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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 224

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 224 - August 2015

Plymouth University Celebrates Launch of New Faculty of Physician Associates

Staff and students from the pioneering physician associate training programme at Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry (PUPSMD) are celebrating an important development for the profession, as the Faculty of the Royal College of Physicians launches the first Faculty of Physician Associates in the UK. The news has been swiftly followed by reports that the Government is considering whether physician associates should be given prescribing powers as part of its ‘new deal’ to relieve the pressures on GPs.

Plymouth University Celebrates Launch of New Faculty of Physician Associates

A physician associate (PA) is a dependent health care professional who has been trained in the medical model and works under the supervision of a doctor or surgeon. PAs obtain medical histories, conduct comprehensive physical exams, request and interpret tests, diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries, and can give preventive health advice to patients. PAs have a set national curriculum which sets standards and all PAs sit a national examination prior to qualification. PAs also have to retake their national examinations every six years to ensure they remain at a high standard.

Plymouth University launched its physician associate training programme this January. The first cohort of 17 physician associate students come from a variety of backgrounds, including biomedicine, nursing, emergency medicine and other professional healthcare disciplines. Plymouth University joined forces with NHS trusts to sponsor places for students on the physician associates course. Plymouth was the first University in the UK to secure sponsored funding of this kind for its students. Five Trusts each paid for a number of student places on the course, in return for a two-year contract of employment on graduation. Every single student in the first cohort has received tuition fee sponsorship from an NHS Trust partner in the South West.

Professor Alison Carr, Medical Director, Physician Associate Training Programme, PUPSMD, said: “Physician Associates are an important new addition to the healthcare workforce in the UK. The launch of the Faculty of Physician Associates at the Royal College of Physicians is an important milestone in the acceptance of this new profession in the UK and one which we hope will strengthen the likelihood of regulation of the Physician Associates which would enable them to fully utilize their knowledge and skills in prescribing.”

Royal College of Physicians president Professor Jane Dacre said: “I’m delighted that we are launching the Faculty, which will enable closer relationships between physicians and physician associates, and a greater understanding of their separate roles. We will also be able to support the professional development of physician associates by providing access to our educational and professional development resources, and our publications.”

Further Information

For further information please contact the Postgraduate and Enquiries team on Tel: +44 (0)1752 437333; Apply for postgraduate study using our online postgraduate application form


Amazing Grass Superfood from Blue Herbs

Amazing Grass greens are USDA organic, Non GMO, kosher pareve, vegan and gluten free. Containing a plethora of vitamins, minerals, plant based protein and phyto-chemicals, leafy greens assist the body in maintaining healthy organ function, detoxification and immunity. You can mix their greens into juices, smoothies, or anything we’re in the mood for.

Amazing Grass Superfood from Blue Herbs

What is the Green SuperFood?

A perfect blend of alkalizing greens, fruits, vegetables and herbs, mixes easily with water and creates a delicious taste. Available in four flavours!

Key Benefits

  • Naturally boosts your immune system
  • Probiotics and enzymes to aid digestion
  • Complete raw food with antioxidants

Key Features

  • Contains alkaline green plant foods
  • Gluten, soy and dairy free
  • Suitable for vegans

What We Think

You may ask what the superfood actually is. Well, the term ‘superfood’ is used for foods that have an enhanced concentration of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and our body needs a healthy dose of nutrients on a daily basis. Superfood powder drinks are a very popular and easy option providing your body with much needed nutrients.

Product Information

Hand selected organic vegetables, cereal grasses, algae, anti-oxidant rich fruits, probiotics, immune boosting support herbs infused with extra acai and organic goji berries create a delicious tasting drink powder.

If you are among those who fail to consume the recommended 5 a day, all you need is Amazing Grass Green SuperFood. Just one serving gives you the antioxidant power of 7 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Why not take a multivitamin instead? Amazing Grass Green SuperFood contains nutritious whole foods! Whole foods, like cereal grasses, contain thousands of nutrients that can’t be isolated and put into a tablet. Mother nature has had thousands of years to perfect the ideal combination of these nutrients that work synergistically in harmony with one another. Most importantly, vitamin supplements don’t have living nutrients such as enzymes.

Further Information

100 Servings, RRP: £69.99; Our Price: £49.99

Available now:


Practitioner Continual Professional Development Seminar

Friday 25th September 2015, Cheltenham Chase Hotel, GL3 4PB

The first of Cytoplans’ new series of CPD Practitioner Seminars comprising four speakers covering - Gut Health; Diabetes and Insulin Resistance; Functional DX testing; Marketing & Sales Support for your Practitioner Business.

Practitioner Continual Professional Development Seminar

Dr Rangan Chatterjee MBChB BSc (Hons) MRCGP MRCP AFMCP: Gut Health

Dr Chatterjee will be presenting his seminar Gut Health - sharing with us a wealth of scientific knowledge and practical experience in the management of the gut microbiome and the integral role this plays in the health of the body. Dr Chatterjee will discuss scientifically proven probiotic therapy and specific dietary interventions for the health of the gut and the immune conferring benefits for the body.

Dr David Morris MBCh BMRCP(UK) DipSIM: Diabetes and Insulin Resistance an Overview

A talk including Insulin resistance and the implications for polycystic ovaries, dementia and cancer. Effective strategies to lowering insulin resistance. Sugar, Fructose and Artificial Sweeteners - addiction, inflammation and liver toxicity.

Jonathan Cohen Registered Nutritional Therapist M BANT CNHC: The Functional Dx Project

As Director of Functional Diagnostix Jonathan will be explaining a new form of testing available now to practitioners in the UK. Blood testing is a medically accepted, proven and a reliable assessment procedure providing a wealth of information on the health and status of clients. Functional Dx believe that through assessing health trends away from an optimum towards dysfunction means that rather than waiting for dysfunction to occur the use of the Functional Dx plays a large role in the restoration of a client’s health.

Simon Holdcroft Marketing Manager for Cytoplan: Marketing and Sales Support for your Business

Focussing on practical and hands-on support for practitioners to develop their business. Topics include easily implemented advice on improving visibility on the internet; advertising and selling online (including Cytoplans' 'drop-ship' functionality); social media; effective local PR; practical networking and more. He has spent many years being self-employed and appreciates the difficulty in generating new clients and maintaining a vibrant business. He aims with his talk to genuinely impart simple and practical advice for health practitioners.

Case Studies Wanted! If you would like your business to be a 'guinea pig' on the day then do please send Simon your details - to . He will seek to work with you prior to the event to improve your business performance.

Further Information

Registration and refreshments start from 9.00 a.m. Talks - 10.00 am-5.00 p.m. with breaks and lunch. The cost is £75 including all-day refreshments and a 2 course lunch.

To book please call Tel: 01684 310099;


CAMEXPO 2015 26-27 September Olympia London

Taking place over the weekend of 26-27 September, over 4,500 attendees (ranging from sole practitioners and large CAM clinics to health care professionals, health store retailers and CAM students) are set to converge on Olympia London – making CAMEXPO the UK’s biggest gathering of complementary, natural and integrative health professionals of the year. This year’s CPD-accredited programme is certainly no exception.  Dementia, Alzheimer’s, cancer, auto-immunity, chronic disease, and obesity - some of the biggest issues facing today’s health care profession - are all coming under spotlight for 2015. 

CAMEXPO 2015 26-27 September Olympia London

CAMEXPO conference highlights include Osteopath Leon Chaitow, founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies; Professor Ben Pfeifer, director of research at the Aeskulap Clinic in Switzerland (widely-known for developing prostate cancer and breast cancer complementary protocols); and health nutritionist Dr Marilyn Glenville, the former President of the Food and Health Forum at the Royal Society of Medicine.  New speakers include bodywork expert Til Luchau and Professor David Peters - Clinical Director at the University of Westminster’s School of Integrated Health and director of the new Westminster Centre for Resilience.

The 2015 camexpo Keynote line-up already includes the following sessions:

  • Professor Ben Pfeifer – Integrative oncological treatments for patients with metastatic prostate cancer
  • Til Luchau – Sciatic pain: myofascial approaches
  • Dr Marilyn Glenville - Brain power: how nutrition can improve memory, concentration and reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s       
  • Dale Pinnock – Three dietary elements delivering the broadest benefits
  • Professor David Peters - The therapeutic client relationship       
  • Leon Chaitow – A therapists’ guide to recognising and managing fascial dysfunction
  • Jayney Goddard – Kindness and compassion: the sane route to weight loss and well-being
  • Antony Haynes     Auto-immunity & the infection connection
  • The C word – integrative support for cancer (panel discussion)

Running alongside the show’s central exhibition, the CAMEXPO conference also includes a new Nutrition Theatre, demo Theatre, Business Clinic sessions and 48 Taster Workshops.  Taster Workshop hosts include James Earls, Leon Chaitow, Til Luchau, Earle Abrahamson, and Amy Taylor, plus previous camexpo Outstanding Achievement Award winners Ruth Duncan, Mary Atkinson, Meghan Mari and Rachel Fairweather.

Further Information

For more information, current workshop topics, and Key Seminars please visit

Use Priority Code CMXP564 when prompted for the Positive Health Reader Offer £7.50 tickets; To Register to visit please visit:


Apricot Seeds from the Himalayas

Inside apricots there are kernels and inside the kernels are the seeds.

Apricot Seeds from the Himalayas

Breaking open the apricot kernels to remove the seeds

These seeds have a form of cyanide which helps to break down the walls of cancer cells, but does not harm other cells within the body. Ernst Klebs’ biochemical research in 1952 led to a compound found in over 1200 edible plants throughout nature. That compound is amygdalin

Amygdalin is found with the highest concentration and necessary enzymes in apricot seed kernels.[1]

Unfortunately there have been few ‘double blind tests’ to prove this.  However many people have written testimonials and books confirming the success they have had in reducing cancer cells by changing their diet which includes eating Apricot Seeds.[2]

We do know that certain peoples are virtually cancer-free, for example the Hunza, who live high in the Himalaya and eat apricot seeds as an after dinner snack, fresh in the summer and dried in the winter.

Naturelle UK imports apricot seeds directly from the Himalaya where they  grow at altitudes of 6,000 feet and are completely pesticide and fertiliser free. They are gathered by the local villagers, which adds a welcome supplement to their meagre incomes.

The seeds can be crushed and added to your food, but should not be heated, as this will destroy a lot of the benefit.

Notes and Further Reading

1.  Ernst Klebs, an American biochemist identified the benefits of cyanogenic glycoside back in 1952. Krebs Jr. Journal of Applied Nutrition 22:3-4. 1970 


Further Information

Please contact Naturelle UK on Tel: 0800 374976 for seeds imported directly from the Himalayas or visit


Massage Therapy and CPD - Accredited Massage Courses Ltd

  • Learn new techniques and skills
  • Become a more confident therapist
  • Learn from leading experts
  • Meet other therapists and exchange views
  • Attract new clients and retain existing ones

We don’t think twice about keeping up-to-date with technology.  Even if we claim not to be 'tech-savvy', we still email from our phones or scan documents.  Other technologies prove harder to tame so we have to do some training. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) works in much the same way. We may learn from journals of peer-reviewed scientific developments or from talking to colleagues, but we do need to bite the bullet and get trained. 

Massage Therapy and CPD - Accredited Massage Courses Ltd

Justin Johnson of Accredited Massage Courses teaching joint assessment on a Sports Massage course

Even the ancient tradition of Massage evolves.  For a long time, the work of the Massage Therapist was regarded as predominantly for relaxation; therapists worked in a spa environment and Holistic Massage techniques were developed into more specialized relaxation techniques - Hot Stone Massage, Pregnancy Massage or Indian Head Massage. But Massage also has a long therapeutic history. In the UK, the Society of Trained Masseuses was founded in 1894 by four nurses convinced of the therapeutic benefits of manual therapy.  That society went on to become the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) - the body that represents the Physiotherapy profession in the UK today.  In the intervening years, Physiotherapy has grown to encompass so many different therapeutic areas that, in the UK, it has largely moved away from hands-on, manual therapy.  Massage Therapists have the opportunity to fill that gap.  Many private Physiotherapy practices employ Massage Therapists to carry out their soft-tissue work, so there are opportunities for Massage Therapists to work at the forefront of therapeutic and rehabilitative manual therapy.

As your knowledge grows, so your skills and techniques deepen.  A Massage Therapist does not always need to refer patients to osteopaths, physiotherapists or chiropractors at the first sign of a complicated case.  We need to know when to refer, but an experienced Massage Therapist should also have the confidence and knowledge-base to work autonomously.  Massage can resolve complicated acute or chronic conditions such as lower back pain, cluster or tension headaches, frozen shoulder or tennis elbow.  You may advise a patient to confirm a diagnosis with a GP or specialist, but there is no need to lose that patient over a condition for which massage is ultimately an extremely effective therapy.

Accredited Massage Courses Ltd is a London-based company offering many CPD courses:

  • Deep Tissue Massage
  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage
  • Myofascial Release Massage
  • Sports Massage Techniques
  • Trigger Point Massage

Further Information

Please contact Accredited Massage Courses Ltd on Tel: 020 8340 7041;


Clare Harvey - Flower Essences Ranges

Clare G Harvey, a Harley Street consultant, is the founder of Floweressence CGH and online  and is also author of the recently published The Practitioners Encyclopedia of Flower Remedies, which gives you an in depth tour of many of the invaluable flower, gem, shamanic, sound and environmental essences, tried and tested and in existence worldwide in the growing field of natural and complementary health today, forwarded by Dr Richard Gerber and the well know actor Martin Shaw.

Clare Harvey - Flower Essences Ranges

She has lately just launched her Shamanic Jaguar Essence Range, they are part of a new category of essence ranges that are emerging and are specifically appropriate for shamans, for use during healings, ceremonial practises, for clients and any other forms of transformational processes.

Clare has also designed a particular range of essences which has proved to be very succinct and powerful the Flowers of the Orient, Decoding & Recoding DNA Flower Essences Kit which is for enabling the transformation of old structures inherent in our DNA.

For this ever changing and challenging world Clare recommends from this range a combination

Positive Change: A decoder in order to recode at the fundamental DNA level [ancient conditioned patterns] past life carry-overs. It works on the frequency matrix that builds and dictates the unique nature & dance of our own DNA and encourages the ability to re think outside the box A fast acting essence which helps the cells to get the message

That just because negative patterns are passed on for generations, doesn't mean it is set in stone.  Ignites change, you can be the change you want to be. It actuates and helps to re build, re-invent your selves, almost on a daily basis
As the challenge of initiating change can be exhausting  it’s important to positively support change by maintaining our energy reserves.

Dynamic Recovery, from the Flower Essences of Australia is ideal in that it not only supports low adrenals & the immune system, its the great energy boost needed for maintaining positive change and growthIndicated for tiredness, exhaustion and depleated energy with an inability to get going again, poor recuperation after ill health and promotes: dynamic recovery, balances the whole system, may be supportive as a pick me up and extra energy boost after deep exhaustion or ill health.

Further Information
For Essences mentioned call FlowerEssence CGH on T/F: 01963250750;


The Concise Book of Yoga Anatomy: An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Motion

by Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2015. Softback. £16.99. $26.96.  ISBN: 978 1 905367 56 6.

The Concise Book of Yoga Anatomy, released 30 June, is the definitive guide to the study of yoga anatomy - a perfect companion book for any yoga teacher or practitioner seeking to understand the biomechanics of the body as it applies to yoga practice. The book is visually designed in quick reference format to offer useful information about the main skeletal muscles that are central to yoga, with asanas to demonstrate the particular muscles and muscle groups. More than 230 full colour illustrations detail each muscle’s origin, insertion, and action in order to clearly reveal how the muscles come into play in the movements and postures of yoga. The appendix rounds out the asanas included in most 200-hour trainings, and provides a glossary of verbs and cues to aid in the practice and teaching of yoga.

Knowledge of yoga anatomy is paramount to the ability to teach or practice with no injury to oneself or others. With this foundation in place, it is possible to focus on the spiritual element of yoga as well as the physical. Yoga is a union of the two, so where appropriate, the more profound side of the practice is mentioned as it relates to the body.

The Concise Book of Yoga Anatomy: An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Motion

The Concise Book of Yoga Anatomy illustrates the form and function of the muscles first, then interlays the muscles into the yoga posture for full understanding in a clear and integrated way, explaining the technique of the asanas, as well as other more subtle, deeper aspects of yoga: awareness, prana, bandhas, chakras, and relaxation.

Author Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones says: “In The Concise Book of Yoga Anatomy you will not find the asanas categorized under type, such as “Standing”, but placed under a specific muscle that is used in that posture. It is yet another way to look at the anatomy of yoga.

As students, guides, and facilitators of yoga, and as human beings looking to understand the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects, we can use yoga as a blueprint toward the study of form and the philosophy of living: “do no harm” (in Sanskrit, ahimsa).”

About the Author

Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones is a full professor of kinesiology, movement science and dance. She is an advanced Pilates and yoga instructor (RYT500, Himalayan Institute) with a master’s in dance and education, receiving degrees from the University of Kansas and New York University before pursuing a career as a performer, choreographer, teacher, and movement scientist. The author of the highly regarded titles The Vital Psoas Muscle, and The Anatomy of Exercise and Movement for the Study of Dance, Pilates, Sports, and Yoga, she currently teaches interactive movement workshops across the U.S. and sponsors international holistic retreats, yoga anatomy courses, and full teacher trainings.

Further Information

Available from Amazon


New Vistas Healthcare – The Healing Hand of Nature

As Ireland’s leading homoeopathic company, we help people cope with the stresses and strains of modern living. We encourage practitioners to look at exogenous and endogenous influences affecting health and how these factors can contribute to the complexity of symptoms and dis-ease.

New Vistas Healthcare – The Healing Hand of Nature

Whilst out therapy is predominantly driven by homoeopathic therapy, we do extend our products to cover a wide spectrum of integrative modalities. We offer detoxification and drainage remedies to help access and eliminate the root cause of problems.  Anti-pathogenic formulations help eliminate harmful microbes. Immune enhancers and nutritional support remedies help rebuild and strengthen weakened organs and body systems. Toxicity is greatly influencing today’s health. Our therapeutic tools can greatly support a personalised health plan to ensure a balanced and coordinated approach to wellness.

Regenerating through homoeopathy, organ support and detoxification

Homoeotherapy uses homoeopathic principles to improve health.  This system of natural medicine recognises the whole person – mind, body and spirit. Recognising the evolution of people and healthcare in a modern society means appreciating all the influences that can reflect the totality of the mind/body/spirit connection. The vital force requires constant nurturing. Homoeopathy seeks to stimulate the body’s self-regulating mechanisms to initiate the healing process and restore balance to the life-force energy which sustains life.

Xenobiotics, homoeopathic detox remedies, address the ill effects of a specific host of toxins. Liquescences or ‘organ supports’ encourage drainage and will help avoid aggravation or a ‘healing crisis’. This is critically important in cases of severe and multiple toxic conditions.  Liquescences and sarcodes focus on the practical utilisation of homoeopathy for nutritional and organ deficiencies and play a foundational role in disease-prevention.

Our philosophy offers an effective and sustainable paradigm for healthcare, nurturing self-healing and nourishment. We have examined all the fundamentals associated with the matrix that is holistic health – nutrition, emotional well-being and toxicology and we present an integrated and modern-day approach to health restoration and maintenance.

Working energetically to restore vitality

We are dedicated to supporting practitioners every step of their journey. As well as our telephone support line, we are also committed to helping practitioners on a practical level. Incorporating the New Vistas philosophy of health into clinics enhances the spectrum of healing available to clients. We provide a selection of professional test kits, a prescription service and offer CPD seminars and formal training. We acknowledge practitioners and the satisfactory level of quality which is expected within our area of healthcare. New registrations are welcome.

Further Information

For more information please contact New Vistas on Tel: +353 61 33 44 55 or UK 0044 1244 560 345;


Ilkley Autumn ICMF 2015 Complementary Medicine Festival

Festival Dates Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th October 2015

The Ilkley Complementary Medicine Festival is held at the Kings Hall, Winter Gardens, Ilkley. It is the UK’s premier festival promoting natural remedies & related products.

Established in 1988, the twice yearly Complementary Medicine Festival attracts visitors, exhibitors and practitioners from all over the country.

Ilkley Autumn ICMF 2015 Complementary Medicine Festival


Held twice yearly in March and October.

The next event is the Autumn Complementary Medicine Festival

Saturday 24th  0 Sunday 25th  October  2015


Over 100 stands covering a wide range of Therapies, Services and Natural Products. Booking Form

Talks and demonstrations

Something to interest everyone including topics like Angelic Reiki and Crystal Energy to Stress Awareness and Kinesiology


Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm

Open to exhibitors from 8am


£4.00 Adults, £3.50 Concessions

Children Free under 16 years of age

2 Day Pass £5.50


There is disabled access to the venue ( LIMITED ACCESS TO THE WORKSHOPS).

A range of foods including Vegetarian Refreshments are served over both days.


The King’s Hall, Winter Gardens is located in the heart of Ilkley, near Leeds and Bradford. The King’s Hall is directly opposite the railway and bus station. If you have sat. navigation on your car, the address is Station Road, Ilkley, LS29 8HB

There is plenty of on street car parking nearby. See the page labelled Directions.

Where to stay in Ilkley

We have compiled a list of places to stay in and around Ilkley. Please click HERE to see the list and phone numbers of hotels and B&B accommodation in and near Ilkley.

Further Information

To enquire about the festival or book a stand at the next event, please contact Michael Weaver on 01943 872387 or e-mail MB 07939468822

Contact Details – Mail 25 West View Yeadon, Leeds, West Yorkshire,LS19 7HU.


AtlasPROfilax® now Available at The BackCare Clinic

The BackCare Clinic are delighted to announce we have been able to add the AtlasPROfilax® pain relief system to their treatment options.

AtlasPROfilax® offers an incredible, 100% Natural Method to assist with pain treatment, discomfort and pain prevention and self-healing. This simple, safe and quick correction method has seen patients with various types of pain and conditions experience amazing results - even just after their first 45 minute session. Matthew Voigts, an osteopath with 25 years’ experience will be working at the clinic one Tuesday a month.

AtlasPROfilax® now Available at The BackCare Clinic

Watch on Youtube

AtlasPROfilax is a natural non-invasive method developed by Renee-Claudius Schumperlii between 1993 and 1996.  This technique allows the correction of a minor dysfunction of the Atlas - the first verebra of the spinal column - through a regulated vibropressure on particular short muscles in the neck. Among the most frequent causes of minor dysfunction of the Atlas are events such as instrument assisted births, some obstetric handlings, moderate traumas to the cranio-mandibular area and accidents such as whiplash.  A 5 year scientific imaging study using MRI and CAT in 3D demonstrated that a great proportion of the population have a deviation and would benefit from this treatment. The studies showed that it showed great improvements in cervical pain, idiopathic scoliosis, fibromyalgia, herniated discs in neck and lumbar spine, migraines or vascular headache and carpal tunnel syndrome.

AtlasPROfilax is the application of a specific massage of the short muscles of the neck to allow a natural realignment of the Atlas.  It is performed in a single session which is followed by a check up a few weeks later.  There is no forceful manipulation of the neck. Once the Atlas is corrected there tends to be a progressive restoration of good posture, a natural realignment of the vertebrae as well as a decrease in pressure on articulations such as the hips and knees. It works wells with other treatments such as the Theraflex system to carry the natural unwinding of the spine.

Cost of treatment is £225 for adults and £125 for under 16s to include follow up. Payment should be made in cash or cheque only.

Further Information

For more information or to book your AtlasPROfilax® session today, please Contact The BackCare Clinic today on Tel: 0208 335 3787;


Sayer Complementary Health Homeopathy, Nutrition and Reiki Training

At Sayer Complementary Health, based in Rayleigh, Essex we are able to provide you with expertise in the following areas - Homeopathy, Nutrition and Reiki where you can arrange for an appointment to assist you on the path to better health or choose to attend one of the range of courses on offer there.

Sayer Complementary Health Homeopathy, Nutrition and Reiki Training

If you are looking for a natural approach to your health issues without the negative ill effects that are often associated with more conventional medicines then please make contact with June Sayer, homeopath, nutritionist and Reiki master/teacher.  She will be more than happy to help you select the discipline best suited to you so that she can help you achieve the best possible outcome towards improved health.

June currently works with children and adults who suffer with symptoms of hyperactivity, obsessive-compulsive disorder and others that come under the umbrella of autism spectrum   June is a CEASE practitioner, CEASE being the initials given to Complete Elimination of Autism Spectrum Expression.   Many of these symptoms have been brought to the surface after an emotional upset or reaction to vaccine.   Encompassing both homeopathy and nutrition, June has recorded major improvements in the overall wellbeing and behaviour of those she has worked with.

Good nutrition is important for your health and to help you discover areas of your body that might need additional nutritional support or to identify food intolerances; June uses the non-invasive Bio-Meridian Vantage Health Screening system. At the end of the screening you will be handed a colour-coded report to take away with you and be given nutritional advice and support.

The courses that you can attend include all levels of homeopathy from a first-aid self-healing course through to becoming a qualified homeopathic practitioner.  Some of the course study can be done on-line or through skype and includes part-time attendance. 

All levels of Reiki are offered: Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master/Teacher level.

Basic understanding of healthy eating and nutrition is also offered as a workshop.

All courses are kept to a minimum number and often take place on a one-to-one teaching schedule to ensure that you get the best possible tuition.

Further Information

Call now on Tel: 01268 928 223 or email to book your place on the next course-   Please mention Positive Health PH Online when calling.


Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Natural Healing, Kosmed Treatment, Vega Testing, Rife Treatment with Stephen MacAllan Lic.AC  BAc MAc.  (Licentiate, Bachelors, Masters acupuncture) M.H (Master Herbalist) Cert BERM., (Certificate Bio-Energetic Regulatory Medicine)

Stephen MacAllan began training in Traditional Acupuncture at The College of Traditional Acupuncture UK, which he completed in 1982 with a Licentiate of Acupuncture. Over the next 20 years Stephen completed his Bachelor of Acupuncture. Master of Acupuncture, Master Herbalist and 5 trainings in Bio-Energetic Regulatory Medicine.

Stephen Macallan Herbal Banner

Stephen has been in practice for over 30 years and has considerable experience treating: digestive disorders (allergies, IBS), headaches and aches and pains generally, as well as chronic conditions such as, fatigue, insomnia, arthritis, anxiety and women’s troubles. He will listen, with great care, to the details of your current health situation and how it developed, because poor health, just as good health, is not an accident.

Your health is a consequence of 5 factors:

Intake - that which has or has not gone into your body........

Output - that which has or has not come out of your body......

Movement - the movement of your body and of substances around your body......

Mind - the thoughts and feelings that occupy your mind......

Genes/DNA - any genetic pre-dispositions, but bear in mind that the science of Epigentics shows that our Genes and our DNA are not fixed and immutable......

Stephen will then select to use Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Naturopathic Protocols, Rife Treatment, Kosmed Treatment, Vega Testing/Bio-Resonance Testing as needed to help you heal yourself. In his practice now, by way of Bio-Energetic Regulatory Medicine - BERM., he uses a Vega-Expert machine (excellent diagnostic and treatment aid), Kosmed Treatment machine and a Rife machine.

Stephen currently offers Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Healing, Kosmed, Vega Testing and Rife Treatment at his clinics.

Further Information

Please contact Stephen on Tel: 01270 650336; Fax: 07985 585718;


Cleanse for Health Retreats with Araura Berkeley

You are invited to come and experience a six day Life-Changing, Deep Cleansing process offered in Glastonbury, Somerset, with Araura Berkeley and her team of highly qualified therapists. Araura and her team work with only 1 to 3 people at a time in order to give each person the very best care and individual attention. The program, briefly, consists of colon hydrotherapy; bodywork every day; iridology and nutritional advice as well as fresh organic vegetable juices; cleansing drinks; appropriate high quality supplements and EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids).

Cleanse for Health Retreats with Araura Berkeley

All this will not only deeply cleanse our physical body but it will also affect the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our Whole Being, leading to major Life Changes and Wellbeing. The program consists of the following:

  • Removal of old impacted faecal matter/mucoidal plaque from the whole intestinal digestive tract;
  • Removal of parasites and unwanted fungal overgrowths e.g. candida;
  • Refloration of the intestinal tract with full spectrum probiotics, essential for the immune system and proper digestion/absorption of nutrients;
  • Organic vegetable juices boosting nutritional intake, as well as cleansing herbs, E.F.As (Essential Fatty Acids) and supplements;
  • Special cleansing drinks which stick to and rehydrate the ancient toxic matter, making it swell and come away from the intestinal walls;
  • Re-hydration and flushing of the cells with purified water;
  • Three sessions of colon hydrotherapy (colonics), one every other day;
  • 'Bodywork' daily:- combination whole body massage/ deep tissue massage/ reflexology/ acupuncture and Sound energy healing;
  • Skin brushing that stimulates the circulatory and the lymphatic systems, revitalising the skin which is our largest organ of elimination;
  • Nutritional advice and ‘tools’ for self- empowerment;
  • Liver/Gall bladder flush. (Not always suitable for every cleanser.);
  • Release of mental and emotional stress/blocks;
  • Kidney Cleanse Kits available on request (A 21 day easy process to do at home after the cleanse).

Further Information

Please Contact Araura Berkeley on Tel: 01749 939 694; Mob: 07717 855 581;


The London Health Show 2016: 20-21 Jan 2016

The London Health Show 2016 (20th & 21st January) is the leading event for all sectors of the UK's booming health & wellness industry. This 2-day exhibition will also include 50+ industry experts, conference, 24 CPD accredited training workshops, demo theatre, an open floor speakers' corner and live surgery & treatments area. It will take place at the Olympia, accommodating 150+ exhibition stands and thousands of attendees showcasing the innovative and high quality products from around the world.

The London Health Show 2016: 20-21 Jan 2016

Conference & Workshop Topics Include:

  • Food Nutrition & Dietary Awareness in the UK
  • Health Foods as Part of the Broader Food Network: A Leading UK Supermarket Perspective
  • The Online Food Retailer and Effects on Distribution & Supply
  • The Expanding Nutraceuticals Market: A focus on Food supplements, Vitamins & Minerals
  • Insights from a Leading Specialised Food and Health Supplement Retailer
  • The Body and Mind Connection in Food Behaviour
  • Defining Food Addiction
  • Food Labelling for Nutrition and Health Claims
  • Dietary Assessment Techniques
  • Food & Nutrition Industry Regulation – UK vs Europe
  • Neutraceuticals Product Certification and Regulation
  • UK Guidelines for Advertising Supplements

Some Confirmed Speakers:

  • Dr Christian Jessen, Doctor and TV Presenter
  • Dr Leah, Founder of Dr. Leah Skincare and Clinics and The Apprentice winner
  • Sam Theyers, Head of Fitness, LA Fitness
  • Christine Bailey, Media Nutritionist & Chef
  • Andrew Gibson, Vice President, Spa and Wellness,
  • FRHI hotels & resorts (Fairmont, Raffles, Swissotel)
  • Lisa Barden, General Manager & Charlie Thompson, Chair, UK Spa Association
  • Speaker TBA, Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
  • Steven Ward, Executive Director, UK Active
  • John Treharne, CEO, The Gym Group
  • Tracey Smith, Reflexology and Research Manager, Association of Reflexologists
  • Michelle Roques-O'Neil, Vice Chair, International Federation of Aromatherapists

The London Health Show is the only event to bring together buyers & distributors from all sectors of the UK’s healthy living & wellness marketplace; in order to meet, network and do business with leading UK & international suppliers.

The exhibition, conference, training workshops are free to register online at


CAM, An Irish Solution to a Global Question? An Analysis of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Sector

by Bernadette Ward

Published by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. 2015. Softback. €41.00/$47.00 ISBN: 978 3 659 30230 5.

This book is based on a 4 year research study carried out in Dublin City University, as an exploration into the Complementary and Alternative Medicine communities, in Ireland, the UK, with a comparison to other western countries.  The study focused on public demand, practitioner training and explored quality oversight for the sector.  Ireland`s CAM community of practitioners, students, regulators are used as an example of similar CAM communities in the English speaking world.

CAM Book Cover

The research sought to examine CAM communities, explore how learning is delivered and practitioners are created. It explores public demand for treatments and the provision of learning for courses in complementary therapies, examining if there is oversight in terms of quality of learning, or regulation of practice. It further seeks to identify and define the needs of this community in terms of their continued survival and growth within the broader healthcare sector. The CAM sector is a broadly based community of mature adults who can be seen as taking on the roles of both learners and practitioners. In many cases students undertaking education and training in a CAM therapy are returning to education and characteristically fit into the category of lifelong learning. They deliberately choose complementary therapies to either add to existing skills or to acquire a new skill or competency which will improve their employment opportunities. Provision of education and training across this sector meets a steady and consistent public demand for therapists in a variety of disciplines, and establishes a significant education sector, McDonough, Devine & Baxter (2007).

There is a strong demand within Ireland, the UK and the English speaking world for CAM treatments of one type or another, CAMbrella (2012),  This is reflected in a similar steady demand reported across the EU and documented in relevant literature which forms part of this study`s Literature Review, Ernst & White (2000), WHO (2003), DOHC (2001), DOHC (2005).  Despite consumer demonstrations of choice in sourcing and paying for treatments, the CAM sector within the EU and most of the English speaking world remains unregulated and unsupported by successive governments, Budd & Mills (2000 Pg. 8).

Data showed that Irish and UK governments actively discriminate against their CAM sectors. There is still no framework for recognition of their sectors, national registration of therapists, and in Ireland, no academic validation of CAM training programmes. This lack of acknowledgement is in direct conflict with the OECD, of which Ireland and the UK are active members with stated policies on equity and inclusion. The OECD advocates acknowledgement of all learning, without exception. Both countries have failed to define a structure for their CAM communities,


Budd S & Mills S (2000), Regulation in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, British Medical Journal.[Online] Available from: /  Pg 8[Accessed 4th Oct 2013]

CAMbrella,(2012), The Roadmap to CAM European Research, An explanation of the CAMbrella project and its key findings[Online] Available from:    Pg 2,10,15, 23. [Accessed 5th March 2013]

DOHC ,(2001).Quality and Fairness, A Health System for You. [Online] Available from:   Pg 122.[Accessed May 2014]

DOHC(2005)National Working Group for the Regulation of Complementary Therapists[Online]Available from:   Pgs5,7,11,16,22,32{Acced on [5th February 2013].

Ernst , E.& White, A. (2000)  “The BBC survey of complementary medicine use in the UK” Complementary Therapies in Medicine.[Online] Available from:  Issue 1, March 2000  Pp 32-36 [Accessed 2nd Feb 2013]

Mc Donagh, S.Devine ,P. & Baxter, D.(2007) Complementary and alternative medicine, patterns of use in Northern Ireland. Research Update, [Online] Available from: [Accessed 12th December 2013]

WHO (2003), Fact Sheet No. 134: Traditional Medicine,[Online] Available from:   [Accessed 20th September]

Further Information

Available from LAP Lambert Academic Publishing and Amazon,-an-irish-solution-to-a-global-question


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    BIOLAB & The Great Plains Laboratory - Conference Announcement

    BIOLAB and Great Plains Laboratory extend an invitation to their international conference in London on 31 October and 1 November 2015 at the Holiday Inn, Regent's Park, London. Sat 31 October: Organic Acids Training Day, Sun 1 Nov: Trace Elements and Toxic Substances - Dietary & Environmental Impacts on Health. Day One of the conference - comprehensive appraisal of the clinical application of the Organic Acids Profile; Day Two - essential updates on research and developments in the field of Nutritional Medicine and health. Lectures by eminent clinical and research scientists.


    Further information Tel:  020-7636 5959/5905;   


    Rayonex UK Presentation Days

    The Rayonex di-pole antennae system is unique. The full potential of Bioresonance will be evaluated at the Leeds event on 19 September. To be discussed  include geobiological stress and ever increasing electromagnetic radiation, as well as energetic regulation of the body for health while incorporating the benefits of Schumann waves. A review of the latest developments in Bioenergetics, testing and supporting the body against electrosmog and geobiological stresses, testing and regulating with specific frequencies, assisting patients with acute and complex diseases.


    Further information Tel: 01559 364 711; Fax: 01559 364 043;


    Clinical Trinity III; Clinically Effective Products

    The latest series of Clinical Trinity III takes place on Saturday 5th September at Royal Society of Medicine from 9.00am-1.00pm. The ‘Clinical Trinity’ model of clinical care reflects the core components needed to achieve optimal health outcomes. Advanced Understanding of Clinically Effective Products Workshop takes place in the afternoon 2-4pm at the same venue. Antony Haynes & Michael Ash will discuss the ingredients, actions, features and potential benefits of the most effective supplements based on their over 50 years of combined clinical experience.

    Further Information and to book: Contact Claire on Tel: 08450 760402;


    Hypnotherapy Training International: Clinical Hypnotherapy Course CH

    Date: 14 - 19 Sept 2015
    This course teaches the student the art of applying hypnosis in a wide variety of clinical settings to a vast array of problems. Methods of hypnotic induction, trance deepening and various phenomena of hypnotism are learned at this stage; students are taught to achieve a high level of technical proficiency in their practice with supervised experiential exercises in class. 6 days intensive training providing 50 hours of classroom tuition. Cost: £650 (includes course materials).

    Further Information: Tel: 0207 385 1166;


    FHT Training Congress Brush Up On Skills

    Tickets are now on sale for the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) Training Congress in Stratford-upon-Avon on 6th September 2015, giving complementary, beauty and sport therapists the chance to gain valuable CPD points.

    The Training Congress includes a full day of 14 workshops and seminars, on everything from reflexology to shoulder pain, pain management to treating darker skin shades, by some of the World’s leading experts including Kim Ford, Simeon Niel-Asher and Peter Mackereth. 

    The Congress is open to both FHT members and non-members, with prices starting at £22.50, and a day-delegate ticket with unlimited seminars for just £76.

    Further information and to book seminars or discounted packages


    Positive New Direction Veganism

    Veganism is on the rise; the UK’s fastest growing vegan organization has appointed a team of five new Directors - all dedicated to running and developing this vibrant association. The team are helping The Vegan Lifestyle Association (VLA) to become a cornerstone of the vegan community and a friend to all vegans, for life. The VLA is a totally altruistic, not-for-profit organisation, run by volunteers and funded purely by donations.


    Further information 


    Miami Life CenterYoga Workshops

    Asana, Breath, Bandha & Yoga Taravalli, with Andrew Hillam and Jessica Walden on 16-18 Oct  at the Miami Life Centre. There is a direct connection between the form of each asana and the method of breathing used in Ashtanga Yoga. A proper understanding of the breathing, Mula and Uddyana Bandha allows for correction of each asana, is the key to preventing and healing injuries and breathes life into our practice. On 20-26 Feb 2016 is a Sadhana Intensive with David Robson, a new 6 day workshop. Ashtanga Weekend Workshop with Kino MacGregor is at the Miami City Ballet studios on 26-28 February. Their Ashtanga Intensive.


    Further information


    Plants, Health and Nature Workshop

    There is a treat in store for anyone able to make it to the Plants, Health and Nature workshop which is taking place on 5-9 November in Valldemossa, Majorca; Danny Shmulevitch and his friend Ana Azcárate are hosting this from the stylish Valldemossa homes in the Tramuntana mountains; her local knowledge will help to make your stay memorable. You will visit local farms to explore their organic vegetable and medicinal herb gardens, taking long walks in the mountains overlooking the sea to discover the wild herbs in the area, making herbal preparations and sharing knowledge of the natural resources to allow you to enhance your health and wellbeing and to live sustainably.


    Further information Tel: 07866 625 787,


    Annie Appleseed NYC

    The next one day meeting is on 19 Sept in Manhatten. Find the summary of 2015 Annie Appleseed Project, by conference attendee Andrew Scholberg and updates of issues of importance around Natural Cancer Strategies. This month Annie Appleseed, an all-volunteer, no staff, non-profit project, celebrates 16 years online. The meeting, which takes place at St Bart’s Church,325 Park Avenue, 51 Street, New York 10022 includes an organic lunch and 8 speakers. Andrew Scholberg, Author of German Cancer Breakthrough and Co-Author of The Amish Cancer Secret  and America’s Best Cancer Doctors wrote summaries of the 2015 Annie Appleseed Project conference including subjects such as not drinking water before surgery is not necessary and that use remains an attractive cancer-prevention option.


    Further information Tel: (561) 749-0084; Fax: (561) 499-6424;


    Make this an Alkalizing Summer

    Bestcare stocks the most effective range of alkalizing products on the internet. The majority of people in our society today suffer from over acidity of the body fluids, which make up to 70% of the body weight. Try iced alkalizing tea, by using 8 tea bags of Jentchura 7x7 Alkalizing tea, a medium orange or lemon 8 cups of simmering water, lots of ice and honey or another natural sweetener. There are also many alkalizing foods, such as whole fruits and vegetables and certain whole grains, which are low in caloric density.


    Further information Tel: 01342 410 303;


    The Fireside Book of Homeopathic Tales

    The Fireside Book of Homeopathic Tales by Alan Schmukler and Maish Bhatia introduces homeopathy in the fiction literature. Read 16 winning stories from the First International Homeopathy Story Competition. Stories introduce adventures and danger, romance, mystery, mysticism and inspiration. Some stories take place in the present, others are historical and some are post-apocalyptic. They will take you to exotic faraway places and places inside you.


    Further information:  


    The UK Centre for Living Foods

    The UK Centre for Living Foods’ latest newsletter features recipes, group practitioner meetings, training courses, tips and advice. This month features Carol Johnson, qualified further education teacher teaches practical workshops in raw, vegan and living food preparation. Her business, The Living Foods Workshop also offers event catering raw, vegan and living foods style. Carol is passionate about living foods as it has helped her to slowly reverse type 2 diabetes. It also gives ideas for juicing and a demonstration video for Indoor Greens and a Classic Energy Drink. Practitioner training: 14-18 Sept; Autumn detox: 19-23 October.


    Further information


    Sheffield Nurse Consultant for Cancer Survivors

    Professor Diana Greenfield, who has championed late effects and cancer survivorship for many years is believed to be the first person in the UK  to be bestowed an Honorary Chair in Cancer Survivorship. Diana is a Nurse Consultant who champions the needs of cancer survivors living with the long-term  effects of cancer in the decades and years after treatment, has been honoured by the University of Sheffield for her trailblazing work in the field.


    Further information:


    Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Awarded Chatham House Prize 2015

    The Chatham House Prize is presented annually to the person or organization deemed by members of the Royal Institute of Internal Affairs to have made the most significant contribution to the improvement of international relations in the previous year. This year, members voted for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in recognition of its work in combating the 2014 Ebola outbreak  in West Africa. MSF was amongst the first groups to respond to the epidemic in March of that year and remained engaged on the ground throughout the crisis, caring for the majority of patients in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.


    Further information


    EF MEDISPA Vitamin Infusions Canary Wharf

    Multi-award winning aesthetic clinic chain EF MEISPA, is set to open its fourth London clinic in Canary Wharf this summer, adding to the current portfolio of clinics in Kensington, Chelsea and St John’s Wood. The premises along Admiral’s way, will be offering  Canary /Wharf’s stressed-out, time-short executives a chance to re-charge their batteries with energy boosting vitamin infusions and refresh their image with the latest advances in medical aesthetics. Drip & Chill™ will have an exclusive menu of intravenous vitamin therapies. Ten mixes have been created to support conditions including a low immune system, de-hydration, weight loss, improving athletic performance.


    Further information:


    Food Neophiles: Profiling the Adventurous Eater

    A new study from the Cornell Food and Brand Lab entitled: Food Neophiles: Profiling the Adventurous Eater by Lara Latimer PhD, University of Texas, Austin; Lizzy Pope, University of Vermont and Brian Wansink, Director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab. The study was published online in the journal Obesity. A nationwide US survey of 502 women, showed that those who had eaten the widest variety of uncommon foods, including seitan, beef tongue, Kimchi, rabbit and polenta, also rated themselves as healthier eaters, more physically active and more concerned with the healthfulness of their food, when compared with non-adventurous eaters.


    Further information:


    A Naturopathic Diet in Primrose’s Kitchen

    Following the success of Primrose’s Kitchen in department stores and supermarkets across the UK, the award-winning, naturopathic, raw vegetable muesli can now be found in Holland & Barrett. The raw vegetable muesli comes in two flavours: Beetroot and Ginger Muesli and Raw Carrot and Apple and Ginger Muesli.


    Further information:


    Reverse Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria

    At its annual assembly in Geneva last week, the World Health Organization approved a radical and far-reaching plan to slow the rapid, extensive spread of antibiotic resistance around the world. The plan hopes to curb the rise caused by an unchecked use of antibiotics and lack of new antibiotics on the market. New Tel Aviv University research published in PNAS, introduces a promising new tool: a two pronged system to combat this dangerous situation. It nukes antibiotic resistance in selected bacteria and renders other bacteria more sensitive to antibiotics.


    Further information Tel: 212.742.9070 ext 117;


    Resilience Masterclass

    The Resilience Masterclass, presented by Liggy Webb, Author of Resilience – How to Cope When Everything Around You Keeps Changing, takes place at The Hilton, Paddington, London. The masterclass takes place on 7 Sept and 12 Oct and is a full day event including refreshments and lunch. The three key aims are to help professionals in organizations to support people through torrid times and relentless change, develop strategies to reduce workplace stress and promote wellbeing and to sustain a positive, resilient and engaged workforce. Visit The Resilience Zone stand A200 at the World of Learning Conference and Exhibition at the NEC in Birmingham.


    Further information Tel: 01242 700 027;


    Adding Veggies Makes You a Hero... To Them

    When 500 American mothers were presented with a hypothetical meal including a vegetable, such as broccoli, they indicated that the main dish would taste better and that the server was a better cooks, even if they did not particularly like them. In a second study, also done by Cornell Food and Brand Lab research, the same participants were asked to read a day-in-the-life story about a mother, Valerie. In the story read by half of the participants, Valerie prepared frozen green beans with dinner and in the other version, she didn’t. Those who read the first version were more likely to describe her as thoughtful, attentive and capable.


    Further information:


    Smartphone App May Prevent Freezing Gait in Parkinson’s

    Tel Aviv University have developed  CuPID, a project three years in the making and product of an eight-member European Union-funded consortium. It strives to provide personalized rehabilitation for patients with Parkinson’s disease, who experience FoG or other gait disturbances. CuPID is a home-based, personalized rehabilitation tool in the form of a smartphone app that harnesses wearable sensors, audio biofeedback and external cueing to provide intense motivational training tailored to each patient. The results are monitored remotely by medical professions, who provide quality care while enhancing patient compliance.


    Further information Tel: 415.497.6188;


    The Mindfulness Cookbook

    Mindfulness is a new attitude to living. Being mindful and aware about the way you cook and eat will not only help you appreciate every mouthful, but reward you and heal your food issues. There is no dieting, calorie counting or fasting; by changing your approach to feeding yourself with essential mindfulness techniques and practices, you can learn how to beat emotional eating and free yourself from cravings, tune in to your ‘body wisdom’ and begin to eat less of what you don’t need, while filling up on nourishing foods that help you to reach the weight you will be happy with for life. There are over 70 quick and easy recipes.


    Further information Tel; 020-3122 6720;


    VegFestUK London, Scotland, Brighton and Bristol

    VegFestUK takes place in London 10-11 Oct, Scotland 5-6 Dec, Brighton 27-28 Feb 2016 and Bristol 22-23 May 2016. VegfestUK Bristol 2015 14,000 visitors. Glorious sunshine, mouth-watering vegan food and gripping music greeted them. Over 700 people went vegan after the event and nearly 2,500 people are moving towards veganism afterwards. The Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival 2015 saw over 3,000 visitors. Vegfest Scotland takes place in December and there is still time for stalls, speaking and performing slots.


    Further information:


    Health Benefits of  Chocolate

    BodyMe’s cacao nibs and powder provide some of the highest quality cacao products available. Certified organic and cultivated without pesticides or chemicals, BodyMe’s cacao nibs, from which they also make their powder, are never roasted. They are pressed in their raw and natural state in order to keep all their nutritional goodness. Roasting the nibs at high temperature (which they do to create chocolate), can severely reduce the nutritional properties.


    Further information:


    New Colon Cancer Culprit Found in Gut Microbiome.

    Changes in the gut bacteria of colon cancer patients indicate that some virulent bacteria could be linked to the progression of the disease, according to research published in the open access journal Genome Medicine. The findings could eventually be used to identify a virulence signature in these cancers and help Doctors predict how bacterial changes in patients’ guts could affect their prognosis. Analyzing the major changes that take place in the gut microbiome could help Researchers categorize the role particular bacteria play and identify the key players.


    Further information Tel: 020-3192 2054;


    Alternative Option for Cancer

    There is no single treatment proven to heal Cancer, however reducing acid foods is a good tip, there is evidence that cancer cannot live in alkali. Chris Woollams book, The Rainbow Diet has been highly recommended, There are methods to reduce stress levels, The Journey by Brandon Bays explains the effects of old unhealthy memories and emotions in our body and how to resolve them. For those who need to know more about the science of the above, Molecules of Emotions by Candace Pert is recommended.


    Further information about The Journey, Tel: 01442 213 152; Mob: 07976 795 666;


    The Anti-Oxidant Answer

    It has been widely publicized that anti-oxidants are the way forward. A recent review suggests that only a few foods containing these clever molecules could actually be effective when it comes to losing the love handles and toning tummies. Natur Boutique could be the perfect solution to the antioxidant problem. Green Tea and Cinnamon Tea is 100% natural, organic and contains no additives or preservatives, helping the tea deliver a purer more delicate flavour and is something that may help you lose a few extra pounds this summer. Natur Boutique have made a name for themselves over the last few years for creating innovative and clever tea blends that can help with everything from IBS to relaxing and de-stressing.


    Further information please visit


    Crohn’s and Colitis UK Awards

    Patient information and support charity Crohn’s and Colitis UK, in collaboration with the charity for Crohn’s, have granted over £430,000 in their Medical Research Awards for 2015. Six innovative projects have been selected for funding to investigate possible causes which could lead to new treatments: The University of East Anglia: £119,018 to study the role of bacteria in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD); The University of Oxford £115,500 a new way of classifying IBD related bowel cancer; Kings College London: £114,689 to explore a special type of white blood cell called Tregs; The University of Liverpool: £60,615 to explore the relationship between  bacteria and fungi in the gut; The University of Oxford: £10,000 to look at the way the gut handles bacteria.


    Further information Tel: 01727 734 466,


    Neem: Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity

    Klaus Ferlow, Honorary Master Herbalist, Dominion Herbal College, Professional Herbal Advocate Canadian Herbalist's Association, founder of Ferlow Botanicals has retired and founded Neem Research. Due to his over 20 years’ experience working with Neem is publishing in September/October 2015 his book Neem: Nature's Healing Gift to Humanity. The Neem tree offers better plant health, human health, animal health and environmental health. He is also a co-author of the book 7steps to dental health.

    Further Information  (in construction)

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