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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 212

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 212 - February 2014

Spring 2014 Ilkley Complementary Medicine Festival:

Sat 29th - Sun 30th March 2014

The Ilkley Complementary Medicine Festival, held at The Kings Hall, Winter Gardens, Ilkley is the UK’s premier festival promoting natural remedies & related products.


Established in 1988, the twice yearly Complementary Medicine Festival attracts visitors, exhibitors and practitioners from all over the country. The unique atmosphere of the two-day event offers everyone, from the devotee to the mildly curious, a chance to explore and sample the huge range of remedies, therapies and natural wisdom that make the Complementary Medicine Festival a truly inspirational experience. Workshops presented By Local Practitioners and across the North of England

When? Held twice yearly in March and October.

The next event is the Spring Complementary Medicine Festival

Spring 2014:  Saturday 29th March – and Sunday 30th March 2014

Autumn  2014: Saturday 25th October – and Sunday 26th October 2014

Times:   Open from 10am on both days – Closing at 5pm both days

Exhibitors: Over 100 stands covering a wide range of Therapies, Services and Natural Products

Talks and demonstrations : Something to interest everyone including topics like Angelic Reiki and Crystal Energy to Stress Awareness and Kinesiology

Times: Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm; Open to exhibitors from 8am

Admission: £4.00 Adults, £3.50 Concessions; Children Free under 16 years of age

2 Day Pass £6.50

Facilities: There is disabled access to the venue ( Limited Access to Workshops).

Food: A range of foods including Vegetarian Refreshments are served over both days.

Location: The King’s Hall, Winter Gardens is located in the heart of Ilkley, near Leeds and Bradford. The King’s Hall is directly opposite the railway and bus station. If you have sat. navigation on your car, the address is Station Road, Ilkley,LS29 8HB

Parking: There is plenty of on street car parking nearby.

Accommodation: We have compiled a list of places to stay in and around Ilkley, including hotels and B&B accommodation in and near Ilkley.

Further Information

To enquire about the festival or book a stand at the next event, please contact Michael Weaver on 01943 872387; MB 07939468822;  


Caring About Carers - Progressive Attitudes Still Leading the Way at Balens 

Mindful ethos, traditional professional values and progressive attitudes are the foundations at Balens Ltd. Specializing in insurance for Health and Well-Being Professionals and Organizations, the family run business, Balens, have evolved into one of the largest Insurance Brokers, in this sector, for the UK and Republic of Ireland.


“We go the extra mile” is one of the mottos at Balens. This saying has become so clichéd  in the business world that it has, for many, lost its enthusiasm. However this is noticeably not the case here. Staff developments, progressing into new markets, widening support for the Health and Well-Being sector and expanding internationally, are just some of the progressive strategies at Balens. 

Balens Care about the Wellbeing of their Employees so they can Care about You

Recruiting more staff to meet the administration needs as they grow, the staff numbers at Balens continues to rise year by year. In the last 12 months they have welcomed 12 new members to their team. Through rising numbers and training and development they are able to continue in providing a personal and supportive approach to individuals, organizations, and corporations, being flexible in designing their procedures around the client and ensuring effective claims handling alongside good quality of advice.

Progressive and Ethical Cover

A core part of Balens’ ethos is to try and understand the requirements of the therapists and their businesses, so that they are able to offer progressive and ethical insurance cover. This belief developed from the idea of the individual and the support they need as practising therapists and their businesses. For example, developing Home Insurance policies to ensure therapists can be covered whilst working with clients from their own home. Business expansion plays a large part in their growing strategies so they can continue to offer cover for a range of needs such as training and clinics. With this in mind Balens have most recently developed a new policy option for individuals attending craft fairs and exhibitions to meet the demand from their customers.

Balen Trust - Promoting Natural Health Choices and Well-Being

The Balen Trust has been set up as a charitable initiative, with the aim of supporting the Health and Well-Being sector. It was formed as part of Balens’ desire to give back to the industry. In May 2013 the trustees awarded their first grants.

International Links

Balens can currently provide insurance cover to residents in Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Malta and Republic of Ireland. They actively branched out further into Europe in 2013 and created comprehensive polices for the Netherlands. Plans are now underway to develop further into other European countries and also across continental boarders, to residents in South Africa in 2014.

Further Information

Balens Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. For further information and advice on what Balens can offer Tel: 01684 893 006;


Noma Vega Med Matrix - Treatment for Detoxification and Regeneration

Soft tissue, also called matrix, plays a key role in the generation of degenerative illnesses. If the matrix is put under long-term stress, e.g. from excess acid, chronic inflammations and infections, environmental poisons, malnutrition, stress and overall unhealthy living, at some point this adversely effects the supply of nutrients to the organ cells. The consequences are chronic illnesses, allergies, defence weaknesses, depression, chronic skin complaints and a  range of other problems. Before being able to treat illnesses, the matrix must first free itself from ‘old pollution’ and regenerate itself. The matrix regeneration treatment with Med matrix has been especially developed to release environmental and metabolic burdens from soft tissue, to regenerate structures that have become deficient due to chronic inflammation and to strengthen the function and activity of the immune and connective tissue cells involved.

Wegamed Med Matrix

Treatment with Med Matrix

Med matrix combines three holistic matrix treatment methods into one coordinated process: Rhythmic direct current treatment, petechial suction massage and a special system information therapy by which both the patient‘s own and homeopathic variation information as cell and metabolism-supporting frequency signals are added to the organism. In addition, dynamic magnetic fields support the transfer of the system information. This not only clears the tissue physically it also generates new energy.

Rhythmic direct current treatment

Chronically sick matrix tissue has an excessive negative charge and too much acid. The Med matrix direct current therapy is based on the fact that it is possible to change the polarity of the tissue externally: The rolling electrodes guide weak direct current into the tissue and neutralise excess charges. The tissue becomes alkaline again. The protons are mobilised and this creates the requirement for normal metabolic functioning.

Petechial suction massage

Petechial suction massage is a modern form of cupping and is used to mechanically clean the tissue. Using this method the suction electrode generates low pressure in the tissue: Waste products and tissue toxins are brought to the surface and can now be removed by the lymphatic system. At the same time the electrodes cover the pathological frequency patterns of the toxins and then use them for system information therapy. For progressive regeneration this tissue appears significantly tighter and the redness that occurs during treatments disappears ever more quickly.

System-Information-Therapy (S-I-T)

SIT neutralises pathological energy fields. The suction electrode takes the biological information of toxins and waste products released from the matrix. These diseased vibration patterns are converted in the Med matrix control device. Combined with cell and metabolism-supporting frequency signals and supported by dynamic magnetic fields, they are then passed back to the patient as therapeutic signals. The self-healing powers are activated and the pressure is removed from the immune system.

Further Information

For further information and training, please contact Sylvia Austen at Noma (Complex Homeopathy Ltd) on Tel: 023 8077 0513;


The British Institute for Allergy and Environmental Therapy - BIAET

Principal: Donald M Harrison BA (Hons Psych) BSc MR Pharm S 

The British Institute was formed in January 1987 to bring together a group of Therapists who practise a unique system of allergy diagnosis and treatment, a system that had already been used very successfully for nearly ten years. The Institute's members are all qualified health professionals - both mainstream and complementary - with a keen interest in allergic conditions (such as Hayfever) and their causes. Membership of the Institute is by way of its Diploma in Allergy & Environmental Therapy - Dip AET

British Inst For Allergy

The Course is written by practising therapists and is based on nearly 30 years of experience in the successful treatment of allergic conditions. It comprises 10 substantial distance-learning modules together with attendance on two occasions for practical instruction and lectures at the Institute's premises in Wales. All course materials are provided, together with text books.

Subjects covered are:

  • Introduction and historical background in brief
  • Allergy and the Immune System
  • The Patient Interview
  • Testing for Allergens
  • The Muscle Test
  • Treatment of Allergies
  • Isopathic (Homoeopathic) Desensitisation
  • The Candida Connection
  • Food Intolerance
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • The Psychological Connection
  • Allergic Symptoms & Iatrogenic Illness
  • Allergic Conditions of the Respiratory Tract
  • Allergic Conditions of the Alimentary Tract
  • Allergic Conditions of the Skin
  • Conditions of the Skeletal System
  • Conditions of the Nervous System
  • Conditions of the Reproductive System
  • Dental Amalgam Problems
  • Hyperactivity - ADHD
  • Post Viral Syndrome - Myalgic Encephalmyelitis
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  • The Role of Parasites, Bacteria and Viruses

Further Information

Please contact The British Institute for Allergy and Environmental Therapy on Tel: 01974 241376; Fax: 01974 241795;


The Audio Training Programme : Advanced Resilience

The Personal Resilience Programme is a cutting edge comprehensive audio training system to reduce stress, improve sleep, sustain high levels of performance and develop resilience. The exercises integrate a number of highly effective and scientifically validated resilience techniques. These techniques are based on research in the field of mindfulness, positive and motivational psychology, and neuroscience. 

Cover CD Advanced Resilience Training

The psychoacoustic audio recording on the CD can enhance and train your capacity to focus and relax simultaneously and can also improve your health. You can listen to either of the two tracks either once or twice daily, for example in the morning after rising and in the evening before sleep whilst practising the ‘Coherence Exercise’. Regularly applied for no less than 4 weeks, the ‘Coherence Exercise’ and the music may enhance your capacity to focus, concentrate, and also improve your mood, calmness, sleep, memory, motivation, creativity and energy levels.

How this audio training CD works

This audio recording deploys the following mind technology:

  • Slow music (to help wind down) Breath pacer (for heart rate variability training);
  • Bilateral brain stimulation (to reduce the negative impact of stress and process disturbing experiences);
  • Brainwave entrainment to deepen your capacity to focus, relax and visualize;
  • The resilience exercises can reduce stress, build resilience, improve sleep and promote emotional and physical health;
  • Although the ‘Coherence Exercise’ works well by itself, its efficacy and ease of practice is
  • initially (during the first few months) greatly enhanced by the audio recording.

About Dr Peter Gruenewald

Peter is an internationally recognised expert in the field of adaptive resilience, stress and performance. Peter is an associate fellow at SAID Business School, Oxford University, and runs workshops in adaptive resilience for senior leaders and managers in the public and private sector. Advanced Resilience is Peter’s approach towards leading oneself (and others) under pressure and in crisis. This approach draws on many years of clinical and coaching experiences as well as on scientific research in the fields of chronobiology, neuroscience, mindfulness, positive psychology, motivational psychology and anthroposophic medicine. Peter has treated, trained and advised more than a thousand clients regarding resilience, managing stress and performance and leadership. He is the author of the book: The Quiet Heart. Putting Stress into its Place. Floris 2007. He also works as a GP in the NHS and in private practice in London.

Further Information

Recommended price: £9.55 plus postage (£1.94 for 1 CD). Order by Tel: 07898 650182;   


Scottish School of Hypnotherapy Ltd: Courses on offer - 2014

Scottish School of Hypnotherapy

1. Introduction to Hypnotherapy

Designed to allow interested individuals to put their toe in the water to find out more about hypnosis, its history and development and the therapeutic applications for which it is increasingly recognized. Scheduled for January, May and September each year, this course is also offered at any time there is sufficient demand.

Why not gift yourself:

  • A weekend break in one of the most beautiful and unspoilt areas of Scotland (just over 1 hr drive from Glasgow - Argyll's Secret - Glendaruel);
  • The chance to enjoy the company of like-minded individuals.....enter into discussion and experience challenge;
  • Relax and learn;
  • Practise and change...... 

2. Diploma In Clinical Hypnotherapy (Practitioner Level)

This is the School’s flagship course.  It has been on offer since 1989 and has been continually improved and extended.  It is now one of the best practitioner level trainings in clinical hypnotherapy available today. The course comprises 5 parts which are spread over a full year, though it is possible to commence practise (with appropriate insurance) after approximately 20 weeks. Courses commence twice per annum in the Spring and late Autumn with Part 1.  Part 1 involves a residential fortnight and is an essential, practical skills based training.  This two-week period could well be one of the most challenging and life changing experiences you ever encounter; however, don’t take my word for it!   Visit  and check our testimonials page.

3. Hypnoanalytical Skills Training

This course has been devised in order that individuals who have only been trained in suggestion therapy have the opportunity to advance their training, to include the use of analysis in hypnosis.  Although not all therapists subscribe to the hypnoanalytical process, it is essential that every person who calls themselves a hypnotherapist is fully trained in the management of abreactions. An abreaction is an, often, cathartic outpouring of emotion which can happen spontaneously in the hypnotic state.  If not dealt with appropriately, the client can be rendered vulnerable and that should never happen.

4. Post Graduate Training

Twice yearly weekends are offered for graduates of the School to extend their knowledge base and practical skills.  This also provides an opportunity for peer group support and assessment of needs to ensure that practitioners remain at the cutting edge of hypnotherapeutic developments.

Further Information

Principal Trainer: Kate McEwen. For course dates and further information please Tel: 01369-820172;


BCNH - UK College of Nutrition and Health 

BCNH is a small but exclusive college focused on offering top quality courses in Nutritional Therapy in central London. We offer part-time BSc (Hons) programme in Nutritional Therapy, in partnership with the University of Greenwich, as well as Level 6 Diploma courses.  

BCNH - UK College of Nutrition and Health

Both BSc programme with clinical practice and Level 6 Diploma in Nutritional Therapy are accredited by the NTC. NTC accreditation allows our graduates to apply for direct entry to the professional register held by the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), which is supported by the Department of Health.

The demand for Nutritional Therapy (NT) is rapidly growing and in an increasingly more competitive market, a BSc will give you an advantage - both in your professional practice and in the wider job market.  The degree has therefore been designed with flexibility in mind and can be completed over 4-5 year’s part-time. Candidates will be able to set up their clinical practice on successful completion of BCNH Year 4 Clinical Practice and relevant university modules, while finishing their BSc modules with the University. The degree is awarded by the university and recognized internationally in countries that accept UK degrees.

BCNH believe in evidence-based training; their course materials are based on the latest discoveries and developments in the field of nutrition. Courses are therefore highly academic and suitable for candidates with intellectual and academic skills (or those who wish to develop these skills). The BSc programme is particularly designed to help to enhance these skills, so students will be able to practise Functional Medicine with a more authoritative approach. BCNH believe that one’s diet and lifestyle can influence physical, mental and emotional well-being. Therefore the ethos is to emphasize food as ‘medicine’ and to use supplements with respect, thus encouraging long-term diet and lifestyle changes to promote and maintain optimum health.

BCNH Clinical training starts in the first year of the courses and is based on Functional Medicine, with a strong emphasis on a holistic, albeit evidence-based approach. Apart from clinical skills, students are taught how to communicate with the medical profession in order to establish a mutually rewarding relationship. Many very successful BCNH graduates work with medical professionals and receive referrals from GPs and hospital specialists. BCNH students come from all parts of the world; courses are available on an attendance basis or online. BCNH consider themselves to be a truly global college. 

BCNH also offers the following courses:

  • Science Foundation Courses (attendance or distance learning);
  • BSc in Nutritional Therapy;
  • Level 6 Diploma in Nutritional Therapy;
  • Short courses for general public - ‘Nutrition For You and Your Family’.

Further Information

For further details and information, please contact BCNH on Tel: 0844 736 5836; 0207 433 2555;


Cancer Control Through Pathology-Based Homeopathic Medicine

by Dr Tasos Vartholomeos MD PhD MFHom

Homeopathy is a system of medical therapy that uses information of biophysical nature and/or very small (infinitesimal) doses of medicines or remedies, that are hardly traced even by most modern technology. There are literally hundreds of high quality, published basic science, pre-clinical and clinical studies showing that homeopathy works.

Dr Tasos Vartholomeos Cancer Control Homeopathy

Since homeopathic remedies are devoid of any chemical toxicity, homeopathy is the ideal system of medicine for people of all age. Homeopathy has long been established as mainstream medicine in the NHS(National Health System) of many countries all over the world.The Swiss government's report on homeopathic medicine represents the most comprehensive evaluation of homeopathic medicine ever written by a government. The inclusion of homeopathic and select alternative medicines in Switzerland's national health care insurance program has become a part of this government's constitution .

Cancer is usually  the final outcome of a local  chronic physical bioenergetic stagnation,where the defence mechanism employs its last defence in a model that is reminiscent of embryogenesis. Homeopathic remedies ,through the employment of  the principle of similarity to a tissue, which in modern terms is translated in a kind of ‘teaching or reprogramming’ of the tissue, might apply in the best way to the ‘tissue field’ where cancer cells appear and  seems to have the best possible chances  to pass positive information to this field.

The main pathologic goal of Homeopathy in Cancer is mainly the support of all, relevant to Cancer pathogenesis, Homeostatic Functions and the integrity of the micro-environment of cancer cells. As in all Chronic Diseases, in Cancer it is always required to support both the diseased organs themselves and the whole organism, the ‘Totality’. The Homeopathic Materia Medica (Pharmacology) and the Homeopathic Repertorization (Case Analysis) are themselves the tools to recognize those marvellous remedies that are able to face effectively deep pathologies, like Cancer in each one individual case.

The modern academic and clinical medical research in the field of homeopathy is almost always based on the pathophysiological action of homeopathic ‘medicines’ on organs, tissues and  cells. Reference and comments  to certain representative published articles in modern medical literature ,concerning homeopathic remedies’ effects on cancer, from both basic research and clinical applications , are also included as the background and evidence of the subject of the article.

Further Information

The article Cancer Control Through Pathology-Based Homeopathic Medicine by Dr Vartholomeos is scheduled to be published in Positive Health PH Online Issue 214 on 8 May 2014. Detailed information regarding Dr Vartholomeos and Pathology-based Homeopathy  in Cancer patients may be found at:


Improved Bioresonance - Heart Rate Variable (HRV) Test Method

Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt is Gaining Credibility

In May of this year a major breakthrough in bioresonance will be unveiled to the public in Europe. It is a new test method for the PS1000 Polar to display the result of bioresonance testing. Why is this so special? The new method makes use of Heart rate variable testing (HRV) which is known and accepted by conventional science.

Rayocomp Device

At present the Rayocomp devices PS10 and PS1000 Polar make use of the aerial tensor as do several other bioresonance devices. Some refer to the tensor as ‘the wand’ which is not helpful! This leads the mainstream to regard bioresonance practitioners as using an unproved unaccepted device with the test results displayed using an unproven unaccepted test method, the tensor. These people cannot accept such a system.

With the new HRV test method this will all change. For the first time bioresonance will have an accepted test method which can not only stand up in its own right but will serve to validate the Rayocomp device itself and the practice of bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt.

The reality is that many patient and those who work with bioresonance have family or friends who oppose them. HRV testing will greatly help such people as they follow their treatment of choice. The speed and accuracy of testing will be enhanced and the graphic display on the large will give confidence to the patients. This in turn will aid the patient practitioner relationship leading to more patient compliance and overall a better outcome for all.

The idea of testing without an aerial or tensor was a dream of Paul Schmidt himself. However it proved elusive, as the Rayocomp devices are passive frequency generators using the patented dipole antenna system designed by Paul Schmidt to avoid the damaging effect of electro smog associated with synthetic frequency generators. The Rayonex System is a gentle system and is unique in using dipole antennas and because of this developing an aerial free test system has proved a real challenge. Rayonex GmBH have been working on the project for over ten years. So we are thrilled to see it come to fruition at last.

The system will be launched in Britain in June in a venue in the Oxford area. It will available to purchase at the launch and users will be able to integrate it into their existing device right away. We have no price yet and the date of the event has yet to be set. Please contact us in March or April for full details.

It is also planned to develop the system for the smaller device the Rayocomp Ps10. This may take a further two to three years.

Further Information

Please contact Rayonex / Health Leads / Asphalia on Tel: 01559 364 711;


Twelve Essential Healing Crystals - Your first aid manual for preventing and treating common ailments from allergies to toothache

by Michael Gienger

Published by Findhorn Press. March 2014. £4.99. ISBN: 978-1-84409-642-8.

For over thirty years crystal healing has proved its self to be a practical natural therapy that can be employed even by non-professionals. Healing crystals are relatively easy to use and yet offer a wide range of options for the treatment of everyday ailments and many illnesses; they can provide support through certain phases in life or simply improve our well-being.

Michael Gienger

Cover Twelve Essential Healing Crystals

This first aid guide to treating common ailments focuses on just 12 stones that cover a wide range of applications. The guide shows the reader how to identify the right stone for each ailment - the index lists more than 300 specific complaints, including those that occur frequently, such as: allergies, coughs, headaches, hormonal complaints, minor injuries, sunburn, stomach ache and toothache.

This is your own home pharmacy in portable, pocket form. Divided into 12 chapters, one for each stone, the guide describes many illnesses and complaints in clear, concise, understandable language and suggests the appropriate stone for each ailment and how to use it. This practical, handy guide distils the essence of our current understanding of healing with gemstones. The 12 stones selected will help the reader maintain their health and heal both their body and mind.

Heliotrope is one of the most important healing crystals for treating colds. Formed from molten mineral solutions of magmatic origin, it is a type of quartz with tiny filament-like formations (chalcedony) or crystalline (jasper). Its dark green colour comes from deposits of chlorite and the red specks are inclusions of haematite. It is formed from hot liquids with a number of substances in solution, and is the healing crystal equivalent of a herbaltea treatment for colds.

Twelve Essential Healing Crystals.

About the Author

Michael Gienger underwent training in shiatsu and took a two-year apprenticeship in shamanic healing. He began testing the healing properties of crystals in 1988 and has since gained international acclaim for his ongoing research in this domain. He is the author of more than 20 publications, a number of which have become standard works in their field and have been translated into 11 languages to date.

Further Information

Available from Findhorn Press and Amazon


A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping

by John Gibbons

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2014. £24.99 (includes DVD) ISBN:  978-1-905367-48-1.

A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping, set for release 15 February 2014 is one of the only books on the market dedicated to the phenomenon sweeping the sporting world: kinesiology taping.

A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping

Developed in 1970s by Japanese Chiropractor Dr Kenzo Kase, kinesiology taping was seen publicly for the first time at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, when over 50,000 rolls of tape were donated to 58 countries - helping to spread the taping technique worldwide. In the 2012 Olympics kinesiology taping was seen used on numerous athletes from all over the globe, and in varying positions and colours.

In his book, which also includes a free DVD demonstrating practical applications of Kinesiology Taping, author John Gibbons breaks down:

  • A history of Kinesiology Taping
  • Types of Kinesiology Tape
  • Physiology of how Kinesiology Taping works
  • Benefits of Kinesiology Taping
  • Precautions / Contraindications

Gibbons says: “All top professional teams in every sector of sport throughout the UK and the world are having this new phenomenal tape being applied to them, with this book you to have the ability to master these techniques that can do remarkable things, improve the performance of you/your athlete and reduce pain and swelling.”

A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping teaches readers how to effectively treat 33 of the most common sports related injuries, including in common sites of pain and dysfunction such as lower back and neck.

About John Gibbons

Qualified and registered osteopath with the General Osteopathic Council, John Gibbons, specialises in the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of sport-related injuries. Having lectured in the field of sports medicine and physical therapy for over 12 years, John delivers advanced therapy training to qualified professionals within a variety of sports.

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing, John Gibbons and Amazon


Don’t Let Pain Stop Play: Polar Frost Cold Gel Sachets - A Gym Bag Essential

A high percentage of us simply ignore niggling injuries or mistreat them according to a new survey- whether they were incurred in the gym, on the golf course, in the garden or even the bedroom.

Polar Frost range

The survey of 2,000 British people also found that 30% have pulled muscles while carrying heavy shopping bags, 21% while doing DIY and 5% while having sex. The most common injuries which put people out of action for a fortnight or more are backache (15%), muscle strains (9%), muscle inflammation (7%) and neck ache (6%) - all of which can be easily treated to significantly speed recovery.

Nearly a fifth (18%) of UK adults admitted to having hurt themselves playing sport but when treating a muscular injury 39% take painkillers as their default form of treatment, 14% use rest as their only form of treatment and a further 14% admit to not taking any action at all, according to the Polar Frost survey.

Treatment solution: Polar Frost Pain Relieving Gel in new Sachet format

Polar Frost® cold gel contains natural active ingredients, Menthol and Aloe Vera. Originally from Finland, it is specially formulated for the treatment of acute strains and sprains. Polar Frost® works to rapidly reduce skin’s temperature to around 5-6°C, reducing blood supply to the painful area.  At the same time, the Aloe Vera in Polar Frost® works to reduce inflammation and swelling and actively moisturises the skin while helping to deliver effective pain relief. 

GP and medical broadcaster Dr Sarah Jarvis said: “By leaving an injury untreated, a once fixable problem can result in having long term, serious implications. … it’s essential we also educate people on how to stay healthy and treat minor niggles using cold gels, elevation and compression to get them back up and out again as soon as possible.”

Dr Sarah Jarvis’ top 5 tips to treat back ache and muscle strains

  1. Rest is crucial for the first 2-3 days after an injury;
  2. Keeping the injured joint up and strapped firmly as much as possible will also help reduce swelling;
  3. Ice or cold gels are good, but avoid heat (whether from heat packs or saunas) for the first few days;
  4. If you’ve sprained a joint, move it gently in all directions several times a day to avoid stiffening up;
  5. Avoid massaging your joint for the first three days – after that, gentle massage can be soothing.

Further Information

Originally in tube and roll-on format, Polar Frost is now available in an on-the-go sachet format. RRP: £1.99; available at 


Pelvic Toner Exercises and the Kegel Legacy

You are wasting your time with pelvic floor exercise, unless you practise what Arnold Kegel recommended!

Pelvic Toner Exercises and the Kegel Legacy

The long term consequences of natural childbirth are still a major taboo in the 21st Century:

  • Has your sex life become less enjoyable since you had children?
  • Have you suffered from embarrassing leaks after childbirth?
  • Do you feel that all is not quite right 'down below'?

If so, you are not alone and do not have to suffer in silence.

The Kegel Legacy - 65 Years of Denial - Why is this book necessary?

It is quite simple really. If the advice and guidance you are given by your doctor, physiotherapist or magazine was even vaguely relevant then we would not have 7 million women in the UK with stress incontinence, millions suffering prolapse and a multi-billion industry supplying designer incontinence pads. Arnold Kegel conducted large scale clinical trials and demonstrated an 85% cure rate for stress incontinence in two weeks. Today, women who can be bothered are told to exercise for 3 months with little prospect of actually seeing any improvement in their symptoms. The Kegel Legacy tries to understand how we reached this ridiculous state of affairs.

Don't waste your time anymore

Arnold Kegel gave his name to a highly effective course of treatment, but the millions of women who have tried to practise 'Kegel' exercises over the last 65 years have been misinformed, misdirected, poorly taught and basically let down. The 'Kegel exercises' that women are shown today bear no resemblance to what Kegel actually recommended and are not worthy of his name. Millions of women struggling to cope with embarrassment and discomfort have been kept unaware of a simple, effective self-help treatment. And a multi-billion pound industry for designer incontinence pads has grown as a result.

Exercises that Really Work

In addition to offering help and advice on how you should exercise, The Kegel Legacy - 65 Years of Denial makes the case for a total reassessment of pelvic floor muscle training and post-natal rehabilitation and the better promotion of pelvic floor exercises as a self-help treatment. Reading this book may make you angry. But hopefully it will empower you and give you the knowledge to take greater control of your health and wellbeing.

Further Information

For more information visit

FREE - read The Kegel Legacy online:

FREE - PDF Download to your PC or tablet free of charge:

Click here for The Kegel Legacy on Amazon


Newbold House: Holistic, ‘pick-and-mix’ wellbeing retreat in the Scottish Highlands

A retreat that restores a deep, long-lasting feeling of wellbeing.

... that truly combats burnout and flagging inspiration...

...that re-lights your creative fire, drive and creativity...

Nearby Culbin Forest

Nearby Culbin Forest

Newbold House is a workshop and retreat centre run by a small community whose focus is living sustainably: environmentally and socially. This makes us the perfect hosts for retreatants who need a deeper level of support than hotels and spas can offer, because we understand that the world today makes it hard for us to remember how to rest and recharge.

Your accommodation will be a peaceful, stunning, Downton-esque Victorian mansion, surrounded by beautiful grounds, countryside and the nearby Highlands. Our food is nourishing, home-grown and organic whenever possible.

We believe that the best medicine for holistic health is found in the simple things: beautiful sunsets, listening to birdsong wrapped in a blanket with a mug of tea, a period of ‘digital detox’ or working holistically on a deeper level than just the physical. Just relaxing can be hard for the modern mindset and so the abundance of simple pleasures are supported with a program of treatments and integrative therapies by skilled local practitioners .

We also know that the same experiences won’t suit everyone, and so our Natural Tailored Retreats are created by you - from our inspiring and exciting list of options before you arrive, with the help of our retreat co-ordinator. 5-star spas can only do so much. Our retreats are designed to nourish you in the moment and foster ongoing resilience in a busy, stressful life.

Every room is a beautiful space, including original Victorian fireplaces, stained glass and beautiful views of our gardens and surrounding woodland. Start each day with a yummy breakfast including freshly baked bread, home-made preserves and fruit juice in the sunlit

Victorian conservatory or in the butterfly garden (preceded by yoga and meditation if you wish). Curl up in the Peace Garden with a book from our large selection and enjoy a range of integrative, ‘quirky’ or traditional treatments of your choice.

Further Information

For more information contact Deborah Willimott (marketing manager and retreat coordinator) on Tel: 01309 672 659;


A User's Guide To Chinese Medicine

by Neil Kingham

2013. Softback. 2013. ISBN 978-1493720439.

An accessible, jargon-free guide to the theory and practice of Chinese Medicine, for those who are having, or considering having treatment, and for anyone interested in discovering this ancient form of medicine.

A User's Guide To Chinese Medicine

With simplicity and insight, this book describes in detail the process of Chinese diagnosis and treatment, as well as the ancient theories that underlie them. Neil explains these traditional concepts in an easy-to-follow style, and discusses their relevance and importance in the modern world.


  • Using The 5 Branches Of Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture, Chinese massage, nutrition, herbalism, T'ai Chi;
  • Understanding the language of Chinese Medicine;
  • How Chinese Medicine differs to Western Medicine;
  • The 3 Steps To Radiant Health;
  • The Causes Of Disease;
  • Traditional Chinese Pulse and Tongue Diagnosis;
  • What is 'Qi' (or 'Chi')?
  • The Chinese Organ System;
  • How To Choose A Practitioner;
  • Understanding the Meridians and Acupoints;
  • Food As Medicine - Chinese Dietary Therapy and Nutrition;
  • How to Maintain Health & Prevent Illness .

The author, Neil Kingham, is an experienced practitioner and teacher of Chinese medicine, who has trained in both the UK and China. He teaches Chinese nutritional therapy at post-grad level, runs workshops and seminars on healthy living, and is the author of a number of articles on Chinese medicine and natural health. He practises in Bristol and South Wales.

Further Information

Neil Kingham may be contacted on Tel: 07985 916114;

Available from Neil Kingham and Amazon


Dancing with Cancer and how I learnt a few new steps

by Diana Brueton

Published by John Hunt Publishing (O-BOOKS). February 2014.Paperback £12.99/$22.95.ISBN 978-1-78279-217-8 ebook £6.99/$9.99. ISBN 978-1-78279-216-1.

Diana had never been ill and on diagnosis she stepped into a parallel world of waiting rooms, treatments, friends and family who supported - or fled - as life became both exquisitely precious and terrible. Dancing with Cancer is a human drama, a ride on the rollercoaster of hope and despair and, as the gradients became gentler, a journey through meditation and creativity to wisdom and acceptance.

Dancing with Cancer

A journey towards death that led deeper into life; through rage, despair and sardonic humour, to ultimately wisdom and acceptance.

The late Diana Brueton was a gifted writer and artist who worked for the BBC, The Bristol Cancer Help Centre and as a teacher and art therapist. Diagnosed with metastatic bowel cancer in August 2007, with a prognosis of a few months, she entered a journey of meditation, healing, alternative therapies and creativity that was to last four and a half years.

In the night I was aware of a huge presence near me, amorphous, silvery. I didn’t really want to look at it, but it kept being there. I realised it was death, which was why I didn’t want to look.

Then it coalesced into a silvery-blue column of light, and was very definitely feminine, and soft and loving. Not remotely frightening. I felt ‘she’ had always been there, that I wasn’t being shown this because death is imminent, but because I’ve been looking at this, needing to see it. And now I know there is nothing to fear. And now I continue to live.

Further Information

Available from o-books and Amazon


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    ACMOS Bioenergetics Training 

    Practitioners Update & Theme Seminar is scheduled March: 26-28th 2014. Themes: Treatment at Distance & the Acmos Approach to Allergies ACMOS Bio-energetics Practitioner Training 2014 includes: ACMOS Energy Balancing for Health Part 1 & 2: June 24th-28th, Paris, France ACMOS Energy Balancing for Health Part 3 & 4: November 19-22nd, Paris, France.


    Further Information & Application Form Please contact Carol Robertson on Tel: 01463 794582; Information & Application Form


    Public Homeopathy Consultation

    NHS Lanarkshire is conducting a public consultation about continuing to pay for patient referrals for Homeopathy at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital (or CIC). The loss of referrals would be a serious blow to the GHH. It is important that as many people as possible fill in this short survey to make their views known, even if you are not a resident or have never used the services of GHH (There is a tick box for non-residents).


    Further information:  


    Lose Weight with Health Leads

    Health Leads® Body Fat Monitor helps keep track of weight loss. Xylitol, naturally formed carbohydrate occurring naturally in fruits and vegetables looks and tastes like sugar but is non-toxic and healthy for teeth and reduces tooth decay. Slim Form Patch with natural ingredients and no side-effects is designed to promote weight loss by slowly releasing active ingredients which increase the metabolism and activate the body's fat-burning mechanisms. Supplementing the diet with missing nutrients in food alleviates cravings. Asphalia supplements help control weight gain by stimulating a fat cell that burns calories.


    Further information Tel: 01559 364 711  


    Intuition of Your Belly

    The Florida Society for Bioenergetic Analysis workshop Intuitive Bodywork: Bioenergetics That Follows the Intuition of Your Belly: is on 5-9 March 2014 Alachua, Florida, USA. The workshop enables you to explore your Intuitive Creative Energy, often experienced as belly sensation, which expands and emanates into movement and energetic expression in your body. Your process of creative intuition, meant to guide your life, will be intensely explored with strong Alexander Lowen style Bioenergetic bodywork, creative therapeutic interventions and the wisdom of character analysis.


    Further information Tel: 386-462-5155;


    Diabetes Research

    UEA research shows that ingredients found in chocolate, tea and berries could guard against diabetes. Findings published in the February issue of the Journal of Nutrition reveal that high intakes of these compounds are associated with lower Insulin resistance and better blood glucose regulation. A study of 2,000 people found that these food groups lower inflammation which, when chronic, is associated with diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer.


    Further information:


    Bestcare Spirulina

    Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green vegetable algae that has been used as a significant food source for centuries. MicrOrganics, Arthrospira platensis strain is a vegetable based, highly absorbable source of phytonutrients. Natural Spirulina contains a rich spectrum of available proteins, is a complete food-source of organic iron, and provides a rich source of vitamin E, betecarotene and chlorophyll. It is one of the richest sources of GLA and 9 important vitamins.


    Further information Tel: 1342 410 303;


    Top Tips for a January Detox

    Ilona Wesle, nutritionist and co-founder of suggests eight top tips for a January detox following unhealthy eating and drinking of Christmas and New Year. Detoxing has many benefits - it can enhance your energy levels, aid weight loss, clear the skin and improve digestion.


    Further information Tel: 020-8858 5877


    50 Years of Bowen Therapy

    Bowen Therapy, alternative form of massage therapy, uses gentle touch to encourage the body to actively engage its own healing ability. The Bowen Technique, originally founded and named by Tom Bowen of Australia and used for 50 years, is applied using the fingers and thumbs to make small, rolling movements over muscles, tendons and soft tissues at precise points on the body, using appropriated pressure for that individual.


    Further information Tel: 0844 561 7173


    Mindfulness Reduces Stress

    Paul’s Cancer Support Centre, registered charity Wandsworth, London, provides mindfulness training to improve wellbeing and reduce job burnout. Courses include a free evening lecture, followed by a two-day workshop for Health Professions led by Trish Bartley, author of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer: Gently Turning Towards. The free evening lecture Living with Uncertainly - Mindfulness Practice for People with Cancer takes place on 27 February 6-8pm at The Lumen Centre WC1H 9RS. The two-day workshop on 28 February and 1 March is a practical experiential workshop with Trish, leading Health Professionals through the principles of mindfulness and mindful self-compassion.


    Further information Tel: 020-7738 1333


    Seafarmacy Kelp Jelly

    Brown algae Ascophyllum nodosum with proven anti-inflammatory properties contains fucoidan which inhibits excessive production of nitric oxide and prostaglandin, precursor of inflammation. Sea Kelp Jelly by Seafarmacy contains a natural antibiotic which assists the body in fighting off infection, particularly helpful during cold and flu season and contains vitamins, nutrients such as iron, calcium and potassium necessary to women during monthly cycles, pregnancy or lactation.

    Further information Tel: 01422 646489;


    There is a global list of all Homeopathy Schools and Colleges at . Ensure that the website has your College on its list. The website details the name of the institute, the complete postal address, phone numbers, contact email and website. Hpathy asks you to check that all the details on the website are accurate. Give yourself or your friends the gift of Homeopathic knowledge with Dr Manish Bhatia’s book Lectures on Organon of Medicine.


    Further information


    Shumsky Unlock Chakra Potential

    Susan Shumsky DD, world-famous Spiritual Teacher and best-selling Author for more than four decades, was for years a close associate of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (founder of Transcendental Meditation and guru of the Beatles and Deepak Chopra). She has published eight popular books, founded Divine Revelation® and has taught thousands of people meditation, Yoga, prayer, affirmation and intuition. Her newest title The Power of Chakras: Unlock Your 7 Energy Centers for Healing, Happiness and Transformation, condense her discovers and insightful guidance surrounding the popular subject of chakras.


    Further information Tel: 707-939-9212;


    Juicing Fight Colds and Flu

    The Complete Book of Juicing, Revised and Updated: Your Delicious Guide to Youthful Vitality by Dr Michael T Murray, offers three  immune-boosting recipes for fending off colds and flu and discusses which machine is best for extracting the most nutrients, top fruits and vegetables for fighting winter time viruses and additional vitamins, herbs and strategies that help when first symptoms appear. Dr Murray is a Naturopathic Physician regarded as a world authority on Natural Medicine.


    Further information:


    Top Tips to Cope with PMS

    Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) can hamper many women in their day-to-day activities. Organyc has put together tips to help minimize symptoms naturally. Eat foods rich in Vitamin B, nuts, bananas, eggs, beans and whole grains. Exercise can  relieve stress through the release of hormones. Increase calcium levels and use organic cotton feminine hygiene products such as Organyc’s range of organic cotton sanitary towels, liners and tampons made from 100% organic cotton naturally shaped.


    Further information:


    Oils Well That Begins Well

    Several research studies have linked a Mediterranean diet, rich in extra virgin olive oil, nuts and vegetables which help to prevent brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and depression. Researchers reviewed studies which discovered that people eating a Mediterranean diet have a lower risk of suffering from cognitive impairment and stroke. Fincalink sell single estate extra virgin olive oil straight from the producer and olive oil skincare products.


    Further information:


    Harness Our Own Emotional Power

    Psyche Books (imprint John Hunt Publishing Ltd) publish Emotional Life - Managing Your Feelings To Make The Most Of Your Precious Time On Earth by Doreen Davy in March. The book provides readers with skills and strategies to help gain mastery over their emotions to live healthily, happy and fulfilling lives. Presented in an original and unique voice, it provides examples of how our emotional state largely determines how well we experience life and explains emotions, where they are from and ways we can enhance the quality of our lives by putting ourselves in the ‘driver’s seat’ of our emotional life.


    Further information Tel: +1 800 462 6420


    Harmony Live Longer and Better

    Harmonic Power by Keith Foster FLS is a tool which can transform your future to reach your full potential. When working in harmony, your mind body spirit complex acts as an antenna which conducts and transmits life’s energy. Keith Foster has drawn on a lifetime of scientific understanding and research to accumulate ancient wisdom contained in Harmonic Power. This life-changing book reveals the key that unlocks the power of ancient civilizations and how by understanding these ancient powers, their values can be applied to 21st century life.


    Further information Tel: 01600 712496;


    Spring Clean Your Mind

    Aloe vera is a very popular natural remedy. A new study published in the November issue of Nutritional Neuroscience studied at the effect of memory and depression of feeding aloe vera to mice. It found that at all doses of aloe vera tested, the mice eating the plant extract were seen to be significantly less depressed than controls. Fito’s new Aloe Vera capsules are the only brand available in the UK registered organic. Organic, vegetarian and with no GMO ingredients or preservatives, the capsules are good for you and for the environment.


    Further information:  or ask at your local Health Store.


    Healing Diabetes: The Gerson Way

    Healing Diabetes: The Gerson Way by Charlotte Gerson, author and 50-year champion of the Gerson Therapy is a complete how-to guide for using the all-natural Gerson Therapy to overcome type 2 diabetes and reduce Insulin dependence of type 1. Dr Gerson’s research showed that most chronic diseases are simply a product of the body’s damaged immune system that broke down as a result of nutritional deficiency and chemical toxicity.


    Further information Tel: 530-529 1100;   


    Juicing, Cleansing, Raw Food Books

    Book Publishing Co has published a number of health books. Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices by Norman Walker explains how the lack or deficiency of organic minerals, salts and vitamins from our customary diet is a primary cause of much sickness and disease. Juice Fasting & Detoxification by Steve Meyerowitz explains how Fasting and juice therapy revamp your health from the inside out. Soak Your Nuts Cleansing with Karyn by Karyn Calabrese explains how to use Nature’s Healing System, a 28 day program to overcome weight issues, skin problems, fibromyalgia and other health problems. Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People by Jennifer Cornbleet adheres to her formula of everyday ingredients and basis equipment.


    Further information Tel: 888.260.8458


    Cell Phone Tower Risks

    A study from India, reinforces the belief that radiation from cell phone towers are taking a toll on the health of people living near them. Cell phone tower radiation could be triggering a range of disorders, from fatigue, memory loss, headaches and hearing impairment to more serious problems like cardiac disease and even congenital defects. Continued exposure to electromagnetic waves from cell phone towers might cause cancer the study warns.


    Further information:


    Resilience Masterclass

    A complimentary half day Resilience Masterclass by Liggy Webb is on Thursday 6 March 2014 at Farncombe Estate in Worcestershire between 9am-2pm and includes complementary refreshments, a three course lunch and access to a new online Modern Life Skills Library to support sustainability. This interactive event is based on Liggy Webb’s new bestselling book Resilience - How to Cope When Everything Around You Keeps Changing and covers 10 key personal strategies to help you be resilient, robust and responsible, cope with challenges and change, think more positively and optimistically, turn problems into opportunities, manage your emotions and stress levels, improve your personal wellbeing and lifestyle and create a positive and effective personal vision.


    Further information:


    Harmonize EMFs

    Electromagnetic pollution is invisible electromagnetic emissions that are an inevitable consequence of electricity, electronic and wireless technology. The electroDOT from Phi Harmonics is programmed to harmonize EMFs from the electronic equipment we regularly use. Its powerful natural energy signature locks onto and ‘entrains’ these signals changing them  from potential conflict into harmony with the natural electromagnetism of our bodies. The tiny, self-adhesive electroDOT can be attached to mobile phones, computers and all electronics. The electrobot users report more energy, greater concentration, better sleep, fewer headaches, a sense of calm and a cooler head.


    Further information Tel: 01803 782008;


    Ayurveda Pura Healthy Waistline

    During the cold season we naturally crave comforting foods and often gain a few extra pounds of weight. Ayurveda Pura offer advice such as avoiding cold, heavy and sweet foods first thing in the morning and after 6pm. Try to eat spicy, bitter food and favour hot spices such as turmeric, fennel and cardamom to help strengthen your metabolism and drink at least 1.5 litres of room temperature water daily. Award winning Ayurveda Pura Health and Beauty Spa in London is dedicated to promoting an Ayurvedic lifestyle by offering a wide range of Ayurveda spa treatments, beauty and Ayurvedic consultations.


    Further information:


    LUMBO Body Tech

    LUMBO Body Tech, an innovative company that uses smart sensors and software to help people improve and monitor their health, has announced the release of the LUMOback app for Android, and also integration with popular calorie counting app, MyFitnessPal. Users can wear LUMOback throughout the day as normal; MyFitnessPal profile will automatically adjust the calorie goal to reflect the activity level. This helps users make informed decisions about calorie intake.


    Further information: LUMOback is available from Amazon; further information at  


    Living Nature’s Natural Body Cream

    To prevent and treat dry skin, use Living Nature’s Certified Natural Ultra Rich Body Cream, harnessing the nourishing, hydrating, healing and protective properties of New Zealand Active Manuka Honey to make the skin on your body look soft and smooth and feel soft. With a delightful exotic fragrance and infusion of nourishing New Zealand botanicals, this natural body cream helps nourish, soothe and restore your body for the sensation of velvety soft skin.


    Further information


    Neem Miracle Oil for 2014

    The Neem tree, native to Southeast Asia, and Neem oil have been used for medicinal purposes for over 5,000 years. Introduce Neem into your beauty regime with UrbanVeda, new Ayurvedic skincare brand. All products from the Purifying range contain natural, cold-pressed Neem oil or Neem leaf extract to help coil, soothe and tighten skin. Products are split into skincare and bodycare and contain everything for a comprehensive cleansing, moisturising and toning regime.


    Further information:


    Sunlight Research

    A study shows that risk of a flu epidemic occurring can also be influenced by vitamin D levels. Winter is flu season; viruses multiply best when humidity lies at around 50%, so in winter, heated rooms provide the perfect conditions. Norwegian scientists have shown that it is more important to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D in the blood. The study reveals that infection rates and mortality during flu epidemics increase in line with reduction of vitamin D. A Norwegian and Danish study have demonstrated that sunbeds stimulate vitamin D production via the skin in the same way as natural sunlight.


    Further information Tel: +31 (0) 651 358 180;


    Cancer Patients Palliative Care

    Care Oncology Clinic offers a new medical option for patients not able to receive existing treatments, with an emphasis on quality of life for palliative care cancer patients. Care Oncology Clinic (COC), an independent, private organisation providing oncology treatments, has announced the launch of its first Clinic in London’s Harley Street by leading Oncologists and Palliative Care Doctors. The Clinic, the first of its kind, is set up to offer specialized cancer treatment by targeting the energy requirements of cancer cells using existing medicines already licensed for this purpose, have an acceptable safety profile and are low cost. Designed for patients for whom the standard oncology treatment regime is not available.


    Further information Tel: 020-3440 5654;


    Volunteers for Clinical Research

    Clinical research and medical services specialist MeDiNova is calling for volunteers in the ongoing development of treatments for a variety of conditions. MeDiNova, which operates two research centres in North and South London, is looking for volunteers with conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension, asthma, obesity and irritable bowel syndrome. The trials play a vital part in understanding the effectiveness and safety of new treatments. They also help manage such conditions, many of which are growing at an alarming rate.


    Further information Tel: 020-3301 3000;


    Acupuncture in Pregnancy

    Expectancy is offering a new Acupuncture in Midwifery Course, the first Acupuncture Course specifically for Midwives in the UK. The course complies with WHO requirement; RCM accreditation is being sought. This is a six month course (one weekend per month); dates are: 1-2 February 2014, 8-9 March 2014, 26-27 April 2014, 17-18 May 2014 and 21-22 June 2014. The course will be at 170 Pitfield Street, Hoxton N1 6JP. A place can be secured with full payment on application or  deposit and three monthly instalments.


    Further information Tel: 08452 301 323 / 07943 871419;


    Coffee or Beer Affects Genome

    Professor Martin Kuplec and team at Tel Aviv University’s Dept of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology have discovered that coffee and beer, polar opposites in the beverage world (coffee picks you up and beer winds you down), may have opposite effects on your genome. Working with a type of yeast that shares many important genetic similarities with humans, the researchers found that caffeine shortens and alcohol lengthen telomeres, the end points of chromosomal DNA, implicated in ageing and cancer. They have identified environmental factors that alter telomere length.


    Further information:


    7 Ayurveda Tips to Stay Healthy

    Barberyn Reef resort and Barberyn Beach Resort are established Ayurveda experts in Sri Lanka. Both are dedicated to promoting Ayurveda through a combination of healing treatments, herbal medications, Ayurvedic diet, Yoga and Medication. They offer winter advice: let coriander and ginger be your new friends this season, take a little walk after lunch to stimulate digestion, avoid drinks immediately after a hot meal or drink, do gentle exercise or Yoga to strengthen the body and relieve stress. Warm, spicy soups and stews are best winter food, keep adding black pepper, turmeric and cardamom. Sip warm water spiced with cinnamon and coriander in the evening. Give your feet a quick self-massage with warm sesame oil before bed for better sleep.


    Further information


    Are You a Loser at Losing Weight?

    When people go on a diet, theyoften end up feeling deprived because they ‘can’t have this’ or ‘can’t have that.’ They focus on the deprivation part of a diet and wait until they can go back to ‘normal.’ What they fail to understand is that their ‘normal’ behaviour is not working in the first place and when they go back to ‘normal’ they will gain back all the weight they lost on the diet.


    Get advice and help at:


    Grape Seed Extract Against Cancer

    A University of Colorado Cancer Center study published in Nutrition and Cancer describes the laboratory synthesis of the most active component of grape seed extract, B2G2 and shows that this synthesized compound induces cell death (apoptosis) in prostate cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. The group has spent more than a decade demonstrating the anti-cancer activity with grape seed extract (GCE), in controlled laboratory conditions. Eventually they pinpointed B2G2 as the most active compound; but it is expensive and is a lengthy procedure to isolate the B2G2 from grape seed extract.


    Further information:


    New Weapon In Superbugs War

    Tel Aviv University researchers have found a protein that viruses use to kill bacteria. New research by Dr Udi Qimron's team of Tel Aviv University’s Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology and the Sackler Faculty of Medicine have discovered a protein that kills bacteria. The isolation of this protein, produced by a virus that attacks bacteria, is a major step towards developing a substitute for conventional antibiotics.


    Further information:

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