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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 211

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 211 - January 2014

Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ), Cranio-Dental and Skeletal Asymmetries Link to Common Illnesses 

Attempts to correct Cranio-mandibular and Skeletal Asymmetries has resulted in relief to patients’ symptoms where other disciplines have failed dismally. Patients often present with a variety of complaints including: neck pain, jaw pain, headaches, backache, irritable bowel syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, incontinence, limb pain or numbness, various psychological problems, sinusitis, dizziness, ear problems etc.

TMJ Dysfuntion Banner

Treatment to bring about symmetry becomes a medical necessity; embarking on such a course of action (by no means easy to accomplish), patients often experience a dramatic relief from their symptoms.

The ramifications of a dysfunctional jaw are numerous, with many examples frequently encountered. In one example, a patient presented with a massive debilitating tremour previously attributed to “lesions in the descending neural pathways from the brain”; however the tremor ceased instantaneously as soon as the patients’ TMJ was corrected. Others have what are called horrendous ‘neuropathic’ pains again attributed to ‘MS’, which even morphine couldn’t touch, but the patients obtained almost immediate relief by instigating a correction of their bodily asymmetries.

Temporo-mandibular Joint Dysfunction

It is my calculated conclusion after 20 years’ practice of seeing many patients suffering from all kinds of illnesses that a majority of illnesses including ME/CFS, MS, FM may have a lot to do with TMJ dysfunction. A TMJ dysfunction check up at the outset of any illness is imperative for an optimal outcome. TMJ pain and tooth grinding occur because the patients’ jaw does not sit happily in the joint which articulates with the skull -  the consequence of a physical asymmetry in the jaws and teeth and the mismatch of the upper and lower jaw relationships. This is not caused by 'stress' nor is it due to some other 'mental' cause. The opposite; experience shows that many pains, organic disturbances and mental symptoms are a consequence of this asymmetry.

Contrary to common belief, our body does not adapt to asymmetry. Incorrect jaw position may result in headaches, later it may go on to cause neck ache, backache, and later still leg pains and hip problems in old age may ensue. The scenario may follow a different pathway causing fatigue and gut symptoms. It would be quite wrong for any health carer not to include TMJ dysfunction in their differential diagnosis for literally any health problem where they fail to find a quick solution. Manipulation of the neck and Sacro-iliac joint week after week, month after month or continuing to dispense analgesics, anti-psychotics, and nutritional supplements etc. in the absence of a proper symmetry examination is mercenary. Our bodies are very self-healing once attention is given to dealing with the actual cause of the malady which is most often - an asymmetry of the structure.

Regaining symmetry is the key component.

Further Information

Please contact Dr M Amir on Tel: 020 8780 3433;



Courses for Doctors, Dentists and Healthcare Professionals at Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry 

Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry (PU PSMD) is committed to improving health outcomes in the region and beyond. Forthcoming courses (early 2014) include:

Safety, ENT and Dental

Simulation and Patient Safety

PgCert, PgDip, MSc

This programme has been designed for those involved in training healthcare providers or developing systems to improve patient safety at an organizational level. Practical sessions take place in state-of-the-art simulation facilities which provide a range of learning environments and give students the benefit of ‘hands on’ experience with a range of simulation technologies. This inter-professional course is designed for  healthcare practitioners who aim to be leaders in patient safety and simulation training in their workplace settings. This course is delivered part-time basis using facilities at the Enhancing Clinical Safety and Excellence through Learning (ECSEL) Simulation Zone at the Horizon Centre, Torbay Hospital and at the Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry Headquarters in Plymouth, Devon.

Practical ENT for Primary Care

2 Day CPD Course: 24 & 25 March 2014

This course will present “Evidence-informed Clinical Practice Guidelines” for assessment and treatment of common ENT Conditions and emergencies in Primary Care designed for General Practitioners, Vocational Training Scheme Trainees, Primary Care Nurses / Specialists / Practitioners This course includes 2 full days of tutorials, case-based discussions and practical, clinical ENT skills. There will be an opportunity for hands-on practice using the ear simulator and learning with volunteer patients.

Cost : £300 (lunch and refreshments provided)

Delegates will receive a copy of the GP ENT e-handbook

IRMER for Dental Professionals

1 Day CPD Course: 25 March 2014

This course enable delegates to understand the physics of X ray production, mechanism of harm, dose and risks, apply the principles of radiation protection: equivalent and effective dose; absorption; scatter; shielding; HVL; safe functioning of equipment; optimization and dose limitation. The course will also further develop dental radiography and radiology, positioning and film holders, selection criteria, considerations for diagnosis and treatment planning in clinical practice. The course content complies with statutory regulations and guidelines and meets the requirements for the 5 yearly mandatory IRMER update.

Cost: Dentists £80, Hygienists/Therapists £60 and Dental Nurses £40 (lunch & refreshments provided)

Further Information

Full details of all our programmes can be found at  For more information on these CPD courses, and bookings please contact PU PSMD on Tel: 01752 437444;



Northern College of Acupuncture: MSc Advanced Oriental Medicine; MSc Advanced Complementary Medicine 

TCM and Complementary Therapy Practitioners

The College has been teaching MSc courses since 1995 and has an international reputation for its commitment to research.  Practitioners can extend and deepen their understanding, develop their practice and research skills. The Northern College of Acupuncture in York, UK,  is currently developing two new online only *MSc courses: MSc in Advanced Oriental Medicine (research and practice) for acupuncture  and TCM practitioners and an MSc in Advanced Complementary Medicine (research and practice) for complementary therapy practitioners.

Peggy Walsh and Mel Koppelman
Peggy Welch MSc PhD DipCN LMT and Mel Koppelman MSc

These new online only MSCs are a 3-year part-time post-graduate programme for practitioners holding a first degree (or equivalent).  The flexible e-learning programmes can be undertaken whilst still practising and teaching and is delivered online via the College’s well-developed e-learning platform. The pre-recorded e-learning sessions are punctuated with live interactive online video conferencing workshops, where students interact with each other and their tutors. Modules will include choices including Innovative Business Development and Advanced Therapeutic Relationships, plus a module that students can design themselves to develop a specialist interest.  With its on-line only delivery, this course will be accessed by students from all around the world, further enriching the experience for all. Some modules have a stand-alone option so that practitioners may participate for CPD hours rather than degree credits. They can also choose to transfer the credits into the full MSc at a later date, making it possible to take this course at their own pace.

Course Director Peggy Welch MSc PhD DipCN LMT says: “Truly inspired research is more likely to come from practitioners as they are best placed to ask the right questions; but practitioners must also learn the skills necessary for good research in order to complete projects that will stand up to scrutiny. With this in mind, NCA are developing online MScs that practitioners can do while they continue to work, so that it is no longer necessary to choose between work and study.  This flexible,  e-learning course is also designed so that students can incorporate the topics that are important to them!  Students will get the opportunity to research that is  important to them and their clients, to develop their ideas, and add to their professional knowledge.” 

NCA MSc graduate Mel Koppelman says: “I found the MSc research program at the Northern College of Acupuncture to be user friendly, supportive and professional. My supervisor was a professional researcher herself and an expert in my chosen study design; the insights and support I got from her were world class and made producing a dissertation much more than an ‘academic exercise’.  The research program itself was extremely flexible and easy to incorporate into my life.”

Further Information

To find out more and to register your interest in these exciting new courses go to:

*in development and subject to validation



Migra-Cap for Migraine Relief

The Migra Cap®, unique amongst migraine treatments,  combines cold therapy and complete darkness to provide relief from the pain associated with a migraine and most types of headaches. A migraine is a throbbing, intense headache in one half of the head which can affect people of all ages. During an attack, the blood vessels in the brain dilate and then draw together with stimulation of nerve endings near the affected blood vessels. These changes to the blood vessels are probably what cause the pain; migraine headaches are poorly understood.

Migra-Cap Banner

Typical Features of Migraine?

People often use the word migraine to refer to headaches of many different types. So-called classical migraine attacks have several features:

  • Headaches that occur in bouts of between roughly 4 to 72 hours;
  • The headaches usually affect one side of the head at a time, although both sides may be affected in separate attacks;
  • The headaches are usually throbbing and worsened by normal physical activity nausea and/or vomiting;
  • Preceding symptoms, called the 'aura' that most often are visual, such as zigzag lines or flashing lights across or at the edges of the fields of vision;
  • Other symptoms can include sensitivity to light and sound, or non-visual aura such as a sensation of tingling in the body.

The Lycra cap covers the whole of the head area, and is filled with specially formulated gel packs strategically positioned to target the areas of the head affected by pain. Ergonomically designed for maximum comfort the breathable, flexible Lycra material enables the cap to fit all head shapes. A 'cut-away' in the material allows users with long hair to pull the hair through for maximum comfort. Migra-Cap can be stored in a domestic fridge or freezer and the specially formulated gels ensure that Migra-Cap will not freeze to a solid.

Drug Free Relief

Migra-Cap® helps to relieve pain and suffering by limiting exposure to the key elements that can prolong or enhance a migraine attack. Remedies that utilize drugs such as Aspirin, Paracetemol and Butalbital can cause side effects, consumption issues or even produce allergic reactions. More powerful painkillers eg Paramax, Migramax, Domperamol can require strict dosage guidelines and are often expensive to purchase.

Migra-Cap® for Sports, Children and Pregnancy and Period Pains

Migra-Cap® can help to relieve pain and swelling caused by many types of sports injuries and can aid with the treatment and relief of pain, blows to the head and concussions. The cooling effect can aid in the reduction of swelling and can help limit post-concussion swelling or brain injury. Migra-Cap® can also be worn by children, providing relief for headaches, falls or fevers without the need to medicate. Migra-Cap has also proved successful in trials where over 81% of women found that it was an effective method of migraine relief. Migra-Cap can also assist in the relief of pregnancy and period pains.

Further Information

Please contact Migra-Cap Migraine Management Ltd on Tel: 01685 387788;  



Bill Bliss: Psychotherapist, Counsellor, Hypnotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

Bill Bliss, a professionally qualified Psychotherapist, Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Reflexologist and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, also acts as supervisor for other Hypnotherapists, Psychotherapists and Counsellors. He teaches first year students basic counselling skills and various therapeutic skills, hypnotherapy and hypno-analysis. For those who are not therapists or counsellors, he also teach various self-development techniques.

Bill Bliss

Bill integrates a range of counselling methods with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy, enabling him to empower clients and facilitate changes in the shortest possible time.


Bill utilizes a range of counselling skills, combined with Neuro Linguistic Programming, and Hypnotherapy. His work is centred around a Cognitive Behavioural approach of facilitating positive change within clients who are experiencing relationship issues: low self-esteem, phobias and addictions. He also teaches clients how to manage stress, physical and emotional pain. He is also a recognized Critical Incident Debriefer, working with people who have suffered a traumatic experience, and reducing the emotional effect of the event.

Emotional and Physical Conditions Resolved:

Stress Low self-belief Anxiety Anger management Depression Grief Relationship issues Smoking Weight control (Including Bulimea and Anorexia) Pain management Drug and substance abuse Alcohol addiction Post-traumatic stress Critical Incident issues Public Speaking and confidence in company meetings Phobias and panic attacks

Bill Bliss is a registered NHS Independent Provider; it is possible, providing the GP and local Primary Care Trust agree, for sessions to be funded through the local PCT. This does not normally apply to smoking, weight control or similar issues but each case is considered on merit by the GP and PCT. ME, MS, Stress, Grief and similar issues are now being considered.

Further Information

Please contact Bill on Tel: 01245 426414   Mobile: 07814760472 /



Life and Soul

by John Hendry

Published by Authors Online. 2013. Paperback £32/ebook £15.99. ISBN:  978-0-7552-0727-5

RRP: Paperback £32 ... ebook £15.99

Cover Life and Soul

In his mind-body-spirit autobiography John Hendry trawls his seventy years and comes up with significant experiences that trigger insights and reflections.   Alongside these are wondrous illustrations illuminating his travels in Libya under Gaddafi and India, epigrams that are occasionally Wildean - “A cynic is someone who sees through everything and therefore sees nothing”. Hilarious adventures  in radio and TV, haiku poetry, artwork - “For people like me who can’t draw” -  and memorable street scenes born of his rejection of “the infernal combustion engine” in favour of life as a militant pedestrian. But this read is anything but pedestrian.

John Hendry’s Life and Soul Bares His Soul ... And His Multi-Faceted Life. Actor, writer, broadcaster, John Hendry - now in his third age just writer – has a degree in Philosophy and English with experience as a Samaritan, a counsellor with MIND, and a spiritual healer.  These days he lives with his art psychotherapist wife, Anthea, as a vegetarian peasant with an allotment in the Yorkshire Dales from where he sends monthly mind-body-spirit Newsletters to readers worldwide.

A few of the many other topics:  kundalini, anima, forgiveness, meditation, a year in Gaddafi’s Libya, a month in India, and How to slow time down.

Further Information

Available in paperback and kindle from Authors Online and Amazon 

John may be contacted on Tel: 01943 465963;



Leading African Spiritual Healer Sheik Imam

Sheik Imam is a famous professional leading African healer and advisor with 24 years’ experience to help advise and solve your problems. Imam has dedicated his life to solving problems and advising clients from around the world. Consultations are carried out in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Sheik Imam is fluent in English, Spanish, Arabic and French.

Sheik Imam

His father Imam Basaikou was born into a family with a reputation for helping people, guiding and solving people's problems for relationship, love and guidance. His grandfather is Sheikh Ahmad Bamba; his great grandfather Sheik Abdulqadir Jelani. Sheik Imam’s knowledge, skills and expertise were passed on to him by his father - a great international healer, medium and spiritualist. As tradition has it, he was taught by his father and his father was taught from his great father, who was born with this knowledge; from there the power have been spread to all of the family 100 years ago.

He has helped people in all manner of human difficulties in life restore their happiness and has  offered guidance with problems needing to be solved both spiritually and in general life. Sheik Imam is well known throughout Africa for his good work and advice.

Sheik Imam can help you work with:

  • Relationship problems
  • Love and Marriage
  • Business Success
  • Depression
  • Negative forces or bad luck
  • Exam Worries
  • Gambling Issues
  • Family and social behaviour problems
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Court cases

Further Information

For more information, please contact Sheik Imam for free telephone consultation on Tel: 0800 848 8300; 0207 473 6129; 07985 691335;



FlowerEssences by Clare G Harvey

Clare G Harvey,  internationally recognized authority on Flower Essences, has been a Flower Essence Consultant for over twenty years. A third generation healer, Clare was trained by her grandmother, herself taught by Dr Edward Bach creator of the famous Bach remedies.

Flower Essences of Australia - Ancient Natural System of Medicine

The wilderness of the Australian outback is host to some of the oldest and most spectacular wildflowers that bloom prolifically throughout the year. Essences are organically and conscientiously sourced from the pristine wilderness of the Australian bush, imported in bulk and bottled in the UK to help to reduce the carbon footprint.

Flower Essence Detox and Emergency Kits
Flower Essence Detox and Emergency Kits

Detox Kit       

The Detox Kit contains three flower essence combinations designed to complement each other. They are beneficial when the need to spring-clean the system is in mind, at any time of the year. It contains the following 25ml essences

Detox Essence

Clears the system, mind/body & emotions of toxicity & sluggishness, mental overload, weight issues with emotional context, lightens the load and is helpful for feeling clear and generally cleansed on all levels. Contains: Wild Potato Bush, Bottlebrush, Dagger Hakea, Bauhinia, Bush Iris, Peach Flowered Tea Tree, Fringed Violet.


The daily build-up of electromagnetic toxicity from computers, mobile phones & other electromagnetic equipment can have negative effects on the system. Clears build-up allowing the body’s system and energy field to be refreshed and in balance. Contains: Fringed Violet, Crowea, Paw Paw, Waratah, Mulla Mulla, Wild Potato Bush, Bush Fuchsia.

Dynamic Recovery

Supportive as a pick me up and extra energy boost after feeling stressed, tired and low. Contains: Banksia Robur, Macrocarpa, Black Eyed Susan, Crowea, Old Man Banksia, Yellow Cowslip Orchid.

Emergency Kit

The Emergency Kit contains three flower essence combinations which are designed to work together to complement each other. They are particularly useful as a first-aid flower essence kit when challenging situations occur. These essences can be used together or individually at different times depending on the need. It contains the following 25ml essences

Emergency Rescue

Galvanises forces to deal with shock, crisis, and trauma. Supports inner strength to cope with emergency situations with courage and calm. Contains: Crowea, Fringed Violet, Grey Spider Flower, Waratah, Sturt Desert Pea, Sturt Desert Rose, Red Grevillea.

Calm & Relax

Supports calmness of mind and emotions after feeling stressed, nervy, worried, over- extended, panicky or so wound up that sleep is impossible. Contains: Black eyed Susan, Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Jacaranda, Little Flannel Flower, Paw Paw, Bottlebrush, Old Man Banksia.

Dynamic Recovery

Encourages energy conservation especially after tiredness, exhaustion, low adrenal energy with an inability to get going again. Supports recuperation after ill-health. Contains: Banksia Robur, Macrocarpa, Black Eyed Susan, Crowea, Old Man Banksia, Yellow Cowslip Orchid.

Further Information

Please contact Clare Harvey at FlowerEssence CGH Ltd on Tel: 01963 250750; Fax: 01963 250750;



Angelic Reiki with Kay Zega

Angelic Reiki Kay Zega

Angelic Reiki is noticeably different from other healing modalities (including Usui Reiki), being of a different dimensional frequency. Angelic Reiki is said also to be a powerful tool of ascension. Angelic Reiki is about change. It changed my life and it has contributed to therapeutic change in the lives of countless people who have had Angelic Reiki treatments and/or learned this empowering multidimensional system of angelic  healing.

If you wish to book an in-person or distant Angelic Reiki treatment, or if you are drawn to learn Angelic Reiki (or take part in any of the other workshops), Kay will be pleased to hear from you. Kay practises and teach mainly in the beautiful Royal City of Worcester, and also teaches elsewhere in the UK and in other countries by invitation.

The Angelic Reiki ® workshops have Manuals supplied and Certificates awarded at each level (Level 1&2; Level 3&4; Professional Practitioner Level; Master Teacher Level) are the official, internationally recognized, Angelic Reiki ® Manuals and Certificates bearing the co-founders' signatures, obtained from Christine Core.  Click here  to see them.

Listed below are Angelic Reiki and professional practice courses. 
You might also be interested in our wellness boosting workshops click here;
and the many CPD/CPPD workshops offered click here.  Unsure what CPD/CPPD is? Click here.

Upcoming Workshops

Other locations: Enquire about Dates

Many other Workshops & Courses available - See Workshops Tab & CPD Tab for full details

Also available: Mentoring, Supervision & Counselling - Contact Kay to check how she can help you.

Note Gift Vouchers are available to any value.

Further Information

Please contact Kay Zega on Tel: 01905 26002;



Botanica2014 - Celebration of Plant Therapeutics and Clinical Aromatherapy

Save the Date

5-7th September 2014 at Trinity College Dublin: three days of international conference and Trade Show followed by one day of post-conference workshops on September 8th.


This event is organised and hosted by Rhiannon Lewis of Essential Oil Resource Consultants (France) and the International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy. For the second time, Rhiannon is bringing together world experts in the field of medicinal and aromatic plant medicine for an unforgettable weekend of information, sharing and celebration in the heart of Dublin.

The last Botanica conference in 2012 attracted participants from over 30 countries and is set to grow in size and popularity in 2014. If you are in the herbal medicine or aromatherapy field, this unique event needs to be on your essential list of educational opportunities!

The full conference programme and speaker profiles are available on the website and assistance is provided concerning finding accommodation. Dublin is easily accessible from many international airports and access to Trinity College is direct by coach or by taxi. The university is located in the heart of Dublin.

Early bird registrations opens in December and places are limited. Please register your interest and/or book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. We look forward to seeing you there!

Further Information

Please contact Rhiannon Lewis, Editor, International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy




Let Your Body Speak: The Essential Nature of our Organs

by Ewald Kliegel, illustrated by Anne Heng

Published by Findhorn Press. 2013.Paperback. £11.99. ISBN: 978-1-84409-626-8.

“With our awareness of the elemental beings of our organs we open up spiritual spaces in our consciousness, spaces for new things to happen. This can lead to miracles – although we should not actively expect them.” Ewald Kliegel

Let Your Body Speak

Your organs have an inherent knowledge of their role within your body, and a spiritual aspect to their purpose in life. Let Your Body Speak will help the reader to change their perspective and experience the mystery of their body in a more intuitive way, open to impressions, aware of the soul speaking.

“A book with great text and super pictures of the organs a simply ingenious approach to understanding ourselves and our bodies. Should be in every doctor's office!”

L. Heymann, Amazon

Featuring stunning colour illustrations of the essence of human organs and other body parts, this book is perfect for anyone interested in learning about the self-healing properties of the body and the psychic, emotional, and physical elements central to existence. The book provides a deeper understanding of the wider psychological function of each organ, including eyes, hands, hips, knees, shoulders, spine, and teeth, and explains how they act in concert within the body. Beautifully illustrated, each organ conveys to the reader and individual message, meditations and a chart of healing crystals corresponding to each organ offer the reader further information on how to interact with their body on an energetic level. Your organs want to be perceived as spiritual and physical base elements of your being, as elemental beings! Perfect harmony, balance and beauty: this is what they mirror to you.

About the Author

Ewald Kliegel is a massage therapist and naturopath who specializes in reflexology. He has personally developed a stylized, icon-based method of drawing reflexology systems, which has been adopted all over the world. He is the author of Crystal Wands.

About the Illustrator

Anne Heng is a painter, an illustrator, and an awareness teacher. She uses a special technique of painting on silk and has exhibited her work in Germany and abroad. She illustrated the book The Tree Angel Oracle.

Further Information

Available from Amazon and Findhorn Press



Run Like an Athlete

by Jay Dicharry

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2013. £14.99/ $18.30. Softback. ISBN: 978-1905367443

Run Like an Athlete

Running is often associated with the quest for your next personal best, and the agony of irritating injuries. Wouldn’t it be great if you learned how to make running easier on the body and more efficient? Run Like an Athlete takes a deeper look at running, and provides you with the knowledge and tools to solve the problems that limit your performance and lead to injuries. If you want answers, tools, secrets to achieve your best, look inside for expert advice.


  • Biomechanics for runners: what do you really need to know about running?
  • Mobility: is stretching really the answer?
  • Strength training: how much is enough to achieve your goals?
  • Shoes: what is their role in your success?
  • Tools to evaluate: self-screens to identify your limiters
  • Corrective exercises and form tips to improve

Unlike other running books, Run Like An Athlete, focuses on more than just the physiology of running; it delves into biomechanics, gait information and how to prevent, rather than recover from, injuries. Author Jay Dicharry, is an educator, clinician, researcher, and leader in the field of sports analysis. He previously held the position of director of the University of Virgina’s SPEED Clinic, currently directs the REP Biomechanics Laboratory in Oregon, USA.

Peter Thompson, Lead Coach for the European Athletics Coaches Association, said about the book: “Jay provides an incredibly straightforward and innovative explanation of everything that should happen when you run, how to effectively screen before things go wrong and how to initiate the fundamental exercises that will prevent injury and improve performance. This book is clearly the current front runner in its field and will quickly become essential and required reading for all runners, coaches and physiotherapists.”

About the Author

Jay Dicharry MPT SCS is an educator, clinician, researcher, and leader in the field of sports analysis. He carved his niche as director of the University of Virginia’s SPEED Clinic, and currently directs the REP Biomechanics Lab in Bend, OR. Originally from New Orleans, LA, Jay earned his Masters of Physical Therapy through Louisiana State University, and is a certified coach through United States Track and Field, and United States Cycling Federation. He has published over 20 professional journals and book chapters, lectures nationally to clinicians and coaches, and consults to the running industry and individual athletes.

Further Information

Available from Amazon and Lotus Publishing




Neem: The Miracle Oil for 2014

Argan oil has been the buzzword in beauty over the past couple of years, but get ready to say hello to Neem, the new star ingredient for 2014!

Urban Veda Neem Range

The Neem tree is native to Southeast Asia and Neem oil has been used for medicinal purposes for over 5,000 years.  In fact it is known as “the village pharmacy” as it is important as a cure for so many skin conditions. This oil is rich in essential fatty acids that help balance problem skin. Additionally Neem oil contains super high levels of antioxidants that help protect skin from environmental damage.

Introduce Neem into your beauty regime with UrbanVeda, the NEW Ayurvedic skincare brand.  All products from the Purifying range contain natural cold-pressed Neem oil or Neem leaf extract to help cool, soothe and tighten skin. Products are split into skincare and bodycare contain everything you need for a comprehensive cleansing, moisturising and toning regime.

Further Information

Available from  

Prices range from £7.99 - £14.99


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    Hypnotherapy Training Int'l Courses

    HTI's next course in Advanced Analytical Hypnotherapy is on 3-8 February in London. This course is designed to develop your confidence as a hypnotherapist and extend the range of help you can give your clients. It incorporates an in-depth teaching of "Transforming Therapy" the dynamic analytical system developed by Gil Boyne. The Next Foundation Course Hypnosis for Therapeutic Transformation is on 10-15 March in London.


    Further Information Tel: 020 7385 1166;


    Ontario Chiropractor of The Year

    Dr Anthony Lombardi of the Hamilton Back Clinic has been nominated for Ontario’s Chiropractor Of The Year by the Ontario Chiropractic Association which represents all of Ontario’s 3,500 Chiropractors. Five Chiropractors from across the province were nominated; the winner, announced on 7 December, was Dr Kopansky-Giles. Anthony wore his purple bowtie for the ceremony.


    Further information Tel: 905.692.4222 / 905.388.2022


    Hypnotherapist Wins Awards

    Wimbledon-based clinical Hypnotherapist Lorraine McReight has received two prestigious awards from the Association for Professional Hypnosis & Psychotherapy (APHP): Best Technique and Chairman’s Award - Hypnotherapist of the Year. Lorraine McReight, DHyp MAPHP MNCH MNSHP MCThA CNHC is Principal of the Hypnotherapy & Natural Health Centre in Durnsford Road, Wimbledon, which she opened in 2010.


    Further Information Tel: 020 8947 3338;


    Wise Traditions London 2014

    Weston A Price Foundation’s Annual European Conference, supported by Seagreens and Green Pasture, takes place at Sandown Park, London UK, 8-9 February 2014. Workshop spaces are limited; tickets cost more on the door. The full programme and menus are available online; watch their online videos.


    Further Information


    CNM Course Free Video Access

    The College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) is offering free online access to CNM’s Biomedicine course videos (worth £890) when you enrol on a CNM Diploma Course. To qualify, you need to enrol on a CNM Diploma Course in Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture or Homeopathy and pay your enrolment fee plus your first year’s course fees in advance by 7 December 2013 (flexible start dates are available).


    Further information Tel: 01342 410 505


    Adaptive Resilience Workshop

    A series of half day small-group Adaptive Resilience workshops in London introduces effective and practical techniques to help reduce the negative impact of stress and develop resilience, capacity to stay healthy, be well and perform at your best under pressure and in crisis. These techniques will be practised together in a safe and caring environment with individual support, allowing you to experience the powerful effect of these exercises, exchange experiences and explore your questions. The workshops take place on 11 January, 1 February, 22 February, 22 March and 26 April 2014 in Hammersmith.


    Further information Tel: 020-7586 2223  07898 650 182 Skype: heartspheres 


    8th CAM Cancer Conference

    The eighth Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference takes place on 6-8 March at West Palm Beach. The conference features a variety of speakers, organic lunch buffets, interesting exhibits and networking opportunities. Advertising rates are low for advertisers; you can receive the newsletter or attend one-day educational meetings.


    Further information twitter: @annieappleseed;


    Voice Dialogue Facilitator Training

    Voice Dialogue UK is inviting a select group of just four people on a 9-month facilitator training. Workshop 1: 11-12 Jan. If you are a Coach, Therapist, Health Care Practitioner or work in the area of personal growth and development and would like another powerful tool for your tool bag, this will be for you. The training will provide a comprehensive grounding in the theory and practice of Voice Dialogue, The Psychology of Selves and the Aware Ego Process.


    Further information Tel: 07941 141377;


    The UK Centre for Living Foods

    The UK Centre for Living Foods is holding a series of events in the New Year. 10-14 February is the Spring Detox Retreat, 17-19 March is a Mini Retreat, 21-25 April is the Practitioner Training which has small supportive groups, laughter and focussed hard work and great discussions. The Courses include classes, demonstrations and hands on experience.


    Further information:


    Lessons for Living at the End of Life

    Hospice Voices, Lessons for Living at the End of Life by Eric Lindner has been acclaimed on both sides of the Atlantic. All monies raised (worldwide) by sales of this book is donated to various hospice causes, including Help the Hospices. With more people living longer, demand for end of life and hospice care will increase significantly. A vibrant and properly funded hospice care sector is vital if we wish to treat our old, and young people with respect.


    Further information:


    NLP Personal Excellence Course

    The Learning Path who deliver courses at Marlborough College in Wiltshire are offering a Groupon style discount on their next NLP for Personal Excellence Practitioner Course for a limited time. The next course dates are 10-14 February and spaces are limited to 12 delegates.


    Further information Tel: 01527 585 310


    LIFE™ Gentle Laser Therapy

    LIFE™ is Biolitec®’s gentle laser therapy for  prostatic hyperplasia treatment. The LIFE™ laser is guided through a laterally-radiating fibre. The laser vaporizes the prostatic tissue highly precisely and thus conserves the deeper tissue. Besides fine blood vessels, prostatic tissue also contains much water, the LIFE™ laser, which acts in both of these biological substances, features the advantage of facilitating tissue vaporization and coagulation equally.


    Further information: +49-(0) 1805-010276;


    Soothe Your Mind

    Aloe Vera is one of the world’s most popular soothing benefits of both the skin and digestive system. Fito’s new Aloe Vera capsules are the only brand available in the UK that are registered organic and mean that now everyone can enjoy the benefits of the plant in an easy and convenient way. Organic, vegetarian and with no GMO ingredients or preservatives, the capsules are not only good for you, but for the environment too.


    Further information: Fito’s Aloe Vera is available from health food stores or


    Mindfulness and the Breath Course

    Dr David Beales of Mindful Physiology is holding a one-day workshop in Hampshire - Mindfulness and the Breath. Explore how breath leads our stress responses; the benefit of using the breath in the self-management of anxiety, panic attack disorder, functional conditions like irritable bowel, fibromyalgia and pain and how to enable your breathing to be both conscious and satisfying, using mindfulness exercises and biofeedback. The course takes place near Alresford SO24 0EG.


    Further information Tel: 07850 231 497


    Acupuncture Midwifery Course

    Expectancy is running a new course - Acupuncture in Midwifery - specifically for UK Midwives. This is a six month course (one weekend per month): 1-2 February, 8-9 March, 26-27 April, 17-18 May and 21-22 June 2014. The course is in London N1 6JP. A place can be secured with full payment on application, or deposit and three monthly instalments.


    Further information Tel: 08452 301 323 / 07943 871419


    Volunteers Sought for Oat Study

    The University of Aberdeen is seeking volunteers for a study investigating the benefits of oat-based foods. Preliminary findings by the researchers at the University of Aberdeen Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health have suggested eating oats could promote healthy bacteria in the gut and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.


    Further information Tel: 01224 438 679 / 01224 437 986;


    Serious Condition Nine Steps to Take

    Research suggests it is important for patient to take proactive steps after a diagnosis with a serious condition such as cancer. The study published in Health Affairs found that patients more engaged in their healthcare have better outcomes than those who are passive. Patient advocate and author Melissa E Clarke MD is passionate about helping patients to become empowered and informed, particularly now, as the Affordable Care Act reforms kick in; Healthcare consumers need to be more involved in their own care decisions. Melissa Clarke has written Excuse Me Doctor! I’ve Got What?


    Further information Tel: 323 640 9710; 


    Spring Programme BLOOM Retreats

    Lynne Franks is launching a new series of signature retreats for women at her home in Deia, Mallorca. Spring Detox & Wellness Retreat  23-28 March, The Inner Artist Retreat 30 March-4 April, Women’s Creative Leadership Retreat with Lynne Franks 6-11 April, Creative Writing & Nature Walks Retreat 27 April-2 May, Yoga & Ayurvedic Cooking Retreat 6-11 May 2014, Fitness Retreat 20-25 May, Reiki Master Retreat 27 May-1 June, Pilates & Nutrition Retreat 3-8 June and Women’s Creative Leadership Retreat with Lynne Franks 10-15 June.


    Further information:


    Medicarn Fitness Equipment

    Medicarn Fitness Equipment supplies Body Balance Balls for all-round body exercise, Bslimmer® Colours Massage Plates which provides an aerobic massage while the detachable handle bars and clip-n Power Cords enable a full body workout as well as Fitness supplements which can be used to improve your results with any kind of fitness training.


    Further information: 0114 2329006;


    LUMOback Help for Back Pain

    LUMOback is a new wearable sensor recently launched in the UK designed to help those with poor posture to improve the way they sit and stand, whilst also improving general health, confidence and appearance. The sleek, formfitting device uses an elasticated band to sit comfortably and discretely around the lower back, under or over clothing. Used in conjunction with an iOS app, connected via Bluetooth, if the user slouches from their lower back, leans forward or backwards or shifts weight to one side, the LUMOback sensor will gently vibrate to remind them to sit or stand up straight.


    Further information Tel: +1 877-702-7866


    Brackenbury Clinic Vouchers

    The Brackenbury Clinic is offering £10 off your first treatment with a number of their therapists and £10 off gift vouchers until 31 December 2013. Treatment offered are: Colon Hydrotherapy, Massage, Tui Na, MLD, Shiatsu, Reiki and Bowen. Relax and many more, unwind and re-energize your body and mind for the busy days ahead over the Christmas period.


    Further information Tel: 020-8741 9264;


    NO HANDS Trilogy

    If you are thinking of learning NO HANDS Massage in 2014, book one of the April course dates to secure the early bird price and the full NO HANDS Trilogy books. Gerry Pyves Founder and inventor of NO HANDS Massage is holding a NO HANDS Massage Course in London, Heathrow on 11-13 April and in Morecambe, Lancashire on 25-27 April 2014.


    Further information Tel: 01524 415345;


    Goldenberries for Coughs and Colds

    Goldenberries can help to ward off coughs and colds this winter and are a good way to boost your body’s resistance. Naturally high in bioflavonoids, goldenberries are a super antioxidant which protects the immune system; vitamin C helps keep cells healthy and aids healing. Goldenberries contain more fibre than prunes, more potassium than bananas, more iron than spinach and no added sugar.


    Further information: Goldenberry juice and dried goldenberries are available from Holland & Barrett, Planet Organic, Whole Foods and other health stores.


    New Vitamin Safety Approach

    Dutch research organisation TNO has been contracted to develop a new approach to determine maximum and minimum permitted safe levels (MPLs) of vitamins and minerals for European consumers. The research will add to two existing approaches under consideration by the European Commission since 2007. One was developed 10 years ago by two food supplement industry associations; the second, proposed by German government’s food safety watchdog, BfR, was criticised for being restrictive and draconian. The main research output will be an article detailing the proposed approach, to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal by May 2014. Dr Robert Verkerk is confident that the research results will be vital to the European Commission’s forthcoming proposals on MPLs.


    Further information Tel: 01306 646 600


    Midwife Survey Response

    The Royal College of Midwives (RCM)  survey highlighted that one quarter of Midwives working within the NHS would consider quitting their profession in the next year due to resentment over pay and conditions. The RCM survey found staff demoralized, disillusioned and burned-out. Independent Midwives UK grows concerned that without financial assistance from the Government to allow the continuance of self-employed midwifery within the UK after February 2014, options for Midwives and birthing women will be further compromised, compounding a system at breaking point. Currently, independent midwifery saves the NHS £13m annually, relieveing pressure by caring for women outside the system.


    Further information:


    Fragrance and Wellbeing

    Fragrance and Wellbeing - Plant Aromatics and Their Influence on the Psyche by Jennifer Peace Rhind, examines the ways in which fragrance can influence our perceptions and experiences. It introduces us to a broad range of fragrance types: woody, resinous, spicy, herbaceous, agrestic, floral and citrus, as well as the attars that form part of Unani Tibb medicine. Published by Singing Dragon an imprint of Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


    Further information:


    Rebuild Your Health

    Rebuild Your Health: Dr Ann Wigmore’s Living Foods Lifestyle is a compilation of the lectures of living food pioneer, Dr Ann Wigmore. Ann discusses the nature of disease, her solution highlights four tools for total health, Ann’s Food Program of Living Foods. Rejuvelac, Energy Soup and Wheatgrass is explained in detail and Dr Wigmore’s health regime including: Colon Cleansing, Deep Relaxation and Positive Visualization.


    Further information:  


    Four Ps to Weight Loss  is a website to help you lose weight and keep it off. Weightlossguru says there are four Ps to successful weight loss. Passion, Perspective, Practise and Patience and Persevere. It is really possible to be passionate about becoming slimmer, fitter and healthier and this website will help you to get fit, healthy and slim.


    Further information


    Sleep Better with Natural Therapies

    Sleep Better with Natural Therapies: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Insomnia, Moving Sleep Cycles and Preventing Jet Lag is by Peter Smith. Combining a wide range of drug-free therapeutic approaches, this book is a step-by-step guide to Peter Smith’s unique, 100% natural solution to sleep. It explains how sleep ‘works’, the physical and psychological causes of insomnia, offers practical advice about how to practise good sleep behaviours, gives tips on dietary supplements and provides guidelines for preventing jetlag.


    Further information Tel: 020-7833 2307;


    Journey to the Heart of Aikido

    Journey to the Heart of Aikido: The Teachings of Motomichi Anno Sensei by Linda Hiliday with contribution by Motomichi Anno, presents the teachings of Motomichi Anno Sensei, one of the few remaining direct students of Morihei Ueshiba, legendary founder member of Aikido. After a lifetime of practice and teaching in Japan, the United States and Europe, Anno Sensei conveys through his teachings, Aikido’s essential spirit of love, harmony, gratitude and purification with simple authenticity and eloquence. By Blue Snake Books.


    Further information:


    Thai Acupressure Massage Videos

    Aesthetic VideoSource has developed Thai Acupressure Training Videos and has recently won a TV award. Two of their Thai Acupressure Massage training videos and DVD have won a 2013 TV award. Entitled Thai Acupressure Massage: Feet, Hands & Face for the Mat (2hrs 47mins) and Thai Acupressure Massage: Feet, Hands & Face for the Table (2hrs 41 mins) the DVD and videos won the 34th Annual TV Awards over 12,000 entries from all 50 states and 5 continents.


    Further information Tel: +1 801-282-249;


    Caregiving Helps You Live Longer

    Caregiving may help you to live longer. This finding from a new Johns Hopkins study, published in the latest Journal of Epidemiology, found that family caregivers had an 18% reduced rate of death, compared with non-caregivers. Life Coach and caregiver advocate Yosalf August, says that we normally associate caregiving with burnout from juggling demands of work and family along with caring for a loved one. There is plenty of love and support available, but caregivers need to get past their reluctance to reach out. His new book is Coaching for Caregivers: How to Read Out Before Your Burn Out.


    Further information


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