systems can be produced with a print-out within just a few minutes. The simple Brochure Manual guides one effortlessly in making professional assessments assisting the Therapist to determine the best course of action based on science

It is compatible for PC's with Windows operating systems and with mobile devices running Android (not compatible to Apple products)

Assessed includes the following:

The general state of health, including assessment of the psych emotional state, Assessment of the organs and systems,  Analysis of the state of organs and systems, Immune system, Cardiovascular system, Regions of spine,  Bronchi, Lungs,  Liver,  Stomach,  Large intestine,  Pancreatic gland, Thyroid gland, Adrenal gland, Kidneys, Men’s bladder and prostatic gland, Women’s bladder, and Uterus.

ROFES Manuals  – page 31 for English

We import Therapy Devices from Russia – for obvious reasons we are mostly unaware of technological innovations.

Further Information

Miracle Therapy Devices are sole UK distributors of this Product. For contact and further information please contact Chris Stott, (Director)


HYPNOSIS: The Battle for Belief, the Power of Programming

Ó  Dr John Butler 2020, Hypnotherapy Training International

Belief is a crucial part of the interface where our inner world meets the outer world – in order to deal with external things, people and events, we need understandings and policies.  Our beliefs shape our lives, and are in turn shaped by many outside forces.

We need belief when we lack certainty.  However, true certainty is in short supply and could even be said to be unattainable, as there is always the possibility there is something important we are not aware of.  Some of the biggest shocks that occur in our lives are when we think we have certainty, and then discover we do not – for instance, in cases where we are betrayed. These situations can have long-term negative effects if they lead us to distrust our judgment, and as a result, we start to set ourselves an impossibly high threshold of proof in an attempt to reach certainty again.  For instance, a person who was cheated on in a relationship, may place an intolerable burden on their next partner, by monitoring their behaviour suspiciously, or on themselves, by attempting to be so “perfect” no-one would think of cheating on them.

Hypnosis is a powerful aid in liberating us from this trap.  Hypnotic programming is a combination of trance and suggestion, which increases the power available to us for changing from beliefs that don’t help us to get to where we want to go in life, to beliefs that do.  This includes accepting that very often we don’t have certainty, and so our task is to assess and manage risk and to maximise the odds in our favour.


Dr John Butler - Hypnotic Programming for Analgesia and Relaxation during a surgical procedure

Programming is so powerful and has so many levels, that it is one of the main topics of an intensive course that I teach – Hypnotherapy Skills for Life Change.  This course is designed both as an essential stage in becoming a hypnotherapist, and also as a vital element in becoming a self-directed human being.  You don’t have to intend to be a therapist, in order to learn and use these skills.  If you do intend to become a therapist, then you definitely need these skills. 

What does successful programming look like?  It never ceases to be a wonder to me, that being in trance, and exposing your then much more open mind to your selected desirable ideas presented in the forms dictated by a sophisticated understanding of how your mind comes to believe something, causes real change.  I have used hypnotic programming on myself, for hypnoanalgesia so that I could have surgery without using any chemical anaesthesia or sedatives, and have used hypnotic programming on others to do the same. I use programming on myself as a daily practice, like mental fitness and housekeeping, counteracting negative ideas coming in from the outside world, and instead using my energy to push forward, towards my goals.  One of my principal goals is to have the pleasure of seeing my students’ amazement and delight, to find that they, too, can bring about these changes in themselves and others.

Further Information

The next Clinical Hypnotherapy Course is from 16-20 March 2020. For more information about HTI Training Courses please contact Dr John Butler, HTI Director of Studies on Tel: +44(0)207 385 1166;


Nutritional Mushroom Treatment in Meniere’s Disease

The brain has a large potential oxidative capacity but a limited ability to counteract oxidative stress. Within the cell, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are physiologically present at minimal concentration as by-products of aerobic metabolism as well as second messengers in many signal transduction pathways and, in normal conditions, there is a steady-state balance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants which is necessary to ensure optimal efficiency of antioxidant defenses. However, when the rate of free radical generation exceeds the capacity of antioxidant defenses, oxidative stress ensues with consequential severe damage to DNA, proteins and lipids.

Coriolus-MRL with spooon

Meniere’s disease (MD) represents a clinical syndrome characterized by episodes of spontaneous vertigo, associated with fluctuating, low to medium frequencies sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), tinnitus, and aural fullness affecting one or both ears. To date, the cause of MD remains substantially unknown, despite increasing evidence suggesting that oxidative stress and neuroinflammation may be central to the development this condition. At present there is no treatment for this neurodegenerative condition.

In the December 2019 issue of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, researchers at the University of Catania examined the hypothesis that neurotoxic insult represents a critical primary mediator operating in MD pathogenesis, reflected by quantitative increases of markers of oxidative stress and cellular stress response in the peripheral blood of MD patients.[1]

Their study evaluated systemic oxidative stress and cellular stress response in MD patients in the absence and in the presence of treatment with a biomass preparation from Coriolus versicolor. Systemic oxidative stress was estimated by measuring, in plasma, protein carbonyls, hydroxynonenals (HNE), and ultraweak luminescence, as well as by lipidomics analysis of active biolipids, such as lipoxin A4 and F2-isoprostanes. Whereas in lymphocytes they measured changes in heat shock proteins 70 (Hsp72), heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), thioredoxin (Trx), and -GC liase to evaluate changes in the systemic cellular stress response.

The results reported are exciting as this was a 40 subject human clinical study, with two months duration, in which there were significant improvements in tinnitus handicap score and improvements in 5 out of 6 Profile of Mood States scores.

In conclusion, patients affected by MD under conditions of systemic oxidative stress may benefit from the induction of vitagenes, after mushroom supplementation. Further studies are required to reconfirm this clinical hypothesis. A six-month follow-up study has recently been concluded with the results to be presented in 2020.


1. Scuto, M.; Di Mauro, P.; Ontario, M.L.; Amato, C.; Modafferi, S.; Ciavardelli, D.; Trovato Salinaro, A.; Maiolino, L.; Calabrese, V. Nutritional Mushroom Treatment in Meniere’s Disease with Coriolus versicolor: A Rationale for Therapeutic Intervention in Neuroinflammation and Antineurodegeneration. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 202021, 284.

Further Information

The Coriolus versicolor used in the study was supplied by Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd. (Luton, United Kingdom)  -


Sheik Imam BestHealer and the Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation

Sheik Imam – leading African healer and advisor with 25 years’ experience – has dedicated his life to solving problems and advising clients from around the world. Sheik Imam’s father Imam Basaikou was born into a family with a reputation for helping people, guiding and solving people's problems for relationship, love and guidance. His grandfather is Sheikh Ahmad Bamba, and his great grandfather Sheik Abdulqadir Jelani. Sheik Imam is fluent in English, Spanish, Arabic and French and is well known throughout Africa for his good work and advice for which he has been honoured.

Imam Jaiteh distributing food to needy village people, schools and orphans in the Gambia

Imam Jaiteh distributing food to needy village people, schools and orphans in the Gambia

Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation

The Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation Charity Registrations Number 58/2013 is registered in the Capital of The Gambia West Africa. The non-profit making charitable foundation, based in Jarumeh Koto Village, supports an integrated development programme in The Gambia.

During this month of Ramadan with the help of sister charities in the Gambia they have distributed food to the needy peoples in the villages, schools and orphans.

It helps the village of  Jarumeh and satellite villages in their health care programme, sending doctors, nurses and eyes specialist every two months to provide free health care support. Additionally  the charity provides six class rooms to provide help and good care of poor students and helps to provide clean water  for the villages.

The Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation have built 4 toilets for the community in the Gambia who appreciate how the toilets and hygienic system support their good health. The Foundation has also supported school fees, clothing and extra support to the children in need of and having difficulties in school and living.

The Foundation is in need of more support in cash or kind to donate to the charity. The Chairman & Founder of the charity is Mr Imam B Jaiteh - an Imam, who is based in the UK.

Further Information

To help or for further information please contact Mr Imam B Jaiteh on Tel: 07985691335;


The Unique Rayonex System of Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt

The main difference between the Rayonex system and other systems is the way the frequencies are being generated. Rayonex uses a passive dipole antenna system, based on the principle of a variable capacitor, which was invented by the German engineer genius Paul Schmidt in the 1970s, to manually generate resonance fields as the way to generate and enhance the healing frequencies our bodies need. All the other devices on the market use a conventional frequency generator to generate frequencies with the use of electricity, which not only limits the results, it also has unwanted side effects.

Left: New Rayonex PS 1000 Polar 4.0; Right: Rayonex Biomedical UK Ltd

Left: New Rayonex PS 1000 Polar 4.0; Right: Rayonex Biomedical UK Ltd

In terms of application, the heart of the system is what Paul Schmidt coined as “the cause-oriented treatment approach”. This means that it is impossible to achieve any lasting therapy success without first addressing the underlying causes of an illness. The Rayonex system offers comprehensive testing and treatment programs to ensure that practitioners adhere to this principle. These include but are not limited to: Electro-magnetic radiation from electricity and wireless technology, geological disturbances (e.g. water veins, earth breaks, energy lines), the acid-alkaline balance of the organism, harmful substances and toxins (e.g. heavy metals, pesticides and environmental toxins), pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi), vital substances deficiencies (e.g. vitamins, minerals and trace elements), enzymes and amino acids deficiencies, mental and emotional stress, and much more…

The other big difference is that the Rayonex devices harmonize frequencies across the whole spectrum of frequency ranges, from Hertz to Kilohertz, Megahertz and Gigahertz, with the use of fundamental frequency values. So, the Rayonex devices not only treat conditions that have already manifested as an illness in the body, they also harmonise subtle energetic imbalances before they can manifest as a disease in the body. This is an incredibly exciting innovation in the field of medical prophylaxes!

Yet another important difference is that all Rayonex devices are factory pre-set to only produce harmonious sine-wave frequencies (also known as gentle bioresonance), designed to stimulate an immune response and to change the milieu of the organism, to help the body heal itself. This ensures that there are no contra-indications or side-effects when harmonising with the Rayonex devices. Again, this is unique in the field of vibrational medicine.

Another great advantage of the system is the modular concept of the Rayocomp devices. This means that the Rayonex bioresonance devices can be equipped with the appropriate modules according to the needs and therapeutic priorities of the practitioner (e. g. acupuncture module, Rayoscan, cell degeneration module, etc.).

Rayonex impresses with their strong emphasis on investing in people, high quality training, their family-like atmosphere in the company, and a strong commitment to Paul Schmidt's vision of bringing bioresonance into the homes of all people for the benefit of all.

All this, coupled with a strong commitment to ongoing study, research and innovation in the field of vibrational medicine, and the uncompromising high quality of the Rayonex devices and accessories is a great recipe for success.

Further Information

Please contact Rayonex Biomedical UK Ltd on Tel: 020 3866 1192;


Hypersensitive Hearing in Relation to Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD and Autism - The Listening Centre London – Authentic Tomatis Listening Therapy

Sensitivity to loud noises or having over acute hearing is not registered during a conventional hearing test and is not normally considered a problem. Although treatments are available, these are not on the NHS as it is in other countries.

The reason for sound hypersensitivity in children is found in the way in which they perceive sounds. They mainly listen with their body (skin and bones) known as bone conductive sound, rather than with their ears. They have little ability to filter out background noise and tune in to what matters.

Authentic Tomatis Listening Therapy

As a result what is known as auditory defensiveness (non- listening) develops. It can be extremely difficult to cope with everyday life, such as the school room and playgrounds, shopping centres, cinemas, mechanical sounds and any unexpected loud noise. When confronted with this onslaught of sound they may burst into huge temper tantrums of frustration, maybe hoping that their own screams might mask the sounds that hurt so much. Behavioural patterns start to develop as a defence mechanism. Tuning out from communication and sound seems to be their only option.

These symptoms are self-evident for any Tomatis practitioner. But the Tomatis listening assessment can verify a tremendous sensitivity to sound. The Tomatis method is interested in the relationship between bone and air conducted sound and many other parameters of sound perception which will not be addressed in a conventional hearing test.

The problem of sound sensitivity is treated by undergoing a course in Listening Therapy. Through series of listening sessions the ear is retrained and activated to work as it was designed to, increasing its efficiency and reducing the need to rely on bone conducted perception. When this occurs the child can then begin to listen. The sensitivity has decreased and listening isn’t associated with the pain.

Further Information

For more information about Tomatis Listening Therapy please ring Ella Williams at The Listening Centre London on Tel: 0207 3595268; Please also visit Ella’s Positive Health Online Clinic Listing


Is Electro-Magnetic Radiation a Health Hazard? – Stephen Macallan

What is EMR? What are frequencies?

Electro-Magnetic Radiation is a frequency field originating from an electrical source. All electrical sources emit a field of frequencies. A frequency is a wave form that has a length and a duration. Think of an heart beat monitor as seen in all hospitals today – the screen shows pointed peaks and troughs and these peaks and troughs are conveying electrical information about the heartbeat – a visual two dimensional representation of the electrical activity of the heart which conveys information about the physical nature of the beats of the heart.

It is important to understand that all frequency fields function in three dimensions and emanate outwards in all directions from the source.

Stephen MacAllan

There are some frequency fields that we can perceive directly and some that we can’t – sound, light, infra-red, x-rays, radio and TV signals, starlight, cosmic rays, wifi, mobile phone to base stations, radar, lidar, microwave cookers all emit frequency field and there are many others. In fact we humans can only directly perceive a few per cent of the full range of frequencies that exist.

Are any of these frequencies harmful? Indubitably – x-rays cause cancer (think atomic bombs), microwaves will cook you, radar (stand next to a radar antennae for a few minutes), ultra and infra-sound can shatter things. This segues into those ubiquitous frequency fields that we have all only lived with for a generation or so and which are utterly pervasive – mobile phones, microwave cookers, wifi, the internet of things, smart meters and the upcoming 5g network.

Research into the positive and negative effects of these fields has been on going and intensive since the 1970s. The World Health Organisation, in 2011, listed the frequencies from mobile phones, wifi and similar devices as a probable human carcinogen. There are thousands of human, animal and plant studies demonstrating harm from these frequencies. Current legislation in the UK only addresses thermal effects of EMR and there are tight limitations. But EMR affects living organisms at many levels, not just heating/cooling and these effects are not covered by any legislation in the UK.

There are a number of simple experiments that have been conducted that have acquired viral phenomena status: Two groups of seeds planted in the same conditions and at the same time –one group given microwaved water and the other group given tap water. The microwaved water group thrived very poorly in comparison to the tap water group.

Four mobile phones in a cross shape set to ring at the same time with a few corn kernels in the middle. It does not take long for the kernels to cook and ‘pop’.

The list of symptoms attributed to wifi and mobile phones etc. is long: cancer, anxiety, insomnia, skin disturbance, headache, impaired memory, impaired brain development/function (young animals and humans), depression, poor appetite, weight loss, fatigue.

This is a vast under-publicised topic and I encourage the reader to do their own research and perhaps start here:   

Further Information

Stephen MacAllan may be contacted on Tel: 01270 650336;


Migra-Cap Migraine Relief

Welcome to the future of migraine treatments: Migra-Cap®

A unique migraine solution also offering pain relief during pregnancy.


Developed by a Migraine Sufferer for Migraine Sufferers

The Migra Cap® is unique amongst migraine treatments as it combines cold therapy and complete darkness to provide relief from the pain associated with a migraine and most types of headaches. This 2-in-1 migraine solution is unique for any Migraine treatment product with the added benefit of being a one-off purchase. What’s more, this drug-free product is also ideal for pain relief during pregnancy.


What is a Migraine?

A migraine is a throbbing, intense headache in one half of the head. It can affect people of all ages. The cause of migraine is not known. During an attack, the blood vessels in the brain dilate and then draw together with stimulation of nerve endings near the affected blood vessels. These changes to the blood vessels are probably what cause the pain, but migraine headaches is a condition that is poorly understood.

What are the Typical Features of Migraine?

People often use the word migraine to refer to headaches of many different types. So-called classical migraine attacks have several features:

  • Headaches that occur in bouts of between roughly 4 to 72 hours;
  • Headaches usually affect one side of the head at a time, although both sides may be affected in separate attacks;
  • Headaches are usually throbbing and worsened by normal physical activity nausea and/or vomiting;
  • Preceding symptoms, called the 'aura' that most often are visual, such as zigzag lines or flashing lights across or at the edges of the fields of vision
  • Other symptoms can include sensitivity to light and sound, or non-visual aura such as a sensation of tingling in the body.

Drug Free Relief

Migra-Cap helps to relieve pain and suffering by limiting exposure to the key elements that can prolong or enhance a migraine attack, remedies that utilise drugs such as Aspirin, Paracetemol and Butalbital can have side effects, consumption issues or even produce allergic reactions. More powerful painkillers eg Paramax, Migramax, Domperamol can require strict dosage guidelines and are often expensive to purchase.

Sports Applications

Migra-Cap can help to relieve pain and swelling caused by nearly all types of sports injuries. The Migra-Cap® can aid with the treatment and relief of pain, blows to the head and concussions. The cooling effect can aid in the reduction of swelling and can help limit post concussion swelling or brain injury.

Further Information

Please contact Migra-Cap on Tel: +44(0)1685 387788; 


Aromatherapy – A Practical Approach, Second Edition

by Vicki Pitman

Published by Lotus Publishing, Second Edition. 2019. Paperback. £18.44 / $24.40. ISBN: 1905367996.

Book Description

This comprehensive guide to aromatherapy provides thorough coverage for students and is also an excellent reference for practitioners. It includes all the information required by students training on aromatherapy courses accredited to Levels 3 or 4.

Cover Aromatherapy A Practical Approach

This book:

  • Contains revised and in-depth detail on the characteristics, chemistry, sourcing and safe application of essential oils
  • Covers the effects of odours on mind, body and emotions
  • Provides tutors with an ideal support text for any advanced-level aromatherapy course
  • Provides a clear focus on clinical and professional aromatherapy, making it suitable for all quality accredited aromatherapy courses
  • Contains colour photography for each of the essential oils
  • Includes case histories providing true-life examples
  • Discusses the adjunctive role of aromatherapy in community settings such as hospices, education, special needs and hospitals.

About the Author

Vicki Pitman has over twenty years’ experience of aromatherapy as a practitioner, tutor, lecturer, researcher, and therapist in hospice care. She is a member of the International Federation of Aromatherapists and also a qualified medical herbalist (F.URHP). She gained an M.Phil. in Complementary Health Studies from Exeter University and has authored several books and articles on herbal medicine, the history of traditional medicine, reflexology, as well as aromatherapy.

Further Information

Available from and Lotus Publishing


The College of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy (UK) – Pioneer Integrative Medicines Approach

Ayurveda is the most ancient system of medicine known to mankind. It emerged from the Vedic wisdom expounded by the ancient seers of the culture that arose in the Himalayan foothills. It is a science-based healthcare approach which promotes wellbeing and treats illness through assessment of the biochemically unique aspects of each patient and individually tailored interventions to restore psychological and physiological imbalances.

College of Ayurveda UK

The College of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy (UK) was established in 1997 under the aegis of the Ayurveda Medical Association (UK). Based on the advice of the department of AYUSH, New Delhi under the leadership of Dr Mauroof M Athique. The college offers the most comprehensive curriculum in the field of Ayurvedic Medicine and Yoga Therapy based on a blended learning approach, in the United Kingdom. Registered as an educational institute at Companies House in 2000 the College developed a collaborative partnership with Middlesex University offering Ayurvedic practitioner-level programmes. The College of Ayurveda has been recognised as a centre of excellence by the Complementary Medical Association and it is the only institute to have been associated with a British University.

As the premier educator of those seeking to make a difference through a career restoring the natural balance of body, mind and spirit, the college has, since its inception pursued its mission of bringing the wisdom of Ayurveda to the West. The college is accredited by the British Complementary Medicines Association (BCMA) and is also pioneering Ayurvedic education in France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Croatia and Japan.

The College is now celebrating the dedication of their new premises at Sycamore House, Bletchley, MK2 3RR where they will continue to pioneer an integrative medicines approach, based on an innovative blended-learning programme of e-learning via the internet and classroom-based tutorials which enables students to learn Ayurveda at a distance whilst receiving an experience similar to full time education characterised by flexibility that does not sacrifice quality.

The College also hopes to start a low-cost clinic at their new premises that helps patients to make informed lifestyle decisions and receive consultations and treatments. The College website ( has a form where you can register your interest in hearing about the clinic.

The College is committed to making Ayurvedic education accessible to all as well as the diploma course, the is also a new course being started for medical professionals to expand their knowledge and inform their existing practices as well as short courses under the heading of Ayurveda for Life.

Further Information

Enrolment for September 2020 will be open in May and for further information or a prospectus please contact the College of Ayurveda’s Administrator Ione Ashmore at or visit their website at


Burdock Root - A Tea for Your Knees

If you suffer from knee pain, adding an unusual cup of tea to your diet might prove a simple and natural remedy.

Burdock Root + Burdock Root Tea

Most of us will know burdock as an ingredient in the sugary drink Dandelion & Burdock, but its root can also be used to make a herbal tea. Although, until now, burdock root tea has not been readily available in the UK, research[1] has shown the drink could help with knee inflammation.

Researchers split a group of 36 patients, with knee osteoarthritis, randomly into two. Everyone received paracetamol and glucosamine daily, with half also having burdock root tea and the other, control group, half having boiled water instead.

At the end of the 42 day study, the scientists found that levels of certain chemicals in the body which act as indicators of inflammation (specifically Interleukin 6 and high sensitivity C-reactive protein) had reduced significantly in those drinking the tea, compared with the levels found in those in the control group drinking the boiled water, concluding

“The results suggested that Arctium lappa L. (burdock) root tea improves inflammatory status and oxidative stress in patients with knee osteoarthritis”.


DO NOT use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Burdock may cause an allergic reaction in people sensitive to certain flowers and herbs. Stop use immediately if you experience any adverse effects. Please consult your health advisor before use if suffering from a medical condition/on medication, especially diabetes. Not suitable for children. If you’re about to undergo any type of surgery, stop taking Burdock Root at least two weeks before your surgery date. Burdock might increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.


1.         Maghsoumi-Norouzabad L1, Alipoor B2, Abed R1, Eftekhar Sadat B3, Mesgari-Abbasi M4, Asghari Jafarabadi M5. Effects of Arctium lappa L. (Burdock) root tea on inflammatory status and oxidative stress in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Int J Rheum Dis. 19(3):255-61. Mar 2016.

Further Information

Natur Boutique specialize in herbal teas and have just launched the UK’s first organic burdock root tea. To find out more, or to buy, visit  or ask at your local health store.


Scientific and Medical Network: Galileo Commission Report

Beyond a Materialist Worldview – Towards an Expanded Science

by Prof Dr Harald Walach


The Galileo Commission is a project of the Scientific and Medical Network (, the principal aim of which is to challenge the adequacy of scientific materialism or scientism as an exclusive basis for knowledge and values. 

Cover Galileo Commission Report

The Galileo Commission is represented by a distinguished group of over 90 scientific advisers affiliated to 30 universities worldwide. Many of these advisers were active contributors during our consultation process leading up the publication of the Galileo Commission Report, written by Professor Harald Walach.

The Commission fully supports scientific methodology but is highly critical of scientism. The Report is a rigorously argued challenge to the materialist and mechanistic assumptions widely prevalent and influential within the scientific community, whereby humans are just complex biological machines devoid of free will and living in a purposeless universe. It argues that these assumptions can only be maintained by refusing to ‘look through the telescope’ at evidence indicating that consciousness may be fundamental and go beyond the brain.

In a world dominated by science and its largely unexamined philosophical assumptions, the Galileo Commission Report seeks to open up public discourse and to find ways to expand the scope of science so that it is no longer constrained by an outmoded view of matter and physical reality, and can openly explore and accommodate significant human experiences.

“When I read the Galileo Commission Report, which includes the names of many highly respected advisors from the general scientific community, I was encouraged to see that the materialist view that consciousness is solely the product of brain activity has been challenged in a detailed, clear, and very convincing document. My hope is that the scientific community at large will consider this body of research, which is based on an emerging post-materialist scientific framework, in a thoughtful and professional way, and conclude that it makes a powerful case for consciousness as a primary element of nature rather than a product of biological processes.”

Marjorie Woollacott PhD

Professor Emeritus, Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon, President, Academy for the Advancement of Post-Materialist Sciences (AAPS).

Further Information

The Report is available for free download at, where you can also find links to order printed copies. We invite you to support the initiative by becoming a professional affiliate or friend, and to publicize the Report on your own website and in social media. For further information please contact David Lorimer –


Sanda Aromatherapy Eye Pillows - Botanically Dyed, Handmade Aromatherapy Eye Pillows

You don't need an app to open your eyes to a new meditation technique,
 just close your eyes and use a centuries old one.


In a busy world, we all know we need to find time for ourselves. To take a moment to close the eyes, get away from the hustle and simply breathe. But we struggle to do what we know is good for us. 

Sanda Aromatherapy Eye Pillows

Launched this year, Sanda aromatherapy eye pillows provide a physical reminder to take five minutes to get back to yourself. The pillows are filled with flax seeds, dried herbs and flowers which shape around the contours of the eye, while the gentle pressure relieves tension and triggers the mind to feel reassured and relaxed.

"Aromatic plants and Aromatherapy have been used for thousands of years to enhance people's moods. We use ancient aromatherapy wisdom to combine scents together to create a natural remedy for our modern pressured world," explains Sanda's founder, Jo Bennett.

“Handmade from organic linen, the pillows come in seven different scents, including Eucalyptus & Peppermint to awaken the senses in the morning, Cinnamon & Orange to uplift and improve concentration and focus, Rose & Cardamom for that zen calm and balance, and Lavender & Chamomile for deep relaxation and peaceful sleep.

"Our eye pillows are hand dyed in small batches using plant based dyes, meaning little waste and no chemicals. This is really important to me as the textile industry is one of the most environmentally damaging. When nature gives us so much, why wouldn't we look after it?"

Jo used to work in the textile industry and has now qualified as a yoga teacher.

"The physical nature of the pillows is so important as we all need a reminder to take time out for ourselves" explained Jo.

"In my own yoga practice, I loved using eye pillows during savasana and meditation. I started to use my traditional lavender pillow as a quick daily reset, which is when I thought of exploring different scent combinations to meet the different needs of the day. It is amazing to know that we can counter modern day tensions in such a simple, natural way."

Further Information

Please contact Jo Bennett at Sanda Aromatherapy Eye Pillows on Tel: 0773 444 5766;


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes 260


    Complementary Therapy Week

    Complementary Health Professionals have launched National Complementary Therapy Week for the first time in 2020 from 23rd - 29th March. This is in aid of supporting and raising funds for the complementary therapy services in the oncology department at the West Middlesex University Hospital, called the Mulberry Centre.


    Further Information:


    Clinical Education representing Institute for Functional Medicine

    IFM’s Advanced Practice Module: Biotransformation (formerly Detox) – March 13 - March 15. Venue: County Hall, Riverside Building, London, SE1 7PB.

    Further Information: For bookings, please see dedicated website


    Human Givens College

    Human Givens College are running two ‘Fast Track’ weeks at their new Leamington Spa venue in February/March and again in Bristol in August. This means you can attend all of the Part 1 Diploma-Linked workshops in one go, or attend the ones you still need to do within a short space of time. Week 1: How to Lift Depression, The Therapeutic Power of Language, Guided Imagery and Visualisation for Therapeutic Change and Brief Therapy for Stopping Addictions. Week 2: How to Tell Stories that Heal, How to Control Chronic Anxiety, Improving Relationships and The Fast Trauma (PSTD) and Phobia Cure.


    Further information Tel: 0123 811 662;  Booking


    Detoxelicious: Easy Soul Food

    Detoxelicious: Easy Soul Food Inspired 10-Day Detox Cleanse Recipes and Fitness for Super Busy People by Dena Dodd Perry helps gets your body in balance for 2020 and provides an easy and delicious 10-day detox program using plant-based recipes. The plan is based on her own health story, having suffered the effects of pneumonia as a young child.


    Further information Tel: +1 310-963-3964;


    The Rise of CBD

    The popularity surrounding CBD products can be seen in figures such as £300m, which is the UK yearly spend on CBD. CannabilGold Terpenes+ contains a unique combination of beneficial ingredients including CBD and terpenes that can be found naturally in hemp, delivering the most effective way to support the optimum function of the human body. CBD, is one of the phytocannabinoids, which are the natural substances present in the cannabis sativa plant that contain the nutritional and medicinal properties associated with the plant.


    Further information: CannabilGold is available from  


    British Geriatrics Society

    The prestigious Dhole-Eddiestone Memorial Prize was awarded to the Age and Ageing paper Everyday life after a hip fracture: what community-living older adults perceive as most beneficial for their recovery. The prize is given annually to the most deserving medical research relating to the needs of older people, published over the last year in the scientific journal of the British Geriatrics Society, Age and Ageing.


    Further information:


    Tinnitus Critical Underfunding

    This Tinnitus Week on 3-9 February, the British Tinnitus Association (BTA) will warn that finding a cure for tinnitus – a condition that affects 7.1 million people in the UK – could never be found without a significant increase in research funding. The amount of financial investment in tinnitus research is small compared to other chronic health conditions. Despite affecting almost double the amount of people, tinnitus is at least 45 times less likely to receive a research grant than diabetes.


    Further information:


    Type 2 Diabetes; How to Reverse

    As the threat of diabetes continues to increase globally, new research explains not only that triggers type 2 diabetes, but also how to reverse the condition. CuraLin is a specially tailored natural formula that promotes healthy and balanced blood sugar levels and insulin production in those suffering from Type 2 diabetes. The nutritional supplement is made from a mixture of ten natural ingredients, which work with the body to help balance the blood sugar profile.


    Further information:   


    Fresh and Delivered to Your Door

    Eating well is so important, but for people with busy personal and work lives, this can be a challenge, however your diet shouldn’t have to suffer. Love Yourself does the hard work for you. Enjoy healthy, lovingly prepared meals daily. The meals heat up in the microwave and are delicious and nutritious. The refined calorie controlled, weight loss menus are designed to give you optimal nourishment. From the freshest of ingredients, to the in-house baked artisan bread each Love Yourself box includes five meals.


    Further information:


    Outstanding Onions – No to Cry

    With more than 40 million tonnes of onions eaten around the world, the humble onion now ranks in first place as the top vegetable. They contain a water soluble fibre, a prebiotic which helps feed good bacteria in the gut. It also contains vitamin B, vitamin C, Quercetin, an antioxidant which may help eliminate free radicals that could help eliminate free radicals that could damage cells in the body and potassium.


    Further information:  


    Differentiating  States

    A state is a way of being in a given moment and is the sum of our thoughts, feelings, emotions, physical and mental energies. Since states are just patterns of activation in the brain, we can learn a lot about managing our states from Applied Neuroscience. This is just one great skill you can learn in the Applied Neuroscience Programme which starts on 7 March 2020. This programme is for anyone wanting to leverage the power of their brain for greater understanding and credibility when working with people.


    Further information:


    CGH Earth Ayurveda

    Insomnia can be caused by poor nutrition: Tarpak Kapha is a sub-dosha of Kapha (water). It nourishes the brain cells and facilitates a good night’s sleep. To help combat this form of sleep issue try eating carbohydrate and fat-rich foods at night before 8pm and drink fat-rich milk with nutmeg and jiggery or sugar before bedtime. Insomnia caused by anxiety and stress:  Prana Vata is a sub-dosha of Vata (air). Tips to ease anxiety to help you drift off are to wash your legs with warm water and massage your feet with butter. Insomnia caused by over working: Sadhak Pitta is a sub-dosha of Pitta (fire) and is associated with the heart. Drink ash gourd or sugar cane juice after dinner, take 5 soaked almonds at bedtime and drink 100ml of lukewarm almond mild at bedtime.


    Further information Tel: 07791 047 366;


    The Wee Yoga Room

    The new 2020 winter term at The Wee Yoga Room started on 6 January. There is a date for the spring into summer retreat in Stronachlachar. This will take place on 1-3 May.


    Further information:


    Proton Beam Therapy Boost

    The increasing use of proton beam therapy in the UK to treat cancer has been given a significant boost following the publication of a landmark study, which shows the treatment dramatically reduces side-effects for patients. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found proton therapy leads to significantly lower risk of side-effects severe enough to lead to unplanned hospitalisations for cancer patients when compared with traditional radiation.


    Further information: 020-7710 0020;


    Herbal Medicine Event

    Led by Peter Jackson Main, Course Director of Herbal Medicine, the New On-Demand Herbal Medicine Event will highlight the following: The structure of the Post Graduate Herbal course, how to study online or in class, accreditation and insurance, practical tips to implement in clinic, CNM Whole Person natural approach, CNM; dispensary and herbal garden and CNM’s educational material and filmed lectures.


    Further information:


    Amchara Health

    Amchara teaches you the key benefits of fasting the website shows you: Top 6 Health Benefits of Fasting, growing research on the profound benefits of fasting for your health. How the Seasons Affect Your DNA, if your joints ache more at this time of year or your autoimmune disease flares up. Receive Your Complimentary Consultation. Amchara 360 can support you on your journey to restoring your health.


    Further information:


    Get Fit Stay Fit Peak Performance

    Get ready for the New Year with the ultimate fitness book BX Fitness Plans were developed by The Royal Canadian Air Force over 50 years ago and are as effective now as they were then. The exercises (for women) take only 12 minutes a day; they start gently and increase in pace to bring women of any age to peak fitness. Women’s XBX and Men’s 5BX Plans are available in English, French, German, Spanish and Polish. FitKids for 7-17 year olds is also available.


    Further information:


    Alteya Organics Soap Range

    Alteya Organic’s new range of liquid soaps are plant based and gentle but effective. The mild formula gently cleanses skin without over drying. Formulated with an organic blend of moisturising and skin – conditioning ingredients and aromatic essential oils, these soaps maintain the natural moisture of the skin.


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    Improve Parkinson’s Symptoms

    Parkinson’s patients’ motor and non-motor symptoms were improved with a weekly exercise regimen that included physical and cognitive tasks, according to new research presented at The Physiological Society early career conference, Future Physiology 2019: Translating Cellular Mechanisms into Lifelong Health Strategies. Researchers at the University of Kent studied Parkinson’s patients that performed a weekly multi-modal regime (physical and cognitive exercises). This group participated in weekly exercise sessions for over a year and were assessed every four months for at least a year. The findings are important because they could allow Parkinson’s disease patients to see improvements in their symptoms.


    Further information:


    Healthy Elmlea Plant Dishes

    Whether you are a seasoned vegan or have been thinking about trying the swap for Veganuary, just a dash of Elmlea Plant is the easiest way to transform a dish into the ultimate winter warmer. Deliciously creamy and 100% plant-based, Elmlea Plant is the UK’s first plant-based cream alternative that whips and cooks like a regular cream. Naturally free from lactose and gluten-free, Elmlea Plant is made from protein-rich broad beans.


    Further information: Available in Sainsbury’s and Asda. Tel: 020-743 3228;


    The Neuroscience of Confidence

    The Neuroscience of Confidence one-day workshop takes place on Friday 31 January 2020 at the International Teaching Seminars in Essex. Great leaders can be human, even humble. They have a certain confidence. We trust them because they trust themselves, but how do you, or they, develop this confidence.


    Further information Tel: 01268 777 125;


    Revolutionary Heat Therapy

    Most households in the UK own a hot water bottle, the market is flooded with them, but the YuYu Bottle provides the user with an experience of sheer luxury, particularly for those with chronic pain symptoms. Measuring 81cm long, it is the world’s first long hot water bottle. The genius strap provides endless opportunities to wear the YuYu such as strapping the bottle around the waist to target the abdomen and lower back, or over the neck or shoulder and upper back. Not only can you move around the house with the YuYu, but the strap enables you to take it outside and perhaps wear it snugly under a coat.


    Further information:


    Fulham Osteopaths

    Recent studies conducted by Channel 4’s Live Well for Longer found that Osteopathic treatments can reduce pain by up to 75% through harnessing the healing abilities of the human body itself. The art utilises a natural approach to healing and rebalancing interconnections between different areas of the body; with no-one understanding these elements more than acclaimed Fulham Osteopaths. Each of the Clinic’s practicing Osteopaths are experts in Palpation, the Osteopathic skill of feeling and identifying which structures and tissues are blocking the body’s ability to heal and find health.


    Further information:


    Robocath Coronary Angioplasties

    Robocath, a company that designs, develops and commercialises cardiovascular robotic systems for the treatment of vascular diseases, has announced that it has successfully completed six robotic coronary angioplasties with R-One, a first for the continent of Africa. The Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI) were performed by Dr Faizel Lorgat, an interventional Cardiologist at the Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital, Cape Town, as part of a distribution agreement with the Vertice MedTech Group. These procedures will lead to the creation of a purpose-made register that will add to the company’s clinical database, whilst it continues with a parallel European study of 60 patients.


    Further information Tel: 01273 675 100;  


    Liverpool Hope New  Clinic

    A new Physiotherapy and Sport Rehabilitation Clinic and clinical teaching space at Liverpool Hope University will not only provide state-of-the-art training facilities for students, but also access to treatment for members staff, students and the local community. The Clinic was officially unveiled on 29 November 2019 at a special ceremony organised as part of the Second Shoulder Rehabilitation Conference.


    Further information:


    Fast and Slow Decision Making

    We have at least two decision making systems in the brain... but when do we use each one? We know from experience that it can be just as challenging to decide upon big life choices as it is when choosing what to eat for lunch. Equally, we can make huge life altering decisions off the cuff because it feels right or rewarding at the time. This is fast versus slow decision making systems and Applied Neuroscience can tell us a lot about how reliable each system is and when we should use which one. The five modules are: Emotion Regulation and Motivation; Creativity and Insight; Learning and Memory; Decision Making and Planning and Stress, Resilience and Contemplation.


    Further information:


    Breast Cancer Prevention

    Did you know that breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, yet over a quarter of cases are preventable? Which is why it is increasingly important for people of all ages, including  males, to regularly check their breasts throughout the year and know what preventative measures to undertake. You should also modify your diet to help reduce risks, be active, make little lifestyle changes and know what symptoms to look for.


    Further information:


    JOMO Enjoy Missing Out

    The fear of missing out may come from a deep belief that we don’t think we’re enough. A life with limits can be more fulfilling, live in the present, it can help rekindle your relationship, take more time to cuddle your pets, take time to acknowledge your blessings , focus on self-care and get better sleep.


    Further information: ,


    Ketorranean Diet Solution

    With the Ketorranean Diet Solution Book, by Elena Maganto PhD, you will learn how to balance your hormones, heal your gut, eliminate inflammation and related disorders, how to balance blood sugar, boost blood sugar, boost energy and increase longevity and how to shift the body to efficiently burn fat as an energy source.


    Further information: 


    Detox Astaxanthin Green Beauty

    Age Defy+ by Ch Vøhtz Green Beauty with Astaxanthin combines Astaxanthin with five nutrient-rich superfoods with exceptionally strong antioxidant properties, Seagreens, seaweed, barley grass, wheatgrass, spirulina and chlorella. Together they help protect against the effects of pollution and UV light, rejuvenate your cells and help fight signs of ageing, provide cell protection, aid detoxification, boost the immune system and maintain healthy tissue.


    Further information:


    The Lake District School of Art

    The Lake District School of Art has developed a programme which enables you to work in harmony with nature and learn how to become an artist by painting the environment as it changes in the Lake District in the wilds of Borrowdale, Keswick Cumbria. The five day open residential course takes place 27 April to 1 May 2020, 29 June to 3 July 2020 and 19-23 October 2020. The two day open residential course is from 27-29 April 2020, 29 June to 1 July 2020 and 19-21 October 2020. The one day open residential courses take place on 28 April 2020, 30 April 2020, 30 June 2020, 2 July 2020, 20 October 2020 and 22 October 2020.


    Further information Tel: 0845 094 0587


    British Acupuncture Council CEO

    The British Acupuncture Council has announced the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer, who has recently started her new role. Jennifer Norton has worked for the past 13 years in the charitable sector at senior management level and has a wealth of experience in the membership sector.


    Further information:  


    7 Day Mood Menu

    An unhealthy gut can cause all kinds of problems, ranging from IBS, to indigestion and weight gain. Physical problems however are not the only side-effects of an unhappy gut; our mental wellbeing and stress levels could be affected too. BioCare and leading Nutritionist, Amanda Ursell have composed a series of simple seven-day recipes to give our gut some much needed TLC. An all-round plan that targets the gut first to improve our physical and mental health.


    Download the menu for free at


    Guide To Better Sleep

    Experts offer four ways to encourage a restful sleep. Magic magnesium: Magnesium is a natural tranquiliser and works on muscle relaxation. Natures Plus KalmAssure Magnesium capsules is made from the most form on magnesium, available from  ThinkWell-LiveWell has numerous programmes to help support a healthier and happier you.  Upgrade your Probiotic: a new product from Pro-Ven Probiotics, ShapeLine is a new wonder pill which offers a wide variety of health benefits and improvements available from  Start the unwinding process with a comforting herbal tea to make you relax.


    The Common Myth of Memory

    The common myth is that memory is accurate. Neuroscience gives us an understanding of why it makes no sense for memory to be accurate. Which begs the question, what is memory for? How can you ensure that you have accurate memories when you need them? The Applied Neuroscience Programme begins on 7 March 202. The programme looks at five key areas which put you at a greater level of credibility, understanding and performance: Emotion, Regulation and Motivation, Creativity and Insight, Learning and Memory, Decision Making and Planning and Stress, Resilience and Contemplation.


    Further information:


    The Beauty of your Face

    The Beauty of your Face by Sahar Mustafah tells the story of Afat Rahman, the principal at Nurrideen Islamic School for Girls in Chicago. When a gunman brutally attacks the school, the reader is swept back in time, alternating between the lives of Afat and the Gunman. Not only does Sahar’s novel tackle very timely issues such as gun violence, racial and religious prejudice and the immigrant experience.


    Further information:


    Core Awareness – Joy, Peace, Love

    Mythologist Martin Shaw speaks of the power of being claimed by the wild, cautioning us not to focus on our personal woes, but to listen to the earth’s story. The 2020 Psoas Workshops include Sex and the Psoas, February 13, Los Angeles, CA, Stalking the Wild Psoas: The Heart of Matter 13-15 March, with Krista Jarrard San, Diego, CA, Restoring Juicy Psoas: Self-Help Techniques for Hydrating and Dissolving Scar Tissue, April 18 and 19, with Nicole Duelmeier, Grimes IA.


    Further information: for the full list of workshops:


    Journey of Self-Discovery

    Teaching the Enneagram on the island of Santorini, Greece, Robert Holden is holding a 4-day retreat on 24-27 September. It is the perfect setting for exploring the most powerful and helpful spiritual growth model. The Enneagram has its roots in ancient Greece. Dive deeply into nine powerful soul meditations on how to live a truly authentic life full of inspiration, courage, purpose and success.


    Further information:


    Britain V Cancer Dalai Lama Trek

    You are invited to the brand new Britain V Cancer Trek in India. Britain V Cancer is back for 2021 and this time, you are challenged to trek for five stunning days through the Indian Himalayas. Stunning snow-capped peaks await and after exploring Delhi and Dharamsala, spiritual home of the Dalai Lama. You will venture up this spectacular mountain range to the Laka Got glacier at a breath-taking 3,300m above sea level.


    Further information:  


    Your Health Toolkit – Inside and Out

    The Ultimate Probiotic: The importance of gut health has become more and more apparent in recent years. The newest innovation from Pro-Ven Probiotics, ShapeLine from  Mental Fitness: Metal wellness advocate trainer and coach Ben Bidwell aka The Naked Professor in association with ThinkWell-LiveWell explains, with the rise of social platforms and the constant exposure we have to others living highlight reel, we are increasingly competing in a visual world, see

    Boost Energy Levels Without Caffeine:  Natures Plus source of Life Gold Liquid is gluten free and Vegan Certified.  Control Blood Sugar Levels: CuraLin is a specially tailored natural formula that promotes healthy and balanced blood sugar levels and insulin production in those suffering from type 2 diabetes.

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