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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 209

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 209 - October 2013

The Kegel Legacy - 65 Years of Denial

You are wasting your time with pelvic floor exercise, unless you practise what Arnold Kegel recommended!

The Kegel Legacy

The long term consequences of natural childbirth are still a major taboo in the 21st Century:

  • Has your sex life become less enjoyable since you had children?
  • Have you suffered from embarrassing leaks after childbirth?
  • Do you feel that all is not quite right 'down below'?

If so, you are not alone and do not have to suffer in silence.

Why is this book necessary?

It is quite simple really. If the advice and guidance you are given by your doctor, physiotherapist or magazine was even vaguely relevant then we would not have 7 million women in the UK with stress incontinence, millions suffering prolapse and a multi-billion industry supplying designer incontinence pads. Arnold Kegel conducted large scale clinical trials and demonstrated an 85% cure rate for stress incontinence in two weeks. Today, women who can be bothered are told to exercise for 3 months with little prospect of actually seeing any improvement in their symptoms. The Kegel Legacy tries to understand how we reached this ridiculous state of affairs.

Don't waste your time anymore

Arnold Kegel gave his name to a highly effective course of treatment, but the millions of women who have tried to practise 'Kegel' exercises over the last 65 years have been misinformed, misdirected, poorly taught and basically let down. The 'Kegel exercises' that women are shown today bear no resemblance to what Kegel actually recommended and are not worthy of his name. Millions of women struggling to cope with embarrassment and discomfort have been kept unaware of a simple, effective self-help treatment. And a multi-billion pound industry for designer incontinence pads has grown as a result.

Exercises that Really Work

In addition to offering help and advice on how you should exercise, this book makes the case for a total reassessment of pelvic floor muscle training and post-natal rehabilitation and the better promotion of pelvic floor exercises as a self-help treatment. Reading this book may make you angry. But hopefully it will empower you and give you the knowledge to take greater control of your health and wellbeing.

Further Information

For more information visit

FREE - read The Kegel Legacy online:

FREE - PDF Download to your PC or tablet free of charge:

Click here for The Kegel Legacy on Amazon



Meditation Space (Swindon)

The Next program commences Thursday 10th October 2013, 7.00 – 8.30pm.


This is a course for people who are ‘complete beginners’, of all backgrounds and beliefs, who are interested in learning to meditate using very practical tried and tested methods. We will also be looking at the philosophical basis of meditation through the myths and scriptures of many cultures.

This course will provide you with simple and effective ways of reducing stress and improving well-being, and offers the opportunity to discuss and reflect for those who may wish to explore a little further.

Run over 12 evenings, there is then the opportunity to join an on-going meditation group. No fee. However, contributions are both expected and welcomed.

Course outline: A 12 week program covering the following subjects:

The Chemistry of Stress Breath Control & Relaxation Positive Thinking Visualisation Conceptualisation Organising thought Controlled Imagining Reflections on the Body Reflections on Self The four elements in relation to the body The Sphere of Sensation The primal urge ‘to be’ Developing the Concept of ‘God’


Swindon Weito School of Southern Chinese Boxing, 85 High Street, Haydon Wick, Swindon, SN25 1HU

Further Information

Please contact: Allan on Tel: Allan 07770 810941;



The ‘Clinical Trinity’ Workshop

Presenters: Michael Ash DO ND BSc FDipION and Antony Haynes BA Dip ION

Topic: The Clinical Trinity. How to Improve Outcomes

Date and Time: Saturday 12th Oct 2013. Registration from 8.30am. Workshop begins at 9.30am; 1.00pm finish

Price: Practitioners: £39 + VAT(£46.80 VAT Inclusive)

Location: Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 0AE



Patients and clients increasingly present with numerous adverse events occurring simultaneously and yet often have no real insight into how the systemic effect of each of these is greater than the individual complaint. This presents the practitioner with a problem, where to intervene, how much to intervene and for how long? For if drawn to the concept that each individual issue needs to be treated in isolation the risk of poly-pharmacy, or poly-supplementation develops with subsequent unanticipated complications.

About the Clinical Trinity Workshop

For over 45 years Michael and Antony have managed the needs and expectations of over 20,000 private patients and clients during which time they have evolved and refined an approach to the conversion of ‘client need to optimal outcome’. Their approach ensures optimization of the benefits that Nutritional Therapy and Lifestyle interventions can bring to complicated cases. This 3 hour workshop will provide clinicians and practitioners a chance to learn about common key mechanisms, the human interactions employed and the use of clinical experience to untangle complicated multi system dysfunction cases using minimal interventions and evidence based recommendations.

The speakers will integrate existing knowledge on molecular mechanisms of metabolism and metabolic disease with emerging knowledge on the influence of hormones, nutrients and microbial flora that influence systemic metabolism and immunity. They will also explain some of the growing understanding of the role of processes, such as endoplasmic reticulum stress response, autophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, immune activation and hormone signalling.

About the Speakers

Michael Ash DO ND BSc FDipION

Since 1982 Michael has provided health care, and for 25 years he was the principle clinician at the Eldon Health Clinic one of the largest interdisciplinary clinics in the south west of England where he employed the principles and practices of functional medicine from 1991 until its sale in 2007.

Antony Haynes BA Dip ION

A highly experienced Nutritional Therapist and author, Antony has evolved a very successful general practice utilising the functional medicine principles and practices to great effect.

Further Information

For further information and to Register contact Claire on 08450 760402; /  



Big Name Healthcare Suppliers join the camexpo Exhibitor Line-up


Vivomed - leading online supplier of first-aid, physiotherapy and sports medicine products - and Ovantis - the UK’s sole distributor of Physiospect NLS bio-resonance devices - are two of the latest big names to book their places at this year’s camexpo, the UK’s biggest natural healthcare show, which returns to London’s Earls Court this 5-6 October. With over half of GPs in the UK now taking a more integrative approach to the treatment and prevention of illness by providing access to forms of therapy outside conventional medicine (according to a 2011 poll by ), and about one in eight people in the UK now consult a complementary or alternative practitioner each year (source: Arthritis Research UK, 2013), the CAM sector looks set for continued, healthy growth. 

Among them are Solgar Vitamins; Supplete (AOR Canada's sole European distributor); practitioner-only supplier - BioMedica Nutraceuticals from Australia; specialist medical and physio supplies wholesaler C&P Medical; Cambridge Nutritional Sciences - developer of The Food Detective intolerance test; Algeos UK - a leading supplier of products to the physio and rehabilitation markets; Nucleotide Nutrition, with its immune support and healthy gut supplements NuCell®IM and IntestAid®IB; D'Lite Food Europe - creators of SlendierSlim; Cisca SaltPipe - Hungarian cave salt inhaler for asthma, allergies, sinus and respiratory problems; Wildflower Essences; Medica Health International, with its non-invasive Theragem™: Crystal Light Therapy range; and Water for Health, distributers of Biocera’s alkaline water products, Vibrant Health’s green superfoods, and Omega Nutrition’s organic, cold pressed healthy oils.

Specialist natural bodycare and beauty suppliers will also be well-represented at this year’s show. New exhibitors include Mahi Naturals - distributers of U Little Beauty, Organic Natralox, and Australia’s leading natural dry skin range Hope’s Relief; Africa-inspired health and beauty brand Aduna; natural toiletries and aromatherapy products supplier New Seasons, Star Corp United Kingdom/Manuka Natural Health - distributors of 100% natural topical massage cream Rubbeez®; Apples & Pears, with its natural skincare and lip balms; Lorem Care, with its 100% natural Emu Oil and Emu Balm; and The Colloidal Company, who’ll be showcasing its colloidal silver, gold and copper solutions and creams; Tropic Skincare - Revive Firming Cream; and Essence of Morocco, who’ll be treating camexpo visitors an exclusive first try of its new organic prickly pear seed oil (anti-ageing serum), and new range of natural Hammam/spa products.

Busy, informative, invigorating, and enjoyable - that’s the verdict from camexpo 2012. And camexpo 2013 promises more of the same when it returns to Earls Court, London, on 5-6 October 2013; with 200 leading natural healthcare suppliers, associations and training providers, plus over 100 CPD-accredited seminars, workshops and demos from some of the CAM industry’s leading subject specialists.

Further Information

To register for an entry pass, which includes entry to the show’s two Keynote Theatres (sponsored by revital), please visit and use priority code camx599 to register in advance for £6.50 (without a priority code; the standard door charge is £20).



Working with the Psoas Muscle - Accredited Massage Courses

The psoas muscles are a pair of muscles that Sports Massage Therapists tend to love or hate. A major muscle in the human body, each psoas is responsible for stabilizing the base of the spine, but also allowing the spine to flex and rotating the hips for free range of movement. The psoas muscles are considered to be crucial among the hip flexor muscles: when kept supple, the psoas functions smoothly with the other muscles of the body to support an upright posture and a flexible lower spine and hips. When the psoas is strained or contracted, it can lead to limitations in range of motion and lower back pain.

Accredited Massage Courses

The psoas muscles each originate from the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae I-V, left and right. They descend through the inside of the pelvis, blending with the iliac muscles, which originate on the anterior surface of the pelvis, and insert onto the lesser trochanter of the femur. Many people find the psoas a tricky muscle to get to grips with - it’s not as deep a muscle as you might think, being quite close to the surface of the back. But it’s inaccessible from that direction as it sits in front of the transverse process of the lumbar vertebrae. Accessing it anteriorly, therefore, involves sinking slowly through the viscera, letting them slide gently aside, until your fingertips approach this posterior muscle from its anterior side.

Some clients in my clinic look anxious (and occasionally terrified) when I explain that I need to release their psoas. Unfortunately, it’s likely that in the past they have been treated by a physical therapist who has worked on their psoas and caused excruciating pain. After an experience like that, the client is unlikely to let anyone near their psoas and probably rightly, as the treatment would be a waste of time. Pain would make it impossible for the client to relax. Their tension would prevent the therapist from getting close the muscle and so no positive outcome could be achieved. In the past, I’ve seen other therapists (qualified ones, not just students) forcing their way into the client’s abdomen. Working with the psoas cannot be fast or aggressive. To find the way through, you have to work slowly and carefully, sensing the state of the muscle fibres underneath your fingertips.

When I start to work with the psoas I usually rock the pelvis and legs, knees outstretched, placing one hand above the knee and gently placing my other hand on the front of the abdomen, just above where my fingers are about to sink in. Rocking gives us a sense of security; as adults, our bodies remember the rocking motion from childhood which brought about a feeling of security and relaxation. I work slowly and patiently, waiting for release. When I first start feeling release, I start rocking with the other hand too. When I sense relaxation of the psoas muscle, I bend the knee on the side on which I’m working and place the client’s foot on the massage table, continuing to rock the leg and holding the pelvis and knee. At this point I’m in and I can assess the state of the psoas muscle under my fingertips.

It’s amazing how mindful work on this important muscle, correctly carried out, can literally obliterate lower back pain, both chronic and acute. To learn more about treating the psoas muscles, therapists can attend our training weekend in “lower back pain” where we work extensively on the psoas and iliopsoas muscles as well as addressing common conditions such as sciatica and piriformis syndrome.

Further Information

Contact Robert Donkers, Sports Massage Therapist & Lecturer, Accredited Massage Courses



Dr Tasos Vartholomeos Consultant Pathologist and Medical Homeopath 

Dr Tasos Vartholomeos

Dr Tasos Vartholomeos began his career as Consultant Pathologist in the NHS,a specialty to which he has devoted many years gaining a great experience in the nature, the causes and the development and process of all Diseases, especially the Chronic ones, without being involved in conventional medical prescribing, which he found not suitable to his medical conception and philosophy from his very youth. He searched for alternative holistic therapeutic routes from the stage of young Specialist Registrar in Pathology and he found in Homeopathy the most of the truth he was looking for. In Homeopathy he found an integrated, complete and already tested at Hospital level medical system, which had, besides, common origin with modern conventional medicine: the Western Hippocratic Tradition.

Dr Vartholomeos completed his Homeopathic Medical training, graduate and postgraduate, at the British Institute of Homeopathy, UK, his Herbal Medical training at the School of Phytotherapy, UK and he has been, since 1999, Full Member of the Faculty of Homeopathy (MFHom). He collaborated for a while in the past with the renown Hale Clinic, London, UK and he runs, more than 20 years, the Homeopathic Health Care, in Greece, offering also his homeopathic services directly to patients or as advisory consultant for practitioners in other countries of EU. He has been invited in 2000 at the Scottish Parliament at a Reception on the occasion of a presentation and launch for a Hospital of Natural Medicine, since he was a main Signatory of the relevant Letter of Appeal along certain UK celebrities, including Peter Ustinov and Yehudi Menuhin.

He practises mainly evidence-based and pathology-sensitive Homeopathy, that applies to both the Patient and the Disease. He is especially inspired by the Hippocratic principles and the British Homeopathic Tradition. His background in Pathology allows him to apply efficiently Homeopathy even in those cases with advanced pathology, while his well-founded Holistic conception allows him to apply equally efficiently Homeopathy in psychosomatic disorders. He keeps Homeopathic consultations both in person and through Skype. For his Homeopathic Consultation, either in person or through Skype, he devotes plenty of time to discuss, at the absolute ease and comfort of the patient, the whole case with all the necessary details of the Classic Homeopathic Case Taking. In any case he practises Homeopathy as Complementary Medicine, without interfering with the conventional medicine treatments, so that the best Integrative Medicine approach might be accessed.

Further Information

Please contact Dr Vartholomeos on Tel: 00357 22 024828;



NLP Conference 2013

The NLP conference is an annual event held in London in November. It brings together some of the foremost NLP Trainers in the world to share recent innovations and developments in the field. It is an outstanding opportunity to meet and network with like-minded people who are using NLP to make a difference to people's lives in areas as diverse as education, health, business and coaching. 

NLP header

After three years at the Britannia Hotel in Docklands, the conference is moving back to central London and this year will take place at the Holiday Inn, Regent’s Park from 15th – 17th November.

We are delighted to welcome Michael Neill, internationally renowned success coach and best-selling author, to this year's conference. He has spent the past 23 years as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to celebrities, CEOs, royalty and other people who want to get more out of themselves and their lives. He will be presenting a full day workshop, From Modelling Excellence to Being Excellent.

For the first time in over five years, Michael is coming back to the world of NLP to share what he’s discovered about human potential. His workshop is designed for everyone, whether they be a helping professional in search of better ways to assist their clients, an entrepreneur looking to take their company to the next level, an artist wanting to unleash their creativity, or just someone who wants a richer experience of being alive. This fun and insight-full day has the potential to transform lives. It will cover:

  • The unchangeable principles behind the human experience
  • The three levels of change
  • How to live and work in the zone
  • How to accelerate the learning curve in every area of your life
  • How to go beyond empowerment to a whole new way of being in the world

The conference will also feature more than 50 other speakers, including Shelle Rose Charvet, Michael Hall, Tim and Kris Hallbom, Ian McDermott, Sue Knight, Joseph O'Connor, Art Giser and Lisa Wake.

Leo Angart will be presenting on improving your eyesight naturally and launching his new book, Read Again without Glasses. Frank Pucelik, NLP’s 3rd man, will be running a session with Wyatt Woodsmall on how NLP modelling has evolved since the originators first started to study Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir over 40 years ago. Frank has recently co-edited a book with John Grinder on the early days of NLP, The Origins of NLP.

In addition, there are sessions on subjects as diverse as using NLP with cancer patients and those with dementia to sessions on Energetic NLP, detecting lies and NLP and innovation.

Further Information

All the sessions and presenters can be found on the conference website  Please contact David Bowman via  



Dentistry Can be a Force for Good (sometimes!)

Graeme & Lilian Munro-Hall are Holistic dentists and have a practice in Bedfordshire. They are authors of the book Toxic Dentistry Exposed which details the perils of modern dentistry and the solution. There is more to dentistry that whitening teeth. Dentistry has always been able to destroy your health and charge you heavily for the privilege but dentistry, applied correctly, can also restore you to health. Mercury released from amalgam fillings is acknowledged to be a health hazard and a world treaty by the UN limiting mercury use is to be signed this October. Dental authorities, however, still refuse to admit there is a health problem with amalgam despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Typical infected root filled tooth
Typical infected root filled tooth

Chronic dental infections pose an ever greater threat to health. Periodontitis or gum disease, known to cause diabetes and be associated with heart disease too, is the most prevalent infectious disease in the world today affecting most of the adult population. Root filled teeth are always infected and releasing bacterial toxins into the blood stream and cavitation infections in the bone after tooth extraction.

Conventional periodontitis treatment has barely changed over the last forty years but there is a revolution happening. Changing the pH of the infected gum pockets around the teeth using a special calcium formula can reverse gum disease and creates conditions for new bone to grow around the teeth. The teeth become stable and are not lost. The therapy was invented in America at the Calcium Therapy Institute; the Munro-Hall Clinic is the only clinic in the UK that has undergone the training and is licensed to carry out such treatment. Treatment is non-invasive, non-surgical as well as being much faster and effective than conventional therapy.

Dentists ‘save’ infected teeth by stripping the infected or dead nerve out of the teeth. This is supposed to get rid of the bacteria, but a tooth has literally miles of tiny tubes in the root that cannot be cleaned out. It is in these tubes the bacteria hide releasing their toxins. X-Rays cannot detect this but the Komstar test can - This is a 5 minute chairside test which is accurate and inexpensive. It can show if a root filled tooth is toxic and measure the degree of toxicity. The Munro-Hall Clinic is the only clinic in the UK that has the technology to perform this test.

Cavitations occur when the bacteria from an infected tooth lodge in the bone, grow and eat a hole in the bone, hence the name cavitation. Cavitation infections are surprisingly common, can cause devastating health problems but are treatable when identified. Cavitations are invisible to X-Rays but can be detected by special thermography and by the ultrasound Cavitat Scanner. Once again the Munro-Hall Clinic is the only clinic in the UK that has the technology to perform this test.

Further Information

Please contact Munro-Hall Clinic on Tel: 01234 840099;  



Irene Phillips BackCare Clinic - The Pulsed Energy Replenisher (Per 2000)

The back-care clinic

Are You An Elite Sportsman Or Beginning To Feel Your Age?

I am fortunate to be the first practitioner in the UK to use the Pulsed Energy Replenisher - PER 2000 which is a new wave technology unit to rejuvenate, replenish and help restore your energy and cells. It is an American Unit which is widely used in the US for top baseball and football teams, the general public, as well as racehorses.

How Does It Work?

The PER 2000 uses high power, Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field (pemf) therapy, to help safely relieve pain of ANY kind. Think of this process like ‘recharging the batteries inside of you’ You can feel the PER 2000 delivers a strong, but fast magnetic pulse of energy into the injured area.  Most users will state that they know the device is working when they feel it ‘go right to the spot’ or the origin of pain. It is quite amazing how, e.g. , by putting it on the patient's back that they can feel the stimulation in their knee if there is a problem in that area. The unit is like a big suitcase on wheels and you attach either a ring, blanket or knee/ankle wrap and switch it on for about 20 minutes.

Who Uses It?

From the world’s top professional athletes, to horses and other animals, to everyday people the PER 2000 is something everyone can use. Although one is not allowed to make any medical claims, the results seem to indicate a remarkable difference in the patient’s health and wellbeing.

What Sort Of Conditions I Have Treated With Per?

  1. The first success was working with my husband who had a bad shoulder. The consultant felt he had a torn ligament, cysts and very degenerated joints. He was going to do an arthroscopy, but even mentioned he might need a shoulder replacement. Three sessions of approximately 20 minutes each had cured him and he no longer required surgery;
  2. Another early success was an 85 year old man who had a possible torn ligament in his ankle. Again after about 3 sessions in 10 days he was back to normal but also reported that he now had to only get up once in the night to go to the loo instead of 5 times;
  3. A patient who had palpitations reported they had gone following the PER treatment.


Although I treat musculo skeletal problems as an osteopath, the unit seems to help other conditions too and seems to have a quicker recovery time than other electrotherapies I have used. Real Madrid has just purchased one for their football team, so it must be good.

Further Information

Please visit



Healing through Trigger Point Therapy: A Guide to Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction

by Devin J Starlanyl & John Sharkey

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2013. Softback. £19.99 / $21.64 ISBN: 978 1 905367 39 9. 

Healing through Trigger Point Therapy, written by renowned bodywork therapists Devin J Starlanyl and John Sharkey, was published August 2013. This book is about empowerment for chronic pain patients and care providers alike. Every chronic pain condition has a treatable myofascial trigger point component. Many of the localized symptoms now considered as fibromyalgia are actually due to trigger points and this book teaches care providers and patients how to identify and treat those causes.

Healing through Trigger Point Therap

Trigger points can cause and/or maintain many types of pain and dysfunction, including conditions sufferers might never have associated with trigger points. Symptoms may include numbness and tingling, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, osteoarthritis, cognitive dysfunctions and disorientation, impotence, incontinence, loss of voice, pelvic pain, muscle weakness, menstrual pain, shortness of breath, and many symptoms attributed to old age.

Co-author Devin J. Starlanyl said: “Healing through Trigger Point Therapy: A Guide to Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction is written primarily for patients with chronic pain and those with other previously unexplained symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, trigger points, and chronic myofascial pain, and for their care providers. It is designed to facilitate communication among all parties, and to be used as a tool for diagnostics, care, treatment, and prevention.”

This book will enable the medical care team to treat more efficiently, and will teach patients what they need to help regain function and gain some control over symptoms. This book will show readers where and how to look for the trigger points for each symptoms and what can perpetuate each trigger points, as well as how to treat and prevent trigger points.

This book offers empowerment, and hope, to patients, and direction to care providers.

About the Authors

Devin J Starlanyl, fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain patient and care provider, is retired president of the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain Institute. She is the co-author of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain: A Survival Manual and author of The Fibromyalgia Advocate, and has published articles on fibromyalgia and trigger points in national and international medical journals.

John Sharkey MSc has a history of working on myofascial pain from trigger points, working for better understanding of fascia and human movement. John is an exercise physiologist (BASES), anatomist (BACA), and European Neuromuscular Therapist. He is also the author of The Concise Book of Neuromuscular Therapy: A Trigger Point Manual

Further Information

Available from Amazon



Exstore Assessment and Treatment System

Exstore gives doctors and therapists confidence, quality clinical results, and many new patient referrals. The EXSTORE Assessment & Treatment System is now in its 2nd Edition and in less than one year has sold over 500 copies to clinicians in 12 different countries around the world. Whether we are students learning in a classroom setting, or health-care practitioners building a patient base, we need clarity when initially assessing new patients.

Exstore Assessment and Treatment System

In school, we are taught a variety of orthopaedic tests that are supposed to form the foundation of our assessments. Having been through the classes, we finally start to treat patients - but we soon discover, and studies tell us, that frustration sets in when traditional orthopaedic tests don't give us consistent results. It was this type of frustration that made me create a system that would be time efficient and allow me to accurately diagnosis dysfunction in my patients.

The biggest mistake made by practitioners in manual medicine is spending too much time focusing on the area of pain, which may not be specifically localized to the area of pathology. Assessing the patient using the Exstore system allows the practitioner to find the cause of the problem rather than focus on where it hurts - all in less than 3 minutes! I was using the EXSTORE system 3 years before it went to market and since then I see over 600 new patient referrals per year due to the outstanding results I give my patients.

The system is simple to apply in practice and is ideal for chiropractors and manual therapists who use acupuncture and myofascial release as part of their treatments. Watch how I use the EXSTORE system to treat two patients at once all on only One Take!  

The purchase price includes continual assistance with clinical cases via email and telephone from Dr Lombardi directly. This assistance is available to anyone who obtains the system at any time. Dr Lombardi also provides continual links, information, and material on an ongoing basis which is designed to improve the manual and clinical skills of the health professional.  

Here are articles about EXSTORE in mainstream chiropractic magazines:

Chiropractic Economics  

Canadian Chiropractor  

Further Information

Please contact Dr Anthony Lombardi via Tel: +1 905.692.4222;

Buy EXSTORE Today:  

Join our facebook page:



Health Leads, Rayonex and Asphalia - Sister Companies Devoted to Promoting Healthy Living

Health Leads, Rayonex and Asphalia

Health Leads UK began in 1996 in South West Wales. We produce nutritional supplements of the very highest quality by avoiding the use of harmful excipients such as anti-caking agents, flow enhancers, chemical additives etc. This is still unusual and is a difficult way to produce capsules but we consider it the only way to make really helpful products. We source organic or wild crafted herbs, steam distilled or cold pressed oils, and uncontaminated minerals and vitamins. We even clean our machines with organic soap!

Rayonex UK

Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt is unlike any other form of energy medicine. Therefore we strive to train our practitioners and users to get the very best from their devices. To that end an annual Prospectus has been published each year offering specific training in the practical application of the devices and looking at causal influences of ill health such as electromagnetic field or electro-smog, geopathic stress, the chemicals we come into contact with daily. When we realize the extent of the problems caused by ‘diseases of civilisation’ it tells us there is much wrong with the way we live today and sets us on the path to eliminating or protecting against many major causes of ill health. We do not want to go back to a primitive life, but we can live in the modern world in a much safer way.

Rayonex GmbH are always progressing; this year saw the launch of Rayonex Wiki, a new infinitely expandable e-learning portal which is free to all Rayonex customers. The C-Module was also launched, a cutting edge technology which focuses on cellular degeneration and associated causes. 

Asphalia UK

Asphalia was developed by Coghill Research Laboratories to promote well-being in people suffering from exposure to environmental pollution such as mobile phone and mast radiation. Yet it has other advantages since it contains one of the most potent and versatile natural antioxidants yet discovered. It is a unique food supplement that is proving to be an astonishing breakthrough for the one-in-four of us who suffer from sleep disturbance. Melatonin is normally produced in the brain during the night, and the body utilizes it to disable free radicals and rejuvenate the cellular structure. However, over the past 100 years production of melatonin has decreased due to the modern environment, including light pollution and ever increasing electromagnetic fields which seriously inhibits melatonin production at night. Taking one or two Asphalia for Natural Sleep capsules 30 minutes before bed time has proved to alleviate this problem.

The Asphalia range also helps improve complexion, protects from EMF exposure and includes a supplement for pet care!

Further Information

Please visit



Forgiveness is Power: A Users Guide to Why and How to Forgive

by William Fergus Martin

Published by Findhorn Press. 2013. Softback. £9.99. ISBN: 978-1-84409-628-2.

Forgiveness is Power

William Martin has written a powerful guidebook on learning how to forgive, not just our brothers and sisters, but also ourselves.

Jon Mundy, Ph.D. author of Living A Course in Miracles

A deep gold mine full of rich and relevant information.

William Bloom, author of The Endorphin Effect and The Power Of Modern Spirituality

In Forgiveness is Power William Martin offers a practical, inspiring way for all of us to become more forgiving.  

Forgiveness is Power has no preachy message nor is there any assumption that you ‘should’ forgive; instead this accessible guide explains why it makes sense to let go of grievances rather than staying stuck in an unforgiving rut. Insights, ideas and exercises invite you to transform any unresolved issues. By explaining to the reader what forgiveness is and how to deal with obstacles to it, the author shows you how to create better relationships with others and with yourself. You do not need to commit to any religious practice or philosophy; this book simply shows how to forgive in order to enhance your self-esteem, break free from limitations and become a happier person.

Forgiveness can help you radically and dramatically change your life for the better. Through the unique Four Steps to Forgiveness exercise that the author offers you can experience this for yourself. Get ready to move on with the rest of your life!

Are you ready to Forgive yourself, your family, your friends and those whom you

perceive have done you wrong or harmed you in some way? Then Forgiveness is Power can be a guiding beacon as you, the reader, navigate the pathway to forgiveness. Utilizing the four steps to forgiveness can be as simple as following this worksheet!

About the Author

William Martin has been involved with the Findhorn community in different roles for over 30 years. He also worked within the computer field as a Freelance IT Contractor to BT, and Apple Computer UK. Additionally, he developed and delivered courses, which combined Computer Training with Personal Development. Community living offers many opportunities for Forgiveness, and William champions an open and secular approach that can support many more people in everyday life, regardless of faith or philosophy.

Available from Amazon


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    Coping with Cancer Stress Course

    Cancer causes all disruption in our lives; feeling stressed can be our first response, whether we have cancer ourselves or are close to someone who does. Catherine Chadwick, Hypnotherapist and Joss Harrel, Counsellor who both practise at St Paul’s Support Centre, York Road, London SW11 are the leaders of the Coping with Cancer Stressw course which takes place on Tuesday evenings at the Centre. The course runs from 17 September to 8 October from 6.30-8.30pm and is arranged at two levels - a four week introduction and an eight week course about developing your self-care skills. You can decide after level 1 whether this way of working is for you. Further levels follow for those seeking more. The course is free for anyone who has or has had cancer; partners or family members are also encouraged to attend.

    Further information:


    Voice Dialogue Facilitator Training

    This training by John Kent is for therapists, counsellors, coaches, health care practitioners those working in the area of personal growth and development. It provides a comprehensive grounding in the theory and practice of Voice Dialogue, The Psychology of Selves and the Aware Ego Process. At the end of the training participants will have a powerful new tool that will complement their practice and enhance their ability to help clients achieve more balance in their lives. The training includes 4 workshops - 1st Introductory Weekend 19 - 20 October in London -  totalling 10 days spaced over 9 months. Each workshop will focus on the theory and practice of Voice Dialogue and its application to a range of client issues.

    Further information and to register interest Tel: 07941 141377


    Children Low Omega-3 Levels

    In UK children average blood concentrations of long-chain omega-3 (EPA+DHA) were low -2.46% - below the minimum of 4% recommended by leading scientists to maintain cardiovascular health in adults, with 8-12 per cent regarded as optimal for a healthy heart. Lower blood omega-3 DHA concentrations in these children, independent of age, sex and socio-economic status, were associated with poorer reading and working memory and also with more parent-rated behavioural problems (ADHD-type symptoms). Published in the journal PLOS On, also presented at a conference in London on 4 September; by co-authors Dr Alex Richardson and Professor Paul Montgomery from Oxford University’s Centre for Evidence-Based Intervention in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention.

    Further information:


    Aches and Pains Vitality Body Oil

    Living Nature’s Vitality Body Oil has natural curative powers from aches and pains. It is a new addition to New Zealand’s natural skin care and cosmetics brand. The unique warming oil blend combines the finest Antipodean and certified natural ingredients to provide a highly versatile, natural soother, effective at bringing relief to everyday aches and pains. With mild Juniper Berry and Lemon Pepper fragrance, Vitality Body Oil can be added to bath water or applied directly to the skin for localized use or full body massage. The oil has proven potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. The warming and curative properties of Arnica combine with Almond, Wheat germ and Vitamin E to help heal, nourish and protect the skin.

    Further information: Living Nature Vitality Body Oil is available from a network of salons, pharmacies and health stores, by mail order and online. Tel: 0845 250 8455;


    Sleep Better With Natural Therapies

    One in three people in the UK suffers from insomnia with women, the over-60s and people with depression being most affected. Sleep Better With Natural Therapies is by Peter Smith, a Holistic Sleep Therapist based in London. The book is a step-by-step programme that can allow anyone to retrain their body to overcome sleeping conditions such as insomnia, jet lag and skewed sleep cycles. There are everyday changes people can make such as lowering body temperature by taking a cool shower at the end of the day, or putting a filter on laptop screens to reduce stimulating blue light.

    Further information Tel: 020-7833 2307;


    50 Years of Bowen Therapy

    The Bowen Technique was originally founded (and named) by Tom Bowen (1916-1982), born in Brunswick, Australia. Tom started off treating injuries, aches and pains to those he knew locally. In the 1960s, he opened his own Clinic and developed the therapy. Bowen Therapy Professional Association (BTPA), is an organisation of Bowen Therapists, trained and accredited at BTPA-approved establishments, with certifications in Anatomy, Physiology and First Aid. Each therapist has professional insurance and consistently undergo continuing professional development (CPD). The Bowen Technique is applied using the fingers and thumbs to make small, rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissues at precise points on the body, using appropriated pressure for that individual.

    Further information Tel: 0844 561 7173;


    Himalayan Crystal Salt

    Himalayan Crystal Salt is mined deep beneath the famous mountains and in addition to sodium chloride, contains 84 minerals and trace elements. The ionic salt contains a negative charge, ideal for combating free radicals and also as medium for cellular absorption. The Sole Vitality drink, a 1% water/salt solution as found in our blood and tears, is one of the best ways of experiencing its remarkable cleansing properties. From a biochemical viewpoint, within minutes the whole stomach and intestines - digestion and metabolism - are stimulated. It balances the body’s pH factor and gets rid of heavy metals.

    Further information Tel: 01342 410 303;


    Elena’s Nature Platinum Award

    Elena’s Nature Collection has won a platinum award again this year; also a highly commended award. The two award-winning products are Night Cream Extra, scented with geranium and Cleansing Tonic which won the highly commended award. Special offers are available on Elena’s Nature products online on Eureka Cream 100g, Day Cream Special & Night Cream Extra 50g, Cleansing Tonic and Body Lotion.

    Further information Tel: 01435 882 092;   


    The Stealth Virus

    The Stealth Virus by Professor Paul Griffiths cuts through scientific terminology and jargon to explain to the non-specialist why and how cytomegalovirus (CMV) manages to infect so many of us without declaring its presence. The moniker of The Stealth Virus is well deserved because this virus has clearly flown under the radar of our health systems - the commonest cause of hearing loss and the virus which damages the brain of as many children as Down’s syndrome. CMV does both of these things, is little known by the public and has been ignored by vaccinologists. CMV expert Professor Griffith, practising medical Virologist in a London hospital, hopes The Stealth Virus will help tackle this lack of awareness.

    Further information: The Stealth Virus is available on Amazon


    Annual Research Conference

    The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) is holding its Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer on 7-8 November in the Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Bethesda, MD. Share your research with leaders in the field and network with your colleagues by presenting a poster which must relate to cancer and focus on food, nutrition, physical activity or overweight/obesity. A limited number of scholarships are available for doctoral students studying nutrition and cancer at a USA college or university.

    Further information Tel: (800) 843-8114 | (202) 328-7744 


    Volunteers for Legume Flour Bread

    Volunteers are sought for a study investigating whether food products containing lupin, buckwheat, broad beans and peas could be an alternative source of protein in our everyday diets. Products made with these plants could also provide the body with fibre and other compounds which may help prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. Lead Researcher Dr Alexandra Johnstone from the University of Aberdeen Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, seeks healthy 18-65 year old volunteers to eat bread rolls with flours made from lupin, buckwheat, broad beans and peas for breakfast before giving blood and urine samples over several visits to the Rowett Institute in Aberdeen.

    Further information Tel: 01224 438 760; or 01224 438 679  or


    Veggie Hotels Website

    More than 450 hotels and B&Bs that serve exclusively vegetarian or vegan food are listed at  which makes it easy to find purely vegetarian hotels, guest houses and conference centres. Over 450 houses in 55 countries with purely vegetarian kitchens are already listed from guesthouses to five star hotels. More and more people are choosing the health related, ecological and ethical advantages of a vegetarian or vegan life style. Millions of vegetarian and vegan tourists constitute a significant target group; VeggieHotels offers them an easy way to find their ideal holiday.

    Further information Tel: +49 (0)30 3680 2929;  +49 (0)171 488 5459;


    Paediatric Acupuncture Clinic

    Demand for treatment at the UK’s first specialist Paediatric Acupuncture Clinic led to the opening of a second Clinic at Urban Bliss in the Portobello Road. The new clinic is the first in the UK to offer specialist treatment for children. The first systematic review study of Paediatric Acupuncture safety, published in the December 2011 issue of Paediatrics, found that Acupuncture is safe for children when performed by a qualified and registered Practitioner. In children under 8, Acupuncture needles are not retained in the body. The needles are tapped in and immediately taken out.

    Further information Tel: 020-7631 0156;



    Over the last 15 years, Peter Cohen has helped thousands of people to lose weight. There are four main steps that he guarantees will work: Step one is about getting you to succeed, Step two will give you all the information you will need to educate and empower you so that you can start getting results straight away, Step three lasts for a minimum of 21 days, during which, you will be using the nine different and powerful tools given to you in step two, but you will not be using them all at once. By focussing on just a few things at once, you will have  time and space t practice and get comfortable with them. Step four is about putting into real life what you have practised.

    Further information:


    Pasta Back on The Menu

    If you are dieting and trying to lose weight, whether on the Dukan diet, the GI diet or the Atkins diet, pasta is almost always off limits. Nutritional experts may now have to rethink as  a new product from Australia is launched in September which promises to put pasta back on the menu. Slendier is Australia’s leading brand of ‘konjac pasta’ and has now become a firm favourite with those looking to lose weight. It is now available on UK shelves and hopes to revolutionize the way we view pasta. Konjac is an unusual vegetable that can grow up to 25 cm in diameter and is a dietary staple throughout many Asian countries.

    Further information:


    Helios Pharmacy Remedies

    Helios receive hundreds of calls and many visitors to their pharmacies. New products include Solgar 7 for joint support for flexibility and mobility; Solgar Comfort Zone Digestive Complex for optimum condition of the digestive system; Natural Empathy Hand Lotion, classically fragranced with pure essential oils with aloe vera, rape seed oil and vitamin E, to nourish and repair dry hands, Natural Empathy Luxury Hand Wash with a blend of cold pressed moisturising oils, aloe vera and essential oils to calm and soothe whilst visibly cleansing hands, Mychelle Dermaceuticals, award winning natural skin care covering all skin types using nutrient dense ingredients that create visible improvement to the skin. Student 78 Paris Make-Up which is organic, chic and eco-friendly, and Swell Hair Care a 3-step system, bringing root to tip volume and health to fine, limp and thinning hair.

    Further information Tel: 01892 537254;


    New Ginger Tea

    Ginger has been linked to a whole host of potential health boosting benefits, from reducing muscular pain to soothing upset stomach. Natur Boutique’s tea is unique in that it is 100% pure organic ginger with nothing added and nothing taken away. Despite this, the tea has a subtle, sweet taste with no bitterness - warming with a stimulating after effect. The marked difference between Natur Boutique’s tea and normal ginger teas, which can be a little overpowering, is due to how the ginger that produces the tea is grown - from plants grown without artificial fertilizers and pesticides in the warm tropical climate and fertile soils of Vietnam.

    Further information Tel: 020 89783740


    Rick Stein Starter Spice Set

    Rick Stein’s India TV series and cookbook, Spices of India, leading online Indian grocery store had put together a selection of the harder to find spices to create the Rick Stein’s India Starter Spice Gift Set, designed with home-cooks in mind, looking to recreate authentic Indian flavour in their kitchen. The pack contains a hardback copy of Rick Stein’s India together with 11 Indian spices and ingredients, which feature in many recipes in the cookbook. The set contains Amchur (mango) powder, Asafoetida powder, black salt, black cardamom, Kashmiri chilli powder, millet (Bajra) flour,  Kokum, mustard oil, mustard seeds, screwpin (Kewra) water and tamarind.

    Further information Tel: 01202 877 340;


    Fertility Help - Polycystic Ovaries 

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common disorder impairing fertility with impacts upon menstruation, ovulation, hormones and more. Professor Jakubowicz of Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine and the Diabetes Unit at Wolfson Medical Center has found a natural way to help women of normal weight who suffer from PCOS manage their glucose and insulin levels to improve overall fertility. The goal of the maintenance meal plan, based on the body’s 24 hour metabolic cycle, is not weight loss but insulin management. Women with PCOS who increased calorie intake at breakfast including high protein and carbohydrate content and reduced calorie intake through the rest of the day saw a reduction in insulin resistance. This led to lower levels of testosterone and dramatic increase in the ovulation frequency - measures that have a direct impact on fertility.

    Further information Tel: 212.742.9070; or 800.989.1198;


    The Sugar Detox

    In The Sugar Detox co-authors Brook Alpert and Dr Patricia Farris highlight the dangers of over-indulgence of the deadly white stuff, focus of health professionals worldwide. The book provides a plan to limit excess blood sugar, slim your waistline and increase energy: a three-day detox sugar fix to rid your system of sugar, a three-day fix to pamper you on your journey to looking and feeling great, a four-week eating plan with recipes and menus to help you lose and keep off the unwanted pounds now and in the future, and a four-week skincare regime to fight the ageing process and keep your skin looking youthful.

    Further information Tel: 020-8231 6795;


    4 Tips for Hormone Balance

    Melatonin is not just important for healthy sleep, it also controls the ageing process. Many people can’t produce the amount of melatonin that the body needs. Stress, too little daylight and wrong dietary habits can disrupt melatonin production in the human body. Four ways to kick-start your melatonin release: soak up more sunlight, eat melatonin-rich foods such as cherries, nuts and fish, reduce stress - stress and rush are effective melatonin killers, and avoid the wrong light - people exposed to bright light sources in the evening or at night should choose appropriate lamps. The large proportion of blue light in many energy-saving light bulbs is damaging the natural melatonin release in the body.

    Further information


    Homeopathy and Science on Trial

    In eBook Conflict: Homeopathy and Science on Trial by Lionel Milgrom - Scientist, Homeopath and Writer tackles why Homeopathy is slated by media and press and explores controversial issues, particularly for Homeopathy’s detractors. He presents a compelling case as to why Homeopathy should be recognized and accepted as a healing therapeutic modality in the developed world as it is in India, Latin and South America.

    Further Information  Available from Amazon


    Shaolin Healing Camp

    Kairali Yoga celebrates the launch of the Shaolin Healing Camp at The Ayurvedic Healing Village - a 7-day Tantra, Yoga and Meditation retreat. An opportunity to learn secret healing arts from a real Shaolin monk on 1-10 November 2013. Heal and Harmonize is a 10-day Ayurveda and Restorative Yoga retreat for the deepest healing benefits. To celebrate the launch of Kairali Yoga, they are pleased to announce Universal Body, Universal Mind by ordained Shaolin Lay Monk Shi XingLik (AKA Jason Dean).

    Further information Tel: 020-347 55692, +91 (0)882 692 1110; 


    Mannitol for Parkinson’s Disease 

    Mannitol, sugar alcohol produced by fungi, bacteria and algae and component of sugar-free gum and candy is also used in the medical field - approved by the FDA as a diuretic to flush out excess fluids and used during surgery to open the blood/brain barrier to ease the passage of other drugs. Professor Ehud Gazit and Professor Daniel Segal of Tel Aviv University’s Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology and the Sagol School of Neuroscience, along with colleague Dr Roit Shaltiel-Karyo and PhD candidate Moran Frenkel-Pinter found that mannitol also prevents clumps of the protein  α-synuclein from forming in the brain, a process characteristic of Parkinson’s disease. These results were published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry and presented at the Drosophila Conference in Washington in April 2013.

    Further information:


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